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Forbidden Steps: A Stepbrother Romance

Page 8

by Sommerland, Bianca

  “Fuck me, Joey.” She ground back against him. “Just fuck me.”

  He fucked her, so hard and fast all she could hear was the slap of flesh against flesh, all she could feel was the pressure build up and blast through her. Her whole body seemed to ripple around him and her pulse pounded in her skull. Just as the waves of her orgasm began to fade away, Joey shifted his pace. He rimmed her pussy, his rhythm slow enough to drive her mad. Then he rammed in and almost knocked her right over the table.

  The table tipped, then slammed back down. Stephanie dropped to her elbows and keened as Joey’s dick pistoned in and out of her core. His cock swelled and he growled as he came, wrapping his arms around her waist to lift her up into his last, vicious thrust.

  “Jesus.” He drew out of her and picked her up, sitting on the sofa to cradle her in his lap. His sweat mingled with hers causing her to slip a little in his firm embrace. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  She smiled and snuggled up to him. “You have no idea how much I like that you’re only asking that now.”

  He laughed as he kissed her hair. “Darling, after you told me to fuck you, I wasn’t thinking about anything but how good it felt to be inside your tight, wet pussy. I just wish I didn’t have to wear the latex. Maybe sometime we could…”

  Stephanie tipped her head up and arched her brow. “You’re cockier than I thought. Who says we’re doing this again?”

  “I do.” He stood, still holding her, and headed for the bedroom. “I’ve got three more condoms in my wallet. How ‘bout you use that talented mouth to get me hard again so we can use them up.”

  Oh, it would serve him right if I said ‘No’. She shook her head, then tipped her head back and laughed. “God, you’re so lucky I’m too horny to be mad right now, but you’re so paying for this when I’m done with you.”

  Joey grinned as he tossed her on the bed. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Chapter Nine

  A night of kissing and snuggling, half the day at the hospital, and supper at a fast food restaurant. Colin was impressed that they’d managed it all without any awkwardness between them.

  But things changed the moment they returned to the hotel and she asked him to stay with her again. The night before he’d used the alcohol she’d consumed as an excuse not to take things further. Not that he’d outright said it, but he had suggested she get some sleep and clear her head when she’d pressed her body against his.

  The girl wasn’t stupid. She’d figured out why, which he knew because she’d turned down his offer of a glass of wine before disappearing into the bathroom with one last hot look tossed his way.

  About a minute later, he convinced himself he’d imagined the look. The one time he’d touched her since they’d gotten back, just his hand on her shoulder, she’d jumped and shied away like a frightened doe. They last time they kissed had been that morning.

  The sound of running water cut off abruptly. A brief silence, then the soft lap of water on flesh. An alluring vision of Ashley stepping into the bath, steam rising like mist to caress her pale limbs, played out in his mind. Frothy bubbles framed her small, white breasts and her hair, almost black when wet, clung to her like sodden silk.

  No way did fantasy equal reality. But that was all he was gonna get.

  Dick hard as fucking stone, Colin slouched on the bed and focused on the little flat screen TV bracketed to the wall in front of him. Remote held loose in one hand, he flicked through the channels until he found a sports station. Highlight reels. Good. That should distract him for a bit.

  A little splash made his dick twitch. Ashley had asked to borrow a razor. To shave her legs? The image of her small, soft hands stroking her long legs, lathering them up with his shaving cream, made his mouth water. The image shifted and he could almost see her sitting on the edge of the tub, shaving her pussy of all those dark curls. His shaving cream would make her flesh tingle. Her tiny clit would swell and throb and ache to be touched. The hand that held the razor would shake as each stroke aroused her a little more.

  Maybe she needed some help.

  Hunched forward, elbows braced on his knees, Colin shook his head and scowled at the TV. Why wasn’t it distracting him? He loved sports and he rarely had the opportunity to get so much as an update on his favorite teams. Should be enough to keep him from jumping Ashley while she enjoyed her bath. Their first time—if there was one—should be something special.

  Wouldn’t be if he bent her over the bathroom sink.

