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Page 15

by Donna K. Ford

  For the first time Ruby looked sad, maybe even regretful.

  “You know I could have killed you, but I didn’t. You are less injured than when you fought Amala, correct?”

  Greyson nodded.

  “When you have power, when they know you can break someone, that is what they expect.”

  Greyson frowned. “You expect me to believe all of it was an act?”

  Ruby looked away. “Not all of it.” She looked toward Olivia, still sleeping. “The more you care for her, the more they control you.”

  “The girl who fought Olivia…you and her?”

  Ruby shook her head. “It’s not what you think. She was little more than a child when they brought her here. She had already been captive elsewhere. She was rebellious, wild, reckless. They had been cruel to her. I have tried to protect her, but she doesn’t understand. I’m afraid no one can reach her now.”

  “What’s your problem with Olivia?”

  “The Recruiter’s girls are different from us. He plants them among us, penetrating our group, and they take information back to him.”

  “She wouldn’t do that,” Greyson said defensively.

  Ruby chuckled. “Yes, she will, even if she doesn’t want to.”

  Greyson sighed. “Help me find a way out. If we work together, we can do it.”

  Ruby leaned forward, piercing Greyson with her intense gaze. “This place used to be a maximum-security prison. No one gets out unless they are traded or dead.”

  “A real prison?” It made sense. The cells, the corridors, the thick walls, it all made sense. “Where?”

  Ruby shook her head. “The rumor is that the building is surrounded by a stone mountain six stories high. Even if you get outside, you still can’t break free. They will hunt you down like a dog. Then they will move on to our families. They will make us watch as they destroy them. You’ve already seen how far they will go to control the smallest part of our lives here. You haven’t even touched the surface. Any plan to get out of here has to be perfect. We can’t play around with your half-baked ideas. We have too much to lose.”

  Greyson racked her brain trying to put together the new clues.

  Ruby interrupted her thoughts. “Have you met your Employer yet?”


  “The man who owns you. The man who controls your fate.”

  Greyson shook her head. “I thought that was the Recruiter.”

  “No,” Ruby explained. “He just supplies the women to the men who pay. The Recruiter only deals in the women like Olivia and Audrey and my Nikki. If your Employer wasn’t here for the fight, he will be at the death match.”

  Greyson had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. “What does that mean?”

  Ruby shrugged. “I can’t say for sure. But it usually means you’re leaving here one way or another. If you survive, you’ll likely be shipped to another group that your Employer controls.”

  “How do you know all this?” Greyson asked.

  “I’ve seen it before. My Nikki came here from another group when the Recruiter bought or traded for her. Either you have an Employer already, or you’ll be sold at the fight.”

  Greyson swallowed. When she gathered herself, she asked the question she had been chewing on all day. “Will you kill me the next time?”

  Sadness crossed Ruby’s face again. “We won’t fight each other next time. I’ve already beaten you. I’ll hold my place in the ranks. In the death match, we will both face opponents from other groups. We won’t know who we are up against until we’re in the pit.”

  Greyson’s heart sank. “How many times have you done it? Killed someone, I mean.”

  Ruby looked away without answering.

  Greyson studied her. She couldn’t imagine what was coming. She couldn’t imagine what it was like to kill someone. She couldn’t just let herself die in the pit and leave Olivia here alone. But how would she ever find it in herself to kill anyone?

  “How can you do it?” Greyson asked, needing to understand how she could possibly survive.

  Ruby turned to her, her gaze distant and cold. “When someone is trying to kill you, something inside you takes over. The instinct for survival is stronger than you think. You will learn things about yourself, your limits, your strength, and more. The more you have to lose, the harder it is to give up.”

  Greyson looked to where Olivia lay sleeping. Ruby was right. Whether she liked it or not, she wasn’t just fighting for herself anymore.

  * * *

  “Ouch.” Olivia winced as she tugged at the hem of her shirt.

  “What is it?” Greyson asked, pulling the blanket down from her face.

  “My shirt is stuck to my back.”

