Ice Water in Hell

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Ice Water in Hell Page 5

by Carol Lynne

  Baz held himself to such high standards because he had to. It was something that had literally been beat into him as a child. He had to become the bravest, most loyal warrior Sparta had ever seen in order to save his family’s name from the shame his father had brought upon it. The idea that he would put that same kind of pressure on people he cared about bothered him.

  “I don’t mean to push my beliefs and values on others. Call me on it the next time I do it.” Baz had no doubt Lu would do it if asked. How long had Lu held his tongue?

  Lu gestured to the book. “What’s that?”

  “A book,” Baz answered.

  Lu gave him a narrow-eyed glare. “I know that. What’re you doing with it?”

  “Trying to find out how Lysander was able to do his disappearing act.”

  “Find anything?” Lu asked.

  Baz ran his fingertips over the cracked black leather spine. “Nothing on the vanishing, but there’s a lot of stuff in here about souls I don’t understand.”


  “Colors. It talks about hues of an individual soul. But how can someone know what color your soul is?”

  “A few of us can see auras. Most souls are too strong to be contained within the flesh we wear as covering. The color leaked through the pores in your skin make up your aura. It’s how I knew Leo was a Grongler.”

  “So how does it work? What colors do you see?” Baz asked. He’d lived in Hell for years, yet this was the first he’d heard of auras.

  “Nick and Dominic are still pure, so, of course, they shine like a beacon in the night. Most people in The City are various hues of gray, a few shades of blue, but mostly gray.”

  “Because they’re not pure?” Baz asked, trying to understand.

  “Some aren’t. Some have just convinced themselves they’re no longer of pure soul. That’s where the colors come in.”

  “So the blues mean someone thinks they’re bad even if they aren’t?”

  “Yes. As I’ve explained before, many people send themselves to Hell.” Lu stared at Baz like he wanted him to hear what he wasn’t saying.

  It suddenly occurred to him. “You didn’t say what color you see when you look at me.”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  “Well?” Baz prompted.

  Lu tapped the book on the desk. “Tell me what this says about colors.”

  Baz opened the ancient volume and eventually found the relevant section. He looked it over several times before reading aloud.

  “As the world taints a man’s feelings of self-worth, his soul slowly begins to cloud. What was once a gift from God will eventually bring him to his own ruin if he continues down the path of self-loathing.”

  Baz glanced up at Lu, his finger keeping his place on the page. “So it’s not our actions that get us sent to Hell, but rather how we feel about the sins we’ve committed?”

  Lu smiled. “In most cases. There are some, like the man from your past, who weren’t given a choice.”

  “Can someone who’s in Hell ever rise to Heaven?” Baz asked.

  “Of course. It usually takes a great epiphany for a man or woman to see themselves in a different light, but it’s possible.”

  Lu tapped the book once again. “Continue, please.”

  Baz’s gaze returned to the printed words. “The soul of blue signifies shame.”

  “I would not share this information with just anyone, but Cory’s soul is that of blue.” Lu nodded toward the book. “Continue.”

  “A soul the color of the sun is the saddest of all. They may reside in Heaven or Hell but not feel at home in either place. They are truly the lost.” Baz swallowed around the lump in his throat.

  “Is that me?” he asked.

  Lu nodded. “The day I met you, I was drawn to you. You were one of the lost, and I needed to know why you’d chosen Hell as your home.”

  “I came here for you,” Baz mumbled. He’d already explained his reasoning to Lu in detail.

  “No you didn’t. You used me as an excuse to get away from what you felt you didn’t deserve. Of course I didn’t fully understand that until I learned of Nick.”

  Baz shut the book and stood. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Lu crossed his arms. “Really? So why, after doing everything you came here to do, is your aura still gold?”

  “Fuck you,” Baz spat. He’d given up everything to help Lu. It had nothing to do with wanting to get away from the pressure of Nick’s love.

  Lu shrugged. “All I’m saying is you won’t find your place until you find yourself.”

  Baz had heard enough. He walked away from Lu with the book in his hand. Fucking auras.

