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Hudson 04 The End of the Rainbow

Page 4

by V. C. Andrews

  She rolled her eyes, looked after Harley once more and then followed me inside.

  Mommy was just wheeling herself down the hallway and turned to greet us as we entered.

  "Hi, Mrs. Clarke." Amber said. She went to her quickly and kissed her on the cheek.

  That was what I liked the most about Amber. She wasn't only oblivious to the fact that Mommy was half African American, she also was uninhibited about her being in a wheelchair. Most of my other girlfriends weren't as generous or as comfortable around Mommy as Amber was.

  "Hi, Amber, How's your mother doing?"

  Amber's mother had recently been operated on to have her gallbladder removed. The doctors had told her it was so bad it could burst and rushed her into the operating room. Amber was in school at the time, and her father sent for her. Like me, she was an only child and very close to her parents.

  "She's fine, thank you. Mrs. Clarke."

  "I'm glad to hear it," Mommy said, even though she didn't see Mrs. Simon much. Amber's family was one of those southern aristocratic families who could trace their roots back to the early colonial days and let everyone know it.

  "This is going to be a fun day," Amber predicted. Mommy beamed at me.

  "I bet. and I'm sure you two have some plotting and conspiring to do with all these boys coming over," she added.

  Amber laughed and followed me up the stairs to my room.

  "Your mother is such a cool lady. It's almost as if she has fun with us or through us." Amber said.

  "She's my mother, my sister and my best friend all rolled into one," I told her.

  She smiled.

  "I wish my mother was that way," she said and then she snapped to attention and dug into her cloth bag to produce a small attractively wrapped box.

  "Happy birthday. Summer. I wanted to be the first to dive you a present." she said.

  "Thank you. Amber."

  I peeled off the wrapping paper neatly and opened the box. It was a gold charm bracelet with sixteen candles.

  "It's beautiful. Thank you, so much," I said and we hugged. "I'm going to wear it to the party," I declared and put it on. I held up my wrist and shook the charms.

  "It's beautiful. Look how dazzling it is when it catches the sunlight."

  "I wonder what Chase is going to give you." she said. 'I bet it'll be something very expensive, a lot more expensive than my gift, something extra special. too."

  "It'll be expensive, but more than likely his mother will have bought it."

  "Why? Wouldn't he want to be the one to choose it? Wouldn't he want it to be something very special, something that represents his love for you? His mother can't do that."

  "I haven't known Chase that long," I said shrugging, "but I can tell those things aren't that important to him."

  "But he does love you, doesn't he?" she pursued.

  "I don't know if I would call it love yet. Amber."

  Her comment threw me back to my early conversation with Harley.

  "Why not?" she asked with a grimace, as if I was bursting some bubble.

  "We've only been seeing each other a little more than a month. Don't you think love should take a little more time and be a lot more extraordinary?" I asked.

  "I guess," she said.

  "I mean, some of our friends fall in and out of love as easily as they put on a new pair of jeans."

  She laughed, but then grew serious again.

  "I think it has to be love when you just can't think of anyone else, when you feel special just being near him, when you tremble if he simply grazes your arm or your shoulder and when you're afraid you'll say something wrong or look unattractive and lose any hope of winning him. That's love, isn't it?"

  I knew she was referring to how she felt around Harley. and I also knew he had nowhere near the same feelings about her. Maybe the most painful thing in the world was loving someone who would never love you. You had to compensate and tell yourself that it just wasn't meant to be, that there was such a thing as soul mates and yours was vet to be discovered,

  But that was hard to do.

  Very hard to do.

  "Well, isn't it?" Amber pursued.

  "If that's not love, it certainly sounds like it's just around the corner," I offered and started to flip through my bathing suits to decide which one I would wear.

  "I wish I could own a real bikini," I said. "but neither my mother nor my father would tolerate my buying and wearing one. They'd die if they saw me wearing what Catlin Staffer wears and will probably wear today," I predicted.

  "Watch out for her. She likes to steal

  boyfriends. It's a thing with her. It makes her feel superior."

