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Love in Montana

Page 18

by Lexi Buchanan

  “I don’t anymore.”

  “Don’t think like that. She does love you, otherwise she wouldn’t have wanted to protect you from finding out about her. If it was me, I’d have wanted you there to hold me, and I think she wanted you there but was too stubborn to ask.”

  “Tell me what I should do?” he asked. “I’m seriously at a loss as to what to do. I want to be there for her. I want to be the one taking care of her when she comes home.” He never asked for help, but he’d never felt so lost before, either. “I need to see her, to hold her. I’m afraid I’ll only make things worse, though, if I turn up at the hospital.” He laughed but there was no amusement in his voice. “The woman I love is lying in a hospital and I’m worrying my sorry ass off that I’ll make things worse. As though being shot isn’t worse enough.”

  “I know what you mean, and I think I have an idea,” Talya added.

  He nodded.

  “Good. Then you need to make sure you’re stocked up on food and juice. You’ll have to take her to her check up appointments, and basically look after her.”

  “She’s coming home with me?” He hoped he hadn’t misread Talya’s instructions.

  “She is.”

  “When?” He had a better idea.

  “I’ll find out today. In fact, I was on my way out when I fell into you. But you probably have two, maybe three, days.”

  Could he do it? And would she be okay with a forty-minute drive straight out of the hospital?

  “Will you let me pack all her things up from here?”

  Talya gasped. “I didn’t mean for her to move in with you permanently.”

  “That’s the only way it works for me, and we’re not moving into my apartment. That was leased and I’ve already told them I won’t be signing again. I love her, and I want her with me for the rest of our lives. She just doesn’t know that yet and I’d be really grateful if you wouldn’t mention anything.”

  “Wow. I seriously hadn’t expected to lose my roommate when I got out of bed today.”

  It was Eric’s turn to comfort Talya. “You know that you’ll be welcome to visit, anytime you want? And I mean that Talya. Don’t wait to be invited. You’re family to Sylvia, which means your invitation is permanently open.”

  “Shit! Now you’ve made me cry.” She sniffled into a Kleenex. “If not your apartment, then where?”

  Eric grinned.

  It took Talya a few minutes of thought before she realized what he meant. “Well, shit. You bought the roses.”

  He laughed, which he didn’t think he’d do after his talk with Talya. “And the rest.”

  “Oh, God. Now I’m really going to cry.”

  While Talya softly cried against his chest, he wiped at his own eyes.

  He was desperate to go to Sylvia, but he knew that she was on the mend and would be going home with him, which gave him the enthusiasm he needed to get their house in order with furniture.

  He’d get the basics and then they’d shop together for everything else. In fact, the huge sleigh bed he’d ordered with the thick mattress was due to be delivered the following day. So at least that was one less problem.

  “Let me drop you at the hospital, and even though it will kill me not to go inside to see her, I’ll hold off until I come and get her to take her home.”

  She nodded, and without a word, followed him to his truck.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  For four days Talya had been acting weird. It was as though every time she came to visit Sylvia, she was avoiding her, which was strange considering they were in the same room. Every time her discharge was brought up Talya wouldn’t meet her gaze. Even now that she helped Sylvia into leggings she was being evasive. That had put her on edge so instead of looking forward to going home, she couldn’t help be distracted with her friend.

  For brief periods, she would think about Eric, and whether or not he had something to do with her friend’s distraction, but she really didn’t believe that. He’d had over two weeks to contact her, and he hadn’t, albeit, she’d been in the hospital for one of those weeks, and with the promise from her friends that they wouldn’t call him. She tried to forget that it had been her decision not to inform Eric about her being shot, but she really had wanted to save him from worrying about her. In the end though, she’d wanted him with her so badly that she’d nearly given in and begged Talya to call him.

  “Hey,” Talya made her jump. “I don’t know where you went, but you’re going to fall over if you’re not careful.”


  “Hmm,” she mumbled. “C’mon, you’re ready. Sit in that.”

  She really had no wish to be pushed out of the hospital in a wheelchair, but she knew that she wouldn’t make it to the ground floor without one. Although her side was healing as it should, it still caused her pain to get around, and the longer she shuffled around, the more intense the pain became.

  “I seriously didn’t think you’d get in it.” Talya shoved Sylvia’s belongings from the hospital over the handles before setting off.

  In the elevator, Sylvia looked around and realized her friend was nervous, so she sighed, and said, “Spill.”


  “There’s something going on with you.” And then it hit her that Talya had said her car was in the garage. “Who’s picking us up from the hospital, or do you have a taxi waiting?”

  Talya pushed her out of the elevator and toward the entrance, when she more or less begged, “Please don’t be angry with me.”

  “I don’t understand.” Sylvia frowned.

  “You will in a minute. Just don’t be pigheaded and hear him out.”

