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Going the Distance (No Excuses Book 1)

Page 7

by Mila Rossi

  Chapter 6

  Sam made herself comfortable on the couch with a glass of red wine. Aaliyah was playing in the background and the sweat pants and tank top Sam was wearing now were a lot less restrictive than the work clothes she’d just pulled off.

  Work had been a pain in the butt as the human interest story she’d been writing sounded like an elementary school kid had come up with it.

  She sighed and took a healthy gulp of wine, then grabbed her notepad to look over the interview questions she was finalizing for Trent. After she’d dropped him off at the gym the last time, she’d told him she would follow up for her interview. He hadn’t said anything to that, but she was adamant. She’d explain her reasoning for their activities to him and then he’d surely agree to it.

  A knock on the door got her attention and she got up to answer it.

  “Who is it?”


  “Me, who?” she asked, unable to keep from smiling.

  “You know damn well who it is.”

  She opened the door just enough to peek out at Trent. He was wearing a plain black T-shirt, dark jeans, sneakers, and the same brooding look he’d had the night he’d approached her in Vegas.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “What do you think?” He looked intently into her eyes.

  She breathed a sigh of relief knowing that finally she’d get her interview. She opened the door to let him in, but detected a weird undertone to his mood as he stepped inside. Something about him was different.

  “I was just finalizing my questions,” she said, closing the door.

  “What questions?”

  “The interview, remember?” She tried to move around him, but he blocked her path.

  “Who said I’m here for that?”

  Her pulse was suddenly racing as he loomed over her. “You’re not here for the interview?”

  “Fuck no,” he said, pinning her against the wall and covering her mouth with his.

  She was too stunned to think. His fingers wrapped around her wrists and held them over her head as his erection pressed against her. His tongue teased hers and she tasted him greedily. Thank God for small mercies. He was the last thing she needed, but the only thing she’d wanted in a long time.

  “I’ve waited long enough,” he said against her lips. “Tonight, you’re mine. I’m gonna fuck you until you scream my goddamn name.”

  The declaration should have alarmed her, but instead, she pressed her hips against him eagerly, wanting so badly what he promised.

  “We’ll see if you live up to your name,” she said, surprising herself at her boldness.

  He looked into her eyes and gave her a smug smile. “Oh, you’re asking for it.”

  Before she could respond, he spun her around to face the wall and pulled down her pants and underwear. She kicked them off and he reached around, yanked her tank top down to expose her breasts and grabbed one of them. His other hand dug into her butt cheeks, squeezing and touching as though memorizing the feel of her. She tried to turn, but he pinned her with his body.

  “Don’t fucking move,” he ordered, running his hand down her stomach, then lower, until she felt him between her legs.

  “So goddamn wet for me,” he said against her ear.

  She threw back her head to rest on his shoulder and closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his fingers. The sensation was short-lived, however, as he pulled away and she heard him fumble with something that sounded like a wrapper. Suddenly he was up against her again, spreading her legs apart with his knee. He didn’t waste any time and pushed into her, quick and hard. The invasion made her gasp, but just as quickly, he pulled out. She waited for him to enter her again, but he didn’t, much to her frustration. She placed her hands on the wall, hung her head, and backed her butt up until she felt him poking her.

  He grabbed her chin and tilted it up. “You want more?”

  She nodded. He drove into her again and she cried out with pleasure. He went deep and hard, making her feel like all the other times she’d had sex were foreplay to what he was doing to her now.

  When the pleasure started building until she was sure she’d have an orgasm right then on the spot, he pulled out, spun her around and lifted her leg to wrap around him, then pushed into her again.

  “Fuck, you feel so much better than I imagined,” he said hoarsely, wrapping one hand around her throat while the other held her hips in place.

  She leaned her head against the wall as he thrust into her repeatedly, making her breath come out in ragged gasps. She became consumed with the feeling of him inside her, panting as though all air had been sucked out of the room, and grinding up against him in search for more. He leaned forward and stuck his tongue in her mouth, pushing just as hard into her. That feeling that had been building inside her exploded and she screamed against his mouth.

  “Fuck yeah,” he said, not stopping. The ripples of pleasure continued until she thought she’d collapse in a heap on the floor. When her body started to relax against him, he pulled out, picked her up in his arms and carried her down the hall into the living room.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, holding on to his neck.

  “What I came here to do.”

  He dropped her onto the couch and quickly pulled his T-shirt over his head, giving her a moment to stare at his naked body. Her eyebrows shot up at the condom still covering his erection. Jesus, the man was a machine.

  “Take your shirt off,” he said, watching her.

  She removed her tank top and felt suddenly self-conscious being on display for him. Her knees clenched together in an attempt to cover up, but he grabbed her legs and flipped her onto her stomach.

  “Stick your ass up for me,” he said, watching her.

  She deliberated how much more she could take, wanting him all over again but feeling like she’d already turned to melted butter.