  Greyson frowned. She sat up facing Olivia. “Turn around and let me see.”

  Olivia shifted on her cot. Greyson could see dark blotches staining Olivia’s shirt, each line marking the strike of the rod she had been hit with during the fight. Greyson grimaced at the thought of pulling the fabric loose from the wounds.

  “The shirt has dried into the blood from your wounds. I’ll need to soak it free. Is that okay?” Greyson asked, placing her hand on Olivia’s shoulder. She mentally kicked herself for not thinking to ask about the wounds earlier.

  Olivia glanced over her shoulder. “I’ll be fine—it just pulls every time I move.”

  “Well, we need to get it cleaned up or it’ll end up infected. Lie down on your stomach. This won’t be fun.”

  Greyson wet a cloth in the sink and dabbed at Olivia’s shirt until it was soaked through. Slowly she tugged the fabric free from the sticky, bloody mess oozing from Olivia’s back.

  “You should take off the shirt so we can get this cleaned up,” Greyson instructed.

  Olivia nodded, shifting to sit up. “Okay.”

  Greyson grasped the hem of Olivia’s shirt and lifted it as Olivia raised her arms. Greyson gently slid the garment over Olivia’s head. She sucked in her breath at the sight of the angry red marks streaking Olivia’s back. Heavy black-and-blue bruises shadowed the wounds.

  “Damn,” Greyson said. “This is going to hurt.”

  Olivia was silent as Greyson cleaned the area. She kept the wet cloth as cold as she could to try to numb the pain.

  Olivia sat with her arms crossed over her chest, covering her exposed breasts. She shivered as the cold water amplified the cool temperature of the room. Greyson pulled the blanket from her own bunk and wrapped it around Olivia, shielding her.

  “Thank you,” Olivia said, grasping the blanket in her fist and pulling it to her chin.

  Greyson broke open one of the small packages of antibiotic ointment she had found on a shelf by the shower. She moved her fingers over the swollen wounds as gently as she could while working the ointment into the broken skin. With each touch Greyson felt the suffering Olivia had endured. The wounds were a stark contrast to the milky smooth skin of Olivia’s back. Greyson absorbed the purity and innocence as if she was sitting in a field of wildflowers. The idea of anyone hurting Olivia was as offensive to Greyson as someone clear-cutting a forest. Some things were against nature.

  * * *

  Olivia moaned at Greyson’s touch, the sting of the ointment making her flinch. She felt exposed and vulnerable as Greyson inspected her wounds. Each touch defined the lines that had been beaten into her body. Tears welled in Olivia’s eyes despite her attempts to hide her pain. She was relieved not to have the fabric irritating her wounds, but the exposure had opened emotions she didn’t want to face. As long as she had been the one tending to Greyson, she had been able to push away the memories and the fear, but now everything was flooding in at once.

  She sniffed and rubbed her hand across her cheek, trying to hide the tears that had escaped. Greyson’s fingers stilled, resting against Olivia’s back.

  “Are you okay?” Greyson asked.

  Olivia nodded, not wanting Greyson to hear the tremor in her voice.

  Greyson scooted closer to Olivia on the cot
, moving beside her. Olivia could see the concern in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” Greyson said, her voice heavy with sadness. She leaned close to Olivia, wrapping her arm across Olivia’s lap to rest her hand on Olivia’s hip.

  Olivia shook her head. She sniffed. “Are you done?”

  Greyson handed Olivia a clean scrub shirt. “I think most of this needs to be left open to heal. The wounds aren’t deep—they’re just really swollen and bruised. Your back will be tender for a few days.”

  Olivia nodded. “Thank you.” Greyson was so close, Olivia could feel the warmth of her body against her side. She felt goose bumps ripple across her skin as Greyson traced the line of a scratch on her face.

  “We need to put some of this on these scratches too.”

  Olivia met Greyson’s eyes. They were soft and tender with a hint of sadness. Olivia attempted a smile but felt her lip tremble instead as her tears began to flow.

  Greyson wrapped her arms around Olivia, pulling her head to her shoulder. “Come here.”

