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Spun Page 1

by Shyla Colt

  Kings Of Chaos



  Shyla Colt

  Published by Hot Ink Press

  An Imprint of

  Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing Inc

  This Book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, duplicated, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  ©Text Copyright 2015 Shyla Colt

  Cover by Rue Volley

  Photography Courtesy of MHP Photography

  Edited by Leanore Elliot of There For you Edits

  Edited for Hot Ink by Elizabeth A. Lance

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious and are products of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual events, or locales or persons, living or dead are entirely coincidental.


  To everyone who supports me. I couldn’t do this without you.


  All I Want Is: Kodaline

  I Won’t Give Up: Jason Mraz

  The One That Got Away: Katy Perry

  Love Me Again: John Newman

  Locked Out of Heaven: Bruno Mars:

  The Scientist: Coldplay

  Dark Paradise: Lana Del Rey

  Chapter One

  Clueless people like to say bullshit like, ‘Life only happens to you if you let it.’ Those are the ones who have had the luxury of a good life and caring parents. The entitlement kids they drone on about on television. Born with a set of rose-colored glasses, they can’t even fathom what life without choice would be like. Truth is, we’re all born into situations. Most can change the path their life takes. They can leave, escape and shape themselves into whatever they wish. For people like me, that isn’t possible. I was born into the Kings of Chaos, to a father who only cared when it was convenient and a mother who never wanted the title.

  Don’t get me wrong. They weren’t the worst parents in the world. I didn’t get beaten, starved, or bartered out for cash. I’ve seen all those things happen in our life. I always had a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food in my gut. In their minds, that is where their parental duties ended. I learned at a young age, abuse comes in many flavors. Their spice of choice was neglect. Completely uninvolved, they allowed anyone who was willing to raise me.

  Kings always came first, and as much as the others tried to pick up the slack, the shit stung. Being passed from house to house like a communal piece of property, dented my self-esteem like a can dropped on the floor of a grocery store. I’m grateful for my Chaos family. I just wish my folks gave two shits—then I wouldn’t be in my current position.

  The pounding continues on the door of the tiny bedroom I stay in at the back of the house.

  I’m lucky Mel took me in. I know it. Still doesn’t change the fact that I can’t stand her old man, Fuse. I mentally count the money I’ve held back from each paycheck and cringe. Nearly everything went to the club and got doled out as needed. I had enough to approach our President and ask to live on my own, then my mother stole it and took a trip out of town on my dime. It damn near broke my spirit. That’s when I decided to stay out of the house permanently.

  It took me three more years, but I’ve gathered up enough money and courage to go to our President, Stone, and argue my case for real this time. The club likes its women to stay together. It’s much safer that way. I get that, but it doesn’t matter, ’cause I’m sick of being shuffled from house to house and left to the mercy of the head of each household. I need stability and a chance to feel like I’m worth something.

  The latch lock on the top of the door jiggles under the force of Fuse’s fist. The hotheaded fucker is upping my timetable with his bullshit.

  Technically, I’m unclaimed and that puts me in a dangerous situation. My father doesn’t care enough to look out for me the way he should. Everyone knows it, and this bottom feeder is now trying to use it to his advantage.

  “You in there, Nevy?” Fuse asks.

  The sound of his raspy voice sends chills up my spine. You know I am, dick.

  A sleazy, false quality about him always makes my skin crawl. He has a wandering eye. I don’t know how Melanie puts up with him. I wouldn’t. He doesn’t even keep the dirt he does a secret. It’s a blatant insult. At least most of the men who cheat keep it from their old ladies. No one’s stupid in this life. Monogamy is rare. In a lifestyle all about freedom and no restraints, that isn’t a shocker. Lately, I’ve noticed Fuse’s crazy filled dark eyes lingering on me more and more.