  If he could hold off just a little longer, maybe he could get her back on this nice, comfy bed and take it slow. Hold her and kiss her and give her all the tender care she deserved.

  And even then, how far should he really take it? After what had almost happened to her, she needed to know she was more than a body to be used. Kissing and holding would be okay. But nothing more. Not yet.

  His balls tightened in protest. He managed to ignore them. A tackle on screen made him wince. He frowned as one of his favorite players was taken off the field on a stretcher. So much for making it to the finals.

  At a commercial, he went to the mini bar and chose a small bottle of rum. After twisting off the tiny cap, he tipped the bottle to his lips and drained it in one swallow. The sweet burn flowed down to his gut. His stomach rumbled, reminding him that he hadn’t eaten in hours. He picked up the phone and called for room service.

  “One sec,” he said when asked if he needed anything else. “I’m getting us something to eat, what do you want?”

  Not a sound came from the bathroom. He frowned and listened for the sound of water.

  “You okay, Ashley?”


  He crossed the room and rapped on the door with a knuckle. “Ashley?”

  Still nothing. A wave of panic bowled over him. Damn it, what if she’d fallen asleep in the bath?

  Dropping the phone, he threw the door open, and surged towards the bath, prepared to haul her out and do mouth to mouth. His heart thumped fast and hard. He stumbled to a stop inches from the bath.

  Water sloshed onto the floor as Ashley sat up. She covered her breast with her arms. “Colin?”

  Damn it. He turned his head and cleared his throat. “Sorry, I called a few times. When you didn’t answer I thought…”

  “Oh.” She swept her hair away from her face and wrinkled her nose. “I was rinsing off. I didn’t hear you.”

  Eyes on the ceiling, he gave a slow nod. “Yeah, well I guess I should . . .”

  He backed towards the door. Stupid, stupid, stupid. His palms itched to slip all over that wet, pink flesh. He was practically drooling, thinking of tasting her sweet lips. All of them.


  Perfectly still, he waited, not even breathing, sure the slightest motion would make her change her mind.

  She didn’t say anything.

  Finally, he looked at her. She hugged herself, knees bent, arms around them. And stared at him.

  He took a step towards the bath. “What is it, sweetie?”

  “I want…” Her brow furrowed and she nibbled the edge of her lip. “Could you…?”

  Oh, she ‘wanted’ all right. It wasn’t hard to figure out what. She just didn’t know how to ask. And it wouldn’t be very nice of him to make her.

  Straight faced, he jutted his chin towards the facecloth and soap she’d set on the edge of the tub. “You want me to wash your back?”

  Lips pressed together, eyes wide, she swallowed. Then nodded.

  God she was adorable. A bright blush rose high on her cheeks and graced the top of her breasts. A droplet of water clung to the tip of her nose.

  Then her tongue ran over her lips. Heat flashed through her eyes before she dropped her head and turned so he could scrub her back. In that instant, she stopped being the cute little girl he’d once known, and turned into a woman waiting for him to make the next move.

  He leaned over her and grabbed the facecloth. When he knelt beside the bath, she rested her forehead on her knees. He
could feel her shaking when he smoothed her hair over one shoulder.

  “Nervous?” He soaped up the facecloth and watched her quick, jerky nod. A sigh escaped before he could stop it. Maybe he’d read her wrong. Maybe the only reason she’d shown any interest was because she was afraid to lose his affection to Steph.

  Time to get that idea right out of her head.

  “Ashley, I don’t want you thinking we have to do anything…well, like what me and Steph do. I wouldn’t love you any less if I had a normal girlfriend.”

  Her shoulders slumped and she hugged her knees tight. “You don’t want me.”

  “Are you fucking kidding?” His lips snapped together. Nice, that will make her feel much better. “I just don’t want you to think anything…sexual is necessary for us to be close. You’re a beautiful woman. I can’t help but want you. But that doesn’t mean we have to—”

  “It’s probably better if we don’t.” Ashley rubbed her arms and sucked her teeth. “I’m no good anyway. Steph probably knows what she’s doing. She probably didn’t have to convince you to sleep with her.”

  Colin laughed.