  "Who told you that?" I asked smiling.

  "Gail Solt. You law she stole Neil Roland away and then dumped him a week later. Why else would she do it? Shell be after Chase for sure just to prove she can do it," Amber warned me.

  "If he's so easy to win away from me, than good riddance," I said, holding up my neon green twopiece.

  "Wouldn't it just break your heart?" she cried. I thought a moment.

  "No. I guess according to your definition. I don't love him then." I added.

  She looked shocked at my indifference. "Do you love someone else?" she asked.

  "Why do I have to love anyone vet? I want to do things-- travel, learn, experience a lot before I give away my heart. Amber. Don't be so worried about it. You'll find someone to love and love you. I'm sure.'

  "I don't know." she said gazing at herself in the mirror. "I wish I had your confidence."

  "You I said, but she shook her head.

  "No," she decided. "You're special, Summer. That's why all the boys want to be with you. I bet even Harley wishes he wasn't like a relative."

  "Well he is in my mind and I am in his." I said sharply, maybe too sharply. She looked hurt. I didn't mean to be critical of her. I didn't even know why I was so adamant about it. I smiled to restore our Good mood. "So, you're free to win his heart."

  "How can I do that?" she cried. "There are a lot of prettier girls coming here today."

  "Just be sincere with him. He loves honesty." She thought a moment and then nodded.

  "Then I do have a chance." she said. "because not one girl coming knows what honesty means."

  We laughed and changed into our bathing suits. Cars were arriving. We could hear them honking their horns. The music had even begun. A rain of festivity was falling over my beautiful home.

  "My party! It's starting!" I cried looking out of the window at what seemed now to be truly Mommy's magic place.

  "Happy birthday." Amber screeched and we held hands and hurried down the stair' s to burst on the developing gala.

  Harley was down at the dock setting up the boats and kayaks. He glanced back at the arriving guests and then dove into the water and started to swim to the raft, showing how little he cared to meet any of my friends.

  I nudged Amber.

  "Now's your chance. You can have him all to yourself. Just go swim out to the raft," I said.

  She looked horrified.

  "What if he swims away before I get there?"

  "The lake is magical," I said. "You'll look like a mermaid to him."

  "I'll look like a baby whale!" she moaned, glancing at her abundant breasts and wide hips.

  "Take a chance. Nothing ever happens unless you do." I told her and went to greet my other guests.

  Chase arrived with four of his buddies. He looked so handsome in his khaki pants and blue oxford shirt. Chase always had a tan. His friends teased him, calling him George Hamilton, Jr. I knew his mother had a tanning salon in their home, and he often used it. too.

  Mommy came out of the house with Mrs. Geary right behind her and moments later.

  Grandmother Megan arrived in a limousine with Grandfather Grant and aunt Alison. Grandfather Grant was wearing a light blue sports jacket, black cravat and white pants. He did look dapper. Grandmother Megan had a designer skirt suit. Her hair looked a shade darker than usu
al. Alison wore a loose-fitting Empire-waist dress with a very low V-neck, so her bosom practically spilled out. I was sure it was the subject of discussion all the way from the airport.

  Daddy's parents and Aunt Heather Sue arrived soon after. Aunt Heather Sue was married to an airline pilot who flew for American and was working today. She told me immediately how sorry he was not to be able to attend my party. I saw Aunt Glenda coming from the house, walking slowly, her head down, her arms folded. She had put on a pretty blouse and skirt, but her hair was still down, loose and somewhat unkempt. Uncle Roy's eyes grew small and troubled. He whispered something to her and then took her to meet the others.

  The last guest to arrive was Mrs. Gear-Vs Mr. Lynch, whom she immediately chastised for coming late.

  "A librarian especially should know what it means to be on time," I heard her say. He apologized and hurried to greet me and hand me a gift.

  All of the family and the adults sat in one section where they could watch the rest of us go boating and swimming. My presents were piled in a corner by the dance floor. Daddy had arranged for the boys to change in the garage, using the bathroom there. The girls would go into the house.

