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Page 12

by Scarlett Avery

  “Oh, yeah. Hmph.” I shrug. “I guess it was too complicated to charter a private plane for all of us just for a measly fifteen-minute flight,” I mock teasingly.

  “Huh?” She looks at me as if I have two heads. She’s adorable as hell. With so much Hollywood and dotcom money flying all over LA, it’s incredibly difficult to impress a girl nowadays. Miranda’s reaction is like a breath of fresh air.

  When the Dennison brothers notice my arrival, they both come loping around the parked cars and vehicles to greet us with a big smile on their faces. When they recognize Miranda, they both falter in their steps and exchange a quick, telling glance. I nearly have to pinch myself to avoid laughing aloud. Collin’s been bragging all week long about the hot babes he’s invited to tag along and he spent the better part of the week trying to get me to commit to at least two women. I simply brushed him off and told him I was coming with someone. I think he thought I was bluffing and he figured he’d convince me when we got to the island. Obviously, I omitted to tell him who it was. I much prefer to relish this moment.

  The shocked look on his face is absolutely hilarious. Just like the Dennison brothers, you’ll rarely see me in public with a woman I’m fucking. It’s a big deal for me to prance around with someone in broad daylight. So far, it’s only happened once when I dated a woman for two months before I realized we were all wrong for each other. I know things are temporary with Miranda, but she’s the kind of woman you want to be seen with.

  “Evans,” Collin says, approaching me and extending his hand. I grab it and we exchange our trademark brother-type handshake.

  “Collin. Thanks for inviting me.”

  “As if I wouldn’t.” He grins.

  “Hey, Hunter, I’m glad you made it.” Shane approaches me and gives me one of those politicians’ handshakes where he taps my back with his left hand while gripping my hand with his right one.

  “Buddy. I’m ready for this day,” I cheer.

  “I see that.” Shane looks right past me and I sneer before turning around to reintroduce him to Miranda.

  “Collin, Shane, you remember Miranda. She was the lady in red at Rex’s gala a week ago.”

  Miranda nearly skips to join us. “Hey!” She pulls off her sunglasses and waves. “Thanks for the invitation. I’m so incredibly excited.”

  Collin takes a few steps towards her. “What a pleasure to see you again.” Unexpectedly, he grabs her hand and brings it to his lips.

  What the fuck? I’m sure I look as horrified as she does.

  “Are you kissing her hand?” I ask. Shane chuckles at his brother’s idiotic move. “Who the hell does that anymore?”

  “I’m simply being a gentleman.”

  “You’re creeping her out. And me,” I bark.

  Ignoring me, Collin returns his attention to my date. “When Hunter said he was bringing someone special… he wasn’t joking.”

  Miranda trades her stunned look for her shy one. She turns beet red so quickly all three of us laugh.

  “You remember my older brother, Shane?”

  “Of course. Hi, Shane,” she says, looking to her left.

  “Miranda, I’ve only met you twice, but both times you’ve managed to dazzle me. Hunter is going to make a lot of guys at our party very jealous. I for one regret that the other night I preferred to go and take photos with a few fans rather than to get to know you better.”

  As if. I saw her first. She’s mine, buddy.

  Miranda giggles. “So you’re the sweet talker between the two of you?” The sparkle in her eyes lets me know she’s enjoying this moment immensely.

  “Well, I don’t want to brag…” Shane lets his sentence hang and lowers his eyes in feigned modesty.

  Not to be outdone, Collin jumps in. “Miranda, don’t mind my brother, he’s all talk and I’m all action. And by the way, if my friend here”—Collin pauses and pats my chest for show before continuing—”doesn’t treat you right, I’ll gladly step in. I can take care of you real nice.”

  Bastard. I grin back at Collin, but my eyes flash him daggers, telling him, You don’t have a chance in hell. Back off. The man is greedy. There are at least twelve women he’s personally invited who are lined up near the speedboat. I’m pretty sure he’s already called dibs on most of them, yet that’s not enough for Collin Dennison. He’s found a new shiny object and all of a sudden he’s fascinated with Miranda. If she’s here with me, he must know she’s more than a quick fuck, and he’s determined to break my balls over it.