  “Yeah,” I call. I glance around my room taking in the child’s white dresser, small twin bed with white bedding, and the full-length mirror attached to the back of my door. Fuck, I wish I had a window big enough to climb out of. The three rectangular windows that sit high on the wall won’t allow anyone bigger than a five-year-old to fit through. Plus, I’d need a ladder to reach them in the first place. I’m five-foot eight and on the skinny side. So, I’m not too proud to make an exit when I sense trouble brewing.

  “Come out a minute. I need a favor,” he purrs. Slippery as oil, he’s an ink stain darkening souls one at a time.

  Fuse’s voice is laced with an intention I don’t want to examine. The hair on the back of my neck stands up. “With what? I’m busy,” I say, careful to keep my tone light and steady. He’s a predator. If I show fear, he’ll go in for the kill.

  “Doing what?”

  I gnash my teeth together. Like the old school mafia, men run shit. That’s the double-edged sword in the outlaw biker life. I’m in his house and I owe him respect. Blowing him off isn’t an option. Less than one-percent of bikers engage in criminal activity, but that black diamond with the one percent places you in a whole new world. The difference between happiness and hell is the make of the man you choose. It’s why I have no interest in becoming an old lady. People make nice until they have you. Then their true colors come out.

  “I’m going over some things for work. Can’t Mel do it?” I lie through my teeth. He knows better than to dick with the cash flow coming in.

  We have a number of businesses going around town. I suspect they are more to launder money than they are to bring money in, but that’s none of my concern. I usually work wherever they need me. Right now, that position is at our strip club, Golden. Technically, I’m a waitress with managerial duties. I don’t handle all the day-to-day operations, but I sure as hell count out at the end of every night. Chaos doesn’t trust outsiders with their green unless they have to. As a club kid, I’ve played the role of reliable worker since I was old enough to hire.

  “She’s not here right now. You are.”

  Shit. Shuffling to the door, I inhale and study myself in the mirror. I’m not dressed for work yet, so my body is covered. I’m rocking a pair of long sweat pants and a worn KOC T-shirt. It should make me feel safe from his piercing gaze, but I know it won’t. I open the door and find Fuse’s massive frame blocking my exit.

  A smirk lines his thin lips. He should be attractive. His skin is a flawless olive tone that accentuates the masculine beauty of his angular face. Almond-shaped brown eyes, which are so dark they’re almost black, scan me from head to toe.

  I feel dirty. It’s like he can see beneath my clothing. Determined not to show weakness, I straighten to my full height and return his stare. Fear is an emotion men like him will exploit. “What can I help you with, Fuse?”

  “I think you know, Nev,” he drawls, and licks his lips.

  My stomach rolls. Grinding my teeth I bite back the co
mments running through my head. “I wouldn’t ask you if I did,” I say, playing dumb.

  “You got a smart mouth on you, always have.” He rubs his lips with his thumb.

  “I am my father’s daughter.” I subtly remind him of his brother in arms. They don’t call my daddy Hulk for nothing. If I tell him his brother is coming on to me, words will be had. I’d prefer to avoid the entire situation.

  “Maybe, but Daddy’s a long way from here now, isn’t he?”

  The reminder of my father’s absence is a dagger to the gut. Since Mom disappeared, the old man hasn’t been around the club much. He’s been out and about for a straight year of visiting sister chapters and taking missions on the road. “I’m a lucky girl to have so many uncles then, aren’t I?”

  “Is that what you think?” Fuse snorts. “Those old fucks are sniffing around you hoping to get a whiff of that tight, little pussy.”

  I clench my jaw and bite my tongue, hard. The metallic tinge of blood fills my mouth.

  “You keep your legs shut tighter than a vault, while you look down at us like we’re not good enough. The brothers indulge your bratty ass, but not me.” He shakes his head. “I think it’s time you start earning your keep.”

  “I pay my money to the club, same as everyone.”

  He shakes his head. “Not to them, to me.” He thumps his chest with a balled fist and steps forward.

  I move back.

