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Coming Altered: Welcome to Carson, Book Four

Page 11

by Renee Harless

  “Everything alright?”

  Looking up at him with a grin she says, “Everything is perfect.”

  HERE ARE WE GOING again?” Harlan asks from the entrance to Cassidy’s childhood bedroom.

  They hadn’t thought much about the sleeping arrangements when they traveled, but now that they were here in Carson, staying at her parent’s home nonetheless, Harlan is a bit disappointed that they won’t be sharing a room.

  Last night had been torture sleeping alone knowing Cassidy was one room down the hall. Harlan plans on doing whatever he can to remedy that tonight.

  “We’re going to Angie’s Diner. My family does it every Sunday for dinner.”

  Harlan watches as she adjusts the straps on some shoes she must have kept in her room, because the black heels weren’t something she had in her bag.

  Standing straight she looks over at him and smirks, “Don’t let the name fool you. It was only a diner back in the day; it’s been expanded and has a phenomenal menu. Even Sydney’s boyfriend Dylan can’t get enough and he’s a chef.”

  “I’m not worried, Cass.”

  Walking over to him she adjusts her marigold sweater. She yanked it on over a tank top that showed just the outline of her nipples through the material. As her body comes within inches of his she rests her hands loosely on his hips.

  “Then why do you have that worried frown on your face.”

  “I don’t like being away from you. It’s been months of dreaming about you every night and now that I have you, I’m being separated like a naughty boy.”

  Cassidy chuckles and murmurs under her breath, “You are a naughty boy.”


  “I’m sorry. I promise I’ll figure something out for tonight, and we can always go stay with one of my brothers or sisters.”

  “That’s even worse. They don’t want to hear their sister having sex.”

  “Hm… you’re probably right.”

  Harlan leans down to kiss Cassidy, needing to claim her lips, but just as his tongue begs for entrance to her mouth, her mother calls up from the stairs telling them she’s ready to leave.

  “Dammit,” he utters against her mouth while she giggles.

  He watches her hips sway as she skips over to a chair in the corner to grab her bag and brushes past him to the hallway.

  “Hey, Cass,” he calls out as she takes a step to descend the stairwell.

  Turning her attention to him she says, “Yeah?

  “You look beautiful.”

  Harlan watches as some flush rises up her neck and then paints her cheeks in a soft pink. It’s as if she hasn’t heard a truthful compliment before, something he plans to remedy.

  The diner is unlike anything he had expected. When they walked in an hour ago, he wasn’t surprised to find vinyl covered booths and a long counter along the side wall. What did surprise Harlan was the hallway leading to a more modern casual eating experience, but blended perfectly with the old.

  The Connelly family sits in a private room he was made aware earlier, and it is reserved to them every Sunday without fail. The brothers and sisters bicker back and forth, husbands and boyfriends toss jabs at one another. It almost causes Harlan to reminisce about his family, but he quickly shuts that down.

  Beside him at the table sits a man introduced as Brooks. Cassidy had mentioned he was a pediatric physician and would be the head of the new clinic being built. Harlan figures that is enough information to break the ice.

  Turning towards his neighbor, Harlan inquires, “Brooks, right? Cassidy tells me you work in pediatrics.”

  The man extends a hand, seemingly new to the surroundings as well and thankful for the lifeline.

  “Yep. And I will go ahead and say that I am a huge fan.”

  Before Harlan has a chance to respond, a cute little thing next to Brooks chimes in, “He’s also a jerk.”

  “Everleigh!” Cassidy exclaims beside him. “I have no idea why you hate Brooks so much.”

  “Because he butts into other people’s business,” Everleigh adds.

  “You mean like you did just now?” Brooks retorts while Cassidy and Harlan exchange glances.

  Everleigh stares at him in shock before pushing away from the table and leaving the room. Harlan steals a glimpse at Brooks who is shaking his head either confused or used to the behavior.

  Brooks then stands from the table and apologizes for leaving while promising to make sure Everleigh returns home safely.

  Cassidy whispers in Harlan’s ear, “If she doesn’t kill him first.”