  * * * *

  Nick whistled as he checked his stock of liquor. He was happier than he’d been in hundreds of years, more complete. Things with Baz were far from worked out, but Nick could take it slow.

  He was counting the bottles of tequila when his phone rang. Nick set his clipboard down and smiled at the name on the display. “I was just thinking about you.”

  Baz cleared his throat. “I think we should wait and have dinner some other time.”

  “Why?” Nick rubbed at his tightening chest.

  “Lu pissed me off, so I’m in a bad mood,” Baz said. “No sense taking it out on you.”

  Nick had learned quickly that Baz and Lu fought like a married couple. Although they were both hot tempered, their anger never lasted long.

  “Maybe I can make you feel better,” Nick said.

  “I doubt sex will fix my mood.”

  Nick squeezed his eyes shut at the definition of their relationship. He was at a loss as to how to respond to the slap.

  “I’m meeting Lu and another man at the club at seven. Can I look for you after that?” Baz asked.

  “Sure. I’ll probably be upstairs in my office. Just call and I’ll let you up.”

  “Okay. Sorry about dinner. I just have some thinking to do,” Baz tried to explain.

  “I understand.” Nick didn’t but their revived relationship was too new to push. Nick hung up and shoved the phone back into his pocket. He picked up the clipboard on his way out of the storage room.

  He needed to check in with Cory. Losing the city’s best bartender because of his actions the previous night would land him in hot water with Dominic. Nick set the clipboard on the bar and waited for Cory to notice him.

  “Hey,” Cory greeted, drying his hands on a bar towel.

  “Hi. I just wanted to make sure we’re okay?” Nick asked.

  Cory smiled. “Sure. I knew I didn’t deserve you anyway. Wishful thinking on my part.”

  Nick hated to hear Cory speak that way about himself. He reached across the bar and grabbed Cory’s hand.

  “If my heart didn’t already belong to another, you would have easily stolen it.”

  Cory squeezed Nick’s hand. “I doubt that’s true, but thanks anyway.”

  Nick rested his cheek on his fist. He still couldn’t figure out why Cory was in The City. He knew it was considered bad manners to ask, but damn, he wanted to know.

  “Build you a Guinness?” Cory asked, sliding his hand away from Nick.

  “No, but a glass of water sounds good.”

  Dominic’s big body landed on the stool beside Nick. “Make that two.”

  Nick slid the clipboard to his partner. “Business has been good. We already need to reorder.”

  Dominic glanced at the list and pointed toward one of the entries. “We’re going to need another case of Scotch. Lu’s promised one to that Bruga guy for meeting us here later.”

  “Us? What’re you talking about? Who’s Bruga?” Nick asked.

  “Some guy who used to live in Old Town. Lu convinced him to give The City a chance. I guess he’s been here for over five hundred years now,” Dominic explained.

  “And he’s coming to Ice Water?”

  “Yeah. Lu thinks Bruga can give us some insight into Lysander and what his game might be.”

/>   Nick rubbed at the lighted blue acrylic glass under his hands. “Has Baz talked to Lu about Lysander?”

  Dominic shook his head. “Lu had never heard the name before yesterday.”

  Nick was ashamed to admit he’d also never heard the name before either. He was beginning to wonder how he could know so little about the man he’d lived with and loved for so many centuries.

  “I think Baz enjoys his secrets,” Dominic commented.

  “I think he feels his secrets are his to bear alone,” Nick corrected.

  * * * *

  A loud noise woke Galen from a fitful sleep. He huddled closer to the back of the statue, curling himself into a ball. Please don’t find me.

  He’d considered trying to sneak out earlier in the day when a group of worshipers had come into the chapel, but realized he didn’t have anywhere else to go. The few times he’d braved being seen at the window, he’d spotted Lysander still outside his building.

  Galen felt lost. All there was in front of him was a life of hiding, unless he could somehow gather the strength to stand up to his murderer. He took a deep breath. The last time he’d stood up for himself had resulted in the mutilation of his beloved Leo.

  He’d do better to stay where he was. At least no one else would be hurt because of him.

