Bloodlines: Everything That Glitters

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Bloodlines: Everything That Glitters Page 20

by Myunique C. Green

  After removing the rest of our clothes, I threw caution to the wind as I hoisted her onto my waist. Our bodies welded together as one, I could barely contain myself as she rocked up against me. How could something so wrong feel so right?

  I laid her back on the bed; she moaned deeply beneath me as I lifted her legs and went deeper. Her nails dug into my back as she trembled under me and let out a loader moan; shortly after, I didn’t have the strength to pull out before not being able to hold it any longer. I leaned down and kissed her lips before falling over to the side. “I’m sorry, I came inside of you.”

  “That’s okay,” she smiled while wrapping one of her arms around me.

  “But it’s really not okay.” I pulled myself from under her then got up from the bed and searched for my soggy clothes. They were cold as ice as I put them back on but I suffered through it and made sure I wasn’t leaving anything.

  “Where are you going?”

  I looked at he as she lay on top of the covers naked and was tempted to crawl back into bed with her; but first things first. “I’ll be back, you need a pill.” I headed out of the door and walked slowly down to my room, I had to get to the drug store.


  I wasn’t making any friends at school because I simply didn’t care enough to do so; and being Mr. Popular wasn’t a priority of mine anymore, not since I’d found out these people would eventually start to die off. I walked down the hallways of the senior sector thinking of the one person who’d been on my mind for the last few days; pressure began to build as Aliza tried looking into my mind.

  “Why are you thinking about Corey so much?” she asked curiously. I turned around to find her blankly staring at me then turned away and rolled my eyes. “Answer me.” she demanded. I stopped in the middle of the hall and looked at her, “What are you even doing on this side of the school?”

  “None of your business now answer my question.”

  I turned on her and continually walked down the hall, “None of your business.” I replied. Even though it didn’t have to be a secret, in a way it kind of did. Aliza still walked behind me trying to get into my thoughts. “Would you just stop?” I snapped. “Your suspension of everything is exhausting.” in actuality her doubts and paranoia was purely out of selfishness.

  “Just tell me what the big secret is.” she whined like a small child.

  I stopped once again in the hallway and turned to her, “You know I was thinking that we rely too much on each other for emotional support and frankly your problems are stressing me out. You think you’re the only person with them? News flash Aliza, the world doesn’t revolve around you!” I responded angrily. I watched her face for emotions as my words sank in; they shifted from sadness to anger then annoyance in the same second.

  “I guess you’re right.” She turned around and headed off into the opposite direction and turned the corner, disappearing from view.

  I walked through the crowd steadily, moving with the flow of traffic. Other girls came up and tried holding conversations with me but I didn’t want them anymore; especially since most of them I had already gotten what I wanted from them.

  Maybe that was my problem, I was charming with ladies and they liked me; usually once I’d banged them I didn’t call or return any messages. I didn’t worry about the rumors other girls would spread because I’m good looking and girls always go for the tall, charming and charismatic guy no matter how much of a dog he is. But it was getting old really fast and I’d yet to find anyone worth calming down with, until I’d connected with Corey on that rainy day.

  Even when it seemed that everything coming out of her mouth was a lie, I couldn’t figure out her great mystery and that’s what initially drew me to her although in the beginning I turned my nose up at her.

  I tried to force the thoughts away as I dodged old lovers; my last class was a study hall so I was headed to no place in particular, just getting lost within the crowd and not caring where I ended up. The phone buzzed softly in my pocket and I took it out then opened the message from Corey asking me to meet her somewhere near. I hadn’t gotten the chance to see her this morning before I left the house because she was still sleeping when I had to leave the house early to get here and help a classmate with his project. I moved through the crowd with a new sense of purpose as I made my way to the gym downstairs.

  At first sight of her my heart skipped a beat, even though she was in a gym workout uniform she was gorgeous. Letting my emotions get the best of me, I pulled her into my arms and kissed her, clearly not caring who saw.

  “Whoa there,” she expressed surprised. People stopped moving around as she passionately kissed me back. “There’s a shower in the locker room, we should take advantage of that,” she flirted.

  I looked around at the frozen students in the hallway. “You think you’ll be able to hold them off for that long?”

  She let the students go on about their lives. “Your right. It’s okay though because we have forever.”

  I laughed at her pun but on the inside it scared me, forever was a long commitment. Who know what could happen year’s even months or days down the line? I took in a deep breath before replying; “You really see that kind of a future with me?”

  She looked into my eyes and ran the back of her hand along my cheek. “Time will tell,” she smiled.

  When the bell rang for class to begin I let her go, giving her a quick peck on the cheek before watching her walk into the gym. I walked away from the gym doors and wondered the hallways alone as I made my way to the parking lot; I just wanted to get home.

  I thought little of Aliza’s feelings as I drove home; I’ve had enough of her melodrama. It wasn’t until I had thrown my keys on the bed I’d found a small gift box and a note sitting on the dresser. “Now I officially feel like crap,” I mumbled as I picked up the golden heart-shaped picture frame out of the box. It was picture of Aliza and me on our tenth birthday at the old house, I’d thought our pictures had burned in the fire that resulted from a gas leak. Nothing was salvageable as a result.

