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The Manhattan Incident

Page 13

by Raymond Poincelot

  “Secondly, rumors about nuclear attacks are true to some degree. Tactical nukes of small size were used suddenly with surgical precision without warning by the aliens. The first one was used at the Presidential bunker. The second one targeted the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia. Other similar strikes hit laboratory facilities in Bethesda, Boston, Hamilton, Manhattan, Richmond, San Antonio and Galveston. Substantial civilian casualties occurred. At that junction, I ordered our air forces under the unified command of General Straub at NORAD to defend our country at all costs. We could not sit back and see our nation destroyed.” (At that comment, she smiled inwardly. Not quite true, she mused. However, she doubted that General Straub would contradict her. A small fib, she thought, to show her as a decisive and strong President.)

  “General Straub has my complete confidence. We could not be in better hands. Our gallant forces under his command destroyed a number of alien crafts using advanced special weapons and caused the surviving vessels to flee back to wherever they came from. Unfortunately, several air force bases were hit by alien tactical nukes, but many more have survived intact. Russia and China prevailed, but the cost was considerably higher than ours.” (In her mind she thought advanced weaponry was only partially true, given the use of the old Warthogs. Downplaying the other powers and hyping our weapons helped project American world leadership and would build public confidence in the U.S. government’s ability to defend them.)

  “Thirdly, the rumor of a disease weapon used by the aliens is true. Yes, they have used biological warfare against us. This heinous act will not be forgotten. We will remember it and make sure future generations never forget. Because of this threat, martial law decreed by President Tomlinson remains in effect.” (At least I won’t be blamed for initiating the unpopular martial law and its news blackouts. Better to control the news flow, she thought.)

  “Make no mistake, the disease is serious. It starts off like the flu. That makes diagnosis very difficult. Maybe you have a cold or the seasonal normal flu. If you come down with anything resembling a cold or flu, avoid contact with everyone, especially your loved ones. Stay in your house. Do not go to work. If you are seen anywhere outside your house and show any symptoms, you will be immediately arrested and quarantined. We will use temperature scanners routinely on all public places. If you have a temperature, you will be quarantined. If you need help such as food or water, contact the authorities by phone or internet at numbers and sites that will be provided to you by local authorities. Your complete and unquestioning cooperation is needed to prevent the spread of this disease. You must obey orders from any military or police authorities. Failure to do so can lead to being shot. I know this sounds harsh and un-American, but it is absolutely necessary to assure survival of our nation. I assure you that our scientists are working on treatment modalities and a vaccine.” (She knew things were barely off the ground, but offering hope was necessary.) “Martial law will be lifted as soon as I am convinced we are safe and not a minute sooner. Like you, I look forward to returning to normal government authority.”

  “Finally, I have invoked the Emergency Powers Act of 2018. Under its authority, I have declared war on the aliens. While they have fled for now, we have no idea if, and when, they will return. No one, even if outside our world, can attack the United States of America with impunity. Whatever happens, we will be ready for them. In recognition of General Straub’s superb combat strategies that kept us from complete annihilation, I have, under the Emergency Powers Act, promoted General Straub to the rank of six-star General and placed him in command of all our armed forces. His title is now General of the Armed Forces, making him second in command just under the President. He will coordinate all our responses to the virus crisis and future plans for fighting the aliens.”

  “I close by asking for your prayers for our people, our country, those brave individuals who died by alien hands, and those who are sickened by the alien disease. Do so, whatever your religion or beliefs. Working together, we can get through this. God speed and God bless.”

  Back at NORAD General Straub watched with considerable interest. As President Chung finished, he thought she is the consummate politician, one smart woman. She took credit for launching the military response, knowing I can’t really say differently. She looks better than she really is and I look like the dutiful general, which I wasn’t until now. Could have been worse, he thought.

  At his Killington cabin John Cabrot also watched with interest. When President Chung was finished, he thought about her words concerning the virus. She hasn’t a clue about this virus. She is just trying to make people feel good about the government response. Wonder what will happen when bodies litter the street. If I make it, I’ll do my best to keep the death count to a minimum. Just then the roar of large helicopters was heard in the distance. Captain Madigan’s radio crackled in his ear. Lieutenant Calvin Jackson spoke. “We have the cabin in sight. It looks like there is enough room to land our two birds. Meet me at the landing area. Have your men ready to move out with Dr. Cabrot as soon as we establish perimeter security.”

  Captain Madigan turned to John. “Get ready to go. Have Sergeant Simonelli change the air tanks on your suit. Last chance for the bathroom,” he said jokingly. John smiled. He had to urinate into a funnel like cup surrounding his penis. The urine was collected in a plastic expandable bag, like the IV bags used to drip sucrose solutions into patients. His bag couldn’t be emptied using the external valve. At least not until they were sure the virus wasn’t transmitted by body waste fluids. John hoped that wouldn’t be too long from now. He imagined he could smell urine in the confines of his hot, sweaty humid suit. At least the soldiers could pee normally, he thought with jealousy.

