Bloodlines: Everything That Glitters

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Bloodlines: Everything That Glitters Page 19

by Myunique C. Green

  “Maybe we can have another date soon?”

  “Sure we can, if you called that a date.”

  “Yeah I do. What would you call it?”

  I opened the door and let him walk out first. “Homework,” I chuckled.

  Thinking twice, I backed up. “I should run back up and get Triton while I’m thinking about it. Ash would kill me if I was still gone when he woke up.” I said before looking around for any sign that either Ash or Corey was still here. Wade agreed then walked away; a small part of me left with him as I shut the door then turned around and headed up upstairs.

  My parents were already gone by the time I ran up and scooped Triton from his bed; I heard soft noises as I walked by Corey’s room. “I know your little secret backstabber,” I whispered before walking off.

  I jogged down the stairs and out of the door; although I’d rather have Azlyn, she had yet to master stealth and maybe that was mostly my fault. “I can’t say that I blame you for wanting strange tail, I just think it’s a little too close to home.”

  I put Triton into his traveler and walked around to get into the car. “I’ll give you two some privacy.” I started the car and back out of the driveway. I had a whole day to myself- having no obligations to anyone and I was going to enjoy it even if it killed me.

  When I arrived at Centure’s place, I walked up the well-traveled path and into the cabin. Zerra was sitting in the living room staring blackly at the wall. “Are you alright?” I said as I continued through the room

  “I need to get out of this damn house.”

  “No need for that kind of language. Just get out; no one’s holding you here.”

  She got up from the couch and walked over to me, “What is there to do around here?”

  I shrugged then sat Triton down on the couch. “A lot actually, you just have to get out there and discover it. Doesn’t your Beasts fly?”

  She looked sad and tears began to form then quickly dried up. “I’m no chosen one, you should know that just by looking at me.” She fumbled with something around the room then looked at me. “Will you take me?”

  I got away from her gaze and walked around the room to the window. “I will later. Where is Centure?”

  “She and Zenaya went out earlier and haven’t returned, I’m not exactly sure where they went,” she replied before having a seat.

  I sat down in the armchair as disappointment took over the majority of my emotions. “Well let’s go out and get some fresh air then.” For my own personal laugh, I got up from the chair and looked at Zerra, “Let’s see if my brother would like to join us, shall we?”

  I closed my eyes and summoned Ash into the room; Zerra gasped when my brother appeared unclothed. “Aliza, what the hell?” He searched around the room for something to cover himself.

  “I’m so sorry! I didn’t think you were busy.”

  I laughed under my breath while averting my eyes as I imagined Corey’s reaction when he disappeared from her claws.

  Zerra stepped out of the room and came back with a blanket to throw at Ash.

  “Send me back!” he demanded angrily.

  “Okay geesh, honest mistake, calm down.” I closed my eyes again and next, intentionally summoned Corey into the room instead. When she appeared she was equally as naked and embarrassed in front of Zerra.

  “Shoot, I haven’t gotten that far in my training yet. Corey what happened to your clothes?” I responded when I opened my eyes slowly in the other direction.

  She snatched some of the cover from Ash and covered herself, “We know that you know.”

  I shook my head in disbelief, “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Oh my god! Are you and Ash having sexual relations with each other?” I replied dramatically.

  “This is a new low for you, Aliza,” he was fuming but he wouldn’t touch me, not when he knew I could and would burn him alive if he tried.

  “Go back to where you came from,” I said, not wanting to hear either of them say another word. Instantly the two disappeared, leaving only the cover behind. “Alright let’s go.” I walked over and gently lifted Triton from the couch; he was still fast asleep and I was missing his liveliness. After a few failed attempts of trying to wake him, I put my head to his tiny tummy and felt as it moved up and down, he was still alive; I continued to let him sleep.

  “That was messed up what you did to your brother and that other girl,” Zerra whispered, obviously still a little shaken up.

  I opened the door and stepped outside. “Don’t judge me.”


  “You’re such a selfish asshole!” Ash yelled at the top of his lungs.

  “I’m not selfish, you’re just blind! She blinded you and you don’t see it.” I screamed back- having to stop and admit to myself that it didn’t make any sense, of course if he was blind he couldn’t see.

  “Is that so, genius? I’m happy with her, don’t I deserve to be happy?”

  I looked at him in disbelief. “Fine! Do what you want. When you uncover all of her lies I’ll be the one ready to tell you I told you so.” I unhooked the bracelet and walked out of the backdoor.

  “Everything is not always about you!” he yelled behind me as the door shut in his face.

  I stepped out into the moonlight and threw Azlyn up into the air, “Come on out, Azlyn.” I always enjoyed watching her wings break free before she gently landed down on the ground. I ran my hands down her feathers and plucked one from her then tied it into my hair. With not a lot of space to run and jump I had to think of another way to get onto her, “I’ve walked on your wing before, does it hurt?”

  She shook her head lightly then put one of her wings down to the ground; this way was so much faster and less stressful trying to get the timing perfect. I walked up her wing and got onto the saddle.

  “Let’s go,” I whispered as tears threatened to show themselves.