  The glare she gave him was fit to slice and dice. “You think that’s funny? I guess you haven’t noticed the guys lined up for a piece of our perfect stepsister. I always wondered why she turned them all down. Now I know.” Her bottom lip trembled. “Why would she want them when she has you?”

  Before she could look down again, he curved his hand under her chin and forced her to face him. “Steph seduced me. Believe me, keeping it in the family wasn’t on my ‘to do’ list.” He traced her bottom lip with his thumb. “It just happened. And I don’t regret it. I just don’t want you to.”

  “I won’t.” She tried to bite her lip and her teeth grazed his thumb. “But you might. I suck.”

  I certainly hope so. Lips pressed together, he held back a grin. And managed not to laugh. He was learning. When he felt sure he could manage a level tone, he asked. “What makes you think that?”

  She shrugged and fixed her gaze on his shoulder when he wouldn’t let her turn away. “Bobby was a sweetie, but I knew he didn’t really enjoy…doing it. No matter how hard he tried, I didn’t…” Her jaw worked and she frowned. “I’m not normal.”

  Now this was interesting. Ashley wasn’t a virgin. That much he’d figured. But she’d never had an orgasm?

  Bless you for being a lousy lay, Bobby. He leaned a little closer to her. “Have you ever tried doing it for yourself.”

  The pink already coloring her cheeks darkened to a blotchy red. She jerked away from him. “Yes, damn you. I just can’t.”

  “And you thought that would make me want you less?”

  Lips pursed, she scowled at him. “Maybe not. For all I know, you’d be happy to stick it anywhere.”

  He chuckled and shook his head. Then he motioned for her to turn again and resumed scrubbing her back with the soapy facecloth. “If you’re right, and Steph’s so good, why would I need to just ‘stick it anywhere’?”

  “I don’t know.” She hissed in a breath when he ran the facecloth down her side and his knuckles brushed the side of her breast. “Variety?”

  “Variety.” He dipped his hand into the water and released the facecloth. Then he slid his hand over the high curve of her ass. She jumped and he grinned. Without pause, he stroked up her spine. “And what—I’m too lazy to look beyond my own family?”

  “No.” She groaned when his fingers dug into the tense muscles of her neck. “You could have anyone.”

  Rising up on his knees, he pressed a quick kiss on the delicate slope right under her ear. Then he rested back on his heels and undid his shirt. Letting it fall to the floor, he waited until she glanced at him before speaking again. “But I want you.”

  Her big round eyes were locked on his chest. Her breast bobbed under her arm, up and down with each rapid inhale. “Why?”

  So many reasons, but she wouldn’t believe any of them. Rather than waste his time explaining, he decided to just show her. “Lay back and relax. I want to start with proving you wrong.”

  Reclined, with one arm over her chest and her legs crossed, she was a vision of wanton innocence. The bubbles that smelled like the shampoo she’d used for her hair, sweet and floral, had faded to almost nothing. He let his gaze travel over her. And smiled.

  She had shaved.

  “How are you gonna prove me wrong?”

  “Uncross your legs and put your arms at your sides.” He counted to ten in his head. She didn’t move. “I won’t ask again. I’ll just assume you’re not ready, or that you don’t want me.”

  The water slapped against the sides of the bath as she let her arms fall and parted her thighs.

  “Good girl.” He put his hand on her knee and squeezed. “Now tell me, what was it like with Bob? How did you feel when he touched you—say here.”

  He slid his hand down to her inner thigh. Her muscles clenched.

  “I felt…” Her hips shifted and her head thunked against the bath as his hand drifted up to her knee and down her other thigh. “God, not like this. I just wanted him to get it over with.”

  “Hmm.” He let his hand pass just over the juncture of her thighs before moving back up. “Did you even get wet?”

  “Not really.” Her thighs tried to close over his hand. They shook as she forced them apart. “He had to use lube.”

  Bastard. Grinding his teeth, Colin inhaled deep. “Are you wet now?”

  She laughed. “I’m sitting in a bath full of water. What do you think?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  Her knees knocked when she snapped her thighs together. “I’m not sure.”

