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The Manhattan Incident

Page 25

by Raymond Poincelot

  The next morning Ji entered the General’s office. “Sir, I note that there is no agenda for today’s activities. Is that an oversight, given how busy and important you are?” The General puffed up and said, “I will be out of the officer most of the day. We start the vaccination program today and I want to be there to make sure it goes well. I’m sure you can find something to do in the office today.” Then as an obvious afterthought, he added, “You will get your vaccine tomorrow.” About 30 minutes later, the general departed. Ji waited about 15 minutes more to give the General and the other officers enough time to get to the warehouse. Ji then texted, “Warehouse.”

  About 15 minutes later, Ji and the officers had the 500 man garrison positioned around the warehouse. Each private was armed with the QBZ-95 5.8 x 42 mm assault rifle. Ji crept carefully to the window and looked in. He then signaled the officers to advance with 50 privates, leaving the rest to encircle the warehouse. Ji opened the door and the group walked in. General Rong looked over at the group and said, “What the hell do you think you are doing, Ji. Vaccination is by scheduled invitation. You will leave immediately!” Ji smiled as he noted that the privates had their assault rifles leveled at the General and his crony officers. “Oh,” said the General. “You mean to seize the vaccines for yourselves. You won’t succeed, as the garrison is under my authority and they will arrest you for your mutinous treason.” Ji responded. “I think not, General. Look out the windows. You’ll see that the garrison is with me and my fellow officers here.” The General walked over to one window then another. Ji noted the beads of sweat on the General’s face.

  “Let’s be reasonable, Ji. I’ll have Doctor Feng vaccinate all of you down to the last private right now and we’ll forget this incident happened.” “General, would that be the water vaccine,” asked Ji? General Rong looked at him and said “I don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s all real vaccine.” “We’ll see,” responded Ji. Ji walked over to Dr. Feng and took him aside. “Doctor, if you want to live, you’ll do the right thing. First, I understand that the real vaccine would have a salty taste, the adulterated ones a watery taste.” “Yes, that’s correct.” “So doctor, how do I know which ones have been replaced with water. Remember, your life hinges on it.” Dr. Feng feared the menacing privates far more that the General. “Boxes with blue spots are watered down ones.” “Thank you, Doctor Feng.”

  Ji explained the taste difference to the group. He took a vial from a box without the blue dot and one syringe from the box with a blue dot. He placed each on the top of their respective boxes. Next he placed a syringe next to the vial. He motioned to the nearest private and beckoned him over. Ji said, “Interesting that some are in vials and others are preloaded nasal dosage syringes. “Ji asked the private to open his mouth and then he squirted the preloaded syringe into his mouth. “What does it taste like?” The private answered, “Like nothing Sir, I think water.” Next Ji extracted some from the vial with a syringe and squirted it into the private’s mouth. “Now?” “Salty Sir.”

  “So General Rong, you would give us water, just like the black market plan indicates.” He waved a copy in the air. “You are all under arrest. Lock them up. Dr. Feng, you will now vaccinate all of us correctly, won’t you. ?” Dr. Feng shook his head yes. Ji turned to the group leading the General and his officers off. “Search them and remove their weapons and cell phones. After you have secured them in their cells, report back here for vaccination. “Doctor, do we have enough vaccine on hand for everyone on the base?” “Yes.” “Do we have enough for the surrounding city?” “Partially, but another shipment is due, which should be enough.” “Thank you, Doctor. While you are vaccinating the troops, I’m going to pick up a few special people for their shots. I’ll be back later.” Ji returned later with the love of his life and her family.

  Ji and the officers decided to keep the mutiny quiet for now. The task was easy, as Ji knew what routine correspondence was needed, having been the General’s aide. He also knew that given the current chaos in the People’s Republic of China, oversight would be very limited. Two weeks later, Ji reported to the command structure in Beijing that General Rong and several officers had died from the Blue Flu virus. The reply came back, “In recognition of your success in preventing riots in Tibet and minimizing virus deaths, you are hereby promoted to Major General and are to assume command of all troops in Tibet. Good luck.”

