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Lipstick Traces

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by Greil Marcus

  Heartfield, John, 107, 215, 216

  Hegel, G. W. F., 92, 160, 178, 255

  Heidegger, Martin, 238, 281

  Heikal, Mohamed, 97

  Helms, Jesse, 282

  “Henker, Der” (Ball), 183

  Henley, Elmer, Jr., 246–247

  Hennings, Emmy, 146, 179–180, 183, 188–189, 191, 193, 199–200, 203, 220, 226

  Henzell, Perry, 246

  heretics, 19, 170, 177, 220, 357. See also Anabaptists; Brethren of the Free Spirit; Cathars

  “Heroin” (Velvet Underground), 61

  Herzfelde, Wieland, 215, 216

  Hilberg, Raul, 114

  Hindley, Myra, 26, 64, 67

  Hine, Lewis, 112

  Hitler, Adolf, 15, 202, 219, 220, 267, 269, 294, 312, 410

  Hjortsberg, William, 193

  Hobbes, Thomas, 82

  Höch, Hannah, 207, 208, 215

  Ho Chi Minh, 48

  Hoffman, Stanley, 167

  “Holidays in the Sun” (Sex Pistols), 9, 10, 12, 15, 19, 20, 70, 109, 115, 214, 404, 405, 410

  Hollister (California), motorcyclist invasion of, 244

  Horkheimer, Max, 158

  Horney, Karen, 222

  Huelsenbeck, Richard, 25, 148, 182, 184, 187, 203–204, 214, 224, 226, 285, 291, 389, 404, 408; Ball and, 194–196, 204–206; in Berlin dada group, 215–217, 219, 225; in Cabaret Voltaire, 179, 180, 188, 189, 191–194, 205–206, 387; dada manifestos of, 190, 296; on dada as protest, 184, 197–198; Danzig lecture of, 210–211, 213; Gestapo pursuit of, 220; as psychiatrist, 188, 193, 204, 210, 413; on Sparticist rising, 105–108, 170

  Hughes, Robert, 288

  Hughes Aircraft Corporation, 380

  Hugo, Victor, 231

  Hulbeck, Charles R. See Huelsenbeck, Richard

  “Human Being” (New York Dolls), 61

  Humanité, L’, 262, 371

  Hurlements en faveur de Sade (Debord), 306–313, 314, 315, 319, 320, 391

  Husserl, Edmund, 238

  Iacocca, Lee, 103

  “I Am a Cliché” (X-ray Spex), 405

  Ice Age, The (Drabble), 40

  “Ideal for Living, An” (Joy Division), 5

  “I Don’t Like Mondays” (Boomtown Rats), 7–8

  “I Hate the Rich” (Dils), 28

  Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Spielberg), 286

  Industrial Revolution, 40, 46, 177

  In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni (Debord), 149, 163, 326, 327, 329, 333, 335–338

  Inkspots, 241

  In Spite of Blasphemy (Malgré le blasphème) (Mourre), 264–265, 267, 283

  Institute of Contemporary Arts (London), 205, 308

  “Institutionalized” (Suicidal Tendencies), 89, 90

  Internationale lettriste (I.L.), 332, 334, 339, 354, 363

  Internationale situationniste (I.S.), 29, 47, 133, 159, 164, 165, 166, 167, 167, 223–224, 298, 319, 321, 328, 349, 355, 359, 365, 377, 379, 380–381, 389, 390, 400, 406, 407

  In the Country of Last Things (Auster), 335

  “In the Still of the Nite” (Five Satins), 90

  Introduction à la critique de la vie quotidienne (Lefebvre), 135

  Introduction à une nouvelle poésie at une nouvelle musique (Isou), 231

  Ion, 257, 301, 302, 303, 306, 307, 311, 312, 351

  Irish Republican Army (IRA), 66

  Irving, John, 43

  Isou, Isidore, 229–236, 232, 238–239, 248–258, 299, 308, 313, 319, 338–339; arrival in Paris of, 232, 233; Debord’s break with, 315, 317–318; films of, 228–229, 300–301; in Hurlements, 309–311; Lettrist International denunciation of, 325–326, 332; Mourre and, 282, 283, 286; self-promotion of, 233–235, 238; youth movement of, 250–252, 254–255, 333, 338

