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Spun Page 2

by Shyla Colt

  Pushing away from the wall I walk forward. “I do. She’s been under the club’s protection from the day she was born. I’m ashamed that something’s happened to make her feel unsafe here. I want blood for this.”

  Stone stands. “You claiming her?”

  His words are a noose around my neck. I don’t have a choice. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep my family safe. I won’t leave her out there in the wind. Fuck, I never wanted this. I shove my selfishness aside. “I am. She’s under my protection. Anyone has a problem with that, speak now.” I sweep my gaze over the crowd.

  The silence holds.

  “All right, it’s official. Nevy is your property now. I’m leaving you to answer to Hulk. As for, Fuse… All who move for drawing blood, say aye.”

  “Aye.” The approval is thunderous.

  Pride swells my chest. Above all, we’re about brotherhood and family. Some of the new kids coming in don’t seem to understand that. They’re looking to be a part of something, but they don’t know how. Most have been fucked up by life and abandoned so much, they can’t get a grasp on the real meaning of loyalty. We take them under our wing, give ’em a chance to fly straight and prove themselves worthy of the title, Kings of Chaos.

  “The ayes have it. You gotta pay the piper, brother.” Stone shakes his head. “I won’t stomach one of us doing this shit. You want to be a King? I need to be proud to call you my brother. I take no pride in this kind of shit. Only a coward would corner a twenty-one year old and try to force himself on her. You got a fucking old lady and kids. It’s the only reason I offered you a chance to straighten your shit out. Next time, we’ll be voting to kick your ass out. You feel me?”

  Fuse ducks his head, playing the role of someone who’s sorry for what he’s done. “I hear you, Pres.”

  I see right through his bullshit. The son of a bitch will do as much dirt as he can get away with.

  “Take him to the shed,” Stone orders.

  Chairs scrape across the floor of the church. Members stalk over and grab him by the arms, dragging him out of the room like the garbage he is. The room clears, until only Stone and I remain.

  “You sure about this? I know we all got a soft spot for Nevy, but taking her on as your property is a move I never thought you’d make for anyone.”

  “Me either. But we both know this is about more than one person. It’s about the direction we want this club to go in.” I shrug. “If it has to go down, I figure why not her? She’s never given us any trouble, and it might be nice to have someone keep up my house and cook me something that don’t come out of a bag.”

  “All right then, brother. You want to be the one who draws blood on Fuse?”

  “I’ll let the others have their turn, and then I’ll finish his ass.” I crack my knuckles on each hand.

  Stone frowns. “Keep your eye on that one . He’s got too much feral in him. It’s a good thing when we’re in the midst of conflict with some boys trying to push up. Problem is, this fucker doesn’t seem to know how to flip the off switch.”

  I agree with everything he’s saying. I don’t sit on the council, mostly because I never wanted to, but I’ve been enforcing the laws so long it’s become my thing. I don’t mind. I like keeping shit orderly. You lose your structure and your club is out in the wind. We’ve seen it happen over and over with the smaller clubs. We’ve grown to be mid-sized, which is a good place. Too big and you got the cops and feds breathing down your neck. Right now, we’re under the radar and our boys are kept on a tight leash. “Might be a dog that gets put down.”

  “Yeah. I just hate to leave Mel and the kids without.” He shakes his head.

  I shrug. “Might be better off that way.” Mel was a club kid who turned into a hanger on. She thought she hit gold when she hooked up with Fuse. But I’ve seen the light slowly go out in her eyes since he put a ring on her finger and a property cut on her back.

  Stone grunts. “Let’s go see this fuck get what’s coming to him.”

  I walk out of the club and spot Nevy sitting at the bar, nursing a beer and watching the door from beneath her long, black lashes. She’s always been a beauty with her dark brown hair, bright green eyes, and heart-shaped face with delicate features. Her lips are pink and pouty while she has curves that would keep a man warm at night.