  PRESENT DAY. Paul reflected back several years to when Major General Ji came to his attention. He and others on the search committee were attracted to Ji’s altruistic motivation. He seemed like an excellent choice for part of the command structure of the newly emerging global armed services. The global military was established by the major powers as the only way to deal with a likely further alien attack. Ji turned out to be an excellent choice for many reasons. Paul smiled to himself as he thought back to their first meeting of Ji and his lovely Tibetan wife.

  7. VIDEO: THE INCIDENT, Months Three to the First Year, PI

  VIDEO: THE INCIDENT. The narrator voice-over now returned. By the end of the third month, the Blue Flu virus had been brought under control. The cost in human lives was high, but the human race would survive. The ultimate cost of THE INCIDENT from alien nuclear weapons, Earth’s defensive responses, Blue Flu, and riots was the loss of roughly 50% of the human race across the globe. The United States fared better, only losing 25% of its population. Europe and Russia lost 30% of their populations, while China lost 60%.

  Other areas were hit extremely hard by the virus, losing the majority of their populations. Areas with extensive crowding, poor sanitation, limited health care, and high levels of poverty suffered much worse than cities in the industrialized nations. Some of the hardest hit cities were Chongqing, Delhi, Dhaka, Jakarta, Johannesburg, Kolkata, Lagos, Mexico City, Mogadishu, Mumbai, Nairobi, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Shanghai, and Shenzhen. In the first week, the Blue Flu virus spread rapidly in these overcrowded conditions. This rapid spread was in stark contrast to other global cities in the First World. Unfortunately, as this discrepancy became noted publicly, rumors began to spread that the politicians and the rich in China, Central America, South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia had a cure, but were keeping it for themselves. Riots soon broke out first in the slums and shanty towns in many of these cities, and then spread into the better parts of the cities. Many died from being shot by security forces or mass fires set by the rampaging mobs. Looting, mayhem and destruction prevailed. By the end of the first month, PI, more people had died from riot related problems than from the actual virus. Ultimately rates of death in these areas approached 70% of the population. Hospital facilities were simply overwhelmed. Vaccine and DRACO distribution in these areas was a logistic nightmare. However, the world prevailed against the alien virus; for that we are all grateful.

  DEAR READER. Still, as was said just now in the video, not all were grateful. The following is not part of the video and was gleaned from Reverend Cooper’s autobiography. We include it here to provide historical continuity. Reverend Jeremiah Cooper was angry, very angry, and plotted to kill Dr. John Cabrot and his lab associates. He cursed Dr. John Cabrot, the one who has defeated the angels of God. He will be punished! The reverend started to hatch his plan for revenge. After all, God sanctioned it, didn’t he, thought the reverend?

  In his mind, Dr. Cabrot had become the Anti-Christ and his lab associates were his evil minions. Jeremiah had been incensed when the parish gratefully accepted the vaccine when the army of medics finally came to the Bronx Zoo. Some weak-kneed parishioner had called in their location, rather than die for the cause. When Jeremiah agonizingly decided to accept the vaccine, he rationalized that God wanted him to live so that he could confront the Anti-Christ, thus restarting the Rapture. Jeremiah hatched his plan; a plan which he knew would give him great satisfaction upon its completion.

  First, he had to arrange things such that the assassination could not be tracked back to him. Then he would need a dupe that he could
brainwash, someone who believed in him, didn’t ask questions, and wasn’t too bright. Jeremiah knew exactly who fitted the profile, Alfred Bradshaw. Jeremiah looked up the parishioner contacts on his PC. Picking up the phone, he called Bradshaw’s apartment. Besides having all the essential profile characteristics, Alfred was a loner. Perfect, thought Jeremiah. No interference from others and he won’t be missed. “Hello,” answered Alfred. “Alfred, this is Reverend Jeremiah. We need to talk. Can you come to my office this afternoon at 2:00? You can, great. I’ll see you then. Goodbye Alfred.” His plan was in motion. First, he would show interest in helping Alfred, while gradually introducing the idea of the Anti-Christ. The hard part, mused Jeremiah, would be getting Cabrot and his lab associates in the same place as Alfred. Jeremiah was confident that God would provide the opportunity. Jeremiah would wait as long as was necessary.

