Kian: The Boundarylands Omegaverse: M/F Alpha Omega Romance

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Kian: The Boundarylands Omegaverse: M/F Alpha Omega Romance Page 7

by Callie Rhodes

  Ashamed and disgusted at what her body had done, she’d kicked them off as fast as she could. Only then did she remember she didn’t have anything else to wear.

  “What are you doing?”

  Paige started hard at the sound of Kian’s booing voice. Clutching a fist to her chest, she spun around. He filled up the doorway behind her, completely blocking the way out. He was sweating, harder than before, and warmth pooled in her as the masculine scent made its way over to her.

  “I—I had to borrow some clothes,” she sputtered. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  His eyes narrowed, but he didn’t move. “What happened to yours?”

  Heat flooded Paige’s cheeks. He had to know. Did he really want her to say it out loud?

  Apparently, so.

  “They…need to be washed,” she said.

  “Why?” Kian asked, leaning one shoulder against the frame of the door. His stance made it clear he didn’t have any plans to let her past any time soon.

  Paige shifted back a couple of steps at the realization. The back of her calf knocked against the thick wood frame of his oversized bed. Her gaze flashed back and forth between him and the mattress.

  The wet heat between her legs began to build again.


  “You know why,” Paige said.

  He was toying with her, and she didn’t like it. More than that, she didn’t understand why. An hour ago he was telling her to keep her distance. To stay inside, and far away from him.

  “I want you to tell me.”

  Paige bit into her bottom lip. Why did his voice have to be so damn sexy? Why did it have to rumble through her, caressing and seducing her from the inside?

  Paige fought against the pull. She looked down as she shook her head.

  “Tell me,” Kian repeated from the doorway. He didn’t sound upset. Not really. If anything, it seemed like he was playing a game with her. One where he knew all the rules and she didn’t. A game where he was both the player and the referee. One that he was certain of winning.

  The terrible thing was Paige was starting to believe it too.

  “Because my legs were wet,” she answered.

  “Wet with what?”

  God, was he really going to make her do this? Say everything?

  Paige raised her head and looked him in the eye. The hunger was back, stronger and more ravenous than before. Pure desire twisted hard inside her belly. Her lower lip trembled as she tried to swallow back the whimper that threatened to spill out.

  “Wet with slick.” The words had as much an effect on her as they had on him. The sharp sting of shame retreated into the background, and a far more urgent emotion took its place.


  “Just like they are now,” Kian said.

  Paige pressed her legs together. Her thighs slid past each other, warm and slippery. It was happening again. But now there were no jeans to get in her way. No panties blocking the flow. The thought was enough to plunge her deeper into the haze of passion. She could feel her control slipping.

  And she didn’t care.

  Kian slid his deliberate gaze down her body, stopping at the juncture of her legs. “Touch it,” he commanded.

  Paige blushed at the idea, even as her hand followed his order, sliding down the curve of her belly. Lifting up the edge of his shirt. Hiking it up higher and higher, until her vulva was exposed. Kian rumbled a primal growl as she traced her fingers over the curve of her inner thighs. She pulled them back, hot and wet.

  So very wet.

  “Now taste it.” His voice had changed. Not so much the timbre but the power. Paige didn’t think she could resist his words even if she wanted to. She needed to obey his words.

  Absolutely needed to.

  Just like she needed every other part of him. His hands. His lips. His cock.

  The thought flew through Paige’s head the second her fingers pushed past her lips. The heady taste of her own desire swept over her tongue.

  Oh God, his cock. So big and wide. So long. So hard.

  That was the answer. The only thing that would quench the fiery pit of passion blazing inside her. The only thing she needed.

  “Please, Kian.”

  Paige didn’t realize she was talking until the words were out of her mouth.

  His growl filled the room, rattling the glass of the window. His hands wrapped around the door jamb, his fingers warping the hardwood.

  “Please what?” His voice was every bit as tight as her own.