  Olivia allowed Greyson to hold her. Greyson was strong yet tender and her touch was comforting. For a moment Olivia allowed herself to cry and release some of the hurt and fear that had been choking her since the moment the Recruiter had taken her. “I don’t know if I can do this.”

  Greyson pulled back. “You have to stay strong. You can’t let them win.”

  Olivia shook her head. “I’m so scared.”

  Greyson frowned and brushed the hair away from Olivia’s face. “I know. I’m scared too, but this is not how I want my story to end. And I don’t want it to be yours either.”

  Olivia nodded. “I hate him.”

  Greyson sighed. “Let that become your fuel. Whatever it takes, don’t let him take your hope.”

  Olivia pressed her cheek against Greyson’s shoulder, seeking the comfort of Greyson’s embrace. “Keep reminding me.”

  She felt Greyson nod. “I will.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “Olivia, the boss wants to see you,” a guard said as he stepped into the training room. Olivia’s heart sank as the rush of fear made her head spin. She pushed her back against the wall and shook her head in resistance. The guard narrowed his eyes at her. “Don’t play games with me, bitch. Get moving.”

  Olivia felt paralyzed. She couldn’t get her feet to move. She jumped when someone gently touched her arm. She jerked her head around to see Audrey standing next to her. She hadn’t realized Audrey was there.

  “It’s okay, sweetie. Take a deep breath,” Audrey said softly.

  Olivia nodded and tried to focus.

  “Think of something besides him. Something that makes you feel safe. It won’t help if you make him mad. Just go along with it. At least you know he won’t make you do anything…you know.”

  Olivia nodded again. As she crossed the room, she could feel the women watching her. Her gaze landed on Greyson, who looked back at her with a clenched jaw and anger in her eyes. Greyson matched her steps, drawing closer as Olivia reached the guard.

  The guard put his hand up toward Greyson. “That’s far enough.”

  “Where are you taking her?” Greyson asked.

  “Like I said, the boss wants to see her.”

  “Maybe she doesn’t want to see him,” Greyson said, stepping between Olivia and the guard.

  A second guard stepped through the door. “Is there a problem?” He stared at Greyson. With a flick of his wrist a black metal bar extended in his hand. He grinned at Greyson, as if daring her to make him use it.

  “Move,” the first guard ordered.

  Greyson stood her ground. Olivia watched the standoff. She didn’t want to go, and despite Greyson’s good intentions, she wasn’t helping. Olivia knew the more trouble Greyson caused, the worse things would be for both of them.

  “It’s okay,” she said, placing her hand on Greyson’s arm. “It’s better if I just go.”

  The guard reached for Olivia. Greyson hit his arm, knocking his hand away. Olivia gasped and jumped back when the guard swung around and pressed something to Greyson’s chest. Greyson seized and fell to the floor gasping, her body jerking.

  As Olivia went to help Greyson, the guard grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the room.

  Olivia wiped tears from her face. “What did you do to her?”

  “Just get moving—I don’t have all day,” the guard answered, his voice cold and angry.

  Olivia was determined to keep her emotions in check. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing they were getting to her.

  Olivia entered a large office and heard the door close softly behind her. The Recruiter sat on a sofa, his legs crossed, a glass of liquor in his hand.

  “Olivia, sweetheart, come in. I’ve missed you.” He talked to her as if she should be happy to see him.

  Olivia took a deep breath and crossed the room.

  He patted the sofa next to him. “Have a seat.”

  Olivia sat, pressing her body as far into the corner of the sofa as she could get to put distance between them.

  He leaned toward her, reaching across the distance to brush his hand along her cheek. “You’re upset. Why have you been crying?”

  Olivia flinched but didn’t pull away. She shook her head, afraid to speak.

  “Don’t worry. I’m taking care of everything. You really pleased me at your initiation. You fought well for your first time.”

  The mention of the fight brought back the memory of the unfortunate girl with no tongue. Olivia spoke before she could censor herself. “What happened to the girl? Is she okay?”

