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Sorcerer's Creed Books 1-3

Page 60

by N. P. Martin

"I've been down many dark roads, Creed," she said. "Along the way I've had to deal with all kinds of creatures, as you have as well, I'd imagine."

  "Of course, but I usually talk or bargain with said creatures."

  "And if they don't listen?"

  "Then I use magick. Or my gun. Or my knife. Depends on the situation."

  "We need these creatures alive."

  "Yeah, I know." I tried not to let my consternation at that show. Gordon Grayson wanted the supernaturals for a little show that he had planned, in which I was being forced to play a leading role. Not something I was happy about, especially since said show would be broadcast on every social media channel around the world. My current good standing in the occult underground would take a serious hit. I wasn't even sure if my reputation as an independent would ever recover.

  "You seem hesitant about this," Jordan said as she eyed me suspiciously. "That makes me question your loyalty." Her hand moved down to the pocket in the door, where no doubt she had a gun stashed.

  "Hey," I said raising my hands. "I'm just naturally cautious. I can't help it."

  She shook her head. "Nothing is changed by being cautious. Boldness changes things."

  "I agree. That's why I'm here after all."

  I was glad to see her hand return to her lap. Christ, was she really going to shoot me there? Her blue eyes focused on me. "The life you once lived is over," she said. "There is no going back to it, no matter what happens. Even if you could go back, it wouldn't last long. Things are going to radically change in this world, and that's all there is to it. It's inevitable."

  "You seem so sure. Is that just faith talking or do you have something that is going to guarantee our success?"

  Her eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?"

  "I mean your father must be getting his power from somewhere. You don't just wake up one morning and know how to create a whole new dimension in the universe."

  As soon as I saw the gun, I knew I had pushed things too far, alerting her suspicions. "What do you know?" she demanded, pointing the gun at me.

  I raised my hands again as if I didn't know what she was talking about. Although even if I didn't know, I would now, because her reaction said it all. She was thinking about the Dark Codex. "I'm not sure what you are talking about. I just mean I don't know anyone who can successfully create their own dimension out of nothing, and I know a lot of very learned people, including myself. So you tell me. What do you know?"

  Jordan stared for a long time, then put the gun closer to my face, the barrel seeming huge so close up. "Tell me the truth, Creed. Are you with us or not?"

  I didn't hesitate. "I'm with you. Of course I am. Now can you lower the damn gun, you're making me nervous."

  She lowered the gun, but only slightly. "I realize that you might want answers to certain things, but you must also realize that you must earn our trust first before we open ourselves up to you. Successfully completing tonight's mission will be a start to that process."

  I nodded. "Sure thing. I understand."

  "Good." She retracted the gun and put it back in the pocket of the door. "Now tell me where we can find a good werewolf hang out."


  Sting Part One

  I ended up taking us to a bar I knew in downtown Freetown called Dark Riders. It wasn't exclusively a werewolf hangout as it had more of a mixed crowd most nights, but I was fairly certain we would find at least one werewolf inside who we could target. Inside, bikers lined the bar and hogged the pool table. Most of them seemed human, but I spotted a few lycans amongst them. Also in one corner was a crowd of young people. Students, I think. There for the excitement of drinking in a dive bar with a shady reputation. Jordan and I got some suspicious looks as we walked inside and took a table in one of the far corners, although most of those looks turned to desire as they eyed up Jordan in her tight fitting dress. "Do you know these people?" Jordan asked me as we sat down.

  "Not exactly," I said, staring back at the werewolves gathered around the two pool tables. "They probably know me though."

  "You seem to have a big reputation around this town." Jordan sat straight as she stared intensely around the bar. She didn't seem too comfortable like she wasn't used to frequenting bars such as this one.

  I nodded. "You could say that." Although after tonight, said reputation was going to take a major battering because of what Gordon Grayson wanted me to do.

  "At least the beasts are here." The way she said it, it was clear she had no love for werewolves, but then who did? I was pretty sure her disdain extended to all supernatural creatures, though.

