The Club 2: Uncollared (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The Club 2: Uncollared (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 5

by Suzy Shearer

  “What is it, little sub?”

  “Nothing Sir.” He cocked his head and she knew he did not believe her.

  She turned to whisper to him, “I am surprised, that’s all. Fleur teases her Master and he allows it. He is not punishing her. I have never seen that before.”

  “They have a perfect Dom/sub relationship. Also they love each other, Cassie. When you love someone then you relax, you trust them and enjoy their company. One day you may trust me enough to do the same.” He laughed when she looked scandalised and kissed her cheek.

  “Ah, my little friend! How are you?”

  Cassie was surprised when a very distinguished and attractive older man came over to her and took her hand. “You probably don’t remember me but I tended to your injuries when you were here last.”

  Cassie recalled the twinkling gray eyes as the man leant a little closer.

  “Thank you, Sir. It was so very kind of you, Sir.”

  “Kindness nothing. I was honoured to be able to help you. How is your ankle now?”

  “It is good, Sir. I did not walk on until my Sir told me I could.”

  “Ah perfect. Well I think I will go and annoy the chef and see if he will tempt me with something delicious. Night all.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. “I am very happy to see you looking so well.”

  Richard smiled as Doc walked away. “James needs to finds himself a good woman. That man is kindness personified.”

  Fleur spoke as he left. “Yes he is. He is very attractive and he used to play with us a lot, yet lately he rarely does. The other day I asked him why he wasn’t playing much anymore and he told me he was waiting for the right woman to come along.”

  “I can see you’re thinking again, Fleur,” Richard warned her. “Let him find a woman on his own.”

  She stuck out her tongue to him and then turned back to Cassie. “I am glad your ankle is better, Cassie. Do you like living here? I love the scenery looking down into the valley.”

  Cassie said yes, but she was beginning to feel overwhelmed by all the kindness people were showing her. She was uncomfortable being the centre of such lovely attention.

  “I think we may go and play something. What about the rest of you?” Antony spoke to the other men and women.

  “Lisa and I have a room booked for a little flogging play.” He ran his hand up Lisa’s leg and she leaned into him, giggling.

  “Unfortunately I have to do a walkthrough as DM but then I think my delightful sub needs to be punished for poking out her tongue at me.” He winked broadly.

  Fleur practically purred as he spoke. She grinned at him. “I think I will have to really misbehave then.” He laughed at her and kissed her mouth. Everyone stood and both she and Fleur stepped behind their Masters.

  “I think I will take my little sub to the arena where I found her. She needs to learn that not every Master is cruel. If she behaves I may even let her have a few orgasms as reward.” Cassie drew her breath. Her last Master rarely let her orgasm, never when he made her perform. Still, as she followed him through the club, she began to shake. Conflicting thoughts ran through her head. Would he hurt her? Would people remember her as the sub that disobeyed her Master?

  Would he really allow her to orgasm?

  She almost bumped into his back when he stopped, so absorbed in her own thoughts. Antony pointed to the cross on the wall and she walked over to it. He helped her remove the corset and place it on a nearby chair before admiring how she looked in the red boots. She looked around and saw a few people watching. Antony tied her arms and ankles to the cross frame and then looked into her eyes.

  “You can stop this at any time. You are in control. We will use the Club safe word until we choose one of our own. Do you understand?”

  Cassie could no more talk than walk away. She nodded and tried to look away. Her Master tilted her head to look at him.

  “I promise I will never hurt you, little sub.” He kissed her gently. Cassie tried to shut off all her emotions. Tears were threatening to fall and she really had no idea why.

  Antony walked over to the walk and purposely selected a whip. He walked into view with the whip in his hand and Cassie bit back the groan of fear threatening to erupt. She had to trust him. She had to believe all he had told her. She knew he was doing this for her. She needed to face her fears and put them behind her.

  As he walked back, she tensed her body. The whip marks were still visible lightly on her body and she felt herself start to quiver. She was thankful for the ropes holding her upright. Her shaking legs would never have been able to hold her.

  Chapter Six

  A hush fell over the arena as Antony swung the whip to test the length. He could see Cassie was terrified, but he knew she had to face this, had to learn to trust him and herself.

  He did not speak to her or signal her that he was about to swing, instead he judged the distance and let the whip dance across her body. He watched as she tensed, and then flinched and then he saw a look of surprise on her face. Carefully he orchestrated a dance with the whip and her body. Not once did it leave a welt, not once did she cry with pain. Instead, he saw her arousal as each strike increased her sensitivity. He played the whip across her breasts, delighting as her nipples peaked hard.

  Walking back to the wall, he swapped the whip for a flogger, his preferred tool. Once more, he played on her body, flicking the ends of the flogger across her tits, her nipples, and then her mound, until he had her moaning. Antony was so aroused, seeing Cassie finally letting go and letting her emotions show, not to mention seeing her so turned on. It was an aphrodisiac to him.

  * * * *

  Her eyes glazed as she headed deep into subspace. Each caress of the flogger was sending her deeper and deeper. She was barely conscious of where she was. Instead, she gave over to the sensations that threatened to consume her. Her cunt was afire, an orgasm hovering on the edge as Sir plied her body with caresses from the flogger.

