Book Read Free


Page 7

by Scarlett Avery

  I’m caught off guard when he leans in and softly kisses my forehead. “Just so we’re clear, I was aiming for your lips, but I’m afraid Mrs. Silverstein might out us.” He smiles.

  I nod in agreement. “This is her favorite time of the day to play street patrol.” I giggle.

  “I guess we should hit the road then because I have a pretty fun night planned for us.”

  “I hope I can keep up,” I rejoice.

  He narrows his eyes and slowly the sides of his mouth curl up. “Oh, I’m pretty sure you can.”

  I swallow hard. The night has barely begun and I already desperately want that mouth all over me. “If you say so.”

  “Miranda, you’ve surprised me all week and I doubt it’ll change tonight. The only difference is I get to watch you come.” His voice is so low.

  “Oh, shit,” I babble nervously.

  He laughs. “It’s so endearing when you turn shy like this. Let’s get out of here,” he says, pulling me by the hand and ushering me towards his SUV. Out of all the desperate souls in Los Angeles who would kill to be in my place, Hunter Evans is mine tonight. Damn, I’m lucky.

  He gallantly helps me into my seat. Thank God. When you’re as short as I am, climbing into one of these high vehicles can be like an Olympic sport. When I’m comfortably seated, he shuts my door and stalks around the back of the SUV to the other side. He gets in the driver’s seat and drops his iPhone on top of the center console that separates us. He leans towards the glove compartment to grab his sunglasses and his hand brushes my leg as he closes it shut. The slight jolt tightens my body with anticipation and I bite my lower lip at the mounting quiver. The man’s touch is electrifying, even when it’s by accident. Down, girl.

  I think he feels my trepidation because he reaches over and places a hand on my knee, squeezing it in reassurance. Heat blazes from his smoldering eyes. “Someone’s a little on edge.” I’d give anything to suck that lopsided grin off his face. “Do you need me to help you relieve a little tension before we start our evening? We can drive to a secluded alley… that way we can keep it just between the two of us. I’m pretty sure I can make it real good for you.”

  Holy hell. Is there no end to his dirty-talking? My panties are already dripping. How am I going to make it through the night? “Um… Hunter,” I start, but look away as my cheeks flame up. How am I supposed to answer that?

  “Relax. I was only kidding. If I relieve your tension, then you’ll have to relieve mine and we’ll never get things started.” He grins suggestively. We stare at each other for a few long seconds until he pushes the ignition button to start the vehicle. Only then do I exhale. As he moves his attention from me to focus on the road, I turn my head to the right and pretend to be fascinated by the scenery. I just need a respite from all this.

  Thank God. We drive in silence as I lower my heart rate and compose myself. Since I’m always rushing to and from the place I’m staying at, I rarely have the luxury of admiring this magnificent area of LA. Without this housesitting job, I’d never be caught dead in this part of town. For once, I soak in the upscale side of this neighborhood—the tall trees, the manicured lawns, the colorful beds of flowers, the outrageously pricey luxury vehicles parked in front of double-door and even triple-door garages and the multi-million-dollar architecture. Although beautiful, this view does little to help me forget the effect the man sitting to my left has on me and it does absolutely nothing to taper the ache between my legs. Even when I’m not looking at him, his presence is enigmatic and just in case I needed an extra reminder, the expensive scent of his heady, woody cologne permeates my senses. It’s potent. Who the hell am I fooling? I’m drooling all over this guy.

  Suddenly, I feel the physical weight of Hunter’s stare on me. When I turn my head and look at his face, his dark eyes hold my gaze before flicking back to the road. A cocky smile hangs from his lips, almost as if he can read my thoughts. His SUV guns forward onto the freeway, and I finally find my voice again. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

  “You’re dying to know, huh?” He feigns innocence, squeezing my knee again.

  Please don’t do that. When you touch me, my brain no longer functions properly. “Since we’ll be there in no time, why the big secret?” Breathe. Just breathe. Ignore his strong, manly hand on your body.

  “It’s more fun this way, but I can give you a hint.”

  I raise my eyebrow now that he’s piqued my curiosity.