  He smiled. “Nikki is fine. She’s nothing for you to worry about.”

  “Is that what you’re going to do to me, mutilate me and steal my voice? Are you going to keep me here until I go mad?” Tears stung her eyes as she gave voice to her fears.

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk. No, my sweet. Nikki came to me that way. I saved her. Without me she would still be with her father. Even I see the way he treats his girls as cruel. I’ve given Nikki a home here. Didn’t you see how hard she fought for me? She loves me. She understands, like you will understand in time.”

  Olivia swallowed. This man was insane. Did he really believe what he was doing was a good thing for the women here?

  “I had a good life, a family who loves me, friends. How is this supposed to be good for me?”

  He drained the amber liquid from his glass and stood to pour another drink. “Would you like one?”

  Olivia shook her head.

  “You mean a life with a mother who wouldn’t accept you for who you are? How you struggled just to hold on to an empty life, no job, little money? I provide everything you need here. I can show you real love.”

  Olivia’s mind raced. How did he know about her mother? What else did he know? What other part of her life had he touched with his poison? “Keeping us caged up like animals is not love. We are not your pets.”

  “Hmm, you’re trying to make me angry again. I had hoped we were past some of this. Business, then.” He turned to face Olivia, his expression casual, as if he was discussing plans for dinner. “The girls are training for the death match. A death match always shakes everyone up a bit, but it’s a good way to weed out the weak ones. Who’s your favorite so far?”

  Olivia cringed. She had gotten to know most of the girls who would have to fight, and she hated the idea that some of them wouldn’t live through it.

  “I don’t have a favorite. I hate all of this.”

  “Your friend Greyson seems to be coming along nicely. I was beginning to worry that she had been a bad choice, but you seem to be the motivation she needed to get with the program. Let’s hope she delivers when it counts.”

  Olivia swallowed hard. “And if she doesn’t?”

  He let out a dramatic sigh. “I’m afraid your fate is tied to Greyson at this point. I have to keep my word. If she loses, you lose.”

  Olivia closed her eyes, letting the information sink in. “You’re goin
g to kill me?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

  He smiled. “No. You haven’t been listening. I don’t want anything to happen to you. I love you. Greyson is the one you have to worry about. It’s her carelessness that will kill you.”

  Unwanted tears stung Olivia’s eyes again. “This isn’t fair.”

  He leaned over Olivia and twirled her hair between his fingers. “Then I suggest you give Greyson a little motivation.”

  Olivia flinched. “What are you suggesting?”

  He smiled and shrugged. “You’re a smart girl. I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”

  * * *

  Greyson stopped what she was doing and the room fell silent as Olivia was let back into the training room. Olivia crawled onto her bunk, pushed her back against the wall, and pulled her knees up to her chin. By the looks of her, she was barely keeping it together.

  Olivia brushed at a wet spot on her hand. She looked up as Greyson eased down on the bunk next to her.

  “You okay?” Greyson asked.

  Olivia sniffed and wiped her nose. “Not really.”

  “What happened?”

  “Just more crazy mind games.” Olivia looked up at Greyson. “Are you okay? What did that guy do to you?”

  Greyson shrugged. “Taser. I didn’t see that one coming.” She rubbed her chest. “But I’m okay.”

  “He knew things about my life, my mother. How does he know?” Olivia said, her voice sounding desperate.

  Greyson looked down at her hands. “I think he stalked us for a while before the kidnappings. It makes sense that he would find our weaknesses, the parts of our lives that made us vulnerable. He’s been at this awhile. He always seems two steps ahead. Anything he can learn to get into your head gives him power.”

  Olivia shook her head. “I don’t know how much more I can stand.”

  Greyson nodded. “I know what you mean.” She rubbed her eyes with her palms. She was strong physically, but mentally she was fading. She couldn’t remember the last time she saw the sun or had fresh air. She had lost track of the days and had no idea how long she had been there. She looked up at a small window in the wall about twelve feet off the ground. These small portals to the outside world were torturous reminders that her life was waiting just outside those monstrous walls.


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