  He chuckles. “You can make this easy, or you can make it hard. We both know how it’s going to end. You think you’re such hot shit, walking around in those skin tight tank tops and ass hugging shorts.”

  “It’s called a uniform,” I retort dryly.

  His eyes are blazing with anger.

  I want to kick myself. I should’ve kept my mouth shut, but I can’t sit here and let him talk down to me when he’s in the wrong. “You seem to be confusing me with club trim. I suggest you head to the clubhouse and find someone who’s willing.”

  I can smell the alcohol on his breath. It’s rare that a brother makes me feel unsafe, but Fuse has always been off. My muscles tense. I watch him and wait.

  He lunges forward, off kilter.

  I dart to the left. Using the distance between us I break into a full out sprint. I pass through the threshold, focusing on the main entrance.

  He grabs the back of my shirt and tugs.

  I’m lifted off my feet. I swing my legs and arms. The material of my shirt rips, causing me to land on the floor a mess of limbs. The carpet does little to cushion my knees, and they sting from the rug burn. I let the pain fuel me, and half crawl, half stumble forward. His footfalls are just behind me. I crash through the kitchen, knocking the stools over at the breakfast nook to buy me time. When I reach the door, I slam into it and fumble with the lock. It turns and I shout out my relief. I yank the door open.

  Fuse slams it shut, pressing his body against mine.

  “No!” I throw my right elbow back.

  He grunts, but remains an unmoving wall.

  “Gonna take more than that to hurt me, little girl. I’m not some frat boy, taking a drunk bitch to his room for the night. You been walking around the club like you’re untouchable. You know the rules same as me. If you’re not claimed, you’re fair game.”

  “Don’t twist this shit around, you sick fuck,” I growl. He’s trying to take something amazing and turn it around for his purposes. We look after our own. Everyone who’s there is there of their own volition and agrees to our laws.

  He fists my hair and yanks.

  My head snaps back.

  While licking my neck he grinds his hard-on into my ass.

  Nausea hits me. This can’t be happening.

  “I like a woman with a little fight.”

  I sway as I lift my right leg and slam my heel into his shin.

  Releasing me, he roars, “Bitch!”

  I go for the door again, open it, and tumble out. I slam onto the concrete porch. The rough gray surface scrapes up my palms and wrists.

  “The fuck is this bullshit?” a gravelly voice bellows.

  I look up into the face of my savior—Wizard. I know everything is going to be okay. The older member is massive with broad shoulders, lean muscles, and a penchant for solving issues. That’s how he earned the nickname ‘he makes shit disappear’. In my earliest memories, Wizard is there.

  He bends down and lifts me to my feet. “You all right, Nevy?”

  A few years older than my father and always at his side, I’ve come to think of him as a pseudo uncle. “No,” I croak. My throat is raw, my chin quivers, and thoughts of what could’ve happened are splashed across my mind.

  “The fuck, Fuse? She’s no easy piece of trim!” He sets me back on my feet behind him. “I should take your fucking head off.”

  “She came on to me, man! I can’t help it if I’m irresistible and she don’t care about Mel’s feelings.”

  I clutch what’s left of my shirt to my body. “Bullshit,” I spit.

  “Shut your mouth, bitch!” Fuse snarls.

  “Pipe the fuck down,” Wizard booms.

  “You going to take her word over mine?” Fuse yells.

  “I’ve known her since she was born. You’ve been here what, two years? And your track record isn’t exactly clean. How about we take it to the Pres, and see what he thinks?”

  “No need for that.” Fuse holds his hands up. “Just get her freeloading ass out of my house.”

  “Fuck you. I pay my dues, same as everyone else.” With Wizard as a buffer, I can’t stop spilling the venom I’ve held in for too long.

  Fuse’s eyes widen. “You know, you might want to get yourself connected to a brother. People might mistake you for a whore.”