  Jeremiah smiled as Alfred entered the rectory office at the Church of the Forgiven. “Alfred, how are you?” “I’m OK.” “Alfred, I understand that you currently don’t have a job. The restaurant you worked at before the Blue Flu virus has folded. The Church would like to tide you over until you can find another job. Here’s $500 for food and $1000 for next month’s rent.” “Reverend, I don’t know what to say. I’m overwhelmed by the Church’s generosity. I hope to get back on my feet and repay the Church someday soon.” In his mind, Jeremiah said, Oh, you will repay, but not in the way you think. “Alfred, please call me Jeremiah. I would like to think of us as friends. Now, let me see what I can do about a job for you. I do have some connections.” “Reverend, I mean Jeremiah, you are too kind. If something does turn up, I want you to know that I’ll give it 200%.” “I know you will, Alfred. I have no doubts that you are a hard worker. You just need some luck. I hope I can make some luck for you. Let’s meet weekly to see how things are going, but not here. How about the Starbucks about one mile from here? Do you know the one I mean?” “Why sure, that’s the one near my apartment. I can easily walk there. Since I don’t have a car, it works for me.” “Great, how about we meet every Wednesday afternoon at 3:00?” “See you there next week, Jeremiah.” Jeremiah saw Alfred to the office hallway. As he returned to his office, he thought, the plan is proceeding well already.

  Over the next week, Jeremiah contacted all the parishioners who worked the food industry in any capacity. By Monday, Jeremiah was running out of contacts. He was starting to feel very frustrated. Jeremiah then did what he always did when frustrated. He prayed aloud. “God, I could use some help here. If you want me to win your battle and take out the Anti-Christ, now is the time to show me the way. Amen.”

  He then scrolled down the list of parishioners one more time. He came to James Misri and smiled. “Ah, Jim, you have a restaurant. Perfect.” Jim answered his cell phone. “Reverend Jeremiah, I’m sorry I missed Church last week. I wasn’t feeling too well.” “Hey, Jim, that’s no problem. That’s not why I’m calling. I have a parishioner who was a waiter and needs a job, as the restaurant where he worked is gone.” “I would love to help, but my restaurant is gone. It was burned down during one of the riots over vaccine distribution. I’m now the manager in food service at the Millennium UN Plaza Hotel. Come to think about it, we do need to hire one person. Who is it?” “Alfred Bradshaw.” “Hmm, Reverend. I know him. He’s not too bright. I don’t think he would work out.” Jeremiah thought fast, as this would be the perfect spot to operate from if the Anti-Christ came to a UN meeting. “He is a very hard worker. You’ll get much more than you pay for. There’s also a finder’s fee for whoever gets him a job. If you hire him, you get the $1000 fee. Give the poor guy a chance. While not bright, he does what he’s told, no questions asked.” “OK, tell him to call me for an interview. Use my cell phone number. Goodbye, Reverend. I’ve got to run.” Jeremiah disconnected and said aloud, “Thank you, God.”

  Wednesday came and Jeremiah arrived at Starbucks a few minutes early. He waited in his car until he saw Alfred walking toward the coffee shop. Jeremiah got out and walked toward Alfred. “Alfred, it is great to see you. I have some good news. Let’s go inside and order first.” Jeremiah put his arm oh Alfred’s shoulder and opened the door with the other hand. “After you, Alfred.” A few minutes later, they both sat down in the corner away from the other patrons. Jeremiah didn’t want anyone listening in. Better safe than sorry, he thought to himself.

  “So Alfred, I have a possible job for you. I say possible, because you have to be interviewed. It all depends on how you do. Here’s a cell phone number. The man’s name is James Misri. He’s the food service manager at the Millennium UN Plaza Hotel.” “Jeremiah, I know Jim. He’s a good guy. See him at Church sometimes. Guess he’s not at his restaurant anymore. I did hear that it might have burnt down.” “Yes, Alfred. That’s the case. Do you own a decent suit?” ”Yes, a navy blue one. Still fits me.” “Good, Alfred, wear it to the interview. The wait-staff at food service in the hotel wear spiffy uniforms and ties. You have to look the part for the interview. Wear a nice tie and white shirt. Do you have a navy tie with some subdued stripes?” “No, but I have a navy blue tie with white small polka dots.” “That will do just fine, Alfred. When you call Jim, let him do most of the talking. Just say that I gave you the number to call for an interview. Then tell him how thankful you are for the chance to have an interview and that you appreciate the opportunity very much. At the interview, give short answers. Don’t say things because the silence stretches on. Just smile and wait for Jim to pick it up. Make sure you tell him that should he hire you, he won’t regret it. Tell him you’ll work very hard and do a good job. Oh, one last thing. When you arrive, stand tall, don’t slouch, and shake his hand as you introduce yourself. Don’t sit until he tells you. Good luck, Alfred.” As they parted, Jeremiah hoped all would go well.

