Book Read Free

Churchill's Secret War

Page 41

by Madhusree Mukerjee

Famines in India (1940s)

  1944 wheat crop problems

  aid denial

  aid denial “defense,”

  aid offers

  animals preying on people/bodies

  army needs and

  Balkans priority and

  blaming India

  Britain’s exaggerations on needs

  clothing and

  cyclone/floods (1942)

  death estimates

  death estimating

  denial of problem by Britain

  description/people starving

  exporting grain and

  food for Britain

  food-for-work program

  food riots and

  Geneva Convention/war crimes and

  governor’s residence and

  grain statistics

  history and

  hoarding/suspected hoarding

  importing grain and

  Italian civilians priority

  Japanese Southeast Asia occupation

  mercy killings/child abandonment

  Middle East/Ceylon priorities

  as military problem

  price controls and

  prostitution and

  punishing India and

  rice denial policy

  scorched earth policy

  shipping glut of Britain and

  soldiers feeding civilians

  sterling debt/resources and

  stories from villages

  survivors weakness

  War Cabinet meeting (Nov., 1943)


  wartime shipping and

  wheat policies and

  See also Bengal famine (1940s)

  Fay, Peter Ward

  Fischer, Louis

  G Sahib

  Gandhi, Abha

  Gandhi, Indira

  Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand


  British strategy on

  Churchill on

  Do or Die instructions

  economics and

  education and


  Harijan newsletter

  Hindu-Muslim killings and

  Hitler on

  Indian National Army and

  Jinnah and

  killing of

  nonviolence movement and

  partitioning and

  prison release/health problems

  surrender instructions

  Tamluk National Government violence and

  wife’s death

  World War II and

  See also Indian National Congress; Quit India movement

  Gang rapes, Midnapore


  political outcomes

  recanting nonviolence and

  Geneva Convention (1949)


  John Amery and

  offer on Jews

  Poland and

  See also Hitler, Adolf

  Ghora, Basudeb

  Gowing, M. M.

  Great Depression


  Balkans priority (World War II)



  World War II and

  Greenough, Paul

  Gregory, Theodore/Committee report

  Grigg, Sir Percy James

  aid denial/“defense,”

  Churchill and

  on Hindus

  Viceroy’s Council/Simla talks

  Gross, Charles

  “Grow More Food” program, Britain

  Gupta, Ashoka

  Halifax, viscount of (Lord Irwin)

  Hammond, R. J.

  Hancock, W. K.

  Harijan newsletter

  Harper, Tim

  Harriman, Averell

  Harrod, Roy

  Hauner, Milan

  Hazra, Matongini

  Herbert, Sir John

  Bengal and

  famine and

  famine warnings

  rice denial policy

  Hindu-Muslim disunity

  British prejudices and

  Churchill and

  Indian Army and

  Jinnah and

  police encouraging

  Viceroy’s Council/Simla talks

  See also Partitioning India

  Hindu-Muslim killings

  British views on

  Churchill and

  criminals and


  Direct Action Day

  Europeans and

  fears of

  Gandhi and

  Muslim League and

  See also Partitioning India


  British prejudices on

  See also specific individuals

  Hindustan Standard

  Hinge of Fate, The (Churchill)

  Hitler, Adolf

  British/World War II and

  Britons/British Empire views

  Churchill on

  on Gandhi/Indians

  on Japan

  racism of

  Soviet Union/Russia and


  World War II goals

  Home Charge

  Hopkins, Harry

  Hull, Cordell

  Hunger strikes

  Hungry Bengal

  Hunt, Colonel

  Hunter, William

  Huq, Abul Kasem Fazlul

  Hutchings, Robert

  Huxley, Aldous


  1933 nutrition survey

  1945 United Nations conference

  birth-rate criticism

  British capitalism and

  during World War II

  independence date

  postwar importance to Britain

  racism towards


  scorched earth policy and

  See also Famines in India; Partitioning India; specific individuals; specific organizations

  India Committee

  India League of America

  India/World War II

  Americans and

  Axis powers and


  explosion, Bombay dock

  independence/division and


  scorched earth policy

  sterling debt of Britain

  as unprotected

  See also specific individuals; United Kingdom/India; United Kingdom/World War II

  Indian Army/World War II


  fighting Japan

  Indian National Army and



  role questions

  Indian Independence League

  Indian independence movement

  British retaliation (1940s)

  British retaliation against women

  independence date

  pensions for freedom fighters

  women joining

  women’s conch shells and

  See also Indian National Army (INA);

