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His Seductive Target (Afterlife, #2)

Page 21

by Nichole Severn

  “I’ll get used to it? Is that what you’re going to say?” She inhaled sharp, redirecting her gaze to meet his. Fire erupted in those perfect green eyes and she wanted nothing more than to drown the pain she must’ve inflicted on him. He’d been the only person to tame the revenge driving her since her sister’s murder. She’d experienced it the first time she set eyes on him and every second since. His presence alone had always given her exactly what she needed, but she couldn’t trust her body’s reactions now. Not when she didn’t even recognize herself. Nothing made sense anymore. Least of all him. What was she supposed to do with the power living inside of her? Take over the Underworld? Live as a demon?

  His expression softened as he slid one hand up her arm. Her jacket kept his touch from hers, but she couldn’t risk exposure to the humans. Didn’t matter how much she needed to feel his skin. Mortals didn’t respond well to monsters like her. She would know.

  “Nika, I’ve been there. Remember? I didn’t ask for the beast. The Deceiver made me this way.” His voice eased the raging ripples of chaos that streamed beneath her skin. Grayson maneuvered in front of her, cutting off her view of the funeral. He dropped his hands to her waist and pulled her in close. His scent surrounded her, resurrecting her memories of the last four days. She’d never felt more out of control than she had with him, but the thought of running again, of leaving him behind… She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t do this alone. Hell, she didn’t even know what she was. She needed him. “I’m the only one who understands. You can trust me.”

  Nika parted her lips to answer, but nothing left her mouth. He did understand, didn’t he? Once a promising agent with the FBI, he’d had his chance to move into the Afterlife ripped from him because the Deceiver wanted his skillset. And it hadn’t been his choice. Just as inheriting the Deceiver’s powers hadn’t been hers. “It’s been two days and I still can’t,”—she shook her head to clear her thoughts and focused on the deep red of his T-shirt—“I’ve worked the better part of my life to put the evil in this world behind bars only now to become one of them. I look at myself in the mirror and I don’t know who I am anymore. I don’t know what side I’m on. How do you come to terms with something like that?”

  He didn’t respond right away. His power prodded at her defenses like silk against her skin. It invigorated her senses and calmed her at the same time. Hot then cold, a perfect combination. Odd. She’d never noticed it before. Just one more way the Deceiver had changed her in a long list of daily discovery. “I haven’t.”

  Her gaze shot to his as shock coursed through her. Air rushed from her lungs. “What?”

  “I haven’t. It’s been a year and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t detest what that bastard turned me into. I’m not going to lie. It’s been hell and some days are worse than others, but something happened to me these last four days that almost makes this all worth it.” Grayson tightened his hold on her hips. The lines between his eyebrows deepened and she fought the urge to smooth them over. His mouth lifted at one corner as he stared down at her. “I found you. You changed me. You made the darkness living inside me lighter and I don’t ever want to wake up without having that kind of relief again.”

  Relief. The exact sensation she experienced when he appeared at her side a few moments ago. He feathered his knuckles over one side of her face. His expression, full of understanding, broke the dam of emotions she’d tried to control the second she’d been turned into a demon. God, he felt so good. Tears pricked at her eyes for the first time since she’d discovered what he’d done to her and she closed her eyes.

  “I won’t let you do this alone, Nika,” he said. “We’ll work it out together.”

  She opened her eyes, lifting her gaze to his. Her fingernails bit into the hardened, demonic skin of her palm. “But I could hurt you. We don’t know what this power will do to me or how many people I’ll hurt because I can’t control it. And I don’t think I could live with myself if one of them ended up being you.”

  “Is that why you ran? You’re afraid you might hurt me?” Grayson shifted his weight between both feet and closed the slight distance between them. “I hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but with Isabel out of the way and aside from the Deceiver herself—which is you by the way—I’m the most powerful demon alive. You can’t hurt me unless you really try.”