  Miranda takes a step closer to Collin, tilts her head back, squints, shifting her eyes from his to the group of women cackling in the background and then drops her bomb. Her repartee takes me aback. “How many of these poor souls have you already fed that line to? It’s too well-rehearsed. Surely, I can’t be the first one.” She purses her lips and waits for his answer, but for once in his life, Collin doesn’t have a comeback worth beans so he just stares at her incredulously.

  Shane and I roar so hard at Collin’s stunned expression, I swear I’m going to need CPR soon if I don’t stop.

  Good for her for not being willing to swallow his bullshit pickup line.

  * * *

  Shane and Collin bought a house in Avalon many moons ago when they first got into some big money from their work in Hollywood. Before becoming a chef and fitness model, Shane used to be a top-notch personal trainer. Collin has been riding on his good looks since I can remember, but Shane is a formidable athlete with a background in boxing and martial arts. Thanks to his brother’s connections, he boasted a roster of A-listers as clients. As a result, the Dennison brothers bought one of the least desirable properties on Beacon Street, but it was the only one they could afford. Since owning a home on Catalina Island had always been a dream of theirs, they jumped in with both feet and without hesitation. Eight years and a string of renovations later, their former two-story lowly home is now a sprawling restored three-story estate with a jaw-dropping view. When they first bought this place, it was nearly impossible to get to because the roads around here were so rough, but in time, it’s turned to their advantage because they now own a beautiful secluded home in a coveted part of the island.

  The one-hour trip from the coast was so much fun and it was the perfect icebreaker to get to know everybody. Now that we’ve arrived at our destination, the party is in full swing. We’ve already been chatting, eating, drinking and enjoying ourselves for a few hours.

  After pigging out on way too much delicious food and giving Miranda a full tour of the house, I suggested we go sit near the beach to enjoy one of the most beautiful views in the world. I went back inside to replenish our drinks and by the time I made my way back, Miranda had fallen asleep on one of the lounge chairs. She looked so peaceful, I didn’t have the heart to wake her up so I’ve been lying here on my side, reclined onto my elbow, wide awake, watching over her. I’m not only soaking in the sight of her, I’m also silently warning off any of the eager male guests who are delusional enough to think they might have a chance with her. There are plenty of other women to drool over. Not Miranda. She’s off-limits.

  Suddenly she stretches besides me, folds her elbows under her little body, pulls herself up, readjusts her sunglasses on her nose and turns a sleepy face towards me. “Sorry about that.”

  “Don’t be.”

  “I woke up so early to prepare everything. I didn’t want to be late. I thought I could manage fine, but I guess I was wrong.”

  “You’re a real sweetheart for doing what you did. There’s no point in feeling guilty for dozing off. It’s the perfect day for an afternoon nap,” I reassure her.

  “I was dreaming about cooking this five-course extravagant meal in Collin’s spectacular kitchen,” she says, shifting her eyes towards the beach house.

  I laugh. “I don’t blame you. It’s pretty badass.”

  “The entire house is straight out of an elite decor magazine. I can’t believe they have two thousand square feet of deck on the third floor. Tha
t panoramic view of the Pacific Ocean from everywhere you look is breathtaking. Don’t get me started on the killer wine cellar or the wood-fired pizza oven they built. I mean every Italian fiber of my being was weeping of joy.”

  “You’re too funny.”

  “Do they ever use it?”

  “Collin can’t boil water. Shane does quite often. He’s an excellent chef.”

  “Of course. I forgot.”

  “Shane has one of those in the backyard of his Pacific Palisades house as well. I think we should get him to invite us over and the two of you can have fun cooking together.”

  Her eyes light up like a ten-year-old who receives an iPad on Christmas day. “Really? That would be absolutely amazing. It would be a dream to be able to cook alongside a renowned chef like Shane.”

  “I’m sure it can be arranged.”

