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Kiss of a Star Artemis Lupine

Page 12

by Banks, Catherine

  Ares took another step forward, his fury building. “Each time those vampires and dhampirs found us. You told them where we were, didn’t you?”

  Matt bowed his head in defeat. “Yes.” I could see he was holding something back. Even during his hate filled tirade he hadn’t seemed sincerely angry. What could he be holding back from us? Why would he want me killed?

  Tears sprang to my eyes and I walked closer to Matt. “Why would you do this? I’ve never been anything other than loving to you. I trusted you with my life. I loved you as a brother.”

  Matt looked at me and I could see the regret in his eyes. “I had to. They have something of mine that I cannot live without. Surely you would do the same if Ares’ life were in danger.”

  He had been holding out. I shook my head. “I would not substitute the life of a friend for the life of Ares and Ares would not want me to. Would you have done the same if it were Koda you had to hand over?”

  Matt’s eyes flared gold and he snarled. “No.”

  “Then why me, Matt? Why were you willing to let me die for whoever they have?” I asked as sorrow filled my body. I had never felt so hurt, so betrayed by someone before.

  “There was no other way. I had to give you to them. He promised he wouldn’t hurt you. He just needed you in his possession.” Tears spilled down his cheeks as he looked at me. “You must know that there is no way to defeat him. He will get you one way or another. The only hope is to join him.”

  Ares took a step towards him and asked, “Who are you working for?”

  Matt tried to pull out of the guards holds, but they held him in place. “The one who will rule the world whether he uses Artemis or kills her,” Matt answered when he realized he wasn’t getting away.

  Why was he switching between moods so quickly? “Ares, I think he’s tied to someone.”

  Koda walked up to Matt and inhaled his brother’s head. He snarled and then turned, sadness and anger twisting his face. “He’s been bitten.”

  Ares rushed forward and grabbed Matt by the throat, choking him. “Who do you work for? TELL ME HIS NAME!!!”

  Matt whispered, “Maurice.”

  Ares released Matt and walked towards me. “You were right. He wants to rule the world and knows of the prophecy.”

  “What prophecy?” I asked.

  Ares shook his head and started back towards Matt. “Another time. First, I have to deal with this…”

  The guards shoved Matt down on to his knees and held him as he struggled against them. Ares started to reach out towards him, but Achilles walked forward and held out his sword to Ares. “Here, this is more efficient and not nearly as messy as ripping off his head.”

  Matt began to whine. “Please Ares. Don’t kill me. I love you. I wouldn’t have done this if there had been another way. Surely you see that there was no other way!”

  Ares snarled. “There is always another way. You could have come to me. We could have figured this out together. Instead you betrayed us all.”

  “No, Ares. Please.” Matt begged.

  I knew what Matt had done was awful, but part of me wanted to forgive him. There had to be some other punishment.

  I started to move forward, but Koda grabbed me and held me back. “Matt, I loved you. I would have died for you,” I whispered as tears fell down my cheeks.

  Matt met my eyes and whispered, “Now is your first lesson. Trust few and guard your heart. I’m sorry Artemis. I truly am.”

  Ares took Achilles’ offered sword and stood next to Matt. “I loved you as my pack mate. I loved you as my brother. You betrayed your alpha. You betrayed your pack sister. You betrayed all werewolves by assisting the vampire who wants to rule the world. Your punishment is death.” Ares raised the sword over Matt’s neck, pain and anger twisting his handsome features.

  Koda hugged me tightly against him. Our bodies shook against each other as we prepared for our friend, our loved one to die.

  Ares whispered, “I am sorry Matthew. I should have seen the signs. I failed as your alpha and as your brother. I am sorry it had to end like this. May you run forever in the forests of the afterlife.”

  Ares started to lower the sword and I turned my head into Koda’s chest, clenching my eyes closed and knowing that would not block the pain I felt.