  it falleth like the gentle rain from heaven (Mekons), 403

  “It’s Too Soon to Know” (Orioles), 192, 240, 249

  “I Wish I Was a Mole in the Ground” (traditional ballad, Lunsford), 14

  “J’accuse” (Zola), 268

  Jack the Ripper, 75, 310, 406

  Jackson, Michael, ix, 90–92, 98, 99–105, 124, 138, 286, 331

  Jackson 5, 90

  Jailhouse Rock (Thorpe), 229

  Janco, Jules, 189

  Janco, Marcel, 179, 180, 188–192, 193, 202, 207, 208, 211, 225, 227, 394

  Jarry, Alfred, 191, 309

  Jaspers, Karl, 238

  Jehovah’s Witnesses, 100

  Jerusalem Post, 189–190

  Jerzimy, 56

  Jesuits, 281

  Joannès, Gérard, 133

  Joel, Billy, 90

  John XXIII, Pope, 260

  John of the Cross, 274

  John of Leyden, 85–88, 104, 118, 290, 410

  “Johnny B. Goode” (Berry/Sex Pistols), 55–57, 60

  John Paul II, Pope, 260

  Johnson, Robert, 19

  John Wesley Harding (Dylan), 38

  Jonah Who Will Be 25 in the Year 2000 (Tanner), 224

  Jones, LaDonna, 103, 124, 331

  Jones, Steve, 30, 31, 70, 79

  Jordan Motor Car Company, 40

  Jorn, Asger, 150, 153, 156, 342, 344, 362, 385

  Journal du dimanche, 380

  Joyce, James, 230

  Joy Division, 5, 6

  Jules and Jim (Truffaut), 181

  “Jumpin’ Jack Flash” (Rolling Stones), 54

  Jung, Carl, 220–222

  Jung, Franz, 215, 292

  Kael, Pauline, 8

  Kandinsky, Wassily, 183, 191

  Kant, Immanuel, 178

  Karp, Walter, ix, 127, 128

  Keeler, Christine, 167

  Kennedy, John F., 330

  Kennedy, Robert F., 251

  “Kerb Crawler” (Au Pairs), 5

  Khayati, Mustapha, 387–88, 390

  King Mob, 405–406

  King Mob Echo (journal), 109, 406

  King Records, 124

  Kingston Daily Gleaner, 246, 248

  Kinks, 77

  Kleenex, 5

  Kleinschmidt, Hans J., 217

  Klinmahon, 175

  Konsumterror, 101

  Kotányi, Attila, 117

  Kraus, Karl, 214

  Kropotkin, Peter, 183

  Kuroń, Jacek, 388

  Kwakiutl, 364, 368

  Lacenaire, Pierre François, 111, 336, 337

  Ladd, Alan, 247

  Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy, 373

  Lagny killing, 244, 245, 247, 249

  Laing, R. D., 359

  Lamennais, Felicité de, 264

  Lanzmann, Claude, 114

  Lapassade, Georges, 330

  La Rochefoucauld, François de, 249

  Lautréamont, Comte de, 171, 178, 224

  Lawrence, D. H., 366

  Leary, Timothy, 359

  Leaving the 20th Century (Gray), 27–28, 160, 161, 171, 385, 406, 407

  Le Corbusier, 18, 344–346; Voisin Plan, 344

  Led Zeppelin, 44, 61

  Lefebvre, Henri, ix, 134–137, 177–179, 249, 395; and dada, 21, 173, 178–179, 181, 184, 189, 207, 226, 227; and situationists, 132, 134, 136–137, 385