  I growl. It’s the way of our world. Men rule and women take a back seat. It’s a new age mafia. I’ve thought about leaving, but I have nowhere to go and no person to leave with. The world is cold, and while I have many skills, none are worth much. Better to stay where I have the support and a roof over my head.

  “You’ll be seeing the Pres. You can go willingly, or I can make you,” Wizard says. His jaw turns to granite.

  I hold my breath, gazing from one man to the other.

  Fuse clamps his mouth shut.

  You don’t step up to the Wizard unless you want to get put down. He’s as vicious as he is beautiful. Despite the age difference between us, I’ve always found his chiseled face, neatly kept black beard, and icy blue eyes damned attractive. He’s capable of great violence, but I’ve seen just as much kindness as he helped fill the hole my parents left.

  “Nevy, let’s go get the shit you need. We’ll be meeting about this later. You,” Wizard points to Fuse, “sit tight until I tell you differently.” He shrugs off his cut and holds it out to me. “Put this on.” His icy blue eyes soften as he looks into my eyes.

  I bask in the gentleness he hides so well. I pull on his cut; the leather is warm, worn, and smells like him. I fight the urge to inhale deeply. When he places his hand on the small of my back, I know I’m safe. We walk inside of the house, and I survey the turned over stools and curled black carpet. Chill bumps raise on my flesh. My brain is sluggish as I try to make a list of things I can’t leave behind. Clothes can be replaced or picked up by a prospect. What I need are the files I keep in a safe beneath my bed, my purse, and the money I’ve saved. I learned early on to live simple and not get too attached to things. I hesitate outside the room.

  “I ain’t gonna let shit hurt you, babe. You know that. Go ahead and get your things.”

  I glance up at him and draw strength from his steady gaze. Taking a deep breath, I hurry inside. I snatch my lockbox and purse, placing them on the bed along with his cut. I rip off the tattered remains of my T-shirt. There’s no time for shyness. All I feel is a frantic need to leave the house. Fuse is named for his short temper. A man gone off whiskey with a habit of making poor decisions can make a lot of bad choices. I grab a T-shirt out of the dresser. After slipping it on over m
y head I turn to face a stoic Wizard. “I’m ready.”

  “This all you want?” He arches an eyebrow.

  I shrug. “It’s all I need. The other stuff can be picked up later or replaced.”

  He nods.

  I sense his approval. Most of the girls I grew up with got as far away from the life as they could. They’re in college or hooked up with one of the brothers. Me, I couldn’t settle. A large portion of the men I don’t find attractive, and the others are too hot headed. It doesn’t bother some women if their old man strays with strange, or club mamas, but it sure as shit would make me want to cut a bitch. So, I stay alone and slightly vulnerable. It’s never been made plainer to me, shit needs to change.

  “Come on, I’m taking you to the club and calling a meeting. I know I’m not your family, but I’d like to stand in your father’s stead. No one disrespects one of our girls like that.” Wizard shakes his head. “I can’t stand that shit. If I’m my brother’s keeper, his actions are mine and I won’t be a party to bullshit like that. Dumb son of a bitch has always had a few screws loose.” He nods toward the door.

  I grab my things off the bed. It’s time to go.

  Wizard leans against the back wall and watches as the brothers crowd in. Fuse is on the hot seat and I want his nuts in a vice. The thought of him putting his hands on Nevada drives me crazy. It’s bad enough that she has shitty parents. Now, these new motherfuckers seem to think she’s fair game. I crack my knuckles. I’m here to show him that’s not true. You let the foundation get weak and the house will come down.

  The door closes and Stone stands. “You all hauled your carcasses here because one of us decided it was okay to put a hand on one of our own.”

  The room grows quiet.

  “Fuse, you’re accused of accosting Nevada Weber, daughter of Hulk. How do you plead?”

  Fuse fidgets in his seat. “This is bullshit. She’s not claimed, and she’s been staying in my house, showing off that tight little body. I was giving her what she’s been asking for. I can’t disrespect Hulk when he clearly doesn’t give a shit.”


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