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The Manhattan Incident

Page 21

by Raymond Poincelot

  At 2:00 PM Dr. Gupta showed up. John looked up from the computer screen and said, “Speak to me, Ahmed. What does Team B have so far?” Ahmed looked at John and said, “The virus resembles Bird flu in most respects, with one exception. The structural and biological characteristics are very much like influenza virus A subtype H5N1. The main difference is that Bird flu has eight single stranded RNAs that code for 11 proteins. This version has 10 RNA strands which code for 14 proteins. So we are designating this subtype as H1N1+2, the plus two referring to the additional strands of RNA.” When Ahmed saw John roll his eyes, he knew that there was no need for the nomenclature explanation.

  Some mutations occur in the hemagglutinin gene at positions 182, 192, 223, and 228. These mutations have made humans preferred hosts over birds. This hemagglutinin preferentially binds human cell surface alpha 2-6 sialic acid receptors as opposed to 2-3 sialic receptors in birds. This mutation has made the Bird flu virus into a human flu pandemic virus. We have also ascertained that five specific mutations exist that allow this virus to be transmitted by airborne means. The vector with the original Bird flu was bodily fluids only. These airborne specific mutations are identical to ones published back in 2013 by Ron Fouchier’s group at Erasmus Medical Center. Those studies showed how Bird flu could be converted into a highly contagious airborne strain. It appears that the aliens knew of this research. The aliens have genetically engineered a perfect killing machine.” Ahmed saw John roll his eyes again. “Ahmed, tell me something I don’t know.”

  “Do you have any specifics on the three additional proteins,” asked John? “No, we don’t have a handle on the new proteins. However, we have managed to isolate and purify sufficient amounts of the proteins. Characterization is underway.” John waved Ahmed out as he said, “Good, the minute you have something new, let me know. In the meantime, please don’t waste my time with things I already know.” While John knew this comment was harsh, he hoped it would compel Ahmed to try harder to find new results.

  Ahmed walked back slowly to the lab complex. His pride was hurt. He mumbled aloud, “Shit, I really screwed up with the boss. I was trying so hard to impress him.” When he walked into the lab, all the lab personnel looked up from their various lab stations. The scowl on his face said it all. “Listen up, people. I know you’ve been working very hard, but we have to push even harder now. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance.” Ahmed decided that he liked the way that came out. “I want all of you to drop what you are doing and concentrate on the three new proteins that the alien virus manufactures. We need to characterize them in every fathomable way and we needed it done yesterday. Stop looking at me with your open mouths and get to work.” Ahmed walked over to his area of the lab and joined the workers in their new task. Ahmed expected a lot from his lab crew, but no one could accuse him of being a slacker in the lab.

  Sometime later, John’s desk phone rang. It was General Straub. “Dr. Cabrot, do you have anything in the realm of good news yet? We could surely use it. While riots have been minimal, I can’t guarantee that everything won’t explode if we don’t come up with some promising therapies. Things have already exploded in some of the world’s overcrowded cities.” John answered, “Well, I have mixed news as of a short time ago. First, I have some discouraging news. The results are only preliminary and I wouldn’t want to be quoted, but it appears that Diminaflu is useless.”

  “Dr. Cabrot, can’t you give me even a scrap of hope? I have to update President Chung and she’ll have to update the public.”

  “OK, General. I can offer two avenues of hope. A handful of infected people have survived, just like me. We are working our asses off to see what these survivors have in common. Once we have that information in hand, we might be able to produce some drug or medication. Maybe you can spin that bit into some hope for the public. I just wouldn’t promise anything like a cure yet. You could say it is a work in progress.”

  “The second more hopeful possibility is that we have determined that the Blue Flu virus is a genetically engineered form of Bird flu. These engineered mutations make it contagious by airborne transmission and specific for humans. However, the alien virus has some additional aspects that make it somewhat different from Bird flu, in that it has three proteins whose function we don’t yet know. Because of this similarity, there is a strong probability that it might be controllable to some degree with the stockpiled Bird flu vaccine developed for the possibility of a Bird flu pandemic. We don’t know exactly what the outcome would be, whether it would offer complete or only partial protection from the alien virus. Still, even partial protection might reduce the fatality rate. I would urge the President to authorize the release of this vaccine for immediate implementation. I would request that our research staff and the military here at Area 51 receive the highest priority for immediate vaccination. Also, who lets the rest of the World know of this plan, me or the President? Lastly, is there enough in the stockpile to vaccinate everyone in the United States? If not, what is the order of priority?”

  “Thanks, Dr. Cabrot, I’ll discuss this plan and your questions immediately with President Chung and get right back to you.”

  General Straub called President Chung on the hotline. He explained everything to the President, including Dr. Cabrot’s questions. “General, you don’t give me much to work with. Still, I’ll have my PR staff work these crumbs up into a fluff cake. As to his questions, here’s what I think. Dr. Cabrot should contact the other countries. My office will forward him the health contact lists for other nations. His credentials are much better in this area than mine and he’ll command their respect. He’ll also be able to explain and answer questions about the virus much better than I can. I’ll look into the stockpiles size and location. My guess is that it isn’t enough for a complete national vaccination program. So we’ll need a triage/priority list. General, I’ll ask you to come up with a priority plan list as soon as possible. We’ll talk again tomorrow at 10:00 AM. Have your priority list ready. By then I should be able to notify you when I will going on the air.”