  * * * *

  Nick was standing beside the door when Baz walked in. Despite what he’d told Nick earlier, Baz needed the warm embrace of his lover. With no hesitation on his part, he walked into Nick’s welcoming arms.

  “Sorry about earlier,” Baz apologized.

  Nick nuzzled his face against Baz’s for several moments before kissing him. Baz opened immediately for Nick’s questing tongue. The conversation with Lu earlier had rocked him to his core. He still didn’t know what to think. Was he a man to be pitied? Is that why Lu had befriended him in the first place?

  “Glad you made it,” Lu said.

  Baz broke the kiss when he heard Lu’s voice. He gazed into Nick’s eyes and smiled. “Thanks. I guess I needed that.”

  “Anytime. And I mean that.” Nick punctuated the statement with a kiss to Baz’s nose.

  Baz turned to address Lu. “Is Bruga here yet?”

  Lu shook his head. “Why don’t the two of you go on over to one of the alcoves. Bruga will be more apt to talk in the shadows.”

  Baz wanted a drink, but facing Cory didn’t appeal to him. “What time does the wait staff start?”

  “They show up thirty minutes before we open. Why? You want something?” Nick asked, leading Baz to one of the deep semi-circular niches carved into the wall.

  Baz glanced in the bar’s direction. Cory was putting glasses away and looking just as sexy as ever. He’d be a fool to send his lover toward the man who’d almost stolen him away.

  “No. That’s okay. Maybe later,” he finally answered.

  Nick pulled Baz down beside him on one of the sofas. “I spoke to Cory earlier. Things are cool between us. You don’t need to worry about him.”

  Baz thought of the blue light Lu claimed surrounded Cory. He wondered if the unseen-aura was the reason men seemed to be drawn to Cory. How many times over the years had he wished he could bury his cock in Cory’s tight little ass.

  “Something turning you on, babe?” Nick asked, running his hand across the front of Baz’s pants.

  Baz looked at Nick and grinned. “I bet he kisses like a dream, doesn’t he?”

  “Who? Cory?” Nick lifted his head and looked toward the bar. “Yeah, he does.” Nick returned his attention to Baz. “Why, do you want to fuck him?”

  Baz knew he was walking a fine line with Nick. Although the two of them had shared men in the past, Baz knew things were still too new between them this time around. “Someday, maybe, but only with you.”

  Nick shook his head. “Not with Cory. He deserves better than to be used as our plaything.”

  “Are you saying you’d eventually entertain the idea of a plaything for us to enjoy?” Baz asked. In Heaven, he and Nick had hidden away that side of themselves, only to be brought out on special occasions. In Hell, there was no reason to hide their desires as long as they were mutual. A curly-haired man of eighteen came to mind, but Baz pushed those thoughts away.

  Nick unzipped Baz’s slacks and pulled his cock out of the opening. He bent over and took the length of Baz’s cock into his mouth, saying without words how much the thought turned him on.

  Baz reached out and rubbed the muscled cheeks of Nick’s ass. He heard Lu’s voice and glanced up to see his best friend approaching with Dominic and Bruga right behind him. Baz tapped Nick’s cheek.

  “Bruga’s here.”

  Nick gave Baz’s cock one last swipe of his tongue before tucking Baz’s length back into his pants. Nick stared into Baz’s eyes and he leaned in for a kiss.

  “I’ll keep my eyes open for a plaything if that’s what you want,” Nick whispered against Baz’s lips.

  Baz shook his head. “I don’t know what I want. I’m just getting used to having you again. Maybe someday though, once we’re settled.”

  Nick gave Baz one last peck before standing to greet Bruga. Lu made the introductions, but Bruga shrank away from Nick’s outstretched hand.

  “No touching,” Bruga snapped.

  “Easy,” Lu told Bruga. “Have a seat.”

  Bruga looked around the area before sitting as far in the shadows as he could. Baz wondered what had happened to the man to make him hate people so much. Although his skin was a mass of intersecting scars, Bruga’s eyes held a great deal of intelligence. Baz wondered how long the man had been in Hell.

  “Whiskey?” Bruga asked.

  Dominic stood. “I’ll get you a glass.”