  “You said you’ve been working three jobs since moving to LA, right?”

  “Yeah,” I answer, not following.

  “So I can only assume you’ve not had too many weekends to yourself.”

  “Yup. I was usually the first one to raise my hand to pick up as many extra shifts on the weekends as I possibly could when I still worked at Lola’s Paradise and at my catering gig. My coworkers always knew they could count on me if they couldn’t make it to work at the last minute.”

  “My point exactly. I wanted us to do something that you’ve most likely never done since you’ve been living here.”

  “Oh, and what’s that?”

  “I’m not quite ready to let the cat out of the bag yet, but let’s just say that I have a feeling you’re going to enjoy what I have in store for you.” He looks so sure of himself.

  “Well, that’s your take on things. I can’t agree with you yet,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest. “You’re not giving me much to go by,” I add wryly.

  “Just trust me.”

  Is this activity related to what he’ll teach me? “What’s tonight’s lesson?” Okay, I know I’m impatient, but can you blame me?

  Hunter throws his head back in a full-body laugh. His boisterous roar resonates throughout the SUV and it’s too hard to resist. I join in. After a few long seconds, he manages to regain control of the conversation. “What do you want to learn tonight?”

  I’m a blank canvas. Hit me. “I’m the student, you’re the master. Remember, sensei?”

  “You’re right, my little deshi. You’re an eager little student, Miranda. I like that a lot. That said, we won’t get to the lesson until much later. For now you only have two decisions to make.”

  “A little debauchery or a lot?” I ask, innocently batting my lashes at him.

  “You kill me. No. Do you want to eat first or should we dive right into the fun part of the evening I promised you?”

  My stomach answers before I do. “Sorry.” I grimace, pressing my hand against my growling tummy. “Riley kept me on my toes again today. I only have a banana, two lattes and a power bar in my system.”

  “Your boss needs to start treating you better than that or else I’ll have to have a word with her.” He winks. “Let’s stop at a little eatery that makes the best panini sandwiches on the West Coast.”

  “My mouth is already watering.”

  Hunter takes the first right and pulls off the freeway. A few minutes later we park in front of Panini King on Clubhouse Avenue in Venice Beach.

  “We’re here,” he announces. “You’re going to love the food. It’s small and quaint, but it packs a big punch when it comes to the exceptional quality of their sandwiches.”

  “At this point I’m so famished anything will do, but this place looks like it’s worth it,” I say, checking out the cute little bright-colored building in front of me. Hunter gets out and runs to open the passenger door for me. “Thank you. I feel like I’m jumping off of a wall trying to get out of one of these,” I lament, grabbing his extended hand.

  “Long legs require a tall vehicle. I guess that’s one excuse… the other is the fact that I get to be this close to you.” Hunter shuts the door and turns to me, my back against the car. His eyes burn with lust as he stares at me. I swallow hard. He brings his hands up to the sides of my neck and tenderly brushes his thumbs over my cheeks.

  I’m usually shy about being this exposed in public, but at this point, I don’t care. We’re exchanging so much without speaking a word and
I don’t want it to end.

  Without warning, Hunter pulls me towards him and crushes my lips. He slides his hand down my back and presses my body closer to his. Jesus. I’m lit up like a Christmas tree. He moves his hands lower until he cups my ass. When he squeezes my butt cheeks, I think I’m going to die of pleasure. God. I hold my breath. The unexpected contact of his hard cock against my stomach awakens the beast that has already been simmering since he brushed my leg earlier. When he finally pushes himself away from me, I’m panting hard. I place my hands behind me against the SUV and I close my eyes momentarily to steady myself and quiet the torrent inside.

  “Was that a lesson?” I ask between heavy breaths.

  “No. That was just me saying hello. I’ve wanted to do that since I picked you up, but while I was waiting, I noticed Mrs. Silverstein peering through her curtains so I had to restrain myself. Now I get to unleash my burning desire all over your cute ass.”

  “Good to know. I was just checking. I want to make sure I don’t miss a thing.”