  I stand nearly as tall as her father, Hulk, at six foot three, and she reaches my shoulders. It’s impossible to think of her as a child, but I still feel responsible for her. We helped raise her. Hulk was always wrapped up in this or that, so we stepped up. It’s what you do for your brother. We picked her up from school, shuttled her to dance class and a bevy of other parental shit. It’s why we all have a weak spot a mile long when it comes to her.

  Her greens burn me with their intensity. Her face is impassive, but I spy the worry in her jewel-like orbs. I give her a slow nod and hope she understands I got this situation under control.

  The tension leaves her face. She offers up a wobbly smile.

  It makes me feel like I’m capable of doing something more than destroying. I’ve been in this life so long, I’ve started feeling more hit man than human. I move past her and put my game face on. I’m going to enjoy hurting Fuse. You don’t touch mine and get away with it, and for better or worse, Nevada now belongs to me.

  I walk inside the shed out back. The crowd of men part like the Red Sea. The smell of sweat, blood, and violence infuses the air. It’s a cologne I know well.

  The blood lust has set in, and the monster lurking in the brothers is front and center. They form a semi-circle around Fuse, who’s strung up by his wrists. His eyes are black and swollen. His lip is busted. Red droplets cover his white T-shirt and the ground. His head lolls, and his chest is rising and falling rapidly.

  I stop in front of him. “Look at me.”

  The chains rattle as he struggles to obey my command. The defiance is prevalent in his dark eyes.

  It inflames me. I deliver a blow across his cheek.

  He grunts.

  It’s not enough. I go dark, only conscious of the muscle I’m pounding like meat I mean to tenderize.

  “Ease up, Wizard. Unless you plan on making him disappear, he’s done.”

  Stone’s voice pulls me back from the edge, the way it has for years. I blink and peer down at the mess of a limp man who is barely recognizable. The grudge still holds. I could discount my instincts, but they’ve never led me astray so far. Eventually, he’ll show his true colors and I’ll be there to take our cut back.

  I grunt and spit on the floor. “Let this be a warning to anyone who thinks Nevada is fair game or has a man who likes to share. I keep things that are mine to myself.” I spin on my heels and walk to the door, letting them take from the statement what they want. I never wanted an old lady. It’s a lot of responsibility and trust. You’re responsible for their actions and protection. Although, I can’t say I mind with Nevy. She’s a good girl who knows her place and this lifestyle. She’d do any man proud as his old lady.

  Guilt gnaws at what remains of my conscience. She’s stuck with me. The fresh air revives me and cools down the heat rolling off my body. I’m covered with a thick layer of sweat. My T-shirt adheres to my back under my cut and my hair is plastered to my forehead. Glancing down at my swollen knuckles I see they’re stained red. I wipe the blood on my jeans and enter the clubhouse, making a beeline for Nevada.

  She stands from her seat.

  “You ready to move your shit into my place?”

  “Now?” Her green eyes are wide.

  I pause as I find the specs of gold hidden in their depths. “You waiting on something?” I ask.

  “N-no. I’m ready, but my car’s still there.”

  “You’ll ride back with me. Prospects will do whatever you tell them to do. I want you out of that place and getting settled within the hour while Fuse is otherwise occupied.”

  “Okay, let’s do it then. Umm…you might want to change first, though. Unless you want people thinking you
murdered someone.”

  I glance down at my blood-splattered shirt. I’m so on edge, I’m making careless mistakes. That needs to stop now. I clench my jaw. Not even a day into this and she’s throwing me off my game. “Good call. I’ll meet you with the moving crew back here in about ten.”


  I turn, and she grabs my arm. I flex my muscle and look down at her.

  “Thank you, Wizard.”

  The sincerity cools my anger. She’s grateful to me. Like she didn’t get the raw end of this deal. “Let’s see if you’re still saying that after you live with me for a while. You know I expect you to play the role of old lady, right?”

  She freezes. Her body trembles.

  “Not like that, Nevy. I don’t need to force a woman to have sex with me.”