  A few days later, Jeremiah noted there was a message on his rectory phone. He listened to it. “Jeremiah, this is Alfred. Sorry to miss you. I did everything you said at the interview. I have good news! I’m hired. Jim says if I do OK, I get to keep the job. I assured him that he made a good decision, that I would work hard and he wouldn’t regret giving me a chance. Tomorrow is my first day. I work late morning through late evening. The uniform looks great. I can’t wait to wear it. Thank you ever so much, Jeremiah. I owe this job to you. See you Wednesday.” As Jeremiah finished listening, he couldn’t help but talk out loud to God, who was surely listening. “Thank you, God. The plan is going well. The Anti-Christ days are numbered. Your humble servant continues to do your bidding.”

  That Wednesday at Starbucks, Jeremiah beamed at Alfred. “Congratulations, Alfred. I knew you could do it. I had no doubts as God told me you would succeed.” “Jeremiah, do you really talk to God. Does he answer?” “Well, let’s think more in terms of me talking through prayers, God listening, and things happening. Some times I get dreams and that’s where God talks to me. In fact, I know from dreams that God is disappointed. He fully expected the Rapture to happen and good folks like us to enter his heavenly Kingdom and live in glory for all eternity. That damn Anti-Christ ruined it for us. Only evil will come from his presence.”

  “Jeremiah, who is the Anti-Christ?” “The human form inhabited by the Devil, the Anti-Christ, is known as Dr. John Cabrot.” ”Jeremiah, I am confused. Isn’t he the scientist that saved us from the Blue Flu virus? That’s a good thing, how can he be the Anti-Christ?” “Alfred, that’s how the Anti-Christ works. He makes us think he is good and does good things. However, Alfred, his actions prevented the Rapture. First he lulls us into believing him, then accepting him. Once he has most of us under his evil influence, then all manner of evil will consume all of us and damn our souls to hell for all eternity.”

  “Jeremiah, I am having a hard time with this. Are you sure?” “Of course, Alfred. God has told me this for a fact in my dreams. God needs our help to defeat the Anti-Christ and get the Rapture back on track. In fact, I think both of us will play a major role in God’s plan. Remember, Alfred, God wants us, his blessed
ones, to experience the Rapture, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and live in glory forever. Wouldn’t you like that?”

  “I just don’t know how or what to believe, Jeremiah.” Jeremiah thought to himself. This isn’t going to be easy. It will take many meetings to brainwash this soldier into doing God’s plan. God grant me the patience to do it. “I know Alfred. It confused me, too. In time, God will enlighten you. You’ll understand eventually. Let’s continue our meetings. With your new job, when can we meet next?” “Jeremiah, my only day off is Sunday. How about right after service we go to Starbucks?” “Sure, Alfred, See you then.” Jeremiah hated the Sunday meeting time. God was surely testing his devotion. He would do it, he had to.

  Alfred was grateful to Jeremiah for the job, which he got to keep and even received a raise. The one thousand dollars to get Alfred the job was well spent thought Jeremiah. Still, it took several months of meetings with Alfred, but Jeremiah gradually and gently got him to believe. Finally, Jeremiah had his soldier. Now he needed the place of battle. Jeremiah had to be patient. He knew that God would once again test him, but he would pass. The chance would come. Jeremiah prayed constantly for the opportunity to do God’s battle, even if it was indirectly. He had no concern about losing his soldier in battle. He believed and got Alfred to believe that should Alfred be killed, God would lift him up to everlasting life in God’s glorious Kingdom. Alfred would have a place of high standing in the Kingdom. Jeremiah was almost jealous; still he wasn’t ready to leave this earthly life yet. He wanted to be here for the Rapture. Thus ends our reader aside.


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