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Little Black Box Set

Page 47

by Tabatha Vargo

  She was all thick thighs and sweet swells of cleavage. I couldn’t just turn those thoughts off.

  I tried and failed.

  When Darrell was home, our nights consisted of polite conversation over dinner before I disappeared to my bedroom and hid out until the sun peeked through the window.

  It was the most tedious and most exciting thing I’d ever gone through. My life had become a contradiction, and I didn’t hate it.

  The strange thing was that even though we barely spoke to each other, things got even hotter between us. At least, it seemed that way to me.

  To me, her glances held promise.

  Her smiles held secrets.

  Her words and actions held a hidden message I spent hours every night trying to decode.

  After a week of avoiding her, I wasn’t even close to being over it. I tried to let it go. I tried to keep my head in the game. School was coming soon, and I knew I needed to focus, but it wasn’t something I was capable of. Not when I could see her curves through her thin sundresses and the outline of her thongs through her tight shorts.

  Usually, it was at this point in other homes when I got bored and decided to fuck up and get into trouble. But suddenly, I didn’t want to get away. I didn’t want to get into some trouble like I usually did when I was beginning to get fed up with my situation. Probably because I wasn’t even close to being uninterested in my new home. Probably because I was becoming obsessed with seeing her and being around her.

  I had a crush on Jane, as fucked up as it sounded. She was in her thirties, and I was as experienced as someone my age could be, but it was happening, and it was tumbling out of control.

  And as with the typical crush, I wanted to be near her. The only way I could do that was if I was in the same household. Running out and getting into trouble would take that away from me, so it was the last thing I wanted.

  The streets didn’t call to me as much when I had a woman’s tits and ass to stare at all day, and that was exactly what I did. As long as she wasn’t paying attention, and as long as Darrell, aka the husband of the woman I jerked off to, was at work or out, my eyes were on her.

  We fell into a routine, and honestly, it wasn’t an exciting one. If it wasn’t for Jane, I would have been bored out of my fucking mind. But the usually dull things became exciting as long as Jane was doing it with me.

  Hanging out around the house.

  Doing laundry.

  Loading the dishwasher.

  Jane did it all, which surprised me.

  The Jepsons obviously had money. Enough so they could hire a maid, yet Jane spent her days being a housewife—cleaning for her husband and cooking his dinner—while other wives in her position were busy going to salons and blowing their husband’s money.

  Watching her move around the house as she cleaned became my favorite thing to do. She didn’t know I was watching her, but the way she stretched when she dusted or the sway of her hips when she danced to the music in her headphones were enough to drive me crazy.

  The differences between Jane and Darrell became even more obvious as the days faded away. Jane had the levelheadedness of a woman who’d spent more than a few nights eating ramen while Darrell had obviously never gone without a day in his life.

  Darrell was a money man, and I had the feeling Jane had jumped all over that rich dick and took a ride all the way to comfort.

  I couldn’t blame her really. I’d gone to bed hungry before, and I couldn’t say I wouldn’t have done the same because honestly, I knew I would have.

  “Can you hold her head while I rinse her?” Jane asked when I walked past the bathroom. “She’s being difficult today.”

  I hadn’t even heard the running water in the hall bathroom when I left my room, but inside, Jane was busy giving the fluffball, whose name I’d found out was Lulu, a bath.

  She was kneeling beside the tub; strands of her hair darkened by water fell from her hair tie and stuck to the sides of her face. More water and soap covered Jane than the dog.

  My mouth went dry at the scene in front of me.

  She was wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of shorts. It was a simple outfit—nothing overly sexy—with everything completely covered, yet water had changed it drastically.

  She was soaked.

  The white cotton of her shirt plastered to her body, showing off every dip and curve of her frame. Her nipples stabbed through the fabric like daggers. She was practically naked with the way her wet clothes stuck to her body.