  She ducks her head. “I-I didn’t think you would.”

  The waver in her voice guts me. This fucker rocked her world today. “I get that you’re rattled, but I’m the same Wizard who’s always had your back. You understand?” Grabbing her chin I force her to meet my gaze. “You feel me?”

  “Yeah, I feel you, Wizard.”

  Her apprehension recedes and I let her go. “I need you to trust I’m going to take care of you. No second guessing me.”

  “I know you will. I just… I didn’t want you pushed into this.”

  “I chose this. No one makes me do shit I don’t want to, so end that pity party. You’re going to be providing me with what I need, and now you can come and go as you please. Easy solution.”

  “Yeah, okay.” She gazes up at me and smiles.

  I like seeing her happy. It makes me feel capable of bringing something other than pain and misery. Satisfied, I release her and walk to my room. In the span of six hours, my entire life has been changed.

  Chapter Two

  I feel like I’ve fallen down a rabbit hole as I wander the two-story, red brick house. People think bikers live at the clubhouse and give all of our income to illegal gigs. That’s ridiculous, exaggerated television bullshit. We have nice homes and full-time jobs. Wizard has been in for so long, his place is bigger than most. The house looks like it should belong to a family, not one man. It reminds me of a model people show as an example of what you can buy.

  The inside is bare bones. Plain beige walls create a blank slate, broken up only by club flags and pictures taken with members over the years. Spotting one of Wizard and Dad in his office, I pause. He looks happy there beside Wizard. It’s been a long time since I saw that expression on his face.

  He and Mom are oil and water. They never mixed, but they could settle one on top of the other for significant chunks of time. When she decided to get out of the life and run off with some insurance salesman, it took a lot of his spark. I couldn’t fault him for leaving. It made sense for him, and I was used to his neglect.

  Other than keeping me clothed and fed, he’s never been much of a father. I’ve come to terms with it over the years. All about living free, Hulk saw me as an anchor he didn’t always want to ground him. I still miss him. If he’d been an uncle instead of a father, he would’ve been my favorite one. Too bad you were my dad. Sighing, I move away from the photo to continue across the room and down the hall to the laundry.

  Settling in has been remarkably easy. All of my things are unpacked, hanging in my closet or stored in my dresser, and Wizard is easy to please. I keep his clothes clean, the fridge stocked, and food on the table or readily available three times a day. Life with nothing hanging over my head is a completely new experience. My insomnia has disappeared virtually overnight and I’m not looking over my shoulder every few minutes.

  I enter the small room and sort through the hamper. It’s like black is the only color the man is interested in. His scent wafts up from the clothing, a heady mix of leather, sweat, and man. It brings a sense of comfort and safety. I bring the T-shirt to my nose and inhale deeply. He’s the closest I’ve ever come to having a hero.

  The door opens. I toss the T-shirt into the washer and shut the lid.


  I jog out of the room. “I’m doing laundry, Wizard.”

  “We got a problem.”

  My stomach drops into my shoes. “Fuse?” The name chokes me on the way out.

  “What? No.” He shakes his head. “He’s still licking his wounds. This is about Hulk.”

  “Dad?” I ask, startled.

  “Yeah, Stone let him know what happened. He thinks you could’ve done better and I should’ve talked it over with him.”

  I snicker. “Too late to give a fuck now.”

  “He doesn’t see it that way.”

  “What’s he plan on doing from Florida?” I cross my arms under my breasts. The blissful bubble that had surrounded me has been effectively popped.

  “Nothing. He’s on his way back.”

  “No.” I shake my head. My ponytail thrashes around, slapping against my back like a whip. “I’m not going to let him do this to me, Wizard! This is the first time in years I’ve had a proper roof over my—head.” My voice wavers. I hate myself for the weakness, but the prospect of being yanked from a safe environment has sliced through my armor.

  “Hey.” Wizard steps forward and holds my chin in his firm grip. His long, calloused fingers are cool and his voice is calm. “You’re not going anywhere. We’ll hash this shit out and he’ll let it drop.”