  Quit India movement; specific

  events; specific individuals;

  specific organizations; Tamluk

  National Government/


  Indian National Army (INA)

  Bose and

  Britain’s views of

  British spy in

  in Burma


  Gandhi and

  hopes for

  Indian Army and

  treason trial/effects

  women’s regiment

  Indian National Congress

  1935 act/elections

  1946 elections


  Cripps offer

  Johnson offer

  See also Quit India movement; specific individuals

  International Red Cross

  Ireland famine

  Irwin, Lord (viscount of Halifax)

  Ispahani, Mirza Ahmad/company


  Iwaichi, Fujiwara

  Jana, Gokul
r />   Jana, Kumar Chandra

  Japan/World War II

  British and

  Burma and

  China and

  Hiroshima bombing/surrender

  India and

  Indian Army and

  Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

  Singapore and

  Jinnah, Mohammad Ali

  Gandhi and

  Muslim-Hindu killings

  Muslims/Muslim League

  National Congress and

  partitioning India/Pakistan

  Viceroy’s Council/Simla talks

  Johnson, Louis

  Kalikakundu village

  Khan, Kalo

  Khan, Khan Abdul Ghaffar

  Khan, Niaz Mohammad

  Khan, Shah Nawaz

  Kiani, Inayat

  King, Mackenzie

  Kuila, Nirmala/family

  Kumaruddin, Sheikh

  Lawrence of Arabia

  Leathers, Frederick

  Churchill relationship

  Indian famine/aid denial

  Lend Lease program, U.S.

  Life expectancy



  Lindemann, Frederick Alexander (Prof/Lord Cherwell)

  aid denial/“defense,”


  blaming India

  Churchill relationship


  food reserves (Britain)

  India/Bengal famine and

  Indian freedom and


  public opinion and

  sterling debt

  World War II

  Linlithgow, Lady

  Linlithgow, Lord

  Amery and

  Bengal grain exports/imports

  Churchill and

  dominion status and

  famine warnings/aid requests

  Gandhi and

  Indian freedom and

  leaving India

  Rutherford’s reports to

  sterling debt

  Viceroy term end

  Lives of a Bengal Lancer (movie)

  Llewellin, John J.

  Louis, William Roger

  Macaulay, Thomas B.

  MacDougall, Donald

  Mahalanobis, Prasanta C.

  Mahapatro, Krishna Chaitanya (Kanu)

  Maharatna, Arup

  Maity, Bholanath

  Maity, Bonkim

  Maity, Kanonbala

  Maity, Saday/family

  Maity, Sindhubala

  Maity, Umesh

  Majha, Gourhori

  Malakar, Giribala/family


  Malthus, Reverend Thomas Robert


  Martin, Olaf M.

  Bengal famine and

  registration figures

  Mein Kampf (Hitler)


  District/Tamluk subdivision

  gang rapes and

  See also Tamluk National Government/insurgencies

  Mitra, Asok

  Molotov, Vyacheslav

  Mookerjee, Shyama Prasad

  Moon, Penderel

  Moore, Arthur

  Moran, Lord

  Churchill and

  on Leathers

  on Lindemann

  Morton, Desmond

  Mother India (Mayo)

  Mountbatten, Lord Louis

  Mudaliar, Sir Ramaswami

  Mukhopadhyay, Ajoy Kumar

  Mukhopadhyay, Gita/aunt

  Mundt, Karl

  Muslim League

  1937 elections

  1943 elections

  1946 elections

  Bengal ministry

  famine and

  Jinnah and

  partitioning India/Pakistan

  World War II and

  See also specific individuals


  British views on

  Viceroy’s Council/Simla talks

  See also Hindu-Muslim disunity; Hindu-Muslim killings; specific individuals

  My Early Life (Churchill)

  Naoroji, Dadabhai

  Nash, Vaughan

  Nawaz, Shah

  Nayar, Sushila

  Nazimuddin, Sir Khwaja

  Nazis. See Germany/Nazis; specific individuals

  Nehru, Jawaharlal


  Chinese and

  Churchill and


  Gandhi and

  National Congress

  politics and

  World War II/independence

  Nichols, Beverley

  1984 (Orwell)

  Noon, Sir Firoz Khan

  Odhikari, Pushpo

  Odhikari, Tukibala Das/family

  On the Origin of Species (Darwin)

