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Page 15

by Diana Palmer

  The harsh memories of the wreck that had almost destroyed Miranda’s life faded day by wonderful day, as Miranda and Harden grew closer. Theodora was drawn into the circle of their happiness and the new relationship she enjoyed with Harden lasted even when the newlyweds moved into their own house.

  But Miranda’s joy was complete weeks later, when she fainted at a family gathering and a white-faced Harden carried her hotfoot to the doctor.

  “Nothing to worry about,” Dr. Barnes assured them with a grin, after a cursory examination and a few pointed questions. “Nothing at all. A small growth that will come out all by itself—in just about seven months.”

  They didn’t understand at first. And when they did, Miranda could have sworn that Harden’s eyes were watery as he hugged her half to death in the doctor’s office.

  For Miranda, the circle was complete. The old life was a sad memory, and now there was a future of brightness and warmth to look forward to in a family circle that closed around her like gentle arms. She had, she considered as she looked up at her handsome husband, the whole world right here beside her.

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-0001-2


  Copyright © 1991 by Diana Palmer

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