  A burst of half-hearted laughter bubbled up her throat. She swiped her blue fingertips beneath her eyes to clear away the tears. Still not used to the blue skin. She tried to focus on the words the minister said over Rachel’s empty coffin, but Grayson consumed her attention as though he were the only man in the world. She couldn’t go back to her life, her friends, her family, her job. All of that had been taken off the table the second she’d set eyes on him in her sister’s crime scene. He’d become her entire world. “I can’t lose another person I care about.”

  “That power doesn’t have to be used for evil. It doesn’t decide. You do. The Deceiver chose to rule with fear and temptation.” He grasped her arms and a bolt of lightning shot through her. “You can still do good in this world and the Deceiver’s power can help you.”

  Grayson had never been one to placate her even in the worse circumstances. The possibility of using the darkness inside her for good lightened the weight that held her down, but still seemed so remote. “How? I can’t go back to being a detective. I’m pretty sure the blue hair, blue skin, and white eyes would raise some questions.”

  “We’ll figure it out. Together.” He pulled her in close then wrapped his arms around her. Burying his nose at the juncture between her shoulder and neck, he sent tremors across her skin. No pain from Isabel’s healed bite. No hesitation. Just him. Her arousal skyrocketed. It’d felt like forever since they’d connected like this, but all too soon, he pulled back. “As long as I live, I promise, I will never let you turn evil.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that.” She wiped the rest of her tears from her face and inhaled fresh, clear air deep into her system. Setting her ear against his chest, she counted off his strong pulse once beat at a time. No matter what anyone believed, demons had hearts and his was the strongest she’d encountered. He’d stood up against the devil himself to save her life, even when it meant his own death. She wrapped her arms around his back and relaxed into him. “Thank you for saving my life.”

  Grayson set his cheek on the top of her head, muscled arms surrounding her in kind. “Well, I really didn’t want to get on the Destroyer’s bad side. Anyone who can take out the Deceiver is someone you don’t want to piss off.”

  “Don’t give me that.” She pulled back, swatting at him with a broad smile across her blue lips. “You didn’t even know that’s what I was until he told you.”

  He feigned as though she’d injured him, but quickly brought her in against his chest. “I never questioned my decision to betray the Deceiver. Not when it came to you. It felt right. You feel right.”

  “I like that.” She tilted her head to look up at him. “You feel right too. Like all of this was meant to happen.”

  A gust of cold wind swept across her shoulders, but no wash of a tremor followed. Another thing to get used to as the almighty Deceiver? Becoming immortal surely had its benefits. Studying her and Rachel’s family around the casket, she sank into thoughts of the future. With Grayson. “So where is the Destroyer-slash-Deceiver supposed to live? I kind of broke the Underworld last time I was there.”

  “Despite your power and responsibility to rule Hell, I’m telling you right now, I’m not living there.” His words rumbled in her ear.

  Another laugh bubbled up from inside. God, she loved this man. Not man. Demon. He’d given up everything for her without hesitation and saved her life. The fact she’d taken it and run ballooned a strain of shame in the center of her chest. She’d deserted him, but it wouldn’t happen again. She’d make this right. He’d linked himself with her in a way she’d never imagined. She owed him.

  “Guess we’ll have to settl
e on your apartment for now.” He rubbed small circles between her shoulder blades. “After I fix the hole you made when you threw me through the wall.”

  “What makes you think I want to live with you?” She pulled back. She smiled, the worry growing smaller and smaller.

  He ground his hips into hers. “How else are you going to get this whenever you want?”

  Radiant power stirred in her gut, clean, good. Loving. Hope for the future blossomed. Because of a demon. Because of Grayson. And she’d never let him go. Excitement shot through her system then settled in her core. “Good point. When can you move in?”

  She focused on his mouth and closed the distance between them. She bit his bottom lip and a growl reverberated up through his chest and into her. He swept his tongue past her teeth as desire rushed through her. He was unlike anything she’d ever experienced and she couldn’t get close enough. Couldn’t kiss him deeply enough. She fisted the collar of his T-shirt shirt in her hands.