  As he chuckles a brunette from the opposite end of the table chimes in, “I’m sorry, everyone. Brooks is in town for the weekend looking at homes to purchase and I invited him.”

  Cassidy’s mother, Amy, reaches across her husband to pat the woman’s hand resting on her lap.

  “It’s alright, dear. Everleigh just needs to come to terms with what she’s feeling. Love and hate are only divided by a thin line.”

  A silence descends on the group and Harlan witnesses a deep concern for their family member.

  And being the one wanting to break the tension Harlan speaks up, “Who wants to take a bet that he leaves with a black eye?”

  Everyone turns to stare at Harlan for a long minute until a tinkle of sound emanates from Amy and the rest of the crowd joins in.

  Across the way their father Joseph says, “I’ll take that bet. I’ve got fifty.”

  Everyone starts throwing their money into the pot all the while Cassidy looks over at him, elbow bent on the table, head resting on her hand, a beaming smile plastered on her face. Happiness pours from her eyes and Harlan can’t help but wink at her.

  Her joyful expression is calming to Harlan and he relaxes back into the seat, taking in the family that surrounds Cassidy with love. Despite the fact that his upbringing is far different from hers, he can’t feel any spite towards Cassidy and her loved ones. So far, they have been very welcoming and he can begin to fully understand why Ryker will do everything he can to keep them, and this town, out of the spotlight.

  A flash shines out of the corner of Harlan’s eye and he jumps out of his chair intending to shield Cassidy with his body, away from the scrutiny. His hackles rise to their peak and he is about to shout at the intruding party only to feel Cassidy’s hand resting on his lower back.

  “I’m sorry,” the young girl that had been serving as their waitress explains as she shakes in fear and embarrassment. “Mrs. Connelly asked me to take a picture of the family.”

  “Harlan, dear,” Amy begins, “I didn’t realize, or think about the photograph or papa-whatever. It’s my fault and I truly apologize,” she claims as she takes in his defensive stance.

  Harlan snakes a hand through his hair as he takes a deep breath and returns to his seat, bowing his head. His reaction isn’t a common occurrence. Harlan is typically able to rise up and ignore the circling vultures called the press, but as Cassidy sat happily beside him, he had the urge to stand and protect her - protect them.

  He bows his head in shame for his outburst until the silence of the room becomes too much, everyone seeming to wait for the impending outburst.

  Looking up from the table, Harlan makes eye contact with Amy first and then the ashen-faced waitress still shaking with the camera in her hand, tears pooling in her eyes.

  “I am sorry for scaring you. I was startled and didn’t think. Can I…,” Harlan says nervously. “Can I sign something for you? Do anything?”

  The young girl bites her lip as her expression morphs before asking, “Can we take a selfie?” while she grabs her phone from her back pocket.

  “Uh, sure.”

  As Harlan comes to stand beside the nervous girl her demeanor changes instantly as she practically jumps up beside him, wraps her hands around his bicep and smiles widely for her phone’s camera. Harlan tries to gaze into the lens but instead he meets Cassidy’s eyes from across the way and she smirks at him as if to say, “What can you do?”

>   “Thank you so much, Mr. Jax. I am a huge fan!”

  “You’re welcome. And I am sorry, Mrs. Connelly, for my outburst.”

  “Oh, dear, nothing to be sorry about and she got a great picture. Thank you, Jennifer,” Amy adds as she grabs her light coat from the back of her chair and her husband assists her on placing it over her shoulders. “We’ll see you both at home.”

  “Yes, Mom,” Cassidy replies as her parents leave the private room followed closely behind by Cassidy’s siblings which each lean in and hug her tightly. “So…” she begins.

  Harlan glances over at her and witnesses the sneaky gleam in her eye.

  “So,” he repeats as he turns his body to face her and leans in, crowding her space.

  “Did I happen to mention that at the back of my closet there is a small doorway leading into the next room?”

  His room.

  Brushing his thumb across her bottom lip he asks, “Now why didn’t you mention this yesterday?”