  It thrilled her to know she had this effect on him. That she could make him tremble. Make him strain. The only trouble was, she didn’t know where to go from here.

  She wanted him, sure, but deep down she knew that simple physical contact wasn’t enough. She didn’t just want to fuck. She wanted more. She needed to be filled completely. Totally. In ways she didn’t have the language to express.

  “I don’t know,” she admitted. “I just need you.”

  His eyes flashed with ravenous hunger. “That’s right.” Kian pushed away from the door. In one massive step he closed the distance between them. The column of her neck stretched as she tilted her head back, determined to keep her eyes on him. He raised his hands and brushed the back of his fingers down the sensitive skin.

  Paige’s muscles melted at the heat of the simple touch. Just like striking a match, a chemical reaction exploded inside her. Her skin tightened. Her heart pounded. A new rush of slick rushed down her legs.

  Paige wobbled on her feet. She leaned forward, leaned against him. A strange sound purred from her throat at the contact with his skin. Suddenly, it wasn’t enough. She needed to feel more of him. All of him. Against all of her.

  She slid her arms around his back, as far as she could go, but he was far too wide for her to hold him. She needed more.

  Her clothes. They were the problem. They had to be. She began to tear at the simple belt with her hands, her fingers forgetting how to work a knot. She was about to give up and simply rip the whole shirt from her body, when Kian stilled her hands with his.

  “Stop,” he said. His voice was husky, deeper and breather than ever before, but at least he still had words. Paige had lost them completely, and was down to nothing more than moans and sighs.

  With one tug, he pulled the makeshift belt free then pulled the shirt over her head.

  Paige sucked in a breath as the cool air washed over her naked body. Kian bared his teeth as his gaze swept over every inch of her exposed skin. His primal growl filled the room.

  He leaned over the bed, balling his fists in the covers. In a single motion, he tore them off and threw them down at their feet. Apparently, what they were about do wasn’t civilized enough for a bed. It required something far cruder.

  Kian pulled her down to the ground. His massive hand slid between her legs and was instantly drenched in slick. His growl of approval made a new wave flow.

  “Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited to feel the slick of an omega? To taste you?” He slowly lifted a finger to his mouth and swiped it against his tongue. His eyes closed. His chest pressed against hers as he drew in a deep breath of satisfaction. “Like honey.”

  Paige could only whimper in need. The urge to pull him inside her was overwhelming. Painful. It felt as if she might die if she didn’t have him. She grabbed at him, fruitlessly trying to pull his body against hers—inside hers—but he was too massive. Too strong. There was no way she could physically make him bend to her will.

  She cried out at the realization that she was under his control, not the other way around.

  “So impatient,” he teased her. “Is this what you want?”

  He dropped his hand back down. The pad of his thumb pressed against the nub of her clit. Paige’s back arched at the rush of sensation shooting through her core. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, urging him on. The pleasure was sharp and intense…but it wasn’t enough. She needed more.

  She couldn’t ask, so she tried to take what she wanted, cl
awing at the closure of his jeans.

  “So greedy,” his voice rumbled low. He swatted her hands away, and did what she couldn’t, freeing the top and kicking them down his legs.

  Paige sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of his cock, hard and strong, pressing against the muscled plane of his belly. It was so big. So impossibly massive. Just hours before the thought had filled her with fear, but now…

  Now, she craved his cock. She needed it inside her. All of it. Filling her. Making her whole.

  Every other thought in Paige’s mind flew away. Her only focus was on Kian’s body. Her body. The link between them. She could barely even comprehend his words as he angled his body over hers, cock in hand, guiding it toward her wet opening.

  “Now you’re mine.”

  He pressed inside. At first, Paige’s body struggled to stretch around him. She hissed at the sting of trying to accommodate something so big. But after a moment, her muscles began to relax. Somehow they knew to relax. To accept him. To welcome in inch after inch of him.