  Where are we going? She inquired softly after kicking up from the ground and climbing into the air.

  “No place in particular, I just need time to cool down,” I replied aloud.

  The wind blew furiously as we blazed through the skies, I looked down on the light of the city and let my tears blow off into the wind.

  You really shouldn’t be so hard on your brother. Let him be happy, just like he lets you be happy, she thought.

  I’m rarely happy Azlyn, I don’t know anything and they’re keeping me in the dark. Instead of shining light on the situation they cover it up and pretend like I don’t need to know. I should just run away, it’s not like anyone would care anyways since I’m such a pain in the ass.

  We swayed through the clouds as I let my own thoughts sink in- I didn’t know exactly why it was that I was so unhappy, I just hated the feeling of uncertainty. Why would they even let me train when I didn’t know exactly what I was I was training for? I could be human, normal even; like I used to be. Corey has completely brainwashed my brother, but maybe I do owe him an apology, I confessed.

  We coasted for a few miles before beginning to descend. Then go and give it to him, she replied as the top of my home slowly came into view.

  Once she landed, I got down from her back and looked at the backdoor. “Retreat, friend.”

  I lifted the bracelet from the grass and snapped it around my wrist before walking into the house and throwing my keys on the table.

  Corey sat on Ash’s lap at the kitchen table; I paced begrudgingly in the kitchen then finally forced my pride to leave me. “I’m sorry, to both of you. I was out of line and I let my feelings cloud my judgment.”

  “I just feel like this is all my fault,” Corey cried.

  My stomach turned- it was her fault, everything. I tried to keep the little food I had eaten with Zerra down before I said anything. “Don’t feel that way, I overreacted.”

  “I really want to make more of an effort to be your friend and to bond with you, not tear you and your brother apart. You’re like my sister now.”

  I swallowed hard as the
bile that spilled from her mouth reached me; that probably was her plan exactly, divide and conquer. I played nice and smiled all the while wanting to shut her up and talk to my brother alone.

  When Corey got up from his lap, he stood up. “Stop being so paranoid about everything and everyone. You’re only the imprisoned person that you keep telling yourself that you are. Be glad about the new life we were blessed with instead of resenting it and wanting to go back to a boring human existence.”

  His words stung, was I really that devoid of life? Was wanting to be the only thing I knew a bad thing? What I seemed to be the only one realizing was that with great power comes great responsibility; and the fact that the universe just goes around hand picking teenagers like ripe apples for reasons only known to a few was farfetched and stupid- in my book, everyone is a suspect.

  Then there was the fact that someone that I didn’t know was out there searching for me, wanting to do god knows what if they found me.

  I walked away from the door and towards the living room then turned around to look at the both of them. “So I guess when whoever this person is that’s looking for me finds me and I don’t know, kills me. At least you have love, right?” I turned to leave then stopped again, “Corey, you will never be my sister.”

  Not caring whether either of them answered or not, I ran upstairs to my room and slammed the door behind me. If Jasmine were here today she would understand, she was the only one that ever did. She would see what Corey was up to and do everything she could to help me get rid of her. I belly flopped on the bed and planted my face deep into my pillow and cried softly; If I could turned back the hands of time, I’d have had the strength to run inside that house and save my sister before it burned to the ground.


  Thursday September 23, 2010

  Hiding emotions is something I’ve been doing for a long time, I didn’t feel comfortable venting to others because they might see it as a weakness. Especially since I no longer had Jasmine to turn too; she always told me things would be okay even when they seemed like they couldn’t get any worse.

  We didn’t talk about her much, they tried to pretend she had never existed; but she lives in my heart. I remembered all of our good times more than the bad and I guess that’s what happens when you lose someone you love- suddenly all of the bad things never mattered and you would give up anything to see them again.

  Even though she was five years older than me, I connected more with her than I did with my own twin, and maybe that’s why life took her from me- so that I would never know happiness again. It has been a full week that I’ve gone without speaking to Ash or his princess.

  I took my sunglasses off and turned the car off as I sat in the school parking lot; I didn’t want to go to school today and I wouldn’t have if that damn project wasn’t due today, I couldn’t leave my team hanging.

  Today I’d decided to do something totally different with my hair and that’s actually taking the time to do it. After finishing the rest of the project that I had blown off, I got off my lazy butt and curled this tangled mess just to switch it up. I’d gotten to school early this morning to meet up with Bethany so that we could talk about the presentation. She was waiting for me when I walked into the building. “What’s going with your hair? I like it, barely even recognized you,” she questioned once she noticed me.

  “It’s the dawn of a new day,” I replied, twirling my curls.

  “Have you finished the designs? You know it’s due,” she asked with suspicion.

  I turned my backpack to rest on my chest and took out the print of the logo. “Here you go.”

  It lifted my spirits as I walked down the hall with lack of sleep no longer taking a toll on me. I had time to do things and it wasn’t that depressing. A smile spread across my face as Wade walked toward me.

  “Someone’s happy today. Love the hair,” he smiled.

  I took out a pair of gloves from pockets and put them on. “High-five.”