  Lejare, Françoise, 339

  Lemaitre, Maurice, 250, 256, 258, 317, 325

  Lenin, V. I., 107, 118, 202, 325, 359, 391, 398

  Leninism, 330, 388

  Lennon, John, 38, 185, 352

  Lerner, Robert E., 278, 285

  Let It Bleed (Rolling Stones), 38

  Lettrist International (LI), ix, 110, 158, 160–163, 231, 265, 297, 320–321, 331–340, 352, 374, 399, 404, 408–410; Bernstein in, 348–350; Chaplin attacked by, 316–319; emergence of Situationist International from, 328–331, 385, 407; exclusion of members of, 325–326, 342, 346, 355–356; fathers of, 170; formation of, 16, 111, 153–154, 315–316; graffiti of, 171, 320, 406; manifestos of, 321, 339, 350; potlatch metaphor of, 368–369; practice of, 323–328, 333–338, 356–358, 361–362;and Strasbourg students, 384, 386, 391; Trocchi in, 358; utopianism of, 322, 345–346; as youth movement, 332–333. S
ee also Internationale Lettriste; Potlatch

  lettrists, ix, 19, 21, 231–239, 249–250, 301–307; Cannes action of, 300–301; Debord and Wolman break with, 315–18, 326; and Hurlements, 307–309, 311–313, 315; in Notre-Dame invasion, 258–261; program of, 254–255; sound poetry of, 255–258. See also Lettrist International

  Lèvres nues, Les (review), 20

  Lewis, Jerry Lee, 26, 37, 55, 59, 205

  Liaisons dangereuses, Les (Choderlos de Laclos), 392–393

  Libération, 348

  Liebknecht, Karl, 107, 108, 141

  Liebling, A. J., 71

  Liliput, 5, 89

  Limelight (Chaplin), 315, 316

  Lincoln, Abraham, 127

  Lissitzky, El, 176, 177

  Little Big Horn, Battle of, 336

  Little Book of Eternal Wisdom, The (Suso), 275

  Little Book of Truth, The (Suso), 275, 280

  Little Richard, 37, 38, 87–88, 264–265

  “Little Village” (Williamson), 55

  Little Yes and a Big No, A (Grosz), 106

  Live Aid, 125

  Locked Room, The (Auster), 161

  Logic, Lora, 6, 65, 187

  Lollards, 11, 373, 410

  “Longest Time, The” (Joel), 90

  London Central News Agency, 406

  London Picture Post, 352

  Londons Outrage (punk fanzine), 112

  London Sunday Telegraph, 387

  Louis XVI, King of France, 310

  Louis-Napoleon, Emperor of France, 116–117

  Love on the Left Bank (van der Elsken), 350

  Lowry, Ray, 1

  Lucas, Henry Lee, 247

  Ludwig II, King of Bavaria, 336

  Lunsford, Bascom Lamar, 14, 15

  Lurkers, 71

  Luxembourg, Rosa, 107, 108, 109, 141, 406

  Lycurgus, 325

  Lydon, John. See Rotten, Johnny

  Lymon, Frankie, 90

  “Maggie Mae” (Stewart), 44, 54, 61

  Malgré le blasphème. See In Spite of Blasphemy

  Mallarmé, Stéphane, 191, 231

  “Manifeste du cinema discrépant” (Isou), 228

  Mankiewicz, Joseph L., 301

  “Manners for Muggings” (Thompson), 84

  Maoism, 334, 388

  Mao Tse-tung, 329, 330

  Marbaix, Ghislain de, 261, 287, 301

  Marc, O (Marc-Gilbert Guillaumin), 254, 260, 301, 313

  Marcuse, Herbert, 67, 250

  Marie-Claire, 380

  Marinetti, Filippo, 184, 200, 201, 202, 220

  Marsh, Dave, 61

  Martin, Ivanhoe “Rhyging,” 244, 246, 248

  Martin, J. V., 167

  Marx, Karl, 47, 107, 118, 128, 129, 136, 165, 170, 174, 178, 253, 319, 360, 369, 387; on alienation, 255; on commodity fetishism, 99–100; criticism of religion as prerequisite of all criticism for, 289–290; revolutionary impulse defined by, 92; word-magic of, 305

  Marxists, 21, 28, 95, 134, 178, 265, 270, 329, 391, 398

  Matérialisme dialectique, Le (Lefebvre), 136, 227

  Matlock, Glen, 30–31

  Matthys, Jan, 85, 86

  Mauriac, François, 234

  Maurras, Charles, 264, 268–269

  Mauss, Marcel, 357, 366–368

  May ’68, 118, 126, 132, 224, 255, 265, 337, 346, 384, 397–398, 412; Atelier populaire posters from, 28, 30, 31, 187; McLaren and, 26, 406, 407; situationists and, 16–17, 28–29, 139, 223, 327, 394–395, 398–400, 404