  The instant Matt’s life ended I felt it like a blow to the chest. Koda and I collapsed to the floor, still clinging to each other. I wailed in sorrow and Koda shifted to his wolf form and howled his.

  I buried my face in his fur as I cried and felt the dagger of loss and also the heat of anger at his betrayal of us. It hurt so much and I could do nothing to ease the pain.

  Ares dropped to his knees beside us. I looked up and saw unshed tears in his eyes and knew he was hurt from Matt’s death as well, but it was a necessary evil he had to have endured many times. Matt being his brother though must have hurt the most.

  I wrapped one arm around him and the other I draped over Koda’s back. Koda howled again and Ares’ human throat enlarged to form a wolf’s in order to howl. My throat changed suddenly and then I was howling too. My pack howled our sorrow at the loss of their brother, our hearts bleeding from his death.

  * * *

  I woke up the next morning, my throat, eyes, and head sore from the howling, sobbing and sniveling. I’d never experienced someone’s death as I had with Matt’s. There was a small space within me that felt as if it would never heal. I couldn’t even begin to imagine how Ares and Koda were feeling, especially since both were acting as though nothing had happened. Achilles and Ares were talking quietly together while Koda was sitting next to me in the bed reading a magazine. I sat up and stretched and Koda whispered, “Morning. Would you like some water?”

  I nodded my head and he handed me a glass of water from the side table. Ares stopped talking with Achilles to come over and give me a quick kiss on the lips. “If you want, go take a shower and freshen up. We’re discussing our next move.”

  I nodded my head and after grabbing another dress and corset from the dresser, I walked to the bathroom and stared at my haggard reflection. Dark bags hung under my eyes, which were bloodshot and incredibly disgusting looking. I quickly stripped out of my clothes and started the shower.

  The warm water felt amazing against my skin and helped clear my head. I wasn’t sure what Achilles and Ares were discussing, but there was only one clear course of action in my mind. We had to get in touch with Victor and then face Maurice together. I knew it would involve a battle and we would probably die, but it was the only way to stop all of this. I couldn’t live the rest of my life with him sending hordes of minions after me. He wanted me dead or alive, but I only wanted him dead. So, either he was dead, or I was.

  I finished my shower and bathroom necessities and after dressing walked out to the sitting area where Achilles and Ares were. “Can you get a hold of Victor?”

  Ares frowned at me. “We already have, he is going to meet us here in five days.”

  I smiled. “Good.”

  Achilles frowned at me, Ares’ and his looks remarkably similar, making me a fool for not noticing the relation sooner. “What are you planning?” Ares asked me.

  I sat down beside Ares and sipped on the water Koda had given me. “Nothing. So, between now and when Victor comes, are we going to work on my plan?”

  Ares and Achilles looked at me and then at each other.

  With only four days to save as many humans as possible, I felt rushed. How was I going to keep the humans safe? How many could I truly save?

  It was far away from our current location, but I knew the first place I had to go. “I want to leave in twenty minutes. Please don’t argue with me. Please just get ready and come with me,” I said to the three men in the room. Ares and Achilles watched me with worried expressions, but said nothing. Finally, both men stood up and began preparing to leave.

  I sat on the bed and felt my nerves growing. There were so many things happening that it felt as though my nerves had been flay
ed open. My hands shook softly as I thought about talking to a group of humans and trying to convince them to listen to me.

  “It’ll be alright, Darlin’,” Koda said as he rubbed his hands up and down my arms. “I think what you’re doing is great.”

  “Is anyone else trying to save humans?” I asked as I leaned back against him, letting his touch and smell calm me.

  Koda continued to rub my arms as he talked. “Everyone is allowed humans as slaves. The humans report to the camps and say, ‘I’m Koda’s slave’ and they’re kept alive and fed until we claim them. Those of us with a lot more power and thus a lot more slaves decide on a brand and for those humans we want as slaves, we brand them. So, we say the humans are our slaves, but when everything is said and done we let them go free. There aren’t many of us who will let them go free.”

