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Bloodwood Academy Shifter: Semester One (Bloodwood Year One Book 1)

Page 11

by Rae Foxx

  I turned one corner, then another slowly making it towards my room as the fantastical students disappeared into their classrooms. Then I was alone, facing the massive courtyard and the huge trees that were covered in the same massive pink flowers as the first day.

  “Cherry blossoms.” My voice was as calm as the lingering song in the hallway, my awe wrapping around me as I rushed into the courtyard, into the bathing smell of spring and life.

  Trees closed around me, vines and branches stretching to cover the path, to cover the glass wall of the atrium. It covered everything until it was just me and the soft petals.

  The soft fingers of someone behind me as they pulled back my hair… as they whispered in my ear...

  “I thought I’d never get you alone, my honeybee.”

  Chapter 11

  I went into action like I was one step away from being kidnapped.

  Whipping around, I grabbed at the guy who was being all seductive serial killer behind me, ready to slam his face into my knee if only for calling me something as frilly as ‘honeybee’.


  I got to the clawed-hand grabbing motion when I froze in place, everything around me turning into a tunnel of color, golden eyes, and long yellow hair.

  The guy I had seen on my very first day.

  So, either I wasn’t hallucinating then, or I was hallucinating now.

  Only one way to check.

  My hands were at the ready and I clamped them onto either side of his head like his head was a watermelon and gave it one thump to check for ripeness. He stared at me, a tiny smile playing at the corner of the lips that were as real as the rest of him.

  It was him. He was very much real… and smiling which only made his otherworldliness that much more breathtaking.

  “Who… what… you?” Breathtaking enough to turn me into stuttering goo.

  Thankfully he smiled, the gold flecks in his eyes swallowed as he reached up and wrapped his hand around my wrist. The touch was warm, soft, and sending something through me that was about as magical as he was.

  “My name is Finn.” The name, the way he said it, the way his thumb was moving over the skin of my hand, it was all sending a warm buzzing wave through me that I had never felt before. It wasn’t my wolf, the growling beast seemed to have vanished.

  “To answer your other questions, I am of the Fae. I am a descendant of the first of my kind and her power runs through me. Connecting me to the earth, to the air, and you.” He laughed softly.

  He paused, his other hand coming to wrap around my other wrist, the touch as volatile against me. I didn’t even fight, I was frozen as our hands dropped between us, as his fingers intertwined with mine, as he took a step closer.

  “I am Finn,” he repeated as though I had missed it the first time. “You are Ivy Potter. I have been trying to get you alone for days.”

  “I didn’t realize you wanted me alone. Or that you wanted me at all,” I responded with a newfound 1-900 sultry voice. The color in his eyes was doing something to me.

  Just like his twinkling laugh that was turning my insides turn to mush.

  “I did. I do.” He purred and my stomach went so melty I could have exploded. Might have with the wet want that was pooling between my thighs. “I couldn’t stay away any longer. Not from the beautiful wolf who took down the pack leader’s future mate.”

  He didn’t smile, he didn’t move. He spoke with the smooth voice, looking into me with an intensity that made me sure that he had seen it.

  That he had been there.

  That he had been the one to coax me on.

  It didn’t seem possible, but the light in his eyes was making everything muddled.

  My mouth dropped into a wide ‘oh’, my eyes as big as his smile now.

  “It was you?”

  He looked around at the trees before dropping his focus to me. “Since that first day, when I felt your power enter this school. When I sensed your aura and your magic drew me right to you. To my mate.”

  Well, slap my bare ass. All the awe and wonder of that moment was sucked away, replaced by dread and fury.

  “Magic?” Wait, there was something worse in there. “Mate?” My voice caught in something that was very clearly a squeak.

  I had heard the word more than a few times since coming to this school, but to hear it directed at me was sucking the air out of my chest like I forgot how to breathe.