  "Yes," I said as I eyed up the large men by the pool table, who had gone back to their game now, their stares going from constant to only occasional now. Maybe they knew if I was around then something must be up somewhere. If so, they had good instincts. "Let's have a drink before we do any abducting."

  Jordan looked at me like I was breaking some rule. "You're going to drink now?"

  "Sure. We have to look natural if you want this to work." When a busty barmaid came over to take our order, I asked for two whiskeys.

  "Make that one," Jordan said to the waitress.

  "Eh, they're both for me," I said. "What are you drinking?"

  "Ice water," she said.

  I looked at her. "Ice water? You don't want anything stronger, honey?"

  "Honey?" she said staring at me.

  I smiled at the waitress. "We just argued. You know how it is. That's what happens after being together for so long, right honey?"

  Jordan was frowning at me like she thought I was going mad. She also looked somewhat embarrassed as she nodded once and said nothing.

  I looked back to the waitress. "Two whiskeys and ice water it is then."

  "Back in a moment," the waitress said, shaking her head slightly as she walked away.

  "What was that?" Jordan asked.

  "Cover," I said. "Trying not to arouse suspicion. Haven't you ever done this before?"

  "I've done plenty." Her head turned away as she looked around the bar.

  Jesus, she is a strange one, I thought. Brusquer than even Leona and that was saying something. She reminded me of someone who had lived at a monastery her whole life, someone who didn't quite fit into normal society. I wondered what her deal was as I settled back into my seat, happy to chill for a while before we had to make a move on one of the shifters. "So tell me about yourself," I said. "You haven't always been second in command in SciCane, so what did you used to do?"

  She frowned at me as if she didn't understand the question, but really she was just loathed to talk about herself or reveal herself in any way. Jordan was clearly a woman who was used to playing her cards close to her chest for whatever reason. "There isn't much to tell."

  I sighed. "Look, if you're going to sit there staring over at those guys like you're about to arrest them all, they're going to get suspicious. Trust me. I know what I'm talking about." The waitress arrived with our drinks, and I handed Jordan hers. "Sit back and enjoy water."

  Jordan shook her head but nonetheless sat back in her seat, looking only slightly less uncomfortable now. Then she surprised me by saying, "Give me one of your whiskeys."

  I couldn't help smiling. "That's the spirit." I held up my glass after I handed her the other one. "To SciCane and changing the world."

  Jordan raised her glass slightly. "To SciCane." Then she downed her drink in one.

  "So you do like to drink," I said before downing my own whiskey and signaling to the waitress again.

  "Sometimes." It was almost an admission of guilt the way she said it, and I wondered why she seemed so pent up all the time. Was it the strain of helping her father run things? Or was something deeper keeping her locked up tight? Her extreme guardedness seemed to be more than just professional. It was a way of life and one that I couldn't help but recognize.

  "You've done a lot of traveling, haven't you?"

  The question seemed to take her by surprise, and I knew
why. It was because her traveling was connected to the Dark Codex. Shrugging, I said casually, "I can just tell you've been around. I used to go around a lot, a long time ago."

  Jordan stared and then raised her perfectly smooth chin as she nodded. "I've been to places."

  "What kind of places?"

  She seemed hesitant to reveal anything as she said nothing. Then the waitress arrived with two more drinks and placed them on the table. When the waitress walked away, I looked at Jordan, still expecting an answer to my last question. She shook her head. "Places you wouldn't believe," she said finally, before looking away.

  "Try me," I said as I lifted my whiskey glass.

  Jordan shifted in her seat slightly as she stared intensely towards the bar. "I've been to many dark places in the world."

  "For what reason?"

  "Why do you care?"

  "I'm just making conversation," I said shrugging. "Unless you want us to sit here like a couple of mutes and draw attention to ourselves. We have to appear natural for this plan of yours to work."