  Immediately after the call, President Chung called her PR people together. “Turn these crumbs into a cake,” she ordered. President Chung then asked her Chief of staff to put together the contact list for Dr. Cabrot. She told both the same thing, “I want this item on my desk first thing in the morning. No excuses.”

  John sat in the General’s office shortly after the Presidential call. General Straub explained it all to him. “You should have the contact list some time tomorrow. We’ll also know where we stand with the Bird flu vaccine stockpile. We have to assume the worst, that there isn’t enough vaccine. So we need to create a triage or priority list. After some discussion, the list was created.

  General Straub summarized the final list. “OK, here’s what we have. First priority will be the military, both active services and National Guard, since they will handle the logistics for vaccine transport, distribution and inoculation. Of course, that includes civilians operating on military bases. Your research team and the rest of Area 51 will be one of the first to receive the vaccine. We’ll also include all vaccine manufacturing facility and medical civilian personnel, doctors, nurses and all hospital staffs in level one. We need all these groups to continue working without fearing the virus. Second level will be the police and fire departments in all the major cities where the aliens introduced the Blue Flu virus or it was carried in advertently such as in Rutland, Vermont. Also in those cities we will target infrastructure support personnel for water, electricity, and fuels for heating and transportation. Third level will be civilians in those same cities impacted by the Blue Flu virus. We’ll work our way outward from the inner city to the suburbs. Last to receive the vaccine will be level four, rural areas and uninfected cities. The only contingency will be if a city becomes infected, it moves up on the priority list. Hopefully, if we stop the virus in levels one through three, it will die out and we won’t have to worry about level four. In the meantime, vaccine production w
ill continue such that we can cover the entire country at some point down the road should it be necessary. Do we agree on the plan?” “Yes, we do,” said John.

  “Good, I’ll turn the list over to Major Newcomb.” John smiled and said, “Good choice, I heard about her heroism in the air battle against the aliens, but I thought her rank was Captain.” “It was. I gave her a promotion for her valor. She’ll do a good job with the logistics of vaccine distribution.”

  At 10:00 AM President Chung went over the priority list with General Straub and accepted it. She asked, “I assume the military will handle everything.” “Yes,” replied the General. “There is one change. I and my team here in the Presidential bunker must be on level one. I assume that was an oversight on your part.” At this point General Straub was happy the conference call wasn’t using the Skype camera. “Yes, Madame President, my apologies. It was an oversight with our cut and paste word processing. Of course you were in level one. But how do we get the vaccine to you? Your bunker location is unknown, even to the military.” ”Yes, General, and I intend to keep it that way. I will have a special courier from the bunker come to Area 51 to pick up my part of the first batch of vaccine. We’ll need 300 doses. My estimate on the current viable Bird flu vaccine stockpile is that we can cover only levels one and two immediately. I will order pharmaceutical companies to work around the clock to produce additional vaccine. Hopefully, we can expand coverage to levels two and three in a few weeks, depending on the financial negotiations. I’ll go on the air tonight at 8:00 EST.” “We’ll be watching,” said the General as he hung up.

  That night General Straub and Dr. Cabrot sat watching the start of President Chung’s televised speech. There was no change from previous telecasts, though. She was still obviously in her bunker complex. Reporters were still not allowed. John said aloud, “Yah, she doesn’t want any questions. Her upbeat look would be shot full of holes if questions were allowed. What political theater. It is filled with bullshit!” In his heart, General Straub agreed, but kept his opinion to himself. He decided not to point out that the bunker location could be compromised by bringing in reporters.

  Instead he turned to John and said, “I’m sure the talking heads will have plenty to say without having their questions answered. Want to join me in a snort of single malt?” “Sure, why not,” said John. “General, do I have permission to speak freely? “Yes,” said General Straub. “You can call me John. I’m not the formal type, no need for the doctor title. So, do you have a first name? I’ve never heard it mentioned.” “My first name is Tyler. You can use it, but only when we are together with no one else. I try to keep my distance from the troops. You know, formality is good for morale and the chain of command.” “Thanks, Tyler. Make my snort a big one. It has been a stressful day.”

  Just then the television announcer came on. “Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States.” President Chung appeared at the podium. She looked really good and acted confidently. She was the perfect image of the President that the public needed right now. “Fellow citizens, I bring you an update on our vigorous two point plan to control the alien Blue Flu virus. Point one is our efforts to find a cure for the virus and to ultimately produce a vaccine. I can tell you that our government scientists are working around the clock at our one remaining secret lab facility and making better than expected progress. The good news is that some infected patients have survived the Blue Flu virus. Whether that is due to our lab efforts with new medications or some other factor, I cannot yet say, as these results are only preliminary. I can say with great joy and ever greater hope that the numbers are better than expected. Our lab people are redoubling their efforts to raise the bar on survivability. For that we are forever grateful and look forward to even better news soon.”