  The light above her shined down just so, enhancing everything, and I couldn’t take my eyes away from her body. My heart grew heavy in my chest, and my cock inflated with blood, hardening to a painful point.

  “Sebastian? A little help here please,” she called out again, breaking my attention from her body and back to the moment.

  I moved into the small space, feeling as though I couldn’t breathe from the steam of the warm water and the heat of her soaking wet body.

  The floor was cold and hard on my knees, and the water puddled everywhere soaked my jeans. Lulu’s tangled curls caught my fingers as I held her still so Jane could rinse the thick lather of white soap from her fur.

  With my hands in warm water, I watched as Jane washed and rinsed the dog. She hummed softly as she worked her long, slender fingers through the dog’s fur. Her movements were relaxing. Lulu squirmed in my grasp as she tried to move away from the spray.

  I tried to keep my attention away from Jane’s soaked shirt, but her hardening nipples were like a bad accident I couldn’t look away from. I was failing miserably at trying to pretend the moment was totally normal.

  It wasn’t.

  It was sexy.

  It was wet.

  And I was rock hard.

  Did she know her body was visible through her clothes?

  Was she aware of what she was doing to me?

  And if so, was she enjoying my attentive young eyes all over her thirty-year-old flesh?

  I bit my bottom lip to quiet the growl that pawed at the back of my throat.

  I wanted her more than I’d wanted anything in my entire life. And for a boy who had spent his life wanting things he could never have, that was saying a lot.

  “Lulu, be still!” she yelled, making the dog pause.

  She was trying to climb out of the side of the bathtub, splashing even more water across the front of Jane’s shirt.

  My breathing quickened, and suddenly, the walls of the small space seemed to be closing in on us.

  The smell of the hot bathroom mixed with her shampoo.

  The scent of her skin.

  It was intoxicating.

  The sheen of humidity and sweat on her skin … My eyes followed the curve of her flushed cheek and down the side of her neck.

  I wanted to taste her skin. Slurp the water from her skin and lick the droplets that escaped down her body.

  “All done, Lulu,” she sang, pulling the soaked dog from the water and wrapping her in a white towel that had been sitting at her side.

  I slid back from the tub, getting my jeans even wetter. Standing wasn’t an option at the moment. Not when I couldn’t seem to feel my legs. And especially not when I was sure my hard dick was more than visible through my jeans.

  I tugged at my shirt, pulling it lower to cover my crotch, but even through my T-shirt, it was noticeable. There was nothing I could do but stand and pray she didn’t notice. I didn’t want to make things even more uncomfortable.

  My sneakers squeaked against the wet tile as I stood, and thankfully, Jane’s eyes stayed glued on Lulu as she scrubbed the towel against her to dry her.

  “Good girl, Lulu. You did such a great job, sweet girl,” she cooed.

  My brain was screaming for me to leave, but my knees wouldn’t cooperate. It felt as though the water on the floor and the bottom of my shoes had become one with each other. I was as good as glued to the spot.

  “Oh, my God!” Jane exclaimed. “She got you, too.”

  She poin
ted at the front of my shirt, and I hadn’t noticed it, but I was soaked as well. My shirt stuck to my stomach and chest the way Jane’s was sticking to hers. Except what I had to show was less appealing.

  She turned, reaching for a dry towel, and while she wasn’t looking, I allowed my eyes to dip to her soaked chest. Her nipples had hardened even more, and I could see their dusty pink coloring through the shirt now.

  I swallowed, the pressure of my dick against my wet jeans making me even more uncomfortable.

  She shoved the towel into my chest and smiled up at me. I loved how short she was.

  How small.

  And cute.

  And just … everything.

  I wanted to pull her to me. I wanted to feel her wet body against mine. I wanted to do it all. Everything forbidden and wrong. Everything I could never do. I wanted it.

  She dropped a dry Lulu to the floor, and she skittered out of the bathroom and down the hallway. Her tiny nails tapped against the hardwood until she disappeared into Jane and Darrell’s bedroom and onto their bed.