  “Yes, I know you felt it, on that very first day.” He moved our intertwined hands to his hips, resting my palms there as his fingertips moved over my arms, over my shoulders, my neck. “Felt the electricity that moved between us as our souls hummed against each other. As they linked.”

  His fingers continued to move over my skin, the touch so faint it was more like air. Crisp, wonderful air that heated against every raw nerve ending.

  I shivered, my breath catching as all that warmth that was flooding me began to pool.

  “I’m… I’m feeling it now,” I managed to stutter out, my eyes pressing closed.

  “I know.” Fingers fluttered over the back of my neck, tapping against each bone in my spine as he moved closer, closer… closer. “Can you feel my soul against you, honeybee? Can you feel it intertwine with yours? Can you feel us connect, as it should be?”

  Building words was becoming something of an impossibility. Hell, breathing was already something of an impossibility.

  My knees were starting to feel like jelly, my stomach and heart spinning as his fingers hit the base of my spine, pulling and tugging against the waistband of my shorts, touching the skin that was hidden there and pulling me closer to him. Pushing me against his hips, against the bulge that wanted me as much as I wanted him.

  Oh lord. I wanted him to touch me everywhere, to press himself against me. Into me. I needed him to press himself into me and feel every inch of him take me. Fill me.

  I had never wanted to fuck someone so much, and I had no clue who this was.

  I pulled myself away, stumbling as I tried to force blood back into my legs.

  “Wa--wait.” It took me a few attempts to get the word out, stepping back to look him in the eyes, which wasn’t helping me to regain control of my senses. His golden stare wasn’t doing one lick to help me regulate my wet lust for the man. I almost threw myself back into his arms.

  “Ivy?” I wasn’t sure if he said my name in question or to bring on a flood of want. I clamped my legs shut; sure he could smell my arousal with how his smile was stretching. That had to be a wolf thing. Except he wasn’t a wolf. He wasn’t a shifter at all.

  Damn. This was dangerous territory.

  “You’re Fae,” I gasped as he closed the gap between us again. His fingers tugging on the edge of my sweaty gym shirt, the loose-fitting thing pulling down and exposing my shoulder. “What does that mean?”

  “It’s so strange to hear you ask that, the magic in you is so strong, you think you would know of the power that is buzzing in your veins.” He gave me a look that dripped with melted gold before he leaned down, pressing his lips against my exposed shoulder.

  That single touch had me wanting to forget the whole ‘staying in school is cool’ motto I’d adopted and instead made me want to drop my red panties at his feet and take him for a ride. My body vibrated with energy in his presence. My cells energized with every word he said to me, my body desperate to be enveloped by him and the magic that practically oozed from his pores.

  Somehow, I managed to gasp out, “What is a Fae?”

  Thankfully he didn’t laugh, although he did pop up to stare at me, brows pulled together in question. The heat in our tiny alcove of trees dropped a few degrees.

  “Fae’s magic runs deep within the earth,” Finn said after a minute. “Our power taps into nature. Into the flora and fauna of the world.”

  He placed his hand against mine, the heat picking up again, making it clear he was referring to me in that ‘Our’.

  “I don’t have magic, I’m a wolf.” His hand trailed over
my back up my spine, his fingers tangling in my hair. I pressed against him, the long draping flowers shifting to cover us more. I wasn’t even sure if anyone on the outside could tell that we were in here.


  “Is that what they think? Is that why you run with the pack and howl at the moon? Interesting.”

  “I shifted into a wolf…” Any thought was cut off as his lips dragged over my shoulder, over my neck and closer to my ear, leaving a trail of liquid desire over the fragile skin.

  “You would not be the first Fae in our history to shift into animal form, Ivy. A shifter? Perhaps. There is no mistaking the smell of your magic that dwells in your hair. No wolf could hold that, there is no way my magic would bond to a shifter.”

  “Bond.” Words still weren’t working. “I don’t have magic.”

  He pulled back and I immediately regretted saying anything. My skin felt cold and alone without him, my heart thundering against my rib cage as though it alone could pull him back.