  Hazily she heard his voice. “Come for me, little sub. Come for me. Let me hear you.”

  As if he had pushed a button, Cassie felt her cunt tense and then spasm as a wonderful climax overtook her. She screamed aloud as wave after wave filled her cunt and her clit. She was amazed that she could orgasm without anyone touching her, just from the placement of the flogger on her body. Antony walked over to her and ran his hands across her body. He twisted her nipples until she was moaning again then he pushed a finger deep into her cunt.

  Leaning in, he whispered in her ear, “I am very pleased with you, little sub. Now I am going to fuck this cunt. Whose cunt is it?”

  “Yours, Sir, my cunt is yours.” She groaned as he inserted another finger, his thumb pressing against the nub of her clit.

  He quickly unzipped his pants and his cock burst free from the confines. He gave her no chance to relax as he thrust his cock deep inside her. In and out, he pounded her cunt. It felt wonderful to her, her nerves still fluttering from the previous climax. Pulling on one nipple, he bit the other, delighting in her reaction as she got wetter over his cock.

  She could feel he was about to come when he whispered, “Come, little sub. Squeeze my cock with your cunt.”

  Once more, she reacted immediately and she felt her muscles grab his cock and milk it as his own orgasm overtook him. He leaned against her body, his cock still impaled in her. Both their hearts were racing, both of them panting.

  “Oh, my little sub. You are so wonderful. I can’t live without you.”

  Cassie barely heard his words, so far into subspace, but she could feel his strength and his warmth. She felt him pull out of her body and begin to untie her but she was revelling in the feeling of floating he had induced. He lifted her in his arms and carried her off the stage to settle on a sofa. She felt him wiping between her legs then wrapping a blanket around her, and gathering her in his arms.

  She had no idea of time passing but she could hear him murmuring in her ear, telling her how wonderful she was, how much he e
njoyed her body, that she was beautiful, but it made no real sense to her. Slowly she came back down to earth and began to listen to his words. Suddenly she realised he meant the things he was saying and she burst into tears.

  “Cassie, sweetheart, what is wrong?” Antony was worried. “Are you hurt? Did I scare you?”

  She could only shake her head. She could not believe that someone would care for her, like her, caress her. She was so used to having her body used and abused that it was overwhelming to be shown such tenderness. She did not know how to express what she was feeling but knew Antony was worried he had unintentionally hurt her.

  Through her sobs she tried to tell him. She felt his arms tighten around her and he began raining kisses all over her face.

  “Little sub, this is how it should be. You deserve tenderness. You deserve comfort after allowing me to use your body. After you trusted me, I can give you no less. I will always try to send you high in ecstasy when we play. I want you to enjoy everything as much as I do.”

  * * * *

  She buried herself deep within the safety of his arms and slowly relaxed. Her breathing became more even and he felt her fall asleep.

  Antony was content to stay there all night. It felt perfect to have Cassie in his arms. He had the feeling that tonight was a turning point in their relationship. She had wormed her way into his heart and he thought she would now start to understand what a proper Dom/sub relationship was about.

  Richard came by with a plate of savouries for them and he sat beside Antony, the two of them talking quietly. Whether it was their voices or the aroma of the food, Cassie woke. Richard gave her a big smile and said, “Welcome back, little one.”

  She blushed and tried to pull herself out of Antony’s arms, but he held her fast and before she could protest, he popped a savoury into her mouth.

  “You need to eat, little sub, I plan on making love to you all night when we get home.” Cassie looked as if she was not sure if he meant it or if he was joking, but she ate the pastry and allowed him to continue feeding her. It was apparent she thought it would take some getting used to being looked after this way.

  “Richard, will you and Fleur come over for a meal next Sunday? I have asked Paul and Lisa too.”

  “We would love to! Any particular reason?”

  “Cassie has accepted me as her Master and I would like my friends with me when I collar her.”

  Richard had a big grin on his face as he told Antony they would be delighted to attend. “Fleur will be overjoyed. She told me you would collar Cassie soon.”

  Antony rolled his eyes.

  “Are you happy, Cassie?” Richard asked her. Cassie was stunned that anyone would bother to ask her and she stammered a croaky “yes, Sir.” He smiled at her and told her that Fleur and Lisa were very happy she was here and making Antony happy.

  Poor Cassie had no idea what to say.

  * * * *

  These people had shown her nothing but kindness. They seemed to think that she was perfect for Antony. She decided she would become the best sub anyone could possibly be so her Master would never give her away.

  “I think we should get you home, Cass. It has been an emotional night for you. I will talk to you through the week, Rich. I’ll let you know what time next Sunday.”

  Antony set her on her feet, making sure the blanket wrapped around her. That gesture in itself surprised her. Her late Master would have enjoyed her being naked and having men leer at her and grope her. Instead, her Master knew she would prefer to be covered. Now they were leaving. Antony walked over and picked up her corset, and then the three of them walked through the Club to the entrance. The amount of people who smiled warmly at her or said hello surprised Cassie. It felt as if they were welcoming her and reassuring her.