  “Here,” Jane said, surprising me and tugging at the bottom my shirt. “Let’s get this thing off you before you catch pneumonia.”

  And then it happened.

  She pulled my soaked shirt up and away from my jeans revealing the tent in my warm, wet jeans.

  Her eyes widened, and her slender throat bobbed up and down as she swallowed.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered, embarrassment settling deep into my stomach.

  This kept happening with her, and I felt stupid. It was like I had no control over my body when it came to her.

  Her cheeks reddened, and a shy smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

  “It’s okay.” She reached out and laid her palm against my chest. “These things are natural, Sebastian.”

  “I can’t help it with you.” Honesty rushed from my lips. “It’s never been this way.”

  I wished for sarcasm and attitude. I wished to be my normal self, but with Jane, in the humid bathroom with her perfect body visible through her wet clothing, I couldn’t be anyone but the horny teenage boy who wanted nothing more than to feel the inside of her ripe body.

  She opened her mouth to respond, but Darrell’s voice echoed in the room around us, bouncing off the tile like an acoustic hammer to my cock.

  “Jane, what the fuck are you doing?” he growled.

  I backed away from her quickly. My back slammed into the wall behind me, the towel rack digging into my spine.

  I wasn’t sure what I expected to happen, but Darrell stumbling into the small space drunk off his ass wasn’t it.

  He leaned onto the countertop, his red, glazed eyes taking in the scene before him, and his lip curled in disgust. The familiar smell of vodka swirled around me, sending memories of my past homes crashing into me.

  “We were just giving Lulu a bath,” she said, trying to make light of the heavy situation.

  Darrell looked down at the floor, his eyes scanning the space for the dog who was nowhere to be found.

  “Where’s the fucking dog then?”

  Her spine stiffened at his words, and I felt my anger spike.

  I was used to drunken assholes, but when it came to him speaking to Jane that way, I wasn’t having it.

  With wide eyes, she stuttered over her words. “She was just here. She must’ve run off.”

  “Yeah, right!” he yelled, his booming voice bouncing off the tile and making my brain vibrate. “That’s not what it looks like to me.”

  “What’s it look like then?” she asked, her voice cracking.

  “It looks to me like you’re standing in the middle of the bathroom with your tits showing. Sebastian’s getting an eye full.”

  Her eyes went even wider as she quickly looked down at herself. Snatching the dry towel from my grasp, she covered herself.

  “You like that, Sebastian?” he asked, his angry eyes turning in my direction. “You like looking at my wife’s tits?”

  “Darrell, please,” Jane started. “I swear we were just giving Lulu a bath. I had no idea that …” She stopped, motioning to the front of herself.

  “Yeah, but Sebastian knew.” He turned his attention back my way, his eyes dipping to my crotch. “Didn’t you, Sebastian?”

  I didn’t respond.

  Thankfully, my cock had deflated with his arrival, but still, he was pissing me off, and I could feel myself spiraling.

  I saw a whole other side to the Jepsons. A side that included alcoholism and jealousy. A side I wanted no part in. The fact was, their life wasn’t as perfect as it seemed from the outside.

  Instead of doing what I wanted to do, which was put my fist through his old face, I pushed past him and left the bathroom. I heard him call out to me as I made my way down the hallway to escape to my bedroom, but I didn’t turn back. Instead, I went into my room and slammed my door behind me.



  Well, Darrell argued, and Jane spent the entire time trying to soothe his drunk ass. He slurred asshole remarks at her about her body and how she was trying to fuck their teenage fuck up. I heard every word, and I took it all in.

  The things he said about me didn’t bother me because I’d heard it all before. As far as I was concerned, he could suck my sack. But the shit he said to Jane pressed into my chest, settled into my gut, and rotted until I felt nauseated with fury.

  I gripped my pillow so tightly my knuckles ached. Whatever it took for me to stay put and not go out there and put a stop to him.