  With a false innocence, she replies, “I forgot?” while licking the tip of his thumb causing Harlan to groan out into the empty room.

  “Well you better not forget tonight. I plan on being in your bed.”

  Leaning in further, Harlan brushes his lips against hers.

  Over the increased heartbeat whooshing through his ears he can faintly hear her say, “Promises. Promises.”

  ASSIDY ROLLS OVER IN her full-size bed and basks in the warmth radiating from Harlan. His impressive size and strength helps to cocoon her body in his arms as she presses gentle kisses against his chest.

  She hadn’t been surprised the night before when Harlan had snuck through the secret door she and her sister Everleigh had placed at the back of their closets. No, what had surprised Cassidy was the feeling of nervousness that seemed to grow within her body. Those pesky butterflies were fluttering away as she laid in the bed waiting to see if he would take the chance and sneak into her room. And the moment she heard the creaking of the hardwood floors in her room she had turned over in her bed and watched with curious eyes as Harlan stalked towards her, the butterflies picking up speed inside her gut until the moment his lips brushed against hers.

  He had taken possession of her body during the night, repeatedly worshiping every morsel of her skin before making love to her; capturing her cries of pleasure into his kisses.

  Even right now, those butterflies have seemed to take up residence within her abdomen and refuse to leave. Cassidy can only think that it has to be a good thing that she feels nervous anticipation every time Harlan is near, almost as if their coming together is the first time, every time.

  Cassidy can tell when Harlan comes awake, but she doesn’t halt in her quest to taste the skin pulled taut against his muscled chest. She holds back a purr as his hand snakes through her hair and massages her scalp.

  “Mmm… You hoping for a repeat, sweetheart?” Harlan asks as he takes control of her movements and tilts her head back so that he can look into her eyes.

  Cassidy finds herself smiling as she watches his heavy-lidded sleepy eyes swirl with heat in their midst. She runs her hands up his chest before pushing against his shoulder, instructing him to lie on his back. She follows his movements and straddles his hips with her legs, aligning their two aroused centers.

  Harlan’s eyes move from her gaze, down to her breasts where he licks his lips hungrily.

  “Fuck,” he begins with his deep voice sounding much raspier due to sleep and she feels herself grow in wetness at the noise. She loves the way his voice sounds, especially when it’s in appreciation of her. “This is the best way to wake up,” he adds as his hands run up her thighs and taking residence on her hips.

  Cassidy rocks forward and back and few times, coating his growing erection in her slickness, stopping only when his hands tighten around her waist.

  “Are you sure? You’re not sore this morning, Cass?”

  She merely shakes her head and raises up onto her knees, then grabs onto one of his hands and places it between her legs, letting him realize how badly she desires him in this moment.

  “You’re soaked, baby,” Harlan replies as he trails his fingers across her folds and circling her clit with his thumb.

  She jerks slightly when a small quake travels through the muscles of her core alerting her of her needs.

  “I want you, Harlan. Now.”

  Sliding two of his digits into her center she tosses her head back in pleasure as he thrusts them upward before guiding them out.

  “I’m all yours,” Harlan adds with an unfamiliar gleam in his eyes.

  Before Cassidy has a chance to question the look, her body responds on its own. She reaches back to grab his shaft and aligns it with her soaked center before guiding it inside her core. Her muscles contract with every inch – wanting more, needing more. Seated fully inside her, she gasps as Harlan’s hands tighten on her hips with a look of raw need flitting across his face.

  Her hands reach out and rest on his broad chest, while her hips move on their own accord, plunging and receding Harlan’s massive cock inside her body at her own pace. Her movements speed up, less rhythmic, but no less powerful.

  A soft mewl escapes from between her lips as her orgasm surges within her body, but just out of reach.

  “I’m so close, Harlan,” she whispers as she continues to rock against his erection. “Help me get there.”

  Rapidly, Harlan sits up and plants both of his hands on Cassidy’s cheeks, then places a rough kiss on her lips, tasting her tongue with his, and then falls back onto the bed gripping her hips tighter. As he holds her body above him, Harlan slams his hips upward repeatedly, his cock pulsing against her sensitive spot over and over again.