  That was how I would keep them free. I’d convince the humans to use Ares’ brand and say they were his slaves. It wasn’t the best plan, but it was a start.

  “We’re ready,” Ares said from beside me.

  I turned and found him dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt. It was strange to see sweatpants strained to the point of breaking around his leg muscles. Every boy at my high school had been practically swimming in their sweatpants.

  “What?” Ares asked as he looked at his clothes.

  I shook my head. “Nothing, just comparing you to boys at my school and finding I’m extremely lucky.”

  Ares held his hand out and I took it, standing up from the bed and walking into the circle of his arms. “I love you, Artemis.”

  “I love you too, Ares.” His body was radiating more heat than normal and it felt good to be held by him. I pulled out of his arms reluctantly and turned to smile at Achilles. “I guess it’s harder for sidhe men to wear shirts.”

  Achilles smiled. “I could wear a shirt, but I prefer not to destroy clothes when releasing my wings.”

  Slowly, I walked to him and wrapped my arms around him. His body was stiff at first, but after a moment he relaxed and hugged me back. “I’m not used to this connection yet, but I’ve learned from being with Ares that it’s better to give in and touch you then deal with the itching skin and irritation.”

  Achilles kissed the top of my head and whispered, “Thank you.”

  I pulled out of his arms and turned to face all three men. “I know you probably don’t agree with what I’m doing, or at least are worried about my safety, but I have to do this or I’ll regret it for the rest of my life.”

  Ares smiled. “We understand, Artemis.”

  Achilles cleared his throat and said, “Hephaestus, I require your assistance.”

  Two seconds later someone knocked on the door and then a man with forearms the size of my waist walked into the room. “You summoned me, Prince?”

  Achilles nodded his head. “Artemis and Ares need a brand for selecting their human slaves. I’d appreciate your assistance in this matter.”

  Hephaestus looked at Ares and smiled. “Hello, Ares.”

  Ares smiled. “Hello, Hephaestus. You’re looking well.”

  Hephaestus walked closer to me and then dropped to one knee and bowed. “It’s an honor to meet you, Princess Artemis.”

  “Please, just call me Artemis.”

  He stood up and looked from me to Ares. “You want something simple or something dramatic?” he asked Ares.

  Ares smiled. “Simple, if possible, yet still able to be easily recognizable from any others.”

  Hephaestus nodded his head. “Be back in fifteen minutes.”

  He walked out of our room through the giant hole in our wall and disappeared down the hallway.

  Ares tugged me towards the table and pointed at the fruits and cheeses. “You need to eat anyways, so you might as well do it while he is making our brand.”

  I gave in and sat down, piling my plate high with food and then consuming the entire thing before Hephaestus came back.

  Hephaestus held a cloth wrapped bundle in his hands and smiled at us. “You didn’t give me much time to work on it, but I hope you like it.” He placed the bundle on the table before me and slowly unrolled the cloth. I pushed aside my empty plate and watched eagerly for the reveal.

  I don’t know what I was expecting, but the short one foot brand with a crescent moon and starburst was not it. It was beautiful. I said as much, which earned me a big smile from Hephaestus.

  I stroked the moon and starburst brand and Ares said, “The moon and star are very fitting for us. I couldn’t have picked a better design. We need you to make twenty replicas as soon as possible please.”

  Hephaestus laughed. “I should have known. Give me ten minutes to make them.”

  After Hephaestus left again I turned to Achilles. “Can he really make twenty of these in ten minutes?”

  Achilles nodded his head. “His greatest feat was making Ares five hundred swords in one hour.”

  That made my mouth drop. Five hundred swords in one hour. How is that humanly….well there is the answer. Humans could never do such a thing, which is why they used to worship the sidhe.

  Ares sat down in a large chair and waved me over. I walked over and sat down on his lap, sighing happily as he wrapped his arms around me. These little moments of relaxation with him were my favorite. Ares put his lips against my ear and began whispering too low for anyone else to hear. “You look so beautiful and smell so good. No woman on this earth can compare to you.” Ares kissed my cheek and then nuzzled behind my ear, making me shiver. “I love you and hate the moments when we’re separated. If it were up to me, I’d take you to the most remote place on earth so that we could be completely alone all the time.”