  “My beautiful soul mate,” he grinned, lifting our intertwined fingers between us, untangling them until we were palm to palm, our hot hands pressed together. “I will show you. Let us tangle our power, my love. I will show you.”

  His eyes burned into mine, they glowed with a gold that was otherworldly, his lips pressed into a hard line as that heat continue to grow, as heat and fire crackled between us.

  I almost pulled my hand away, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t move. I was frozen in the humming power of his gaze.

  Frozen in a world of trees and flowers, massive bushes blooming yellow and pink roses that smothered our little corner of the atrium, blocking us from further view. Smothering the air in their aroma.


  “It’s all for you,” Finn said, his hand dropping from mine to my face, his palm against my jaw, coaxing me closer, closer to those lips that I found myself wanting to devour.

  “I love them, Finn” I responded, nearly breathless.

  “Hearing my name on those lips,” he sighed with a want that pooled in my stomach, pulling me against him as his thumb ran over my bottom lip.

  The same electric touch that I had felt in our hands turned into a wildfire. If he could have me this hot and bothered by just touching my lip, what could he do with the rest of his hand? I needed to know.

  “Let me take you, my Ivy. Let me make you mine and join our hearts and souls as they were meant to be” Finn whispered, his hot breath rolling over my neck, his cheek against my neck, every inch of him pressed against me as that electricity continued to buzz through my veins. I couldn’t help it, I let my hand weave around his back, my fingertips pressing against the lines of muscle as I tried to get myself as close to him as possible.

  He groaned, the sound an animalistic need that rattled my bones. Before I could think better of it I lifted my leg, wrapping it around his hip. Pulling him against me, feeling his cock press against my core, right where I wanted it. Where I needed it.

  He sighed, loud and hungry as he leaned in, his mouth pressing against my shoulder, my neck, my jaw, my ear. Each kiss flooding me.

  “Finn,” I gasped again, not able to get out more than that. Not caring if I did.

  Part of me still whispered that I didn’t know him, this blond god that I had dreamed off, that I had listened to in my mind. A much bigger part of me didn’t give a damn. Not because I was so sexually deprived I had resorted to the old school ringing of my devil’s doorbell. But because I did feel something between us.

  Something I couldn’t explain.

  Something that felt as real as the electricity that was buzzing through my veins.

  “Let me love you, Ivy. Will you let us be one?” Heat was everywhere, electricity cracking through my veins as his staff twitched, his muscles tightening as he gripped me closer, fighting with his want. His own need.

  I couldn’t ignore it anymore.

  “Yes,” I gasped, my back arching as I pressed myself against him, pleading for our clothes to vanish and the length of him to plunge into me. I needed him too.

  “Yes? Will you take me? Will you have me?”

  “All of you. Please.” I was begging now. Each twitch of his rod was sending my mind and heart into an electric whirlwind. I was so wet now that I could feel my skimpy gym shorts flatten between us.

  Then they were gone.

  The bits of fabric that separated our heat, our flesh, vanished with as easily as if my thought had banished them from existence.

  “Oh my god,” I gasped in shock. I could now feel every inch of our skin warm and react against each other like we were in the middle of a fireworks storm, but because some of that skin was pressing right against the lusty warmth, the head of his cock pressing into me.




  “Ivy,” he gasped in my ear, his hands cupping my ass as he lifted me against him, pressing me into him and every inch of him into me. Every blissful inch. I had never felt so perfectly filled, heat and pressure spreading through me as he began to pound his length into me, his aroused rod pulsing in a rhythm that was growing faster.



  Oh my god.

  I whimpered so loud that I was sure someone heard, the sound rattled the leaves and flowers that surrounded us, the shivering trees closing in as I arched my back, pressing my neck and hands against the smooth tree trunk behind me in an effort to support my weight and thankfully giving Finn easier access to my needy breasts.

  His mouth smothered my nipple, hot, wet, want spreading over my chest as the pounding slowed for a minute, the two of us connected as one in the heaving stillness.