  Her stare remained as stony as ever for another moment, then she sighed, grabbed her whiskey from the table and sat back in her seat as she retracted her thorns somewhat. "Fine. I was searching for something, along with my father."

  Well alright.

  "Searching for what?"

  "Something that would help us change the world."

  "And I take it you found it, given the things you've done recently?"

  She nodded. "Yes."

  "How long were you searching for?"

  Jordan sipped her whiskey and looked away. "My whole life."

  Jesus. She looked to be in her mid-thirties now. A long time to be on the road. It made my six years look like the blink of an eye. "Was it worth it?"

  She frowned. "Was what worth it?"

  "The thing you were searching for. Was it worth devoting your whole life to?"

  Staring as if she didn't know what to say, she quickly blurted out, "Of course." Then she looked away, and I practically saw her guard come up again.

  That's the end of that conversation, I thought as I finished off my whiskey. No point sitting much longer. "Alright, let's do this," I said, slamming my glass down onto the table loudly enough for the werewolves by the pool tables to notice and throw hard stares my way.

  Jordan seemed slightly shocked by my sudden turn in attitude and my rising aggression as if she had forgotten about the plan for a moment. Then her face changed to one of extreme distress and tears immediately flowed from her eyes. I have to say, I was impressed by her acting skills. So much so, I had to repress a smile. "Please," Jordan wailed suddenly in a loud, very convincing voice. "Just go! Leave me alone!"

  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the half dozen or so werewolves all raise their heads to take notice of what was going on. "You cold bitch!" I shouted back as I shot to my feet, almost knocking over the table. "I'll just go and find someone else who is willing to put out occasionally. Frigid cunt!"

  Jordan flinched at those last two words as if genuinely stung.

  "Hey asshole!" one of the werewolves shouted. "Leave her the fuck alone!"

  "Hey, don't worry," I said back, still all attitude. "I'm leaving this dump right now."

  The werewolves seemed to take great offense at me calling their hang out a dump, and all at once began to head towards me like a pack of, well, wolves. At that point, I decided a quick exit was in order before I had to defend myself against a load of angry werewolves.

  It's all up to you now, Jordan, I thought as I made a speedy exit from the bar and walked quickly to where the van was parked down a side street.

  All I had to do now was wait.

  While I hung around the outside of the van, I took out my phone and checked it for messages. It was the first chance I'd had since leaving the SciCane Dimension (when did my life become like a Sci-Fi Channel movie?). I wasn't surprised to see two messages from Brentwood asking how things were going. There was also another message from Leona. A picture message, showing an image of an FBI ID badge with her name on it. I shook my head and sighed. She went ahead and did it. She joined the fucking FBI. I had to admit, it stung a little--a lot actually--looking at that badge with her name on. And why the hell did she send me the picture? Was she trying to make some kind of statement? Shaking my head again, I dismissed the message, having no time or inclination to engage in the ongoing drama. For a woman who often kept her emotions on the back burner, and who wore her no bullshit attitude like a badge of honor, Leona was fairly getting into the melodrama that seemed to have sprung up in place of our previous relationship. I didn't appreciate it, and I didn't know why she was acting so different, despite her explaining her reasons.

  But fuck it. I had a job to do as well.

  "It's me," I said into the phone after calling Brentwood's number.

  "Creed," Brentwood said. "Hold on a second." The sound of a door closing. "Go ahead. Give me an update. Any sign of the Dark Codex yet?"

  "A little early in the game for that, but I'm getting there." I looked down the street. No sign of Jordan yet.

  "I take it you're inside?" Brentwood asked.

  "Yeah," I replied. "I'm on a mission now so I can't really talk too long."

  "A mission?" Brentwood sounded concerned. "What kind of mission?"

  I puffed my cheeks out when I thought about it. "You'll find out soon enough."

  "I don't like the sound of that, Creed."

  "You'd like it even less from my end, but hey, anything to get the book."

  "Will there be expected casualties from this mission they have you on?"

  Just my reputation.