  "C'mon," Chase said after he took off his pants, shirt and shots. He was already wearing his bathing suit underneath.


  He seized my hand to pull me away from everyone. "Let's grab a rowboat and be alone for a few minutes. I know what it's like to have a party in your honor. I've had a few," he bragged.

  Of course, the boys all let out a howl to tease us. My girlfriends smiled knowingly, as if they had each been in a rowboat with Chase Taylor and knew what would inevitably happen. Nothing much could really happen. I thought. We were always in full view of the family and guests.

  As we stepped into the boat. I looked out at the raft and saw Harley sitting on its edge, watching. Amber was sitting beside him. Even from this distance, I could see she was looking terrified.

  Chase didn't see them until he began to row and turned the boat.

  "What's Hardly up to?" Chase asked. He knew how much it bothered Harley when he called him that, and he knew I hated it.

  "Don't call him that." I snapped.

  "Why? It fits him. He's hardly this and hardly that," he replied laughing.

  "When you have so much, it's doubly terrible to make fun of those who haven't enough, Chase."

  "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. It's your birthday. I won't say or do a thing to make a moment

  unpleasant," he promised.

  He rowed gracefully, his muscles making it look effortless for us to glide through the water as if we were sliding over glass. I could see how everyone was still watching us.

  "Maybe later, we can go someplace where we don't have an audience. huh? Then I can wish you a happy birthday properly," Chase said.

  "And what exactly does 'properly' mean?"

  "You're sixteen today!"


  "Hey, let's have a few surprises, huh?" he teased. He did have such a handsome face with the straightest, whitest teeth, and those eyes just seemed to pick up all the colors around us and twirl them back at me. Any girl would have to have a heart of stone not to be dazzled.

  "Now that you're getting along in years, I guess you're old enough to experience real lovemaking," he half kidded.

  "How many girls have you said that to. Chase Taylor?"

  He smiled. "Moi?"He put on a hurt look. "Never. You're the first." he asserted.

  "If love lies could make your nose grow, you'd bump it ten minutes before the rest of you arrived anywhere," I said and he laughed so hard, he had to rest the oars.

  "I really enjoy the way you put things. Summer. You're lying about your age, you know. You must have been sixteen years ago. No one could be as sharp as you and be only sixteen."

  "Keep those compliments coming." I said. He actually turned a shade crimson.

  "I'm not just handing you a line. I believe it. Really," he insisted.

  He let the boat drift and then moved over so he was sitting on the floor at my feet.

  "They can't see me down here," he said in a conspiratorial tone and leaned over to kiss my toes.

  "Stop it." I squealed, but he held onto my foot at the heel and touched the bottom at the arch with the tip of his tongue. It took me by complete surprise, but it sent a warm, electric surge up my lea.

  "Stop, they can see you."

  "No, they can't. Just keep looking like you're talking. Nod your head. Go on." he suggested. His hand moved up the side of my leg to my thigh. Then he got on his knees and looked back at the short, reaching over with his other hand to touch the water as his right hand reached my inner thigh. I stopped it there. H'Don't. Chase.

  "Just frying to give you something special," he whispered. "It's fun while they're all looking at us. They can't see. C'mon," he said pushing up against my hand. "I'll make you feel good."

  I swallowed down a throat lump, feeling a wave of heat wash over me.

  "Don't," I said a lot more firmly. "It's hot. Let's go swimming.'"

  Without any further warning. I stood up and then dove off the boat into the lake. He looked both shocked and disappointed. I started toward the raft.

  "Hey!" he called. "What are you doing?"

  "Try to catch me," I called back. He sat on the bench and dug the oars into the water, turning the boat and starting in my direction. I jabbed my hands in deeply and took long, graceful strokes, swimming better than ever. Finally. Chase gave up the rowing and dove in after me, putting on his Olympic-style speed. I just reached the ladder of the raft when he caught me and held me at the waist, keeping me from going up the ladder.