  “My beautiful Fae princess.” He sighed before he continued his motions, flattening me against the tree as I felt his swell inside of me, as he clung to me. I to him.

  As we came, together.

  I moaned in a scream as he grunted. His fingers pressed into flesh in a need to get as close to me as possible. If I could get lost in him, I would. I never wanted this to end. This feeling. This completion.

  One last grunt, and our bodies relaxed, although we did not let go, his lips pressing against me as he smothered my neck, my cheek, my jaw in dozens of kisses.

  “Finn,” I said, unsure if it was a question.

  “Ivy. Princess. My mate.” He pressed his lips against my jaw once more as the loud bell announcing the end of gym and classes for the day buzzed over us, breaking through our tiny sanctuary of flowers and reminding us exactly where we were.

  And that I had fucked a Fae god in the middle of a public area of the school.

  “Oh my god,” I pulled away, his golden eyes glinting mischievously as he kissed me again and carefully lowered me to the ground. My legs barely held me up. “What have I done?”

  “Nothing that your magic, that your soul, has not asked of you,” Finn whispered, his hands running through my hair as his breath whispered against my skin. “There is nothing to be afraid of.”

  It was like he could read my mind, that fear of having spread my legs too fast, of becoming exactly what my mother had always promised I would become. I may have given the owner of the corner shop back home more than his fair share of nip slips, I may wear bright red bras, but I had only slept with Tommy.

  There was a reason for that.

  “I know. I think that’s what scares me the most. I’m not scared, embarrassed perhaps. But everything feels right. The way your skin heats against mine…”

  “It’s right,” Finn said with me, his straight teeth gleaming. “Everything about us is right. I feel it too, my beautiful mate.”

  The sounds from the bustling students multiplied, they buzzed and came so close that a few of them were clearly cutting through the atrium. My heart tensed again, his pulse pounding against me as he held me against him.

  “We can’t be seen together,” I mumbled, that damn rule that both Nicky and Scarlet had scared into me buzzing in the back of my head.r />
  “Indeed,” Finn whispered, his thumb rubbing small circles against the small of my back. “I will come to you again soon. I will claim you again. Until then, I’ll take this to remember you by.”

  His eyes twinkled, his fingers twisting through my hair before he severed a few strands with his magic, the loose bits between his fingers as he stepped away. With a wave of his hand, he was gone, leaving me fully clothed, wet, and confused in the middle of the atrium. Students were visible just on the other side of the massive pink flowers.

  “What in the hell?” I yelled looking back and forth like a turd watching a tennis match. Luckily, none of the other students seem to even notice me or know what had happened.

  Didn’t stop my cheeks from turning a bright shade of pink.

  I bolted from the atrium and into my room at breakneck speed, plunging myself through the heavy wood door only seconds before Scarlet slinked in after me.

  “Hey,” she said, tugging her bag over her shoulder and plopped it on the bed. She flailed a little like a demented yoga instructor and then threw herself on the bed next to her bag and moaned.

  Like she had something to moan about. I was still struggling to catch my breath. Between the heat in my cheeks and the buzzing that was filling my head, I was in no state to have this conversation.

  Especially considering I had officially broken rule number one of this place.

  “Thanks for taking off, by the way,” Scarlet grumbled into the bed. “I had to take over fighting Evan—who decided he needed to show Howl up or some shit.”

  “Well that’s what we get for having an entire pack with threatened manhood’s,” I grumbled, grabbing a towel and a change of clothes before Scarlet could claim the bathroom for herself.

  “Or, they are higher-ranking shifters.” she rolled over and gave me a look. “You seriously have to stop challenging Howl. It’s going to get you killed.”

  “Whatever. When he stops being a jerk, I’ll stop reminding him how small his dick is.” I instantly blushed. I was already aware of how big Howl was, but because I could suddenly feel something else.

  Something big and wonderful and everywhere.


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