  “Should I check?” He held his breath. Last chance, baby girl. If this isn’t what you want, please tell me now.

  “Just promise me something.” She sounded so unsure, so vulnerable, Colin almost jerked his hand away and called the whole thing off. But her thighs trapped him.

  So he closed his eyes and inclined his head. “Anything.”

  “Don’t take it personally if you can’t…well, you know.” When he looked at her, her lips were set in a tight smile. “It’s my problem, not yours. But either way, I want this. At least once.”

  It was his turn to groan. “Ashley, I will prove you wrong. And once I do, I won’t be satisfied with just once. I hope you’re sure…”

  “I am.”

  “Good.” He shoved her thighs apart and bent over, both arms in the bath now, one hand covering her smooth little pussy. “Now stop talking and let me take care of you.” He chuckled when she rolled her eyes. Then his fingers found her clit. He circled it until her eyes glazed. “And Ashley…”

  Her hands gripped to the side of the bath. She gasped. “What?”

  “Try not to scream when you come.”

  * * * *

  A delicious little quiver of fear rode up Ashley’s spine. Shamelessly sprawled out in the bath, with Colin’s hand covering her, she wondered what would happen if someone walked in. Not that anyone knew they were there besides Steph, but what if someone found out?

  Or what if Steph walked in? The muscles in her belly clenched. She suddenly felt a little sick. Colin was Steph’s lover. And Ashley was sneaking around with him. So wrong, on so many levels.

  But Steph wanted them to be together. Unless Ashley had misunderstood. Maybe Steph just wanted someone she could talk to about the relationship.

  Screw what Steph wants. It’s not like she owns him. They can’t ever get married.

  Can they?

  “What are you thinking about?”

  She blinked and looked up at him. His big chest loomed over her. Little droplets of water clung to the high slopes of his pecs. She watched one trickle down and flushed when she noticed the lump pressing against the zipper of his jeans. Her eyes skidded up to his square jaw. Then locked on his dark frown.

  “Nothing.” She forced a smile. “Ready to give up?” Please say no. “We can just do it you know. I do
n’t mind.”

  He actually growled. “I don’t think so.”

  Christ. She’d pissed him off. Great. Now he’d go back and get what he wanted from Steph.

  His hand wrapped around her hip and he jerked her down. His finger dipped into her and her lips parted as it hooked deep inside. “You’re going to tell me what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours.”

  The tip of his finger hit a spot deep inside that felt so good she stopped breathing and locked all her senses on it, wanting to savor the sensation while it lasted. Because it couldn’t possibly.

  “There we go.” Colin’s laugh sent little vibrations right into her belly. “Now talk.”

  “I don’t want to talk. I want—Ah!” He pushed another finger inside her and her thighs quivered as he began thrusting them in and out. Slow. Too damn slow. Her core clamped around his fingers and pleasure coiled up inside her. “Please!”

  He stopped moving and leaned close to kiss her. “I know what you want.” His breath was hot on her lips and the heat seemed to travel down to her throbbing depths. “But I won’t give it to you until you give me what I want.”

  Desperate for him to continue, she spoke in a rush. “Steph. I was thinking about you and Steph and how wrong it is for me to want to take you from her. But I don’t care!”

  “Good girl.” He kissed her hard and thrust his tongue into her mouth in time with the deep thrusts of his fingers. “Now come for me. I want to feel your pussy tighten around me while you lose control. Then…” He turned his hand and his thumb passed over her clit. Her hips bucked at the shock of pleasure. “I’m going to take you in the bedroom and put my mouth where my hand is. And you’re going to come again.”

  “Oh, God, Colin!” The sensation, intensified by his words, was going to tear her apart with sheer ecstasy. “I’m going to…”

  She sobbed as her core tightened and a rippling flame seemed to travel up into her womb and flash out. Water sloshed from the bath as Colin picked her up and held her while she writhed against the exquisite feelings that seemed to go on forever.

  “You’re right on the edge of another climax.” He stood with her in his arms and nuzzled her neck. “And I’m going to enjoy sticking my tongue inside you and sucking up all your sweet juices—”


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