  John looked around for what he hoped wasn’t the last time as he boarded the helicopter. Two soldiers struggled with the acrylic container holding a very groggy Roxanne. The container was heavy from the dog’s weight, but also the air tank fitted to it. Air hissed from the air vent with its many filter layers. They then carried in some spare air tanks for his suit and for the dog. The site was now heavily secured by the Delta Force advance team and the two weapons plus the wrist watch device had been turned over to the Delta Force unit. Lieutenant Jackson had assured him they would close his place up securely. He also indicated that a small security team would be left there for at least the immediate future to make sure the site was completely safe and contained no alien residues. John was now on a first name basis with the two privates known as Joe and Lisa. They were currently assigned to making him as comfortable as possible. That wasn’t easy, given the biological protective suit and air tanks. He was getting hungry. He sucked on the water tube in the suit. He was looking forward to wherever they were going. At least there he could go to bathroom properly and eat some real food.

  Back at NORAD, General Straub was becoming increasingly worried. He had just learned that not only did the United States lose all their known level 4 bio-safety labs, but so had the rest of the globe. Every one of them was gone. The only facility left was the secret level 4 bio-safety lab at Area 51. General Straub had ordered security to be beefed up considerably at Area 51 and reassigned more Warthogs as protection. He prayed that Dr. Cabrot wouldn’t die from the virus. He had contingency personnel lined up, but none of them were as good as Dr. Cabrot. Damn, he thought. The aliens were a formidable enemy with admirable intelligence gathering abilities. He did not look forward to seeing them again. Casualties were high in the U.S. and the other global powers. The alien disease had only just started to claim its victims. General Straub poured another round of single malt scotch. Reports were coming in about civilian deaths at the cities with bio-safety lab facilities hit by the tactical nukes. The military structure was strained to the breaking point securing potential plague areas. The medical establishment was similarly breaking down in cities hit by the blasts. Hospitals would be overwhelmed once the Blue Flu virus spread. The other global powers were in bad shape, too. No help would be com
ing from that direction. We’re all on our own, he thought.

  General Straub made a calculated decision. He had to go to Area 51 and take charge of the military’s efforts to contain, control, and cure the virus. He knew General Douglas wouldn’t appreciate his arrival and taking over. Yes, he had the rank now to do so. Still, once there he would have to smooth things over with General Douglas who had done a superb job of protecting Area 51 during the alien attack. Suddenly he had it all figured out. Lieutenant General Marsha Higgins was second in command here at NORAD. He would place her in command here at NORAD and have the President promote her to the next rank, General. Then he would have General Douglas receive another star from the President for his valiant and successful defense of AREA 51. Given the President was tied up in a bunker, he would present the star and make sure General Douglas knew that he was responsible, thus mollifying General Douglas. Then he would place him in charge of advanced weaponry development and alien technology which would suit Douglas’ skillset much better than dealing with the virus. That would leave him, General Straub, free to take charge of the virus program and coordinate military defenses as needed.

  He would need to take some of his team with him too. His Aide, Sergeant Sean O’Malley, the MI liaison Lieutenant Colonel Lanzo, Tech Sergeant Munger, and Dr. George Chrispeels would be at the top on his list. He would also need budget funds to upgrade the communications center to NORAD’s level and perhaps even better. A promotion for Lieutenant Colonel Lanzo to Colonel Lanzo would be in order, given that he would be offered the position of Director of MI, as the former director had perished when President Tomlinson’s bunker was nuked. Brilliant, he thought. He knew the President would have to agree as they both now held their little secrets tightly and the need to defeat the aliens again was a likely scenario. How could she say no? He smiled and picked up the Presidential line. Upon disconnecting, he smiled. Yes, she had no choice but to follow his recommendations. She actually liked having him move his command to Area 51. Of course the cost was high. Her expectations of him were considerably high.

  The scene shifted back to the area around John Cabrot’s cabin. Lieutenant Jackson is arguing with one of the tech specialists assigned to the recovery operation. “Sir, we should open the craft. There might be other aliens on it.” “Unlikely,” answered Jackson. “They would have flown it away by now.” The tech specialist answered. “Or maybe they are waiting until a bunch of us work to load the craft and then they blow it up because it has damage and can’t fly. There is clearly visible damage to the rear. We know that all the damaged crafts at the military target sites were blown up to prevent recovery.” Jackson, in his head, acknowledged that the tech specialist had a valid point. “All right, you have thirty minutes. All personnel are to remain suited up. You will operate under constant armed coverage. We don’t want to lose you. If there is anything out of the ordinary, you are to stop immediately and await further instruction.” “Yes, Sir.”

  The tech specialist had already thought it over. His plan was to use hydraulic jaws at the door seam near the rear damaged area and pry it open, just like at an auto accident using the Jaws of Life. Some 15 minutes later, he had the door opening large enough to enter from the rear without damaging his suit. The first armed soldier entered. Upon hearing the all clear, the tech entered, followed by the second armed soldier, and then the third followed in the rear. It was now dark outside and so was the interior of the craft. The tech turned on his flashlight and pointed it ahead.

