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The Club 2: Uncollared (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 8

by Suzy Shearer

  He loved that even now she would not orgasm without permission. He rubbed her clit with one hand while he was fucking her cunt. Her muscles were tense as she tried to hold her climax at bay. He could feel his own gathering fast so he groaned at her to come, to fuck his cock.

  He loved it as she screamed his name and grabbed onto his cock with her cunt, milking him as he spurted deep inside her. Never would he tire of fucking her. She was his and he would never let her go. He gave a few quick thrusts as his cock subsided before pulling out.

  He got to his feet and grabbed a cloth to clean her and himself. Then he gathered her in his arms and kissed her as passionately as her torn mouth would allow.

  “Oh, Cassie, my beautiful Cassie.”

  * * * *

  She snuggled into him. It did not matter that she hurt, it did not matter that she was bruised. All that mattered was he held her.

  “My beautiful little sub, you can wake me that way any time you like. I love making love to you, I love fucking your sweet little hot cunt.”

  Cassie was practically purring at his words. She was so happy she could please him, even more happy knowing she had taken charge and taken something she wanted. She realised she was starting to lose some of those insecurities that had magnified with the monster.

  “I love you so much, Sir,” she whispered shyly, still unsure of how he would react to her words. He sat up and she thought she must have made him angry until she saw his face.

  “Cassie, I love hearing you say that but tell me again. Tell me as Antony, not as your Master.”

  “I love you, Antony, I think I loved you from the moment you told me you would stay with me that very first night.”

  Antony smiled down at her. “Don’t forget this Sunday. I am going to officially collar you and you will be mine forever.”

  “I could never forget. I can hardly wait. You mean the world to me.” They lay together in each other’s arms for a while before dressing and going downstairs for breakfast.

  Later that day, Richard and Fleur came over and the four of them planned Sunday’s ceremony and meal. Richard also gave them the phone number of the counsellor who had helped Lisa, and Cassie promised she would talk to her.

  The next day Antony arranged for the counsellor, Lynne Thompson, to talk to Cassie in the afternoon. Antony left them alone to go to his office. She felt very comfortable with Lynne. It helped that she was a Domme so it felt natural to talk to her about the things that had happened not just during the kidnapping but what had occurred in the time she had been with Avery. Lynne got her to talk about things that she had kept hidden for so long and by the end of two hours, Cassie felt drained but cleansed, as if telling someone all the horrors she had endured made them easier to accept.

  Lynne told her it would be good for them both to chat a few more times. She wanted to be sure that Cassie would be able to put the past fully behind her. Cassie agreed and she made coffee for them both. When Antony returned they were laughing together in the kitchen and it made his heart leap to see his little sub so happy. They walked Lynne out to her car, Antony thanking her profusely for her help. Cassie shyly kissed her cheek. They watched her drive away and went inside arm in arm.

  The swelling had gone down on her face but the bruising was still colourful so Antony suggested they ring for some take-away rather than go out for a meal. She readily agreed and they spent the evening curled up on the couch, playing Scrabble. Antony was surprised that Cassie managed to beat him more times than he beat her. He promised that the next time he played he would thrash her and grinned in secret delight when she back answered him.

  His little sub was slowly thawing and learning that being in a proper Dom/sub relationship was one of the most beautiful things in the world. He knew that soon she would become her own person. She would still be his wonderful little sub, but she would be confident, no longer jumping at shadows.

  They watched a show about dogs on television. Antony was surprised when Cassie told him she had a dog when she was a child and missed him still. They went upstairs and had a leisurely bath together with him making love to her, but that ended when more water was on the floor than in the tub. Laughing, they crawled into bed.

  The next day Antony had to work all day, but Cassie assured him she would be fine. She spent the day relaxing, spending some time in the spa and swimming, her muscles no longer aching. In the afternoon, she rummaged in the fridge and freezer and prepared things for a meal that night, once Antony came home.

  When he arrived, he was surprised she had things ready to cook. It was more of a joint effort than just Cassie cooking, however. Antony enjoyed helping her and was happy to see how relaxed she was becoming around him.

  They spent more time laughing than cooking, Antony treating her to impromptu impressions of cooking-show hosts. He loved making her laugh, she seemed so happy and carefree.

  He seemed very pleased with himself all evening and despite her pleading would not tell her what he was happy about. He kept telling her she would just have to wait and see.

  Sunday rolled around quickly and Cassie was so happy to see the sun shining, knowing what a special day it was. She just wished her face were not so colourful, even though some of the bruises had faded to a dull yellow. They had decided to have a BBQ, the women doing all the hard work while the men did the cooking. Fleur and Lisa had laughed when she rang them to talk about what other food to prepare. They all knew that all the men did was cook the meat that the women had prepared.

  Chapter Twelve

  She dressed very carefully, wanting to ensure that the lovely collar would be displayed on her neck. Antony seemed almost as nervous as she was. He rang Paul about six times throughout the morning and Cassie was wondering what was going on.

  Around two, Richard and Fleur arrived and Cassie felt less nervous now they were there to support her. Fleur reassured her that she looked lovely. She had used concealer on her face to try to hide the worst of the bruising. Antony led them outside to sit in the garden. He had set up tables and chairs and even had some flower arrangements delivered. He also had some large parcels delivered and hidden in the garage. When Cassie asked about them, he told her she was not to go into the garage under any circumstances. She felt confident enough to stick out her tongue. He laughed, grabbing her and twirling her around.