  Antony waited while she went to get her coat and leave the blanket. He and Richard stood chatting. Fleur came into the change room just as Cassie was about to leave.

  “Cassie! Hi, how did it go?”

  Cassie blushed and said it was wonderful.

  “I am so glad you are with Antony, he has been so lonely. He will be in love with you by the end of the month, I just know it.”

  Fleur flung her arm across Cassie’s shoulder as they both walked out into the vestibule. “How are you settling in? Lisa and I are going out for lunch on Tuesday. Why don’t you come with us?”

  “Um…I am not sure what we are doing.” She looked at the ground and whispered, “Um…I don’t know if I am allowed.”

  Cassie did not see the shocked look on Fleur’s face. She knew Antony would never stop his partner from being friends with anyone but it was obvious Cassie had never been allowed to interact with people unless it was at the direction of her previous Master.

  Richard looked quizzically at Fleur, who rolled her eyes as if to say “I don’t know what to say.”

  * * * *

  Antony took it all in and realised Cassie was embarrassed about something, so he leant forward and kissed Fleur’s cheek with a puzzled look. She squeezed his arm and then brightly said, “I thought Cassie would like to come with Lisa and me on Tuesday. We are going out for lunch, maybe doing some shopping.”

  “That sounds a great idea. Why don’t you join them, Cassie?”

  “May I?” She gasped.

  “Of course you can. Goodness, Cassie, you don’t need my permission to go out.” Cassie looked shocked.

  “I can go out anytime I wish?” she whispered to him.

  “Naturally, Cassie. You are not a prisoner. You need a life besides being with me. It would be lovely for you to have some friends out here you can talk to and go out to have fun with.”

  Cassie just stared at him, amazed.

  “Come on, sweetheart. I think this has all been too much. Let’s go home.”

  They said their goodnights to Richard and Fleur, and Antony wrapped his arm around her, escorting her back to the car. As they drove home, he spoke quietly to her.

  “Did you not have any friends before?”

  “I was not allowed. I never left the house except to go to work until he made me quit. The only people I saw then were him and any of his mates that wanted to use me.”

  She looked over at Antony, “I did have a few friends before I moved. But I lost contact once I left the area. Then my work kept me very busy.”

  “Cassie, please understand I will never stop you from having friends. I will never stop you if you would like to go and find a job. I will never stop you if you ask me to uncollar you.”

  She gasped at his final sentence.

  “You will want to uncollar me?”

  He laughed and squeezed her hand, lifting it to his lips as he drove. “No, silly. I am trying to get it through to you that you can do whatever you like to make you happy.”

  She smiled at him in wonder.

  “This is all so new to me. The monster was so controlling, so abusive I was frightened for my life all the time. Before I met him I did do things, I did occasionally have lunch with people. Thank you, Antony. Thank you for helping me, for showing me I can still be a person as well as a sub.”

  “Cassie, when you are happy, I am happy. We have a relationship and that is how relationships work.”

  “Do you like picnics? I want us to do fun things together, we could go on picnics and take photographs. Just don’t ask me to grow flowers, I am a lousy gardener.”

  Cassie laughed at his words, she just could not imagine him in the garden. The idea of taking photos again was very appealing. She would have to buy herself a camera, although she was not sure if she should waste money on one.

  “I think I will have to get a job. I can’t expect you to keep buying things for me.”

  Antony started to laugh. “Sweetheart, I have enough money for both of us. I own a very successful business, but if you would like to work, that is fine. Alternatively, you could come and work for me. You said you were a PA? Who did you work for last?”

  “I was a PA with a large stockbroking firm
before I had to quit.”

  “You really are a clever girl.” He grinned. “That is great. I have a PA but she is pregnant and told me last week that she will be leaving soon. You could come and work with me, or if you would rather you can get a job anywhere you like.”

  Cassie could not believe what she was hearing. This man was giving her freedom to do whatever she liked. He trusted her.

  Impulsively she kissed his cheek and whispered, “I love you, Antony.”

  She was surprised when he laughed loudly until he said, “That’s the first time you have told Antony you love him, usually it is your ‘Sir.’ I am so happy.”

  She put her hand on his leg as he drove. She felt so warm inside knowing how she had made him happy. She truly loved this man. He gave her back her life and she was determined to become the best person she could to thank him.

  Chapter Seven

  Tuesday morning Cassie was nervous. She had not been out alone for over a year and a half, unless you counted the drive to the Club. Antony had left earlier for a meeting, telling her to enjoy herself after ensuring she had enough cash. She still had plenty in her hidden account but knew that would not last forever. She was seriously considering taking up Antony on his offer of a PA post when his left.

  She tried on outfit after outfit before finally settling on a pair of jeans and a pretty top. Lisa was picking her up as she and Paul lived close by. It made no sense for her to take a car when Lisa passed by. They would meet Fleur in the city. Soon she heard Lisa pull up and grabbed her bag to join her.

  She was nervous at first, but gradually Lisa drew her out and by the time they reached the city, Cassie was feeling comfortable. Her previous Master had never permitted her to have friends and prior to that, she had worked long hours that did not really allow outside friendships, yet Lisa made her feel relaxed and liked.


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