  I giggled and shook my head. “As long as it’s not anywhere too hot or too cold.”

  Ares laughed. “But if it’s cold it gives me an excuse to cuddle with you more.”

  I turned and nuzzled his ear with my nose, inhaling his scent. “I do like the sound of that.”

  Hephaestus came back with a wooden box in his arms and smiled at us. “Here you go. Twenty brands.”

  Ares stood up, putting me back on the seat before taking the box and bowing to him. “Thank you.”

  Hephaestus bowed and smiled at Ares. “Anything for an old friend. Of course, you’ll let me know if any battles are coming up with need of my skills?”

  Ares laughed and nodded his head. “You’ll be the first one I contact.”

  Hephaestus said goodbye and left.

  Ares picked up the brands and asked, “So, where to first?”

  “Where I was raised,” I answered quickly.

  Ares picked my hand up and kissed the back of it. “Alright, let’s go.”

  We started to walk towards the door when it was flung open and Hera stepped through. “Good, I caught you before you left.”

  Ares and I looked at each other then at her. “How’d you know we were leaving?” I asked suspiciously.

  Hera waved her hand dismissively. “I’m Queen for a reason, dear. Now, I may not agree fully with what you’re doing, but I’ll agree to help.”

  Achilles walked forward and asked, “Help how?”

  She smiled sweetly at him. “You shouldn’t be so suspicious of your own mother. Of course, I did train you to be weary of everyone so I suppose that’s my fault.” She stood still a moment, thinking and then waved her hand dismissively. “Anyways, I’ll travel with you so that we can teleport and get to every place faster.”

  She had to have another motive, but being able to teleport would make things much faster. “Alright,” I said.

  She clapped her hands together. “Wonderful. Alright, everyone join hands.”

  After forming a circle, Hera put her hands on Achilles and me who were on either side of her and she whispered, “Don’t throw up on me.” The world turned black and then we started spinning out of control. I gripped Ares’ hand hard as I fought the nausea. The world came back into focus and we stood outside the bar in the town I’d been raised in.

pulled my hands free of everyone and looked around at the town. All of the houses were dark and the only light came from the bar. Where was everyone? It was night time, but it wasn’t late enough that everyone should be in bed.

  I heard loud arguments from inside the bar and turned to Ares and the rest of our group. “Ares, you come with me, but everyone else, please go wait in the trees. I’ll bring them out here.”

  Ares handed the box of brands to Koda, picked up my hand and together we walked to the bar door. I stopped in front of it and took a deep breath. It was now or never. I pushed open the door and found the entire town inside, crammed together as they argued about something. All eyes turned to me and everyone stopped talking.

  Billy’s mouth dropped open as he looked at the vines on my skin and the purple in my hair and my purple eyes.

  I straightened my back and looked at each pair of eyes. “You all know about the killings going on around the world. I’ve come to save as many of you as I can.”

  Skankzilla, my old arch nemesis, put her hands on her hips and glared at me. “And how are you going to save us?”

  I smiled at her and said, “Everyone outside. I’ll prove to you that I’m capable of much more than you think I am.” I turned and Ares and I walked out of the bar, letting them all follow us. I knew they would follow us because, well, what else would they do? I walked until we had a big enough open area that they could all gather and see me without being too close. I trusted most of them, but that didn’t mean that they wouldn’t freak out and try to hurt me.

  Ares released my hand and took a couple steps away from me to give him more room to maneuver if he needed to stop any of them from coming after me. I could feel Koda and Achilles behind us in the trees waiting. Everyone finally gathered near me in the clearing, murmuring nervously to each other. I took a deep breath and said, “You’re going to be given a couple options by those coming, but I’m here to give you another option. Freedom.”


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