  Slowly friends began to arrive—Lynne and her husband, Kevin, who was also her sub, the barman from the Club, Stuart and his handsome partner, Peter, who was a pastry chef and had made a beautiful cake for Cassie and Antony. Cassie was very happy to see Doc Wilson. He gave her a kiss and told her she looked beautiful before wandering over to sit beside Fleur.

  A few other special friends arrived and in the end, they were just waiting on Paul and Lisa. Antony kept pacing back and forth until he heard the front doorbell.

  “Finally!” He raced off, leaving the guests bemused. He led Paul and Lisa in ten minutes later. Lisa and Paul were laughing at him and Cassie knew something was definitely going on.

  * * * *

  When everyone settled into seats, Richard stood, called for silence, and thanked everyone for coming, telling them what a special day it was. He beckoned Lynne forward.

  Lynne stood and held out her hand for Cassie. She led her to Richard and spoke clearly.

  “Cassie is a free submissive. She is free to choose who, if anyone, will become her Master. She fully understands that in placing herself totally in the hands of her Master, he will respect, care and protect her.”

  She then walked Cassie to the back of all the guests. Richard waited a moment then beckoned a second time, and Antony came forward to stand in front of him. Paul stepped up and told the assembly that Antony was a kind and generous Master. That he would always comfort, protect and love his submissive. He then went back to his seat. All those who were Doms stood as Cassie walked to the front carrying a rose. She looked at each as she passed them as if considering them, then she stood before Antony.

  Her voice was h
esitant at first but gathered strength as she spoke. “I offer this flower to you and ask you to guide me and lead me. My heart wants to belong to you and I promise to follow you wherever you choose to take me.”

  Antony accepted the rose and pinned it on his jacket before replying, “I accept this token as a symbol of you offering yourself to me. I promise I will guide you carefully and lead you safely. I will do all in my power to protect you. I will honour you as no other. I will put your welfare before mine always. You will belong to me from this day forward.”

  He smiled lovingly at Cassie. “Will you kneel at my feet and wear this symbol of my ownership?”

  Cassie knelt before Antony, her head straight but her eyes downcast.

  “I accept your token of ownership and kneel as a sign of my submission. I will wear your token proudly for all of my life, Sir.”

  Richard opened the wooden case bearing the collar and Antony locked it around her neck before placing the ring on his finger.

  “You now belong to me.”

  “I now belong to you, Master Antony.” Cassie had tears of joy pouring down her face as she leant forward and kissed Antony’s feet. He lent forward and kissed her head then told her to stand before him. At last, she could call him Master.

  He pulled Cassie into his arms and kissed her passionately. Everyone was cheering and laughing as he refused to stop kissing her. Cassie was breathless when they finally broke apart. She nodded to Fleur, who passed her a gift-wrapped parcel.

  Shyly, she passed it to Antony. He laughed when he opened to find a handmade leather flogger. Many of the guests made crude suggestions and everyone was laughing.

  “Stay here. Close your eyes and do not open them until I tell you.” Cassie nodded and closed her eyes.

  A few minutes later she heard Antony. “Hold out your arms but do not open your eyes.”

  A moment later, she had a squirming handful. “Open your eyes.”

  She was holding a gorgeous, very fat puppy, fawn with a black face. She burst in tears then laughter as he began to lick her face.

  “He is an English Mastiff. Never will you be frightened again. He will grow up to protect you when I am not home.”

  “Oh, Master, he is beautiful. He looks like a little tank.” The puppy gave a little bark of happiness.

  “I love him. I love you, Antony!” Cassie did not know whether to keep laughing or to keep crying. It was the sign for everyone to crowd around. They offered congratulations and wanted to pat the pup.

  * * * *

  The rest of the day flew past. Cassie could not remember ever feeling happier in her entire life. When their guests left except for Fleur, Lisa, Richard, and Paul, they moved inside and relaxed. The girls played with Tank, as he became known as, until he fell asleep. Antony got a dog bed and food from the garage where he had hidden it. There was also a kennel for those times that he would be outside.

  Fleur was envious of Cassie’s beautiful collar and her ears pricked up when she heard Antony telling Richard about the jeweller who had made it and some of the other beautiful pieces. Their twenty-seventh collaring anniversary was coming up, the same day as their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, and if she dropped enough hints she was sure Richard would choose one for her. She and the girls giggled at her scheming.

  When the last of their guests had left and Tank had been encouraged to relieve himself outside, Cassie and Antony, carrying Tank, went upstairs. Antony told her he wanted Tank to be with her as much as possible so he would always protect her when he could not. She was touched by his thoughtfulness. She went to strip off her dress when Antony held her back.

  “Cassie, you mean everything to me and not just because you are now collared and my sub.” He looked nervous.

  “Damnit…Cassie, I love you.” Cassie stopped breathing for a moment then gasped.

  He went to hold her but Tank had other ideas and charged into his legs, sending him to the ground. He pulled Cassie down alongside him as the three of them rolled and laughed on the bedroom floor. Cassie knew everything was finally perfect. She knew that the rest of their lives would be filled with joy and happiness.

  The best thing she had ever done in her life was demand to be uncollared.

  Now she had the perfect man, the perfect dog, and truly the perfect life.





  All alone and fancy free, Suzy lives in Sydney, Australia’s Western Suburbs with one very spoilt dog and two equally spoilt cats to keep her company.

  When she is not writing, she is painting. An accomplished artist, her passion is watercolours and her subject matter ranges from portraits and animals to nudes and seascapes.

  Oh yes…she also has a penchant for crazy-coloured hair—pinks, purples and even rainbow—and for tattoos!

  For all titles by Suzy Shearer, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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