  “I was speaking of the case Lu promised me,” Bruga corrected Dominic.

  “I’ll get both.” Dominic leaned down and kissed Lu. “Go ahead and start without me.”

  It was obvious Dominic wanted the ill-tempered man out of his club as quickly as possible. Baz didn’t blame him. Just sitting as close as he was to the man made him uneasy. Bruga seemed to see right into Baz’s soul.

  “What can you tell us about Gronglers?” Lu asked. “Specifically, how to get rid of one.”

  Bruga’s eyes went wide. “Before the claiming, who had the connection to the Grongler?”

  Baz swallowed around the lump in his throat. He hesitantly acknowledged the question. “I did. He was my father.”

  Bruga’s eyes narrowed to mere slits. “And who was claimed?”

  Baz gestured to Nick.

  “Who else? Where’s your third?” Bruga asked.

  “There is no third.” Baz suddenly worried that Bruga had heard him and Nick’s earlier discussion.

  “Not possible,” Bruga blustered. “It’s all very specific, very complicated. It ties into the past, present and future of all things.”

  Baz shook his head, at a loss as to what to say to the man.

  Bruga pointed toward Nick, Lu and Dominic. “Leave us. I need to speak to this man alone.”

  Baz squeezed Nick’s hand. No doubt his lover was about to object. Baz wasn’t sure what Bruga had to say to him, but it was obvious he was sending the others away for his benefit. He leaned in and gave Nick a tender kiss.

  “I’ll be okay,” he whispered against Nick’s lips.

  Lu and Dominic stood and waited for Nick.

  “We’ll be at the bar. Yell if you need me,” Nick told Baz, kissing him once again.

  Baz grinned. He was Nick’s equal in the size and strength department. So what in the world did Nick think he could do that Baz couldn’t?

  “Thanks. I’ll call if I need you.”

  Once Nick, Lu and Dominic walked away, Baz returned his attention to Bruga, who was refilling his glass with the bottle of single malt Dominic had given him.

  “There is a third,” Bruga said simply. “Who else do you carry in your heart?”

  Baz shook his head, ready to deny Bruga’s assumption.

  Bruga leaned
forward on the sofa and stared hard at Baz. “Whoever it is, is either already under the Grongler’s spell, or is about to be. So it is imperative that you are honest with yourself and your partner.”

  Baz buried his face in his hands. “The only other person who has ever been in my heart would never be here. Galen’s probably singing with the angels as we speak. He was an innocent, lovely man of eighteen when he was murdered…”

  Baz stopped talking before his emotions overwhelmed him. Flashes of the last time he’d held his lover sent Baz to the floor in a heap. So much blood for someone so young.

  “Baz?” Nick called his name from across the room.

  Nick. Baz lifted his head. Having his current lover run to his aid as he cried over his dead lover wasn’t what he wanted.

  “I’m okay,” Baz called, resuming his seat. He glanced at Bruga and was surprised by the genuine concern he detected in the man’s expression.

  “How could a man as sweet as Galen be here? And why would my father want to claim him? He hated Galen.”

  Bruga shook his head. “I can’t answer those questions for you. But I can tell you if your father has already found and claimed Galen, he’ll be coming for Nick, and your partner will be powerless to stop him.”

  “What can we do?”

  “You must find the other man in your heart.”

  “Then what?” Strange how he’d already accepted Galen as being the other man in his heart. Deep down, he’d always known, of course, but to bring the curly-haired man to the forefront of his mind was something he hadn’t done since he’d first laid eyes on Nick.

  Bruga suddenly looked extremely uneasy as he shifted in his seat. “You must take your two men to one of the elders and stake your claim before your father does.”

  “How would I know how to find an elder? I’ve never been to Old Town.”

  “The elders are the center of all they command.” Bruga stood. He surprised Baz by holding out his hand. “I do wish you luck. I’ve only heard of the elders granting Grongler powers twice before. I don’t know what your father did or said to convince them that your men should be his by right, but I wish you luck in convincing the elders otherwise.”

  Baz accepted the offered touch. He was so incredibly grateful to the wise man. He bent and placed a kiss on the equally scarred hand.


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