  At this juncture, John looked at the General. “It’s amazing how a handful of survivors, less than 10 people, can be turned into a great hope. Spin doctoring at its best.” It would soon be the General’s turn to view the next part in a taken-aback manner.

  “The second point is the government’s containment of the disease. Our military commanded by me in cooperation with local police have been able to contain the disease in the major cities hit by the alien virus. These brave men and women are owed a serious debt of gratitude for preventing the disease from progressing to the suburban and rural areas. While I and the military regret the loss of life when diseased individuals have tried to run the military checkpoints to escape their city, it was necessary to protect our citizens living beyond the containment zones. They were simply following my orders as Commander-in-Chief. These escapees were given every opportunity to turn back when ordered to do so, but chose instead to jeopardize uninfected people and spread the disease further. We are sorry for those who lost their lives running the checkpoints, but it was done to preserve the greater good. These same brave soldiers and police have been able to keep order in our major cities. The result is our major cities have survived intact and with fewer deaths than major cities in other parts of the globe. For that, I and I’m sure all of you, are grateful. When this disease runs its course, the United States of America will emerge stronger than ever. We will then help the rest of the world to get back on their feet.”

  At this juncture General Straub sputtered. “She didn’t mention that many of those citizens trying to run the blockades were normal families in good health with children. When panic hits, preservation becomes the dominating driving force. Our soldiers will need psychological counseling when this is all over. Killing your own citizens wasn’t in their normal line of duty. She can keep all this a secret because of martial law and being able to still hide in her bunker. Sooner or later, some reporter is going to find out. When the truth finally comes out, the military and the President will not be very popular.” John looked over with a smirk and said, “Well, Tyler, at least she didn’t mention that you were actually commanding the operation. How about another shot of that scotch?”

  The President continued on. “While we don’t have a cure yet, I do have some wonderful, hopeful news. Our scientists have discovered that the Blue Flu virus has close similarity to Bird flu, albeit a strain that is now airborne. It appears that the aliens were responsible for making it airborne transmissible. The United States and many other nations have existing stockpiles of Bird flu vaccine created for the possibility that our earth version of Bird flu would go pandemic someday. Well, that day has come, but not the way we expected. I have authorized the release of the stockpile to vaccinate as many people as possible. Vaccination will be handled completely under the control of the military. Our military will transport and distribute the vaccine. Tentative vaccination schedules will be announced through your local governments over the next few days. You can check on the schedule by going to www. Gov/ vaccine/schedule. As you might guess, there will be a priority for vaccination, as not all cities are currently impacted and critical personnel must be vaccinated before being in contact with possibly infected individuals. The priority list will be available on the same web site. Currently there is not enough stockpiled vaccine to at least vaccinate critical personnel such as the military, medical civilian personnel, doctors, nurses, hospital staffs, and police and fire personnel. However, I will be negotiating with the pharmaceutical corporations to rush more vaccine into production. With that thought, I close this address to my fellow citizens. God speed and God protect us.”

  “Well, looks like she dodged the bullet by not giving out the priority list,” said John. General Straub responded. “It probably minimizes public dissent over who’s first and the public doesn’t know who to blame for the list. God, she is one consummate politician. She is already planning for the reelection campaign.” John responded with a deadpan face, “Hmm, I wonder if she’ll blame the list on the military, specifically you, Tyler. I would take a close look at the website when it comes out.”

  Sometime later that day, General Straub met with his Military Intelligence Director, Colonel Lanzo. “Colonel, wha
t progress have you made with the alien?” “General, very little progress has been made. We have tried communicating verbally, mathematically and pictorially with the alien in every conceivable way we know how. Either the alien really doesn’t understand or it is totally ignoring our efforts. It seems to be a cold, calculating individual just biding its time. Its face is always unreadable, completely devoid of emotion, yet somehow everyone comments that you can feel hate radiating from it. Unfortunately, our alien is no longer a secret among the base personnel. Our leak source is unknown for now.”

  “I do have some good news from the engineering group. They have managed to almost duplicate the carbon fiber technology of the alien’s armor and the fighter craft. The shell is a carbon fiber reinforced polymer much stronger than steel. It has an outer coating of hydroxyapatite. Using electron microscopy, X-rays and infrared scanners, we have learned that the outer coating of hydroxyapatite has a corrugated overlapping structure. Surprisingly, that structure is very similar to a Brazilian fish called the arapaima. Piranha can’t make a dent in that fish according to research from the 2012 era. There is an under-layer somewhat like Kevlar. The fighter craft then has a titanium alloy innermost shell, whereas the suit armor is more like a sandwich. The Kevlar is sandwiched in between two layers of the carbon fiber reinforced polymer plus hydroxyapatite. The inner layer has the hydroxyapatite facing outward. The Kevlar-like layer consists of several crisscrossed layers of threads at right angles. It helps absorb impacts and acts in a squishy manner. The inner and outer layer can slide and flex around the squishy core. We should be able to reproduce the same material soon. Our analysis of the few recovered pieces from their larger craft indicates that the material is the same as the fighter craft, except for the thickness.”


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