  A throat clearing behind them brought her back to her senses. The service had ended. She twisted her attention over her shoulder as Grayson maneuvered her to his side, never letting her go. Vdarra Jansen and her angel stood a few feet away, small smiles of delight plastered on their faces. “We didn’t want to interrupt, but your power is giving me goose bumps.”

  Heat rose along her face and neck. She wiped a small amount of saliva from her bottom lip, but kept her demon close. “Sorry. Still trying to get a hold on that.”

  “That’s what we need to talk about.” Vdarra’s expression grew serious as she approached. Black, straight hair swept to the side with a slight breeze on the air. And those dark eyes...they sent warning across the back of Nika’s neck. Damn. She’d killed Vdarra’s father. And demons held grudges. “You have more power than you know what to do with now and you need someone to teach you how to use it.”

  “What?” That wasn’t exactly what she’d expected. Connecting her gaze to Grayson’s for just a moment, she refocused back on Vdarra. “Grayson—”

  “Doesn’t have the experience you need. I do.” Vdarra took another step closer. “Sorren told us what you are and what you did. Jacob and I promised not to get involved again, but I don’t think that’s an option now.” Vdarra studied her from head to toe. Her expression opened with something along the lines of curiosity or amusement. “Trust me when I tell you I don’t blame you for killing my father. You did what you had to in order to save both your lives, but now…we need to assume she’s coming for you, for all of us because of what you did, and you need to be prepared.”

  “Who’s coming?” A shiver raked up her spine. That didn’t sound good. Who the hell could scare the shit out of the heiress of the freaking Underworld?

  “We have time.” Grayson’s green gaze shifted downward to meet hers, but his expression fell. “The Father is not the creator of all things as most mortals believe. He’s only in charge of this world. He was made, same as the Deceiver, by the Old Ones, to bring balance between good and evil as they’ve done across galaxies. They rule the universe, they decide who lives, who dies, who’s welcomed into the Afterlife or given a final death. They created you.”

  “So you’re saying I killed one of their precious creations.” Panic gripped her heart at the thought of losing Grayson when she’d finally gotten what she wanted. She dug her fingers into his side. “What does that mean? What’s going to happen?”

  “The Old Ones created the Destroyer to do exactly what you’ve done to keep balance on this world.” The ominous tone lining his sinuous voice pierced through her. “You don’t have to worry about the majority of them.”

  “The majority?” Nika swung her attention back to Vdarra.

  The former demon stiffened, those brown eyes locking on Nika. “The Deceiver had a mate before he produced an heiress and killed my mother. He never talked about her, but I discovered she was an Old One. She hand picked him as ruler of the Underworld after convincing him to turn against the Father. You’ve heard of the war in heaven, right?”

  “You’re saying this Old One started a war against God and I just killed her mate?” Tightening her hold on Grayson, she fought to keep the devastating thought of losing her own mate in check. He squeezed back, understanding in his gaze. Woudn’t happen. She couldn’t lose him again. No matter who the hell had just pegged her as a target. Determination took hold, the same determination that’d forged her into a good detective. “You said with your help, I’ll be able to control this power. Will it be enough?”

  “The Old Ones are more powerful than any one of us, but if we get enough fighters, we can make sure this one never has the chance to take this world or get to you.” Vdarra cast a glance over her shoulder as Jacob wrapped his hands around her waist. “We might not be part of the Afterlife anymore, but we’ll help.”

  Nika laced her hand into Grayson’s and leaned into him for comfort. Confidence filled her where it had no right settling. Because of him. “How long do we have?”

  “Doesn’t matter. We’re not doing this right now.” Grayson pulled her into him, studying her features from forehead to chin. “The powers are constantly draining you and you haven’t rested since you inherited the Deceiver’s powers. If you want to be ready for a battle, then you need to save your energy.” He addressed Vdarra and Jacob, but she couldn’t look away from the perfect set of his lips. “We’ll start tomorrow.”