  “I’m dying to ask Riley for an opportunity to cook alongside her when she’s testing new recipes, but I’m just too shy. I’ve only been at this job for a week. I don’t want to jeopardize my position by being too pushy.”

  “I’m pretty certain I can pull some strings there as well.” I wink.

  “Are you kidding?”

  “Nah. Riley is easy-going. Shane was really impressed with your culinary skills. I’m sure he’d love to teach you more.”

  “No way,” she exclaims.

  Miranda’s loaded potato salad was a huge hit. Most guys went back two if not three times for more. Heck, I even caught a few rail-thin wannabe models nibbling on her salad and enjoying every bite. That most likely accounted for their calorie allowance for the week. Both Collin and Shane were thoroughly mesmerized not only by Miranda’s beauty, but also by her talent in the kitchen. She seduced me a long time ago.

  I won’t lie, it feels good to be me—the one who shows up with the girl every guy wants to get to know. She’s so friendly. Although everyone here is a stranger and most likely out of her league, she made an effort to strike up a conversation with everyone, even with some of the more snootier girls. That non-LA side of her is becoming more and more attractive.

  “I’m not lying. I doubt I’d have to twist his arm to spend an afternoon in the kitchen with you.”

  “I’d be willing to give you my firstborn if you were able to make that happen.”

  “You might want to be careful there, sweetheart. I might end up being the father of your first child.”

  We laugh at first until the weight of my words hits both of us at the same time. We glance at each other uncomfortably and look away, pretending I didn’t say what I just did.

  She fans herself and brings her hand up to her forehead to wipe off what I can only suspect are beads of sweat. “It’s so hot today.”

  “Sweetie, you’re wearing too many items of clothing.”

  Her gaze narrows slightly. “Are you suggesting I walk around naked?”

  Several of the women are sunbathing with their tits exposed on the upper deck—some are fully naked with their pussy out in the open for all to see. That’s not uncommon at the Dennisons’ parties. I still remember Miranda’s horrified look when she realized she was the only one walking around in one of those beach dresses she calls a kaftan. Hers is a white one with delicate embroidery that runs down the middle and that has a bright blue border. It hits her mid-thigh, reveals her toned legs and offers a tempting peek at her matching blue two-piece bathing suit. Secretly, I’m happy her body isn’t on display for every man at the party.

  “You wouldn’t hear me object,” I tease.

  “Keep dreaming, buddy.”

  “Oh, I am.”

  She rolls her eyes. “That’s never going to happen. There’s no way I’m exposing myself like those women.” She points at the house. “I wasn’t raised like that. Maybe I’m not as gutsy, but frankly I think my way is better. I prefer to keep my boobs and other intimate parts only for private showings… if you know what I mean. Thank you very much,” she huffs, almost insulted.

  “I agree.” I smile.

  “You do?”

  “Why do you sound so surprised?” I frown.

  “I don’t know. I figured if they’re doing it, it’s because that’s what men want.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “I saw you looking.” She lowers her gaze down to her fumbling fingers.

  “First off, I’d have to be blind not to look. Let’s get one thing straight, I’m a guy. I’m genetically programmed to respond to exposed breasts. It doesn’t mean I want to touch them and it doesn’t mean I find it sexy.”

  “You don’t?”

  I shake my head. “When I’m with a woman, I own her body. I was pretty upfront with you about that. I don’t want other men to have access to what’s rightfully mine. I’m a little possessive that way. If you feel that’s the only ammunition you have in your arsenal to attract a guy and hope to catch his attention, you’re usually not the type of woman I’d be interested in for more than an hour or two.”

  “So…” She grins. “What are you saying?”

  “Since we have this arrangement for the next few weeks, I’d be pretty miffed if those idiots were able to ogle freely at your glorious tits and your delicious pussy.”



  Shane’s right. In a sea of cookie-cutter Hollywood-type blondes, Miranda stands out like a peacock. She doesn’t have to walk around looking slutty and available to get a guy’s attention.

  “So my boobs are for your eyes only?”

  “And my hands, my mouth and my cock.”