  He flashes me a wicked grin at my cheeky response, enunciating every word of his answer. “Trust me. You’ll know exactly when the lesson starts.” I bet I will.

  Hunter places his hand on my lower back and guides me to the entrance. I smile inwardly at what could be seen as a possessive gesture by a passerby.

  When we get inside the restaurant, I immediately notice there are only a few tables in this place and they’re all occupied except for one. Wow. He wasn’t joking. This eatery is tiny.

  A tall woman with jet-black hair, almond-shaped dark eyes, high cheekbones and lips that would make Angelina Jolie green with envy comes out of the door that I can only assume leads from the kitchen. She’s not beautiful per se, but she stands out. The second she recognizes the man standing next to me, her whole body demeanor changes. Did she just stick her boobs out at us? What I read on her face is the suggestive expression of a woman who knows Hunter too well. “If it isn’t Hunter Evans.” She runs her eyes down the length of Hunter’s body.

  I swear her tongue is hanging out.

  “Hey, Carla.”

  “I can’t believe you’re in town and you haven’t called or texted me yet,” she offers as further greeting.

  “It’s good to see you too.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Carla says, waving the back of her hand at Hunter. Her friendliness warms my heart. “But that’s not my question,” she says, licking her lips. “How long have you been in LA?”

  Is this the right place to be having this type of conversation?

  “I’m ending my second week.”

  “When are you leaving?”

  Is this an inquisition or what?

  “I’m here for another two, three weeks. I’m still playing it by ear.”

  “I see.” Carla is staring straight into Hunter’s eyes as if no one else is in the restaurant.

  I’ve never felt more invisible in my life. Maybe I should step outside and leave them to it.

  “It’s been really crazy.” Hunter shrugs.

  Carla takes a few steps towards the tall man she obviously wants, extends her hand and traces a finger from his shoulder all the way down to his belt. Okay. Sure. Whatever. She leans in and whispers just loud enough for me to hear. “Are you going to call me? I’ll make it worth your while.”

  Thanks, bitch, for ignoring the fact that maybe he’s with me.

  “I’m here for business, Carla.”

  Take a hint, girlfriend.

  I know I haven’t known Hunter for long, but that grin on his face is definitely tight.

  “Really?” Carla looks me up and down, unimpressed. It’s clear she’s making a claim on Hunter and I guess she’s trying to size up the competition.

  “My friend Miranda and I are starved. Why don’t we grab that table over there before someone else does?” Hunter offers as an explanation.

  “Why don’t you do that.” Carla snorts. “You know how it works here. When you’re ready to order, just holler. I’ll come running.” Carla shoots me another dirty stare before she turns on her heel and walks back into the kitchen.

  Well, that was a lot of fun. Let’s not do it again.

  Hunter shakes his head at her before focusing his attention on me. “I’m sorry about that.”

  “I gather she knows you.” Intimately.

  He waits for us to sit down before answering me. “She does.”

  “I guess you’re a regular here.” And one of her regulars when you’re in town.

  He curls up his lips, but it’s not a smile. “I’ve been here a few times.”

  “The paninis are that good, huh?” I’m surprised by the sharp sarcasm in my voice.

  He mulls it over for a beat before answering. “Something like that.” He pauses for a few seconds before adding, “Carla’s dad, Joe Tenizio, owns this place along with four other panini eateries in LA. She never used to work at this location on Fridays.”

  “I see,” I say flatly.

  I don’t even know why it bothers me so much. I knew when I got into this that Hunter is no virgin and as Jessica pointed out, he most likely has women lined up around the corner, but being face to face with one of his conquests who knows him in a way I still don’t irks the heck out of me.

  “What do you recommend I order?” I ask, grabbing the menu, hoping to change the subject.

  “If you like Italian ham, I definitely recommend the Catania. It’s a delicious sandwich on crusty Italian bread, topped with prosciutto, brie, goat and fontina cheese and grilled to perfection. You can’t go wrong.”

  “I’m sold.”

  “I’ll have the same and I’ll also order their Tentazione, which is stuffed with prosciutto, fresh mozzarella, black olive pesto and fresh tomatoes. You can have a bite if you’d like.”