  Pain turned to pleasure as the walls of her pussy hugged his massive member. She’d never felt so full in her life. Nothing could even compare. She cried out in relief as much as pleasure.

  This was right. So very, very right. This was everything her life had been missing. The friction of his skin against hers. Inside and out. The sight of Kian. The scent. The feel. Paige had no idea how she’d lived before without it. Instantly, she knew she’d never be able to survive again without it.

  She moved with him as he began to thrust. She couldn’t help it. She no longer controlled her own body. Something else was in charge. Something deeper. Far more primal. Animal instinct that made its own demands.

  Paige had no idea how long she went on grinding against Kian. Time lost meaning when he was in her. All that mattered was the searing brand of desire. The vibrations of his growls against her chest. The scent of his body enveloping her like a blanket.

  She passed the limits of past pleasure, moving father and deeper into need, until the cord of passion inside her was stretched unimaginably tight. She cried out, unable to take any more.

  Just then, Kian thrust the full weight of his hips down, burying his cock impossibly deep. All sensation shattered, exploding out and taking what was left of Paige’s rational mind with it. Her body shook uncontrollably against Kian’s, her pussy fluttering against the silky skin of his cock.

  He stiffened above her, teeth bared and muscles strained tight. Paige felt a flood of come gushing inside of her. Pulsing. Pounding against her womb.

  Then the pressure really began. His cock swelled inside her. What was huge before became monstrous.

  But instead of pain, a new kind of pleasure built inside Paige. A deeper kind. One that didn’t just fill her body but her soul.

  She came again and again as their bodies locked together tight. Shadows moved across the room taking the day away, but Paige didn’t care. Time meant nothing.

  Not when Kian was in her.

  Not a single thought flowed through her head as she stayed lying on the floor with him. She simply pressed herself against his chest, breathing and purring, until the sweet bliss of sleep came and swept her away.

  Chapter Eight

  Paige woke up on the floor with no idea how long she’d been there. Hours? Days? Hell, it could have been a week, and she wouldn’t have been surprised.

  All she knew was that it had been a while. Because although the concept of time was fuzzy in her mind, the memory of every last thing she and Kian had done was crystal clear.

  They hadn’t just screwed once. Oh God, no. They’d done it a lot. A whole hell of a lot.

  Again and again. Over and over.

  Each time ending with her body exhausted but her blood still heated and desperate for more.

  Paige winced at the memory. She’d done everything he’d said she would. She’d begged, pleaded, tore at him until he filled her up again. The pictures flashing through her head were undeniable, but she somehow she barely recognized herself.

  She’d never acted that way. Never lost control. She’d become an animal, focused only on instinct and need. She buried her head in the sheets piled beneath her naked body.

  At least, she tried to. One inhale and she quickly pulled back in disgust.

  Yeah, she was going to need to wash those. Maybe burning them was a better idea. There was probably a limit to how much laundry detergent could do, and she’d never seen one that advertised that it could get out several days of alpha and omega funk.

  “You’re awake.”

  Paige jumped at the sound of the voice booming behind her. Without thinking she grabbed a handful of soiled bedding and wrapped it over her chest.

  She spun around to see Kian filling up the doorway. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, but it seemed he’d managed to fish his jeans out of the tangle of linens. Holding a half-eaten apple in his hand, he gave her a smile worthy of the serpent from Eden.

  “You know I’ve seen you naked, right?” he said before taking another bite.

  Paige blushed. That was one hell of an understatement. She was pretty sure that some of the things they’d done to each other bordered on illegal. So how in the world was he able to stand there like nothing had happened?

  Except something had changed between them. Something that didn’t have a thing to do with heat, or ruts, or hormones.

  Paige narrowed her eyes on Kian’s face. His gaze was strong and intense—nothing weird there—but it wasn’t tight. There was no strain in his muscles. No edge in his expression. He didn’t look like he could pounce at any moment.