  He grabbed her hips and pulled her butt up himself, then quickly pushed inside her again, holding on to her hips as he thrust hard and fast. Her mouth dropped and her eyes squeezed shut at the deep penetration. She pressed against his thrusts, feeling that familiar sensation stir inside her again, and she dug her fingers into the couch in anticipation.

  When he reached forward and pulled her by her hair, she cried out as another orgasm crashed over her, making her throb all over. He slowed down, digging his fingers into her hips while he pushed deep into her, letting out a growl that was more satisfying than anything she’d ever heard.

  She released her grip on the couch and buried her face in the cushions once he finally pulled out. A moment later, she heard him walk past her and open a couple of doors.

  “The bathroom’s the second door on the left,” she mumbled sleepily. She hadn’t felt this good in probably forever and couldn’t keep her eyes open no matter how hard she tried.

  A few moments later, she heard his approach, but didn’t bother moving. He came to stand beside her and she felt his hands slide under her to pick her up, then he started walking.

  “Where are we going now?” she asked, pressing her face against his chest.

  “To bed.”

  “I need a break,” she mumbled, feeling delirious.

  He chuckled and set her down gently, then pulled the covers over her. She curled up in a fetal position and relished the cool feel of the bedsheets against her skin.

  “Are you leaving now?” she asked, yawning.

  He walked around the other side of the bed and got in. “Not yet, babe. I’m not done with you.”

  His words made her groan and he laughed as he pulled her against him. “We got all night,” he promised, resting his chin against the top of her head.

  “Speak for yourself,” she said against his chest. “I’m done.”

  His body jerked as he chuckled again, but she didn’t mind. The sound was deeply satisfying and she decided that right now, the only thing she wanted to do was close her eyes and enjoy the beat of his heart against her ear. Everything el
se could wait until tomorrow.


  It was six in the morning and Trent was jogging on the beach in front of his house. The sun had just come up, and the air was cold and refreshing. Just what he needed after his visit to Sam’s place.

  He’d snuck out of her apartment an hour ago, not bothering to wake her since she’d been wrapped up in the covers looking like the most delicious thing on the planet. He’d hoped to plunge inside her some more throughout the night, but she really had been passed out and not woken up for another round. He’d been disappointed since that was the only reason he’d stuck around, but then she’d curled up against him and he hadn’t been able to tear himself away from her. Something he never did with the women he was with.

  She’d felt fucking phenomenal and he wondered just how much of a mistake he’d made. Sleeping with her once wasn’t going to be enough. Twice? Who knew. All he was sure of was that whenever he thought of her now, he got hard. Fast.

  He dug his feet into the sand and ran faster. The cold mist sprayed him in the face and he wiped it away, feeling that much more alert. The little sleep he’d gotten wasn’t nearly enough, but he didn’t mind. Last night had been worth his time, unlike her weird activities that he was still confused about.

  He’d consider giving her an interview if she gave him more of what he wanted. The thought made him clench his jaw. Now he was willing to break his own rules for her.

  This was dangerous business. He couldn’t afford to be distracted right now, especially not by her. She’d been messing with him since the day they met, and he couldn’t let her continue to do so. He’d fucked her, just like he promised himself he would, so now it was time to put her out of his mind and move on. Focus on his training, his next fight, and his career. Ramirez and his team were counting on him, as was Emmanuel. Hell, the whole fucking world was counting on him to come back stronger, win his next fight and prove that he wasn’t washed up yet. He could win again.

  He picked up his pace until his calves almost cramped up. His determination had gotten him far, but could he talk himself into going even further? Could he lie to himself and pretend that he could win again, then tell all those haters who were hoping for another loss to go to hell? He realized that he wasn’t sure.

  The pressure was slowly starting to choke him. His fall from the top had been a long one. How the hell was he going to climb back up? His training sessions were shit, his technique seemed to be off, his timing wasn’t right, and his head was on anything but boxing. Instead, it was on Sam, the hard-ass girl who slapped him one minute, then melted in his hands the next. He’d never met a bigger contradiction, which was probably the only reason he kept thinking about her.

  Another jogger passed by and nodded in greeting. Trent gave a brief nod and kept going.

  The sun reflected off the calm waves and he breathed in the salty ocean air. Running on the beach usually calmed him down and allowed him to sort out his thoughts, but today, even that wasn’t helping.

  He wondered what Sam did to relax. As he’d gotten dressed in her living room, he’d taken a look around. The apartment had the bare essentials in it, but what stood out was the fact that not a single picture of Sam or anybody else decorated the place. That made him wonder. He had pictures all over his beach house, of him holding up his championship belts, celebrating with Emmanuel, or posing with the guys. What kind of person didn’t have any pictures up? What was she trying to hide?

  He’d come to the realization that he knew nothing about her. Other than the fact that she liked her neighbors, was a pretty good ice skater, and partied in Vegas. She never talked about herself and he wondered if that’s because she was trying to keep their relationship professional. Then again, he’d fucked her until she passed out exhausted. How professional was that?

  The image of her ass sticking up in the air popped into his mind and he groaned at his reaction. God damn, this was gonna be a pain in the ass to control. After last night, her naked body was branded into his memory. How was he going to focus on his training with her haunting his every waking moment?