  “Is that what you want, Jane?” he yelled. “You want his tiny cock?”

  His words echoed throughout the second floor and crept through my door.

  “He can’t get you off. He’s just a fucking kid!”

  “Stop it, Darrell. You’re being ridiculous.” She tried to soothe him. “He can hear you.”

  Her words were hushed, but still, I could hear her voice break through the thick wooden door of my bedroom.

  “I don’t fucking care if he hears me. He’s not going to fuck with what’s mine!”

  Drunken piece of shit.

  Soon the argument cooled, and things suddenly went quiet. I knew from other homes that when a drunk argument went quiet, it was because someone passed out.

  I imagined Darrell out cold in their bed and secretly wished I could take my pillow, put it over his face, and suffocate him.

  Soon after the house went quiet, I heard tiny footsteps in the hallway outside my room. The old, wood floors creaked the closer the footsteps got, and then there was light tapping on my door.

  “Come in.” I sat straighter in my bed when the door popped open.

  Light from the hallway spilled into my room, blinding me and reminding me that I was sitting in the dark.

  Jane stood at my door, nibbling nervously at her bottom lip. She tried to smile, but it was weak. Her emotions danced in her eyes, pulling at me, begging me to go to her.

  I didn’t.

  I sat there, staring back at her and waiting for something … anything to happen.

  Finally, I found my voice.

  “What’s up?” I asked, pretending I hadn’t heard every word the two of them had said during their heated fight.

  She moved into the room and shut the door behind her with a whispered click.

  “I just wanted to come in and apologize for Darrell,” she whispered, and her voice sounded broken and gritty. “He doesn’t drink often, but when he does, it’s usually because he had a stressful day at the office.”


  I’d seen this before.

  Women who covered for their shitty other halves. When I was nine, one of my foster moms had blamed me for the beating her husband had given me. Apparently, it was my fault for angering him while he was taking pain medication for his back. It was one of the “side effects.”

  The bitch had said that with a straight face.

  I’d seen many medication commercials in my life, and I’d nev
er once heard them say …

  Medication may cause you to flip your shit and beat the fuck out of an innocent kid.

  “Is he usually a massive asshole when he drinks?” I snapped, quickly wishing I had tamed my attitude when it came to Jane.

  She’d just had her ass handed to her by the one man in her life supposed to protect her. She didn’t need my shit, too.

  Her shoulders dropped, and her eyes watered, making me feel like an even bigger piece of shit than her husband.

  She moved across my room and sat on the edge of my bed.

  “Not usually, no.”

  Nodding, I wasn’t sure what else to say. I feared what words would come out of my mouth. I didn’t often filter myself for someone, especially not for a foster family, but for Jane, I’d do whatever it took to take the tears out of her eyes.

  “Listen, Sebastian; I’m sorry you had to see that. I’m sorry for the things he said. Things have been kind of tense lately.” She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

  It was wavier than usual, and I knew it was because it’d gotten wet while washing the dog and she hadn’t blow dried it afterward.

  My eyes followed her delicate fingers as they sifted through her chocolate waves, and I had to shake myself to get back on track when she began to speak again.

  “I promise he won’t talk to you like that again. It was wrong of him to suggest you were looking at me.”

  I was beginning to think she wasn’t just playing coy with me. That she really didn’t know I’d basically eye fucked her in the bathroom. That my mouth watered to taste her nipples through her soaked shirt.

  “It was?” I asked; my voice croaked, forcing me to swallow.

  Her eyes connected with mine as confusion swept across her brow. “Yes. Of course, it was. We both know you weren’t looking at me like that.”


  I was completely wrong about her.

  She really had no idea what I thought about doing to her. She moved around her house in her low tops and short shorts and skirts, and she did so innocently, not realizing how unbelievably sexy she was or how badly I wanted her body.

  This realization only fueled my desire for her. If she was attracting me so hard with her innocent ways, how badly would I want her if she purposely drew me in?


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