  Operation Anakim

  Operation Overlord

  Operation Torch

  Orissa famine


  Orwell, George

  Pakistan. See Partitioning India

  Pandit, Vijaylakshmi

  Partitioning India


  Churchill and

  date of

  fears of killings

  Gandhi and

  Jinnah and

  Muslim League and


  World War II actions and

  See also Hindu-Muslim disunity; Hindu-Muslim killings

  Patro, Anil Kumar

  Patro, Monju

  Peddie, James

  Phillips, William

  famine and

  India and World War II

  India’s independence

  partitioning and

  Pinnell, Leonard George

  after leaving Bengal

  Bengal Denial Policy

  Bengal famine and

  famine commission and

  rice acquisition


  Quebec Allies conferences

  Quit India movement


  police/government and

  See also Tamluk National Government/insurgencies



  against Hindus

  against India

  of Churchill

  of Hitler

  imperialism and

  of Lindemann

  race-thinking and

  Raha, Nolini

  Rahman, Abdul

  Raisman, Sir Jeremy

  Rani of Jhansi regiment

  Reynolds, David

  Risley, Herbert

  Roosevelt, Eleanor

  Roosevelt, Elliott

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

  Churchill/Indian independence and

  currency value


  famine in India and

  Gandhi and

  Quebec meetings

  Stalin and

  Yalta conference

  See also United States/World War II

  Roskill, Stephen

  Rothermund, Dietmar

  Rubenstein, William D.

  Rutherford, Thomas

  Sahgal, Prem Kumar

  Salt Rebellion/tax

  Salter, Lord Arthur

  Samanta, Satish Chandra


  Gandhi and


  Tamluk National Government

  Samanta, Satyabala

  Samanta, Subhas

  Samonto, Bhawbanibala

  Samonto, Bhuvan

  Samonto, Chitto Ranjon



  cyclone and


  famine stories

  fugitive nationalist list


  life after independence

  on wheat


  Samonto, Gunodhar


  Sawrkar, Nitai

  Scorched earth policy

  Sen, Amartya

  Sen, Binay Ra

  cyclone relief

  rice acquisition

  Sengupta, Sukharanjan

  Sepoy Mutiny (1857)

  Sherwood, Robert E.

  Simla talks

  Singh, Jagjit J.

  Singh, Mohan

  Singh, Sinhara


  Slade, Mira

  Slim, William

  Smith, Kevin

  Snow, C. P.

  Sommervell, Brehon B.

  South East Asia Command (SEAC)

  Special Operations Executive (SOE), Britain

  Srivastava, Sir J. P.

  Stalin, Joseph

  Balkans plan

  Churchill and

  Teheran conference

  Yalta conference


  cannibalism and

  effects description

  solid food and

  studies on

  See also Famines

  Statesman, The newspaper, Calcutta

  Stephens, Ian

  Stone, I. F.

  Story of the Malakand Field Force, The (Churchill)

  Suez Canal

  Suhrawardy, Huseyn Shaheed

  famine and

  Muslim-Hindu killings and

  Muslim League and

  Surabuddin, Sheikh

  Swaminathan, Lakshmi

  Symonds, Richard

  Tamluk National Government/insurgencies

  assassinations by women

  Biplabi newsletter


  food and

  Gandhi on violence

  Gandhi’s surrender instructions

  Midnapore/Tamluk insurgencies (1942)

  Midnapore/Tamluk insurgencies (1943)

  police and

  See also specific individuals

  Tamluk subdivision/Midnapore District



  distress gold

  Great Depression and

  Salt Rebellion

  watchmen (police informers) and

  Taylor, A.J.P.

  Teheran conference

  Time magazine

  Tojo Hideki

  United Kingdom/India

  1935 act

  birth-rate in India

  criminals released/effects

  sterling debt

  textiles and

  See also Famines in India; specific individuals

  United Kingdom/World War II

  Balkans plan

  Balkans priority

  declarations of war

  Hitler/Germany and

  Italian civilians priority

  Middle East/Ceylon priorities

  shipping glut and

  shipping routes

  sterling debt/India’s resources

  Turkey and

  U.S. aid and

  See also Famines in India (1940s); India/ World War II; specific individuals

  United Kingdom/World War II food supplies

  beer/brewers and

  contingency stocks

  exaggerations on needs

  nutrition for Britons

  postwar concerns

  price controls/rations

  statistics on

  working/distributional stocks

  United Nations

  1945 conference/India

  Atlantic Charter

  colonies postwar


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