  He had to do something about that and he already knew what.

  Chapter 7

  “Are you gonna stare at that dress in your hand much longer?” Danielle asked, coming to stand next to Sam.

  They’d been shopping for the last hour, trying to find outfits for Clare’s upcoming birthday party. It was still a month away, but Danielle insisted on finding just the right kind of thing, which was impossible since she was so picky.

  “Was I staring?” Sam mumbled, hanging the dress back on the rack. After trying on several dresses in the last store, she’d started getting bored, but didn’t want to ruin Danielle’s fun.

  “What’s on your mind?” Danielle asked, looking through the clothes before them.

  “Nothing,” Sam said quickly and turned to inspect the dresses hanging behind them.

  “Nothing? Sam, you know you’re a terrible liar. What’s up?”

  Sam was thinking that actually no, she was pretty good at keeping secrets, but she wasn’t going to point that out. She did admit though that she hadn’t been able to think of anything but Trent all day.

  When she’d woken up in the morning, he was gone, and when she’d touched his side of the bed, the sheets had been cold. He must have left very early. She had been disappointed that he hadn’t woken her up to at least say bye. Then again, maybe he had and she had just been too exhausted to realize it.

  Their evening together had wiped her out. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d slept that soundly. In the morning, she had felt rested and contented. Some parts were sore, but she didn’t mind. Good Lord, she didn’t mind. He’d done things to her that made her blush, and she’d shamelessly let him.

  “Do you realize you’re grinning?” Danielle asked, pulling Sam out of her thoughts.

  Sam felt her cheeks take on even more color and she pretended to examine a blouse. “I was not.”

  “Were too. Not smiling, but grinning, like you had a dirty little secret.”

  She couldn’t help from laughing out loud. “Okay, so maybe I do.”

  Danielle set down the skirt she’d been holding and fixed her with an expectant stare. “Spill it, girl.”

  “I had sex with Trent Page,” Sam confessed.

  Danielle looked back confused.

  “The guy from Vegas?” Sam prompted.

  “The same one whom you slapped?”

  Sam nodded, grimacing. Not something she wanted to remember now.

  “What in the hell?” Danielle said with wide eyes. “How did I not know about this?”

  “Because it only happened last night.”

  “But obviously you’ve been seeing him since Vegas, cause I know you. You wouldn’t just jump the guy’s bones after running into him last night.”

  “True,” Sam said, smiling at her friend’s logic. “I’ve been trying to talk him into giving me an interview for the paper, but it’s been taking longer than I thought.”

  “So you slept with him?”

  “Uh huh.”

  Danielle looked impressed. “I must say, I didn’t think you had it in you, Sam.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Sleeping with a guy to further your career.”

  “That’s not why I had sex with him,” Sam shot back louder than intended. Several people turned to stare at them.

  “That had nothing to do with it,” she whispered, following Danielle to the next rack.


  “Yes, damn it, I had sex with him because I like him.”

  The moment the words left Sam’s mouth, she stopped to question what she’d just said. How much did she really like him? He had started to grow on her, she’d already admitted that, but was there more to it? They hadn’t known each other for very long and she still had much to learn about him despite the info she’d gotten from her research.

  Did it really matter though? He was a boxer who’d never been attached t
o a woman for probably longer than a couple of hours. Maybe a whole night, to be generous. Sam wasn’t exactly the relationship type either, and together, they were a hot mess. But what a hot mess, my goodness. She’d never be able to forget his body pounding into her like they were making up for lost times. No other guy had done that to her and she was afraid he’d spoiled her for any future encounters. Her body craved him now like the junkies craved their fix.

  She wondered if he’d consider entering into a sex-only relationship with her, in which both of them could satisfy their needs without getting involved. She frowned at the ridiculous idea. He didn’t need to satisfy his needs, he had plenty of women to choose from. She’d seen their pictures all over the internet, hanging on to him like slutty monkeys.

  “Earth to Sam,” Danielle said, holding up a blue dress. “What do you think?”

  Sam considered the color against Danielle’s orange-hued blonde hair. “Hm, not sure about that. Try it on, it will be easier to tell.”

  Danielle held the dress up in front of her, seeming to consider the suggestion. “Okay, but I think I’ve reached the limit. They won’t let me take in more than five things. Can you hold some of my stuff?”

  “Sure,” Sam said, grabbing a handful of items. They made their way to the dressing rooms and Sam announced she’d wait outside.

  “Be right back,” Danielle shouted over her shoulder.

  Sam found an empty corner of a display unit to sit on and stared a hole in the ground. She needed to talk to Trent and get that damn interview over and done with already. As soon as her shopping trip would come to an end, she’d give him a call.

  Part of her hoped the interview would be followed by another session of a naked Trent, but maybe that was too much wishful thinking. She wasn’t sure what the consequences were yet of their time together and didn’t want to jump to conclusions. Maybe he hadn’t even enjoyed it as much as she had. And maybe she was starting to sound like a love-sick puppy.


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