  I sat the frame down on my nightstand and got up from the bed as memories began playing in mind; I tried to not reflect on past memories as much as Aliza did because even though most of them were happy times, they provided no apparent help for the future.

  I lay face-up on my bed looking at the ceiling and neglecting to breath for as long as I wanted too; sometimes it proved to be another useless form of a cover-up to pretend to be human when really the humans should pretend to be like us. Gradually I was accepting the fact that I was -in more ways than one- superior to any of the morons I was surround by daily at school. I got up from the bed and walked over to the desk and snatched up my keys, right now seemed like a good time to go and pay Centure a visit.

  I left quickly and arrived at her cabin in record time then walked up the path to the front door; I didn’t even have to knock because one of the chubby twins opened the door before I actually could. “Were you expecting me?” I asked curiously.

  “No I was just leaving out.” she replied. I could tell which of the two she was from appearance but her attitude suggested it was Zenaya.

  I walked into the cabin and searched around for Centure before noticing her sitting in a chair beside the window. “What brings you by today?”

  “Nothing in particular, whatever you can show me. It’d also be really nice to have some new information about who we are in general, but I don’t want to ask for too much.”

  She got up from the chair and walked over to a file cabinet and pulled something out of it, “You have to promise not to tell you sister, she has not fully accepted this life yet, so she will not believe; but I feel that you have. Can I trust you?” she held a small vile of pink liquid close to her heart then handed it over to me, “I am trusting you, you can’t mention a word of it to your new lover either.”

  I took it from her and screwed the cap off, “What am I supposed to do with this?”

  “It’s concentrated so i
t may be a little strong, drink it,” she said before sitting down in a nearby chair.

  Without further hesitation I swallowed the liquid. After a moment of feeling it move through my veins, I was then thrown into a mirage like vision. As the fog cleared a peaceful forest revealed itself. I looked toward the sky and noticed that there were three different moons of three different colors that adorned the sky. “What does this mean?” I whispered as my knees buckled beneath me and I fell to the soft earth.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Friday October 1, 2010

  “I’m not stupid, Wade,” I said, following him into the kitchen. “You only want her because I do.” The words were out of my mouth before I knew it and soon my mother was galloping down the stairs.

  “Did I just hear what I think I just heard?” she breathed heavily, keeping her eyes focused on me. “I know I told you that it was ok, but Nikko, this is not ok. We’re family.”

  I turned away from her and sat down at the kitchen table. “Then don’t say things you don’t mean. Besides, it’s already too late. I think I love her.”

  My mother threw her hands in the air. “I pray to Hero you’re joking. You don’t know what love is, Nikko.”

  Wade watched from the corner. “You may be wrong about that, mom. He does love her,” he offered on my behalf.

  “Intentions never lie,” I mumbled. Realizing that he knew exactly what he was doing, I stared angrily at him. “If you know how I feel, why are you trying to undercut me?”

  “Maybe I love her too,” he confessed.

  I jumped up from the table, causing the chair to lay on the floor. “No you don’t, you just can’t stand to see me with anything. This is about your ego, not love.” Suddenly feeling the need to hurt him, I stepped back turned to pick up the chair.

  Being the overdramatic person my mother was, she fell to the floor and sat on her legs. “I don’t believe what I’m hearing, my boys are sick,” she whispered while shaking her head.

  Pushing my anger to the side, I pulled my mother up from the floor and sat her in the chair. “Wade, as much as I’d rather punch you in the face right now, we have a job to do. Are you ready?”

  Without waiting for him to answer, I travelled us both to the door of Centure’s hidden cabin in the woods. “Is she here?” I inquired while looking around the shrubbery.

  “No one is here,” he answered.

  Sitting on a tree stump, I planted my face in my palms. “I need help, bro.”

  “You don’t have to tell me.”

  I stood up and looked down at him. “I’m serious. There must be a special place in hell for this.”

  Wade nudged my shoulder. “Calm down, if we’re going to get that technical about this thing, our mothers are only sisters by bond not blood or aura. This family is merely a state of mind.”

  “So is that why you’re going after her?”

  Centure drifted down from one of the trees and touched down in our mist. “Good day,” she smiled warmly. “We are all ready, yes?”

  I nodded slightly, then placed a hand on their shoulders and disappeared from the woods.


  I couldn’t stop my mind from racing as I slowly moved through the house. “She’s not my blood cousin,” I mumbled aloud, trying to convince myself it was ok.

  “I’m sure your mind is just all sorts of scrambled now,” Wade said with a small smirk on his face. “I should have warned you.”

  “A little warning would have been nice,” I replied, quickly pacing the floor. After nearly tripping over the rug, I decided to sit down.

  “How was it? More action than you’ve seen in months, I bet.”

  I stared up at him while he stuffed corn chips into his mouth. “I wasn’t expecting her to kiss me.”

  Wade crossed the living room and sat next to me on the loveseat. “Listen, this chick doesn’t know what she wants to do. She’ll have to learn to guard her emotions a lot better than she’s doing.”

