The Club 2: Uncollared (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The Club 2: Uncollared (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 6

by Suzy Shearer

  They were giggling together when they met up with Fleur, who immediately demanded they grab a coffee before they hit the shops. It felt so good to be able to laugh and do girlie things. She was rusty but she was determined to enjoy herself. It made it easier, too, knowing that both Lisa and Fleur understood their lifestyle and knew what had happened to her. They went out of their way to make her feel comfortable and loved.

  The three of them wandered through the city, looking in windows and occasionally entering shops until Lisa said she was hungry and they should start to look for somewhere to eat. They were walking down the main street arguing about which restaurant to enter when a burly man barrelled into the three of them. Lisa almost fell, grabbing Fleur to hold herself upright. Cassie ended up almost falling into the gutter when a car screeched to a stop beside her. Before anyone could react, Cassie was dragged into the back seat and the car raced off, leaving Cassie’s purse in the gutter as the only trace of her being there.

  Fleur was screaming for help at the top of her voice while Lisa was dialling for the police. Several passers-by stopped to ensure both women were not hurt and one man stayed with them, telling them that he had witnessed everything and thought he may be able to help. He told them he would give a statement to the police. He even thought he had noticed most of the registration. They were grateful to him as he waited with them. The girls rang their partners to tell them what had occurred. Once Richard was reassured that neither was hurt he said he would grab Antony and they would meet them at the police station.

  They were still shaking when the police arrived on the scene. The officers were thorough, also grateful that the witness had stayed with the women. They took the three of them to the local station and took statements. The man who had witnessed the kidnapping had managed to recall most of the number plate and that, together with the make and colour of the car, meant the police had something to work with.

  The three men arrived when Lisa was signing her statement. Antony looked distraught and totally lost. Paul remembered how he felt when Lisa had been attacked and could imagine what he must have been going through. They introduced themselves to the officers who were handling the case. Antony demanded to know if it had been Les Avery who had taken Cassie. The police told them that they were still searching the car registration database for a match but wanted to know why Antony thought it was Les Avery.

  Richard stepped forward and explained that Cassie had been involved with Avery, who had held her against her will. He told them that the five of them had been present when she had finally got away from him. One of the officers left the room and the remaining detective, Mark Torrens, who was a friend of Richard, asked him to give him all the details.

  “Did this involve the Club, Richard?”

  “Only indirectly. Cassie and Avery turned up a couple of weeks ago. She was his sub but he was abusing her. He used a whip on her viciously in front of witnesses and when she kept screaming the safe stop word, he ignored her. Antony and I intervened and Cassie begged Avery to release her. He had no choice but to accept.”

  “You have all his details?”

  “Yes, we have a photocopy of his driving license and his picture. Look, Mark, he abused her for almost two years. He and his cronies raped and physically abused her every day. They also abused her mentally. Antony has been caring for her since that day.”

  “You have to find her.” Antony’s voice stuttered. “She means the world to me. You have to find her.” Fleur put her arms around him as tears began to fall down his cheeks. The other officer returned.

  “We got a match on that car rego. It is registered to a known petty crim. I have sent a squad out to his place. Hopefully we find the lady there but I imagine he isn’t the one behind this, he isn’t all that smart.”

  “Richard, can you get the info on Avery e-mailed over?” Richard nodded and pulled out his phone. He spoke with the bookkeeper who he knew was working at the Club, gave them directions on where to find the information and had it immediately e-mailed over, he let the detectives know.

  “Okay, I think it best if you all go home and leave things to us. We will get in contact with detectives in Avery’s home town and they can check things out at that end.”

  Richard nodded and shook hands with the officers. “You will keep us up to date, won’t you? Cassie is very important to us. She is Antony’s partner. If Avery has her there is no telling what he will do to her.”

  “I understand, Richard. I’ll contact you once we know anything. In the meantime, I suggest you leave things to us.” Mark looked directly at Antony. “Do you understand, Mr. Grenville? I do not want you going after this man!”

  Antony did not look happy. He looked ready to pick a fight with anyone. Richard and Paul both knew he intended to confront Avery.

  “We will make sure he stays in town as long as you keep us informed.” Richard tugged Antony’s arm.

  “Come on, mate. Let us get out of here and let them work. You need to check home in case Cassie has managed to ring your house.”

  Antony allowed Richard to lead him out but everyone knew he was a hairsbreadth away from exploding. Richard took charge. He and the other two had come in the one car, so he sent Paul back with Lisa and told Fleur to follow him to Antony’s home.

  Antony did not speak on the drive back to his home and Richard was glad when he stormed in the house once they pulled up. He had been worried that he may race to his own car and leave. Richard waited for the others then they all went inside. Fleur and Lisa made coffee for everyone, and then they all sat and waited.

  Antony refused to speak to anyone. He was feeling so lost. Over the last two weeks, his little sub had wormed her way into his heart and he knew he was in love with her. He could not imagine what his life would be like without her. He had been upset and left the scene when Nancy had left to marry, but if anything were to happen to Cassie he doubted he could survive.