  McCartney, Paul, 369

  McKenzie, Scott, 83

  McLaren, Malcolm, 8, 16, 26–28, 30, 53, 54, 56, 65, 123, 284, 404; commercial exploitation of punk by, 16, 77; New York Dolls managed by, 45; Sex boutique of, 2, 11, 12, 26, 31; situationist influence on, 171, 284, 405–408

  McPhatter, Clyde, 37

  “Meaning of the Commune, The” (Lefebvre), 136

  Mechanics of Women, The (Isou), 235

  Mehring, Walter, 3–4, 107, 215

  Meinhof, Ulrike, 101

  Mekons, 5, 403–404

  Méliès, Georges, 310

  Melville, Herman, 19

  “Memphis Blues Again” (Dylan), 15

  Mémoires (Debord), 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 163, 169, 172, 173–174, 314, 333, 335, 350, 391, 404

  Memoirs of a Dada Drummer (Huelsenbeck), 191

  Mension, Jean-Michel, ix, 320, 323, 324, 326, 332, 338, 339, 349, 351, 352, 404

  Merlin (review), 358

  Metal Box (PiL), 68

  “Methods of Détournement” (Debord and Wolman), 372

  Micoud, Robert, 263–264

  “Milkcow Blues Boogie” (Presley), 34, 35

  Mills Brothers, 241

  Milosz, Czeslaw, 95, 377

  Minima Moralia (Adorno), 64, 67, 68

  Mirouer des simples ames, La (Porete), 277

  Mit Witz, Licht und Grütze (Huelsenbeck), 191

  Modern Lovers, 37, 58

  Mods, 110

  Modzelewski, Karol, 388

  Moles, Abraham, 386

  Monde, Le, 380, 397

  Monde libertaire, Le (journal), 250

  Monkees, 56

  Monotones, 38

  Montaillou (Ladurie), 373

  Monty Python’s Flying Circus, 381

  Moore, Scotty, 55

  Moors Murders, 26

  Moreau, Jeanne, 181, 393

  Morgenstern, Christian, 191

  Morin, Edgar, 395, 397

  Moses and Monotheism (Freud), 80–81

  Mosley, Oswald, 109

  Motown Records, 38, 90

  Mott the Hoople, 77

  Mourre, Michel, 259–260, 261, 262–274, 278, 280–290, 296, 382, 404, 408, 409

  Müntzer, Thomas, 183, 290

  Musée de l’Homme (Paris), 306, 308, 309

  Mussolini, Benito, 202, 375

  My Present Age (Vanderhaeghe), 328

  “Mystery Train” (Presley), 15

  “Naked City, The” (Debord), 363

  Nathan, Syd, 124

  National Front, 109–110, 270

  National Renewal, 127, 128

  Nazis, 15, 82, 110, 126, 220–222, 239, 283, 348, 383, 397; execution of Russian partisans by, 112–113; extermination camps of, 13, 43, 109, 113, 221; French collaboration with, 235, 269, 270, 281; Paris occupied by, 266, 267; refugees from, 67, 232, 233

  “Nebraska” (Springsteen), 246

  neo-Nazis, 66, 270

  Neuss, Wolfgang, 168

  “Never Been in a Riot” (Mekons), 5, 403

  Never Mind the Bollocks, Here’s the Sex Pistols (Sex Pistols), 285

  Newman, Charles, 119

  New Order, 6

  New York Dolls, 37, 45, 61, 77

  New York Times, 89, 260, 262

  Nicholson-Smith, Donald, 394

  Nietzsche, Friedrich, 82–83, 178, 179, 211, 230, 238, 270–271, 277, 298, 302, 409