  She forms an O with her mouth that says it all. “Damn, that mouth of yours,” she hisses.

  My dick springs to life. The urge to feel the curve of her hips in my hands mounts faster than a shooting star. “Are you still hot?”

  “If you’re talking about the heat, that would be yes.” She licks her lips. She’s a little devil. She’s playing with a double entendre like a pro.

  Well, two can play at that game. “Of course I was. I know exactly what might fix your problem.” I get up and extend my hand to her. “Are you coming?”

  “You haven’t even told me where we’re going.”

  “Look around you. What’s the best way for you to cool down?”

  “A swim?”


  “But I’m a lousy swimmer and there’s no way I’ll feel comfortable out in the ocean.”

  “Lucky for you, the Dennisons’ property came with this really cool little spot behind their property. We call it the lagoon, but it’s a shallow body of water surrounded by barrier land. It’s like Mother Nature’s mini-outdoor pool.”

  “How shallow is shallow? I’m not very tall.”

  “When I stand, the water doesn’t reach past my chest. Collin and Shane thought of getting rid of it when they first bought the property, but every single landscaper who has ever worked for them has advised them against it. They dropped a fortune on it a few years ago and had it fixed up really nicely. They have it checked every month to make sure it’s safe. It’s a really awesome place just to lounge in the water. You can hold onto to me, that way you get to enjoy it worry-free.” I waggle my eyebrows. She looks up at me suspiciously. “What?”

  “You won’t play any funny tricks?”

  “I wouldn’t. If you don’t feel comfortable in the water, it’d be stupid of me to do anything that would scare you.”

  She reaches out and grabs my hand. “You’re on.”

  I pull her towards me and hold her hand as we snake around the house all the way to the back. “Collin and Shane don’t share this spot with anyone, so I hope no one has discovered it. It’s somewhat hidden, but not really. If you hold tight onto the railing and you stretch your neck, you might see us from the upper deck, but if we keep it quiet we won’t attract too much attention.” I push open a heavy wooden gate leading to the little lagoon. “Look.” I point in front of me, pulling her in.

  She widens her eyes. “Wow. This is truly incre

  I walk towards a wooden bench and grab a couple of large white beach towels before joining her again. “Yeah, I agree. The palm trees, tropical flowers and tall shrubs keep us hidden from curious neighbors and people enjoying the day on their boats.”

  “I can’t wait to jump in.” She pulls her dress over her head and discards it to the side before kicking off her flip-flops and getting rid of her sunglasses. Jesus, that woman will be the death of me. I’ll be dreaming of her curvy little body in that sexy bathing suit for a very long time. “Hurry. I can’t go in by myself. Are you just going to stand there and look at me?” She places her left hand on her hip and taps impatiently with her right foot. Her tone is stern, her mannerism flippant, but her huge grin betrays her.

  “We’re a little impatient, aren’t we?”

  “You did a pretty good job at selling me on this. It’s time to deliver the goods.”

  “Are you playing hardball with me, Ms. Reddick?”

  “Well, after last night, I’d say you’re far more equipped than I am to play hardball.”

  Oh, no, she didn’t. “You’re fascinated by my balls?”

  “I’d be even more fascinated by them if you were willing to get rid of those shorts,” she says, waving her finger at my crotch.

  “That can be arranged.” I drop the towels to the ground, pull off my t-shirt, unzip my khaki shorts and push them to my feet. With my toes, I kick them near the gate we walked through a few minutes ago. “Is this better?” I lower my eyes to my swim trunks and then raise them to her.

  With a tiny one-shouldered shrug she turns around on her heel. “I guess,” she throws over her shoulder as she wiggles her way to the lagoon. The view of her ass is sinfully delicious. I want to sink my teeth into that soft plump flesh and work my way to the middle of her butt cheeks until I’m tongue-fucking her ass like an animal, but instead, I follow her. When she reaches the edge she waits for me to walk ahead of her and climb in. “How is it?” Since she’s folded forward with her hands clamped together and sandwiched between her knees, she points to the water with her chin.


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