  Chapter Eight

  For a split second, Cassie could not understand what had happened. One moment she was about to fall and the next, she was bundled into the backseat of a car. She tried to sit up but the man who had pulled her into the car punched her face and pushed her down on the seat. She wanted to scream but knew it would be useless. She could feel the car speeding away.

  After driving for around fifteen minutes, the car stopped and Cassie was pulled out by the same man in the backseat. She had no idea who he was or where she was. She looked at the driver of the car but he was a stranger to her as well. The man dragged her into a house and threw her roughly onto a chair.

  “Sit there and shut up if you want to live.”

  Cassie could only nod in agreement. She was too frightened to speak.

  She heard the driver come inside and join the man who had pulled into the house. She could see them talking but could not hear what they were saying. One pulled a cell phone from his pocket and spoke into it, glaring across at her.

  “No! That wasn’t in the deal,” he shouted.

  “I don’t give a fuck. We grabbed the bitch and she is here. You want her, come and get her.”

  “Fuck you! We can put her back where we found her.”

  “That’s better. How long?”

  “Okay, make sure you have our money or the deal’s off.”

  He put the phone back in his pocket and spoke to the other man.

  “Prick wanted us to deliver her to his place for free. He is coming with our cash. Should be here in a few hours. Better tie the bitch up, don’t want her running off before we get our money.”

  He went into another room and came back with rope. Cassie tried to get up and run but he slapped her across the mouth then threw the rope to the other man. He pulled her arms behind her back while the other man tied them tight. He grabbed one leg and she lashed out with the other, managing to kick him in the shin. He swung a punch that caught the side of her head and she lost consciousness for a moment. When she came to, he had tied her legs.

  “Any chance we can
have some fun with her before he comes?”

  “Nah. If he finds out then the deal might be off. Here, gag her. Don’t want her screaming for help.” He threw an old rag over. The other man grunted and roughly pushed the cloth into her mouth, and then they both left the room. Cassie looked around but there was nothing to see. The room had a television and two tattered sofas but nothing else.

  She was sure that the man who was coming would be her old Master. He never liked someone getting the better of him. Cassie knew that if he got her either she would be killed immediately or he would hurt her so badly she would wish she were dead. She had to escape but she was terrified to even try.

  Still, she needed to do something. Trying to move her hands, she realised the ropes were far too tight. She could feel them cutting into her wrists. She tried to move her legs but he had tightly tied one to each leg of the sofa. Using her tongue, she tried to push the rag from her mouth but instead almost gagged. There was nothing to do but wait.

  Time seemed to pass slowly. Once or twice one of the men would come and check her to make sure she had not loosened the ropes. Her head was pounding and she could taste blood where her lip had split when he hit her. She had lost all feeling in her hands and feet. She began to softly cry. She would never see Antony again, never feel loved and protected.

  * * * *

  Richard’s phone rang and everyone looked up expectantly as he answered.


  “Okay. It was empty?”

  “So what about Avery?”

  “No one? So what happens now?”

  “Yeah, no I understand. No, that’s good. You will let us know if he surfaces.”

  “Okay, thanks.” Richard threw his phone on a sofa and spoke to the others.

  “That was Mark Torrens. There was no one at the address they had on file for the car owner. Avery’s house was empty too. They know that the car owner had a mate who was in prison with him and they are trying to find an address for him. They are going to check it out once they do. In the meantime they have a bulletin out for Avery.”

  Antony threw the coffee mug he had been holding for the last hour across the room.

  “Fuck, Richard. I can’t just sit here like some kid. I need to find her.” He stood and stalked across the room then turned to Richard.

  “So what do you suggest, Antony? The police have determined Avery is not in his home, they have surveillance on his home in case he returns. We know it would take him about four hours to drive here. If you have any ideas then I’m all ears.” Richard was angry. He understood Antony but he was frustrated because their hands were tied.

  Paul stepped between the two of them, “Look, guys, we all understand how you are feeling. Antony, believe me, I’ve been there, but as Richard said there isn’t anything we can do at the moment.”

  He gripped Antony’s shoulder. “All we can do is wait. The cops know what they are doing. They have Avery’s place under surveillance. If he was behind this, they will get him.”

  Antony seemed to slump. “I know, shit, I know. But, I can’t just sit here and do nothing! She could be dead!”

  “This is the hardest part, mate. When Lisa was lying there, I thought she was dead too. I wanted to kill that prick except the cops beat me to it. Then I had to wait until she came out of surgery, I had no idea if she was going to make it. Believe me, waiting is the fucking hardest thing to do.”

  Lisa went to him and wrapped her arms around him. She reached out for Antony and was glad when he took her hand and allowed her to pull him closer.

  “We are all here, Antony. You don’t have to do this on your own. They will find her.”

  He nodded his head and squeezed her hand in thanks before beginning to pace up and down the room again. The tension in the room eased. Everyone was on edge, frustrated by the waiting game they were being forced to play.

  Chapter Nine

  Cassie had no idea how much time had passed. She thought she had dozed off a few times. She could hear the two men in another room talking together quietly. Her arms were hurting now, her hands numb and her shoulders so sore from being pulled back. Her mouth hurt from the gag and the hit and her head felt like she had a knife driving through it.