  He narrows his eyes. “It’s not for you to worry about. You think I’d let someone come in and disrespect me? Treat me like some punk ass prospect who can’t keep what he’s claimed?” His nostrils flare and his voice deepens.

  I shiver. I like being Wizard’s property more than I should. “N-no.”

  “Exactly. None of this is your business. It’s mine to handle. I told you because I didn’t want you blindsided by Hulk, or someone else talking around the club. I’m showing you respect. In return, I expect the same.” His eyes have grown cold.

  The change is off-putting for me. “How is it not my concern? It involves me.”

  Wizard growls and grabs my upper arms. “Am I your old man?”

  My mind goes blank. Is this a trick question? We both know he never wanted this.

  “Let me rephrase that. I am your man. I’m the one taking care of you, defending you, and giving you a property vest. That means your problems are mine. The only thing you need to do is worry about work and shit around the house. You’re not a free agent. The title old lady has pluses and cons. You know that. Remember, your actions reflect upon me now.”

  His words were a bucket of cold water to the face. If I fuck up, it’s his rep that gets tarnished. When he releases me I take a half step back.

  “I been in this shit too long to let it be fucked up because you want to act rash. You’re level headed, Nevada. More than most, because you had to be. I thought you could handle this role. Don’t prove me wrong after I stuck my neck out for you, kid.”

  My face grows hot. I feel scolded. “I’m not a kid.”

  “Then stop acting like one.”

  I bite the inside of my cheek to stop the comments that wants to flow. Talking back would be pointless and make me look more immature. He isn’t the person who deserves my anger.

  “Now that we’re on the same page, I want to talk to you about your job.”

  My muscles tense. “What about it?” I ask cautiously. Would this become a game of control? Had I escaped one prison and walked willingly into another?

  “You like it?”

  I shrug. “It pays and the cash spends.”

  “But you don’t love it?”

  “I don’t think there’s anything to love.”

  “You want to do something else?”

  “Like what?” I ask, narrowing my eyes. He’s not the type to have a pointless conversation.

  “Pres has been after me to start up another legal gig. If you’re willing to work under me, I’d be willing to consider it.”

  “Depends on what you
have in mind.”

  “A pawn shop that specializes in jewelry.”

  I lean back against the washer. “I don’t know anything about jewelry.”

  “That’s what school is for. I need someone I can trust to be the face and deal with people. We know I’m not always the best…people person.”

  I snicker. That’s an understatement.

  I love my co-workers. We’re a tight knit crew, and it’ll be sad to leave them. But I recognize this is a chance for me. With a specialized skill, I’ll feel like I’m doing something with my life. Right now, I’m a boat adrift in a sea, letting the current take me where it will. The concept of more control over my life thrills me. “If you want me to, I’ll do it.”

  “Yeah? I’ll grease the wheels and get them in motion. For now, just keep doing your thing. What’s for dinner?”

  The abrupt change in conversation tells me the discussion about my father is over. It didn’t bother me the way I thought it might. It doesn’t feel like a dismissal coming from Wizard, just a move to a happier subject. It’s the way he shows me respect, even as he remains firmly in a position of power. There are many different ways to rule and show dominance.

  “Chicken enchiladas. They’re in the oven now. I’ll take them out and prep them to eat before I take off for work tonight.”

  “Are you avoiding me?”

  “What?” I ask, shocked he even noticed. We’re like two ships passing in the night. I thought he preferred it that way.

  “I notice you make dinner and bail. I want to know why. Your shift doesn’t start that early. Are you getting cold feet already?”

  “No. I just… I’m not sure how to proceed with this. I don’t want to cramp your style, or overstep any boundaries.” I worry the edge of my shirt. “You did something amazing for me. I want to honor your wishes.”

  “If I wanted to keep eating alone in silence, or be with someone else, I would. Don’t get all weird on me now, Nevy.”


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