  “You’re awesome.”

  I didn’t have to read his mind in order to see that he was very happy, and so was I- kinda.

  “I wish King-Nash had wings,” I said openly, “Then we could really go high sky riding. Azlyn’s due for some fresh air.”

  “Well they might not be able to fly but they do have room for two on their back,” he responded brightly.

  “I’m sorry what are you two talking about? I’m lost,” Bethany interrupted.

  With the glove still on, I locked my fingers with Wade’s, “It’s an inside thing.” he looked surprised for a moment then walked along side me.

  “Oh I see,” Bethany replied uncomfortably.

  What happened to no dating? Is the Ice Queen finally melting? Ash thought.

  To say I was completely surprised is an understatement. At home, he walked around the house in front of me without saying a word almost every day; then after breaking the news to our parents about his involvement with Corey, they both freely danced around the house held by each other’s love.

  Even though I thought for sure you would end up with the other guy, he continued. A second later he was walking up behind me. I’m sorry about the way I acted last week, you know I care about your feelings, but it just happened.

  I tried to stay mad and ignore him but I knew Jasmine wouldn’t want me to act that way, especially since he is my flesh and blood, whereas Corey wasn’t.

  I’m the one that should apologize, and I did, I won’t issue you another one. As for the answer to your question, it’s a new day and I think I just may be a little more comfortable with myself than I was weeks ago.

  Baby steps little sister. Baby steps, he responded lightly as he threw one of his arms around me and walked down the hallway with me in the middle of an all-male sandwich.

  Chapter Twenty- One


  Thursday September 30, 2010

  Another rainy day, I thought as I landed Aspen in the backyard. “Retreat, my friend,” I said before bending over to pick up the wristlet from the ground.

  I walked into the house and searched for something in the kitchen to wipe my face dry with, after finding a small towel, I took my shoes off then trudged through the kitchen and over to the fridge. Aliza walked into the kitchen and greeted me.

  “Did you and Aspen have fun?”

  I looked up from the fridge then shut the door. “It rained on our parade.”

  She walked over and looked out of the kitchen window. “That it did. So much for that run I was gonna take Triton for.”

  Reopening the refrigerator door, I took out a bowl of cut fruit then sat on the wooden stools; water leaked to the floor once I’d sat.

  “You don’t want to get out of those wet clothes?” Aliza said while taking a seat across from me. I chewed on my fruit then shrugged. “I’m in no rush.”

  Aspen and I chatted most of the night about this new life and I’d explained to him why I had to be so solid for Aliza when on the inside I was breaking down like any normal person would under these circumstances. I valued the opinions he would give and one thing I did learn was that life was only going to get harder before it got any easier.

  Aliza dropped her head into her hands as we sat in silence.

  “What’s bothering you?” I questioned softly.

  She lifted her head and looked through me. “This isn’t bothering you? I mean, they’re not telling us anything, just bit and pieces without explaining themselves. It allows too much room for assumption, plus the fact that Corey is such a liar is eating away at me; I want her gone.”

  “You’re right, no one likes to be lied too. But remember she has nowhere to go. We’re pretty much all she has, besides I don’t believe she intentionally lies to us, she’s stressed just like we are and maybe she just forgets.”

  She got up from the stool and rolled her changing eyes; “You always make excuses for her, when truthfully you know she’s full of crap. She’s out of get us and you can sit there and pretend you don’t see it if
you want too.” She marched out of the kitchen and headed upstairs.

  The rain beat loudly against the windows as thunder rumbled through the house; the sound was deafening, especially for me.

  Luckily I’ve been having a chance to train more with Centure on the weekends since I didn’t work and it was getting better. I finished the fruit then put the bowl in the dishwasher and headed upstairs. I walked past Corey’s room door then stopped and backed up and tapped on the door.

  “Come in,” she said softly. I pushed the door open and stepped inside, “How are you?”

  She sat on the bed looking out of the window, “I’m fine, just sitting here thinking about life. Why are you soaking wet?”

  I stepped closer to the bed and looked down at her, “Aspen and I got caught in the rain. I think at this point we’re all trying to play catch up on this crazy world we live in.” she patted a spot next to her on the bed, “You can sit down if you’d like.”

  I shook my head, “Nah that’s okay. I don’t want to get your bed wet, I should go get out of these clothes anyways.” I turned to leave out of the room but she got up and held my arm, I looked into her unusually pale blue eyes and found myself counting the small freckles sprinkled across her face. She went a moment without saying anything and when finally unable to take anymore I leaned across and kissed her passionately on her soft lips. When she didn’t push me off I caressed her tenderly. Stopping for a minute I pulled away, “I’m sorry.” I attempted to leave again but she stood in front of me.

  “You don’t have to go,” she whispered into my ear as she traced her nimble fingers down my body and pulled the wet shirt over my head.

  “Have you ever done this before?” I asked quietly. I knew my own intentions, I wanted sex but not with a price that high. She didn’t answer but slowly unbuttoned her shirt and exposed herself to me. I hungered for her now, anticipation built as I looked at her wanting to be inside and fill her body with pleasure.


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