  “Oh, fuck,” she cries out in a whisper, her fingers gripping at his chest causing her nails to sink into the skin as she explodes around his dick.

  Miraculously Harlan speeds up, chasing his own orgasm as her waves continue to ripple inside her. He slams against her one more time and throws his head back as he spills himself deep within her core.

  Both spent, they fall back onto the bed, Harlan tucking her against his body, his arms wrapped around her tightly.

  All Cassidy can think is to tell Harlan that she loves him, but as she opens her mouth the words refuse to trickle forth.

  “That was an awesome way to wake up. Are you sure I can’t change your mind about sharing a bus on the tour?” Harlan asks seemingly knowing to break the tension growing around her.

  Cassidy giggles as she uses her hand to trail up and down his back while tilting her head to look at him.

  “It definitely sounds appealing at this moment.”

  And as if he can read her desires, Harlan leans forward and seals his lips over hers, letting her tell him in her kiss how much she needs him, wants him, loves him. If only Cassidy had the willpower to say the words aloud.

  But before she has the opportunity to decipher her strong feelings for Harlan a knock on her door sounds followed by the melodic voice of her mother.

  “Cass, dear. I made some pancakes if you want to come down for breakfast. And please let your guest know I made an extra-large batch for him as well. He must be a heavy sleeper, that one. Made no noise when I knocked just now.”

  Cassidy does all she can to contain her laughter, but it springs forth regardless as she takes note of the horrified expression on Harlan’s face.

  “Thanks, Mom. We’ll be down shortly.”

  “Your dad’s gonna kill me,” Harlan adds as he scurries from the bed looking around her room for the sweatpants he had worn the night before.

  “He’s not going to kill you.”

  “Oh, yes he is,” he adds as he moves back towards her closet ready to dash to the other side.

  “Harlan,” she calls out still trying to contain her giggles. “They know you’re in here. Calm down.”

  Stopping his movements, he turns to stare at her in horror. “What do you mean they know I’m in here?”

idy throws on some underwear, a loose t-shirt, and some gym shorts before walking over to Harlan where his gaze tracks all her movements.

  She reaches up and pats his cheek in a childlike manner, “Who do you think cut out that door in the closet?”

  Harlan tosses his head back exasperated and clenches then unclenches his fists repeatedly.

  “I should have known,” he whispers to the ceiling before turning his attention back towards her. “You’re father really IS going to kill me now.”

  All Cassidy can do is wrap her arms around his waist and stifle her laugh in his chest.

  “Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. It won’t be so funny when I’m missing my cock and balls.”

  “He’s not going to castrate you.”

  “Ugh, yes he is. I snuck into his daughter’s room.”

  Standing on the tips of her toes, Cassidy presses a small kiss to the underside of his jaw before adding, “I promise you, he’s not.”

  With a free hand, Harlan snakes his fingers through her hair, untangling the soft waves.

  “And how do you know that?”

  With a cunning smirk, Cassidy rests her chin on his chest but meets his gaze. “Because they are itching for grandkids.”

  And in a response Cassidy will have to question later, the horrific gaze she had expected to see on Harlan’s face doesn’t appear. Instead she’s met with an amazingly wide and joyous grin; one that suits Harlan’s features and matches her own grin.

  In that precise moment, Cassidy can no longer deny her feelings for Harlan. She doesn’t just love him, she wants forever with him. She actually wants the full-blown relationship with marriage; maybe not the kids because she isn’t known to be the best with children, but she feels like she can handle the rest. And that only means one thing.

  She is in big, BIG trouble.

  Breakfast that morning had been uneventful, and quite hilarious, as Harlan made sure to avoid all eye contact with Cassidy’s mother and father, but they simply smiled back and forth to each other and kept the conversation to a minimum.

  But as Cassidy tosses her few things back into her duffle bag she can’t help but feel a new sense of longing to return home, to make Carson her permanent residence.


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