  I screamed as he pulled me off. The moment I went under the water, his hands moved up from my waist and over my breasts, nearly lifting my top away. I shot up and spit the water out.

  "Stop," I said and climbed up the ladder. I immediately adjusted my top.

  Harley was lying back, his hands behind his head. Amber was sitting on the edge where she had been before. Harley had one eye open, watching me.

  Some of the others started to swim for the raft as Chase followed me.

  "And what are you two up to?" Chase asked in a wry voice and with a lusty smile. "And don't tell me hardly anything."

  I glared furiously at him.

  Amber blushed right down to her cleavage.

  "We were just waiting here for you with our hearts pounding," Harley said. He turned slowly to look up at Chase.

  "Something has to make it pound." Chase said. Harley didn't respond. Amber looked away and Chase took the opportunity to grab her at the waist and toss her off the raft. She screamed as she hit the water.

  "Why did you do that?" I cried, feeling sorry for her. I knew how insecure she was already. Now she would feel so stupid and embarrassed because it had happened right in front of Harley. I thought,

  Before I could stop him. Harley turned and kicked at Chase's legs, hitting them at the calves and sending Chase forward, where he lost his balance and fell off the raft. Some of the kids swimming toward us laughed and teased Chase, who came up sputtering, g. He swam around to the ladder and pushed Amber out of his way.

  "Don't start anything," I cried as he came charging up. "I'm not starting anything," he said. "I'm finishing."

  He lunged at Harley and the two of them wrestled on the raft, each trying to force the other off the edge. I screamed. On shore. Uncle Roy and Daddy came to the edge of the water and started shouting in our direction. I saw Mommy wheel herself around the table toward them. Aunt Glenda kept her head down.

  Neither Harley nor Chase would stop. Chase was stronger and finally got Harley almost to the raft's edge. Rather than go over. Harley bit Chase's hand, forcing him to release his grip. Then he lowered his head and hit Chase in the stomach with his shoulder, sending him backward, where he sat down hard and nearly fell over the edge, just catching himself from falling into the water,

  "You bastard!" Chase cried.

top!" I screamed as loudly as I could, Harley glanced at me and then dove off the raft and started for shore. Chase regained his balance, pulled himself upright on the raft and looked at his hand.

  "Jesus, that animal bit me. Look," he said showing me his hand. The skin had been broken and there was a line of blood. 'Ill have to get a tetanus shot. Who knows what diseases are in him?"

  The other kids arrived, everyone shocked at the sight of Chase's wound.

  "You provoked him." I said. 'Now look at the mess."

  I dove into the water and started for shore. Amber followed, I swam as quickly as I could. but I didn't get there in time to stop Uncle Roy from taking a swing at Harley, slapping him across the side of his head. I heard his shouted order at Harley to get home. Harley hovered a moment and then spun around and walked away quickly.

  "Harley!" I screamed. He didn't look back.

  "Roy, you were too hard on him." Mommy complained, wheeling herself up beside him and Daddy.

  "It's the only thing he understands." Uncle Roy told her.

  "You know that's not true. Roy. You of all people should know what it's like to have a father who doesn't hesitate to get physical."

  "Yeah," Uncle Roy said. He looked at me standing in the water. ""Sorry about this. Princess. I gave him a good lecture this morning, but it didn't help."

  "It wasn't only his fault. Uncle Roy."

  "It's never only his fault, but somehow he's always in the middle of something."

  He turned and walked back to the tables. All the laughter and happy talk, even the music suddenly seemed frozen in the air.

  I looked at Mommy who forced a smile back at me.

  "Let it go for now," she said. "It's not the time for this sort of talk."

  I nodded. glanced at Amber who had come up beside me and looked almost as heartbroken.

  Then we both looked after Harley who had reached the house and gone inside, letting the screen door snap behind him like the door of a prison cell.

  Daddy told the musicians to start playing again. The caterer's staff began to go around to the adults to serve them champagne and wine. I heard a loud peal of laughter coming from Aunt Alison's lips.


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