  Suddenly she heard a car door slam and someone knock on the door. She tensed, terrified as the two men walked in from a back room and opened the door. Her eyes widened and her heart began pounding as if it would burst from her chest as her old Master walked in.

  He walked over and stood in front of her.

  “Thought you could escape me. No one gets away from me unless I say so, bitch!” He backhanded her across the face. Cassie felt tears run down her face as he stared at her.

  He leant forward. “You’ll pay for this, cunt. You think you had pain before? You will scream every day for the rest of your fucking life, bitch, and I will laugh,” he whispered in her ear. He stood up.

  “Where’s our money?”

  Avery took an envelope from his pocket and tossed across to one of the men, who immediately opened it and counted the bills inside.

  “Untie her legs,” Avery ordered. “The bitch can walk to my car. If you men are ever in my neck of the woods you can come and fuck her.”

  One of her captors picked up a knife and sawed through the ropes on her ankles. He pulled her roughly to her feet and laughed as she collapsed back down onto the chair. Avery grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to her feet. She struggled to stand erect, knowing he would punish her if she fell again. Her feet were burning with pain as the blood rushed into them.

  He pulled the gag from her mouth and sneered at her. “Thank the nice men for taking care of you or I will let them fuck you right now.”

  She tried to speak but her mouth was so dry nothing would come out. Avery lashed out again and punched her in the chest. She gasped, fell to the ground, and Avery kicked her in the stomach.

  “Get up, you fuckin’ cunt. You have thirty seconds to stand or I kick you again.”

  Cassie tried hard to stand. She was hurting so much, her arms still tied behind her back, but she managed to get to her feet. He ripped her blouse off and grabbed her breast through her bra. “Maybe I should let these nice boys bite your titties. Would you like that, boys?”

  They grinned at each other as Avery pushed her toward one of them. He caught her and squeezed one breast until she gasped.

  “Be quiet, bitch! Let him kiss you.” Cassie grimaced as one man thrust his mouth at her, biting down on her lip. The other groped her tit with one hand and tried to push his other hand down the front of her jeans.

  “Let us fuck her, go on,” they asked Avery while leering at her.

  “No, I don’t have time. We are going.” Avery grabbed one arm and pulled her toward the door. Suddenly she thought she saw a face at the window. She looked carefully but there was no one there. Her imagination must have been playing tricks on her.

  “It was a pleasure doing business with you, men. I will call on you again if I need some more work done.” He laughed as he opened the door and pushed her through it. She tripped and landed heavily on her side on the grass, knocking her head. Dizzily, she thought she heard shouting, then in front of her face was a pair of boots. Looking up, she saw armed police officers surrounding the door. She felt arms lifting her into a sitting position.

  Cassie looked around, stunned. There were police everywhere. Avery was in handcuffs and so were the two men who had kidnapped her. The men were screaming that it was all Avery’s idea and spilling their guts. As the police escorted Avery past her, he tried to kick her and he shouted.

  “Fuckin’ cunt. You’ll pay for this. I’d kill you now if I could. I should have killed you inside when I had the chance!”

  “No chance, Avery. You’re going away for a very long time.” Mark Torrens was very happy. With Avery threatening her in front of all the officers, he ensured himself a long spell in gaol.

  Bending down to Cassie, he spoke gently. “My name is Mark. You are safe no
w, Miss. Let me untie you. I am a police officer and a friend of Richard’s.”

  He called for a knife and cut the ropes on her arms. Cassie almost passed out as the blood flowed back into her hands. He beckoned over the ambulance paramedics, who were standing by. They immediately lifted her onto a stretcher, covered her, and took her to the ambulance for treatment. Mark followed and while they were treating her, he asked her what had happened. He wrote everything she said down and then pulled out his cell phone to ring Richard.

  “We have her. She is safe.”

  * * * *

  Richard’s phone rang again. Antony stopped his pacing as everyone looked at Richard.


  “You do? She is.” Richard had the biggest grin on his face as the others listened to his one-sided conversation.


  “All of them?” Antony was at Richard’s side. “Is Cassie okay?” he demanded.

  “Okay. What about Cassie? Is she hurt?” He nodded his head.

  “Badly? The ambulance, okay. We will meet you at the hospital. Thanks.”

  Richard grabbed Antony. “She’s going to be okay, she doesn’t appear to be badly hurt.”

  Everyone was grinning like idiots. Both girls burst into tears as Richard continued.

  “Apparently a highway officer spotted Avery’s car and alerted Mark. He got an unmarked to follow him. In the meantime, they had an address on the other guy. It seemed obvious that Avery was heading there so they decided to catch the lot at once.”

  “They were surrounding the house just as Avery pulled up and went inside. The rest, as they a say, is history. They got all three. Apparently Avery was threatening to kill Cassie in front of the cops so Mark reckons he will go away for a long time.”

  “What about Cassie? You said she was hurt,” Antony demanded.

  “She had been tied up. Mark said it looks like she was punched in the face a few times and kicked. She also was pushed out the door and fell and hit her head. The paramedics said she would be fine.”


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