  “I’d love to. That also sounds delicious. I didn’t realize you were a fan of these Italian sandwiches.”

  “I love sandwiches in general. But I have particular soft spot for warm ones.” He winks.

  The tension between us has somewhat dissipated, but it’s still impossible to forget that I’m on Carla’s territory. This is her turf and from the exaggerated banging behind me, I’d say she’s not very happy to see me invading her space. I suspect I’m not the only one who notices.

  Hunter looks over my head and frowns, displeased. “You know what? Why don’t I order the food to go? I’ll grab a few varieties of their Italian donuts and a few drinks and we can drive near the beach, park and enjoy our meal inside my SUV. Once we’re satiated, we can start having some fun. What do you say?”

  I widen my eyes. I’m thrilled he’s willing to do that for me. On top of that, I get to have one of my favorite desserts. “They make zeppole here?”

  “I forgot. You have some Italian blood running through your veins.” He smiles. “I can’t promise they’re as good as your grandmother’s, but in my opinion, they’re pretty delicious.”

  “You got yourself a deal,” I say, jumping to my feet, excited to get out of here.

  “Not just yet. Wait here. I’ll be back in a few minutes. I’ll go order and we can both go wait in my SUV together.”

  I couldn’t have asked for more. I guess I’m the one leaving with Hunter, not Carla.

  * * *

  I’m so happy Hunter suggested this alternative because we would never have been able to be this enthusiastic with witchy Carla hovering over us like a vulture. Since we spent most of the week getting to know each other’s life over the phone, we’re able to catch up on more mundane stuff. Hunter tells me about his week in San Fran and I share the highs and blooper moments of my first week at Food TV. The conversation is as casual as it was when we first met at the Santa Monica market. I’ve never felt this comfortable with a man before. I can easily see how Hunter will ruin things for me—not only sexually. Is it even reasonable to hope to meet a guy who brings out as many different facets of my personality as Hunter does once he goes back home to his ranch?

  Carla m
ay have been a royal bitch, but the drama was worth it because these are insane sandwiches and although nothing compares to my grandmother’s Italian donuts, the ones from Panini King are pretty darn good. Once we devour every bite, Hunter and I get back on the road. It’s not quite sunset yet. The sun is near the horizon and I always marvel at the sight. The darker sky adds to the mellow mood. No wonder photographers call this time the golden hour. We chat so animatedly during the ride, I don’t even notice when Hunter gets off the freeway and takes a side road. It’s only when he turns a corner that I stop talking, surprised by the bright lights of a huge Ferris wheel right in front of us. “Are you kidding me?”

  “Do you mean that in a good way or not?”

  I glance over at him, tongue-tied. “No, no, no.”

  “Okay. There are tons of other things we can do if this isn’t to your liking.”

  I burst out laughing. “I can hardly contain my excitement and it’s causing me to trip all over my words. This is amazing, Hunter.”

  “You’re sure? You’re not just saying that?”

  “Nope. Cross my heart. I really mean it.”

  “I’m glad. Although I’m sure you handle it very well, I think you’ve been juggling way too many responsibilities for someone as young as you. I figured tonight, we’ll throw caution to the wind, pretend we’re sixteen again and we’ll go have a blast. You’re in?”

  Holy amazing. I can’t believe he did this for me. My heart tumbles when I realize how thoughtfully Hunter’s planned out this entire evening. I know it’s just an evening at the fair and for some girls this might border on banal, but for me it’s pretty significant. No man has ever gone out of his way like this. Not even Dean. And we were together for four years.

  Seeing the boyish grin on Hunter’s face at my reaction saddens me for a second because I know all this is temporary. The fairytale ends in a few weeks. But for now, all this is real.

  I nod my head. “Damn right I am.”

  Hunter follows the direction of a parking attendant who’s waving two red flags. He drives the vehicle slowly down a bumpy dirt road until he finds a spot to park. He exits the vehicle and comes around the passenger side to open my door. “I haven’t been to one of these in so long,” I tell him as I take his hand to get out of the SUV.


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