  She analyzed the exhaustion that weighed her down, her mind processing quicker and stronger than as a mortal, but still he was right. The last few days had taken everything out of her. She wouldn’t be able to fight humans at this rate. “Tomorrow.”

  “Then we’ll tackle preparations, see who else we can get to join the fight.” Vdarra led her angel across the grass and to the cemetery’s parking lot, but stopped short. “Stay safe. Don’t let your guard down. No matter what.” They disappeared.

  A breeze picked up and the flowers left on her sister’s empty coffin shook. She’d brought Rachel and Reynolds justice. Isabel wasn’t dead, but the demon’s worst nightmare had come true. An immortal in a mortal’s world. No powers. No allies. That would be justice enough. For now.

  Grayson’s hold on her secured her to his side. He stirred her insides and calmed her thoughts in the same moment. A warm tingling sensation clenched her abdominals as she pressed herself closer. “Take me home.”

  “As you wish, Your Highness.” Energy swirled under her skin and, in the blink of an eye, they left the cemetery behind.

  Her apartment visualized right under her feet. New front door. No demons waiting in the shadows to ambush them. Even her fridge had been replaced. So much had changed since she’d set foot in her private space, but it still felt like home aside from the gaping hole she’d thrown Grayson through.

  Their home.

  He squeezed her arm, echoing her thoughts.

  She faced him, not sure if anything else between them needed to be said, and slipped her jacket off her shoulders. Dropping it onto the floor, she stared up at him in invitation. She’d never seen him in anything else but slacks and a dress shirt. The jeans and T-shirt certainly left less to the imagination. Then again, she could still picture him perfectly from back at his cabin. Twice. Next, she removed her boots, then jeans, T-shirt, and bra. Standing in nothing more than her underwear, she gauged his reaction by the pure arousal shimmering in his eyes. “I don’t know what you had in mind when we got back here, but I owe you an apology.”

  “You had every reason not to trust me. I lied to you.” His eyes shifted from light green to dark as he studied her from head to toe and her insides shuddered. How was it possible, even after all they’d been through, he could still do that to her? “There’s nothing you need to apologize for.”

  “I believed you were a monster.” She spun him to face her, hooking her fingers in the collar of his shirt, and pulled the fabric over his head. She noted his healed wounds as she exposed his torso and abdomen. No scars. No blood. Absolutely perfect. She stared up at
him, giving him a chance to back away. But he didn’t. She slipped her hand under the waistband of his jeans. She made contact with his swelling erection, his skin slightly damp from the heat. A sharp inhale whistled between his clenched teeth. The zipper fell with ease and she freed his erection completely. “I’m sorry I doubted you.”

  A slow smile developed across his lips. “How are you going to make up for it?”

  “I’m all yours. Tell me what I need to do.” She stood and helped him with the rest of his shirt. Her nipples brushed against his chest, hardening under the feather light touch.

  His attention slid over her shoulder as he clamped his hands onto her hips. He ground himself against her, his erection smooth against her lower abdominals. “I want you on that bed, ready for me to make you mine for eternity.”

  A shiver of anticipation contracted every muscle in her body. Without a word, she left his embrace and settled herself in the center of her bed. Her nipples peaked with the change in temperature. Pure eagerness intensified her grip on the mattress’s edge. She’d never felt so vulnerable or so aroused in her life. The unknown sent erratic pulses of warning throughout her system, but she trusted this demon. He’d given himself to her and he deserved the same in return.

  “I can’t deny I don’t like the new look.” Rough hands slid up her calves and pried her legs wider. Grayson massaged sensual circles into the backs of her legs, but the pressure changed after a few seconds. His mouth replaced his hands. Traces of saliva cooled on her blue-tinted skin from a combination of his breath and the air conditioner. He followed the design of her demonic markings all the way to one inner thigh. Electricity bolted up into her core and she wiggled under him.


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