  The lead soldier screamed, “Holy mother of God.” Silhouetted in the beam were two seats at the front of the craft. A bent over helmeted head was clearly visible. The tech spoke into his radio headset. “Sir, we have another alien in here. What do you want us to do?” Lieutenant Jackson hated command decisions. He was sweating now. He could buck it up the line. Or he could handle it. Maybe the latter would show more initiative and get him higher on the military feeding chain. “Proceed forward. If any sign of hostility, shoot it. Try to aim in places not likely to kill it, you know, arms or legs. If it is unconscious or dead, secure its arms and legs with nylon pull ties. Do you have any on you?” “Yes,” came back over the radio headset. “Proceed. I’ll have a restraint litter brought to the rear of the craft. Oh, and if it has a watch-like device on its arms, remove it. Dr. Cabrot seems to think it can be used to explode the craft. We can’t take any chances.”

  The three men advanced cautiously. No movement was detected. The tech specialist carefully shined the light at the helmet’s front while the two soldiers kept their M-16s trained on the alien. The helmet front was highly reflective, but the tech could see closed eyes in a thin grayish green head. Carefully, he removed the wrist watch device from the suit’s arm and placed the restraints first on the arms. Then he did the legs. He carefully maneuvered the alien from the seat and started dragging it backward. Suddenly, the alien gave an involuntary arm movement and the tech nearly dropped it. “Shit,” he exclaimed. “This one is still alive.” Oh, God thought Lieutenant Jackson. He immediately contacted Delta Force and advised them of the changed situation. Fortunately the biological recovery unit destined for the dead alien had enough room to also contain the injured alien.

  The Delta Force transport team arrived about one hour later. Working frantically in their bio-protective gear, they had the alien craft loaded onto the flatbed and covered with a tarp. The dead alien was placed in a body bag. The injured alien was thoroughly restrained and tied to a litter. Both aliens were then placed in the biological recovery unit that was secured in a troop carrier. The two alien weapons and wrist devices were secured triple-bagged in another troop carrier. At 3 AM, the convoy pulled out and headed east toward the New Hampshire Air National Guard at Pease Air Force Base. There they would take a Lockheed C-5 Galaxy military transport plane to Area 51 and land on runway 14R/32L, which was reopened for just this occasion.

  Back at NORAD General Straub had been notified of these developments and left immediately for Area 51. President Chung had reassigned him and his team there effective immediately, per his earlier request. Now apprised of the recovery of the alien craft and two aliens, President Chung really wanted him there to take charge. Yes, things have a way of working out just fine, thought General Straub. NORAD would be just fine under General Higgins. General Straub knew that this recovery was of considerable importance and needed his full attention. Inwardly he chuckled over the image of him babysitting an alien and Dr. Cabrot. Hopefully, both would live long enough to be of value.

  In the Bronx Reverend Jeremiah Cooper was fervently praying to God for guidance. The alien ships and now a plague coming had him worried for his congregation at the Church of the Forgiven. God had helped others when plagues came according to the Bible. He hoped that God might do it again. The church was a small run down brick building in the Bronx. The parishioners were generally poor and included many recent immigrants. They were a mixture of white, black, and Latino families who worked hard to just make ends meet. “I hope you are listening God. We really need your help. We have been faithful to you and now we are being tested. Please let us be worthy of your love. Amen.” The reverend then walked into the back room behind the altar. He slept there as the parish could not afford to put him in a parish house. As he climbed into bed, he said, “Please give me a vision through my dreams tonight. I am your faithful servant and will do your bidding.”

  Dream he did that night. Who can say whether his dream was from God or a consequence of the entire bottle of wine he consumed with his take-out spicy meal of Mexican food. Reverend Jeremiah Cooper believed the former. As recounted later in his biography, his dream went like this. In his dream, Jeremiah saw a white bearded man in a flowing white robe. Jeremiah knew it was God. He heard these words. “Jeremiah, I truly say to you the end of days is almost upon your people. The Rapture waits for those true to God and faithful to my service. Unclean men have fought my angels and think they have triumphed, but it is too late. My angels have already spread the plague. Jer
emiah, you and your congregation will be saved. You must remain faithful and pure of heart and follow my teachings. Otherwise, my plague will take you. Talk to your congregation. Tell them you have a plan given from God. Only those who accept the plan will be saved. You will need to be on your own until the plague runs its course. See to the ways that you can be self-sufficient. You will do it well as I will be with you. You need to move your congregation to a place nearby where my blessed animals dwell. When you wake, you will know where. Have your people stay in their homes and avoid contact with the unclean. To not do so means death. When the time comes, you will go to my sanctuary. At the time of chaos and confusion, assemble your people and go there. Avoid the unclean on your way there. You must promise to take care of my beloved animals once there, for their caretakers will be nowhere to be seen. Promise me.” “I do promise, God.” With a start, Jeremiah woke from his dream. He could hear the last spoken word as he awakened.


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