  "Maybe," I said, hearing voices approach. "Probably. I gotta go now, Brentwood. Did you know Leona got her badge?"

  "Did she?" He sounded surprised, though I don't know why.

  "She did. Bye Brentwood."

  I slipped the phone in my pocket and ducked around the side of the van just as Jordan came walking up the street with a man the same height as her, but twice as broad. One of the werewolves from the bar. I smiled when I realized her planned seduction had worked. I didn't think she had it in her, which made me wonder about what other hidden depths Jordan Grayson had.

  Careful, Creed. You know where that kind of thinking leads. Next thing you know you'll be noticing how sweet she seems when she smiles, how taut her muscles long her legs are...

  Shaking my head at the thoughts running through my mind, I focused on pouring out a sizable amount of white powder from a small vial into the palm of my hand. No, I wasn't about to get coked up. The powder was for incapacitating the werewolf. It should put him to sleep for a good long while so he wouldn't give us any trouble until we got back to the Grayson Dimension. The last thing I wanted was for an angry werewolf to go nuts in the back of the van. We still had a vampire to abduct as well, which would cause even more friction if they were both awake and conscious enough to hate and fight with each other.

  Jordan was still playing the role of dissed girlfriend. Easy meat for the werewolf. Or so he thought. I heard Jordan giggle as she came up on the van. A strange sound coming out of her mouth as she didn't strike me as a giggler. More of a scowler like myself. "What do you say, big boy?" she said to the werewolf. "You want to fuck my brains out in the back of that van?"

  Standing on the other side of the black van, I shook my head at her crassness, though I was none the less turned on by her sexual bluntness. Maybe she'll say that to me later, I thought, then shook my head again.

  Stop it...

  "If it's fucking you want," the deeply voiced werewolf said. "It's fucking you're going to get."


  Jordan gave a dirty laugh in response. "Good to hear."

  As she opened the back doors of the van and stood back, glancing at me as she did so, I quickly came around to confront the werewolf. The guy was young looking, maybe early twenties, with thick stubble and dirty blonde hair. The look on his face said he
wasn't surprised to see me, which was somewhat disconcerting as I considered what that meant. Surely I was the last person he should have expected to see, given that I had stormed out of the bar earlier? In fact, the young werewolf smiled when he saw me, almost like he was expecting me to appear at some point. "So Ace was right," he said, his eyes turning yellow now as he growled at me.

  "Ace?" I said, knowing now that something was wrong. "What about--"

  Before I could finish, the werewolf lunged forward and grabbed me by the lapels, his superior strength and power forcing me back into the wall as he held me there close. My arms were trapped, so I couldn't even lift my hand to blow the powder in his face.

  Then I heard a clicking sound. Jordan was standing behind the guy with her gun pointed at his head. "Let him go," she said, her voice reverted to stone cold seriousness now.

  The werewolf holding me didn't seem concerned by the gun, and a second later, I knew why as I saw three other men appear behind the van. "Drop it, sister," one of the men said, obviously pointing his own gun.

  Then I heard a familiar voice approach. "Well, well," the gravelly voice said. "If it isn't August Creed. Just the man I wanted to see."

  "Ace," I said in a defeated voice. "What are you doing here?"

  Ace motioned for his mate to let me go as he moved in front of me instead. "I think the question is, what are you doing here? What the fuck are you and you're girlfriend here playing at?"

  "She's not my girlfriend," I said.

  Ace stuck his thick, hairy forearm across my throat and snarled. "I don't give a fuck whether she is or not. You two are up to something, and I want to know what it is. I heard all about your little performance in the bar, and knew straight away something wasn't right."

  "What are you doing here, Ace?" I said, noticing Jordan had handed her gun over to one of the other men. I also noticed she didn't look too afraid, which considering the circumstances, must have meant she was good at holding her shit together under pressure, which I was glad to see. "Isn't Red Hill your territory?"

  Ace grinned and revealed his fangs. "This whole city is my territory. I go where I want."


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