  That was certainly the truth, but was it really a bad thing? “Maybe that’s what I like so much about her,” I replied.

  “You like that she’s a being easily enticed and manipulated? I don’t believe that for one second.”

  I hopped up from the couch and ran up the stairs. “I still want to punch you in the face,” I called behind me.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Friday October 1, 2010

  “I want you to come somewhere with me,” Nikko said as he appeared into the room.

  I put the papers down on the desk and looked at him, “Why should I go anywhere with you? Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise, so just wrap your arms around me and trust me.” He took my hands and pulled me closer to him, I hesitantly wrapped my arms around his waist.

  “Let’s go then.”

  Traveling through time and space and it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. It’s like the feeling you get when you’re at the top of the rollercoaster about to take an eighty foot plunge only magnified times ten. I saw the spark of the light blue oval rings before the scenery of a beautiful autumn park came into a focused view. I gazed around taking in all of the sweet maple air. “Where are we?” I breathed before turning to face Nikko.

  “Buck’s Pocket,” He replied, stepping away from me as I looked around.

  “You have to go back and get Triton,” I said, noticing the other dogs and their owners playing around in the park. Seconds later I heard Triton’s little bells jingling as he began playing with the leaves as they hit the ground.

  Nikko was placing the picnic basket on the table when I walked over to him. “So what’s this about?” I tried not to sound rude.

  “My sister should be here shortly, I want you to meet her,” he smiled, looking me deep in the eyes. “Don’t get nervous, my sister is actually really cool. More than I can say about a lot of humans.”

  “How did that happen? Her being human.”

  He shrugged then faded from view. When he came back into view he had a bowl and some other things for Triton bunched in his arms. “This ought to keep him at least halfway busy.” He set the things down and arranged them away from the table then came over and sat down. “Join me.”

  I walked over and sat down next to him. “This was very nice of you.” I kissed his cheek and pulled the basket to me, “Let’s see what you brought.”

  He pulled it away from me and shook his head. “Not until Natalie gets here,” he said before pushing it away. “So what were you doing before I took you away?”

  I looked around the park and tried to remember what it was I was doing. “I’m not sure exactly. It must have been some weird cross between homework and researching something totally unrelated.” The wind blew a chill down my spine and I shuddered a little bit.

  “Do you need a jacket?” He said while running his hand down my arm.

  Before I could reply he had vanished and come back with a second blanket. “Here you go,” he said as he wrapped it around my arms. “If my sister didn’t live closer to here I’d have taken you somewhere where the sun is always shining.”

  My mind went back to the illusion Wade had played for me, the soft white sand and the warm rays of sun on my body; it all felt so real. “Can I ask you something?” I paused before continuing, “What are you going to do with the rest of your life?”

  Without any thought he just shrugged. “At this point I’m taking it one day at a time. Why do you ask?”

  Triton caught my attention as he began to wonder too far off from us, I whistled for him to come back and grabbed him as he ran and jumped into my lap. “I don’t know, but I’ve realized that I may just outlive my parents. When that happens I’m not going to be in the best of conditions to do anything. It scares me.”

  He moved closer to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “In most cases children usually do outlive their parents. I accepted that when my father died last year, you’ll never forget them but you
will heal. Take it one day at a time like I do, that’s all there is.”

  I leaned my head down on his shoulder and realized he was right; it’d be harder for them to lose me than for me to lose them. “Thank you,” I whispered.

  A tall, slender lady approached the two of us and sat down; immediately Triton saw this as an opportunity to jump from my arms and begin chasing leaves again. “Hello, you must be Natalie,” I greeted while extending my hand.

  “And you’re the pretty lady Nikko has been telling me about, nice to meet you,” she replied then turned to look at Triton. “That’s an adorable puppy, what’s its name?”

  “Triton the Brave,” Nikko replied before taking his arm from around me and leaning over to give his sister a hug. “How have you been Nat?”

  “You know me, in and out of the hospital. They have me going through poisoned therapy again,” she replied casually.

  I looked at her and watched as she pulled the blue scarf from her head, exposing her baldness. “You have cancer?” I reached over and gently placed my hand on her, “I can help you.”

  “God can’t even help me, so what can you do?” She laughed.

  Nikko nudged me and shook his head lightly; she obviously didn’t know about him. I pulled back and sat up straight. “It’s a beautiful day today, I’m glad I was invited to join you guys. What’s in the basket, Nikko?”

  He reached over and pulled the basket to him. “I hope you like them because I made it myself,” he said while reaching into the basket and pulling out three sandwiches.

  I laughed out loud and took one of the sandwiches from him. “This is the big surprise, huh?” I opened the baggie and took what looked to be ham and cheese on white bread. “Classy,” I smiled.

  “So tell me a little bit about you Aliza, how old are you?” Natalie questioned while splitting her sandwich in half then stuffing it in her mouth.

  “Well, I’m 17 now, but I’ll be another year older in a few weeks. I lived in Hot Springs for all of those seventeen years before moving to New Market with my family about two months ago.” I took a bite of my sandwich then called Triton closer before he got too close to another dog much larger than he is.


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