  Something had changed with her as well. Staring at his exposed chest wasn’t sending her into a lust-filled frenzy. He was still sexy as hell. There was absolutely no doubt about that. The thought of running her hands all over his body still made her heat up in ways that had absolutely nothing to do with shame, but now she was back to feeling in control.

  “How long have I been out of it?” she asked.

  Kian shrugged. “Does it matter?”

  Maybe not. After all, it wasn’t like she had a job to get to. Not anymore. That didn’t mean that there weren’t other concerns. “I’m hungry,” she said.

  Ravenous was more like it. Able to eat a whole cow if she could get her hands on it.

  Kian’s smile lifted to his eyes. He took another bite of his apple. “I had a feeling. I made you breakfast.”

  Paige nodded her thanks. She looked around for her clothes, then remembered that they were still dirty from before.

  “I don’t have anything to wear,” she said.

  “You will soon enough,” he said. “I washed your clothes and hung them up on the line. They should be dry in a little while. But you don’t want your breakfast to get cold.”

  Paige pushed a tangle of ratted hair back behind her ear. “Thank you.”

  Making do, she wrapped the filthy sheet around her chest, pushed herself up. Her knees wobbled as she made it up to her feet. In an instant, Kian was at her side lifting her up into his arms.

  “I’ve got you.” He spoke gently against her ear.

  Paige resisted the urge to rest her head against his shoulder as he carried her out of the bedroom and toward the kitchen. “I can walk.”

  Kian’s brows pulled down skeptically. He didn’t look so sure about that. “Maybe, but I’m sure your legs are sore.”

  Sore wasn’t exactly the right word for it. She wasn’t in pain. She just felt weak. Used up.

  “After you eat, I’ll take you down to the hot spring,” he said.

  “You don’t have to bother,” she said. “I can draw myself a bath.”

  “It’s no bother,” he said. “Even though I piped in the water when I built the house, I still prefer to soak in the natural pool.”

  Kian grabbed a couple of plates and started filling them from a skillet on the wood-burning stove. Paige wrapped her hands around the glass of cool water in front of her and turned it back and forth be
tween her palms, watching the sunlight refract and spread out on the tabletop in front of her.

  “It’s impressive that you built this place yourself,” she said. “I’ve never known anyone who’s done that.”

  He shrugged his massive shoulders again. “It wasn’t like anyone else was going to.”

  Paige looked down at the plate he placed in front of her. Eggs scrambled with vegetables, toast and butter on the side. It looked and smelled delicious. She was starting to wonder if there was anything the man couldn’t do.

  “How long ago did you move here?” she asked.

  “Fifteen years ago.”

  Paige’s brow pulled down hard. Fifteen years ago. It couldn’t have been that long ago. The math didn’t work.

  “How old were you?” she asked.


  “What?” The word flew from Paige’s mouth before she could stop it. “You were just a kid.”

  He didn’t give much of a reaction. Just lifted his fork and started eating. “Not in the mind of most betas. I grew a full foot and a hundred pounds in two months when my true nature finally showed. Something like that has a way of putting the neighbors on edge.”

  “So, that was it?” she asked, feeling suddenly indignant. “You scared some small-headed bigots and your own family runs you out of town?”

  Kian didn’t look up from his plate. He simply gave a small laugh as he slowly shook his head. “Nobody ran me out of anywhere,” he said. “I came to the Boundarylands because I wanted to. Because it’s my home.”

  Paige narrowed her eyes. She didn’t quite understand. “Well, it is now, but back then—”

  “It was still home,” he cut her off. “I knew it the second that I stepped foot on the land up here. The solitude. The wildness. It had been calling to me all along, I just hadn’t been listening.”

  It took Paige an extra second to swallow down the bite of eggs in her mouth. None of this was going down easy. “Is it like that for everyone?”

  “Yeah,” he said. “For all the alphas, anyway. I’ve heard it’s different for omegas.”


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