  Nieuwenhuys, Constant, 342, 359

  Night of the Living Dead (Romero), 373

  nihilism, 14, 110, 111, 244, 246–248, 265, 291, 350, 358, 388; of dada, 181, 195, 220, 225, 291; of Lettrist International, 326, 339; Rozanov’s definition of, 62; Sex Pistols and, 8–10, 16; of Teddy Boys, 351

  Nisker, Scoop, 384

  Nixon, Richard, 315, 322–323

  “No Feelings” (Sex Pistols), 12, 13, 83

  “No Fun” (Stooges/Sex Pistols), 61, 77, 83, 115

  “Notion of Expenditure, The” (Bataille), 366

  Notre-Dame, 286, 381; invasion of, 258–264, 266, 284, 287–289, 299, 300, 310, 313, 319, 328, 338, 356, 404, 407

  Nuit, La (Bernstein), 327, 333, 369, 393

  Nuremburg trials, 269

  “Oh Bondage Up Yours!” (X-ray Spex), 5, 75, 187

  Olympia Press, 358

  “On the Commune” (Debord, Kotányi, and Vaneigem), 117, 136, 139

  “Once upon a time in a living room” (Slits), 5

  “One Chord Wonders” (Adverts), 62, 75, 405

  “One Step Back” (Debord), 327

  One Way Str
eet (Benjamin), 65

  On the Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time (Debord), 150, 163, 327, 356, 400

  On the Poverty of Student Life (Khayati), 384, 387–390, 395

  “Open the Door Richard” (Count Basie/Three Flames), 242

  “Open Letter to the Polish Communist Party” (Kuroń and Madzelwewski), 388

  “Organized Guilt and Universal Responsibility” (Arendt), 126

  “Organt” (Saint-Just), 289

  Orioles, 192, 240–244, 243, 249 Osmond, Marie, 175

  “Ozymandias” (Shelley), 132, 138

  Painting of Modern Life, The (Clark), 116, 139

  Palmolive, 35

  Papai, Eliane, 323, 325, 339

  “Parole in libertà” (Marinetti), 200, 201

  Parijs! (van der Elsken), 349

  Paris, University of, 277, 395

  Paris Commune, 116–119, 129–132, 134, 136–137, 170, 266, 289, 344

  Paris-Presse, 371

  Parker, Graham, 34

  Pasionaria, La (Dolores Ibarruri), 266, 267, 270

  Pater, Walter, 343

  Paulhan, Jean, 233, 238

  Pauline, Mark, 89

  Peacock Records, 124

  Pearson, Donald, 69

  Peel, John, 38, 76, 412

  Penguins, 41, 88, 90

  Péret, Benjamin, 262, 288–289

  Perkins, Carl, 37

  Phillips, Sam, 45, 55, 124

  Philosophies (review), 178–179

  Picabia, Francis, 180

  Pickett, Wilson, 34

  Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, 284–285

  PiL (Public Image Ltd.), 68

  Pinot-Gallizio, Guiseppe, 342

  Pius XII, Pope, 260

  Plastic Ono Band, 38

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 13

  Police Academy movies, 185, 186, 200

  Polish August, The (Ascheson), 96

  Pol Pot, 325

  Pomerand, Gabriel, 233–236, 237, 238, 256, 260, 302–305, 317, 325

  Pop. 1280 (Thompson), 193

  Pop from the Beginning (Cohn), 87

  Popular Front, 266, 267

  Porete, Marguerite, 277, 285

  Port Huron Statement, 166

  Postman Always Rings Twice, The (Cain), 193

  Potlatch (LI bulletin), 18–20, 321–322, 326, 331–335, 339, 342, 343, 350, 355, 356, 362–364, 370–372, 374–375, 376, 381–383, 390

  Powlis, Lavon (Billie Jean Jackson), 100

  Presley, Elvis, 15, 37, 38, 55, 68, 101–103, 138, 192, 233, 301; on Ed Sullivan Show, 177; movies of, 228–229; Sun studios recordings of, 34

  “Pretty Vacant” (Sex Pistols), 11, 12, 56, 109

  Prévert, Jacques, 262

  Prince Buster, 35

  Project Sigma, 359

  Protest in Paris (Brown), 29

  Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 178

  Pruitt-Igoe housing complex (St. Louis), 346


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