  Sylvia was about to turn to ask Talya what the hell she meant when movement at the side of a black SUV caught her eyes.


  Her heart fluttered in her chest when he walked toward her. He got down on his haunches and rested his hands on his knees while he looked her over, and then finally, he reached for her hand.

  She was surprised that his had a slight tremor to it as he held her tight, his eyes closed. When he opened them, all the love he had for her shone clear, and her tears leaked freely down her face.

  “Hey, babe. Please don’t cry.” He knelt and used the Kleenex Talya passed to him to try and mop her up. “I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he admitted, his voice gruff.

  Sylvia reached out and cupped his face. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  “I would have been here a few days ago, but after talking to Talya, I decided it was best to wait. Which is why you’re coming home with me.” He smiled. “I know we need to talk and I need to apologize, which I will, but for now, I want to get you away from here.”

  She nodded her head through her tears. “Okay.”

  Eric got back to his feet and then bent to lift her from the wheelchair. Her arms slipped around him, her fingers caressed the nape of his neck, and she delighted in the shiver she felt wrack his body with her touch. That told her more than words could.

  Once settled in the car that smelled new, Eric tipped her chair slightly to make her comfortable before he climbed behind the steering wheel.

  He’d spoken to Talya, and her friend seemed happy with whatever he said because she smiled and kissed his cheek.

  “Where’s Talya going?”

  “I offered her a lift, but she said she had something to do not far from here.”

  The engine purred to life as Eric slowly steered them out of the city. She stayed quiet and wondered where he was taking her because they’d passed his apartment awhile back.

  She stayed silent though and felt the pain medication, which she’d taken before leaving the hospital, start to work, as her eyes grew heavy. The scenery, as it flew past, helped to lull her into sleep.

  * * * * *

  “Sylvia, babe. You need to wake up.”

  Why was Eric trying to wake her up?

  “Sylvia, c’mon. You’re killing me. I’m excited for you to see your surprise.”

>   She liked surprises.

  Her eyes snapped open when she realized it really was Eric talking to her, and that it wasn’t a dream.

  “Hey.” He kissed her on the tip of her nose. “I thought I was going to have to carry you inside and wait hours for you to wake up to see your surprise.”

  “I like surprises?” she whispered, trying to fight sleep.

  “Oh, you’ll like this.”



  “I’m still awake.”

  He chuckled. “Look at me.”

  Her eyes met his laughing ones.

  “I love you.” He became serious. “I didn’t want to do this here, but I want there to be no misunderstanding between us when I take you inside. I love you so much, and I’m so damn sorry for what I said and the way I said it back in Montana. I’d had one hell of a shock and I didn’t think. I think my brain shut down and just focused on Emelia and what she’d said. I’d never intentionally hurt you.”

  She didn’t need to think, and cupped his face. “I should have been more understanding instead of running. I just felt hurt and could only concentrate on you asking me to leave. But I love you, and want to put that behind us and move forward, if that’s what you want?”

  “What I want will become very clear.” He smiled and kissed her tenderly on the lips. “You need to look out of the front window.”

  She felt a nervous flutter inside her belly. What if she hated his surprise? Only one way to find out.

  Her head tilted to the side and then snapped around as soon as she caught a glimpse of where they were, and realized what she was looking at.

  “How? What? Why? Oh my, God.” Her hands reached and covered her mouth as she found it difficult to get her head around the fact that she was looking at her cottage, and it no longer was in shambles. “You did this,” her voice broke.

  “I did this for us, Sylvia.”

  No more words were needed as he released her belt, and carried her down the rose lined path toward their new home.

  The porch had been fully restored and so had the window shutters, all of which had been given a fresh coat of white paint. On the porch as Eric carried her up the steps, she spotted two rocking chairs on one side, and a porch swing on the other. It looked so welcoming, and she was having a hard time knowing that he’d done all this for her. It proved that he knew her well because everything was how she envisioned the cottage looking in years to come when she would have the money.

  Opening the door, Eric carried her over the threshold, and placed her on her feet. “Are you okay to walk? I certainly don’t mind having you in my arms.”

  She smiled. “I can walk, although slowly.”

  Eric nodded, and reached for her hand. She was glad because she wanted him close. His presence in her life had been deeply missed, and she hoped that they’d never experience that again.

  “There isn’t a great deal of furniture in yet.” He pulled her slowly into his arms and held her. Her arms slipped around his waist as her head rested on his chest. “I wanted us both to furnish this place together. I did buy a bed and the basics that I thought you’d like, but everything else, I want us to do together.” He kissed the top of her head. “I guess you know by now that this is our house, Sylvia.”

  Although she knew that was what he meant, it made her heart flutter in her chest to hear him speak the words.

  “I want us to live together. I mean that’s what we started to do before we went to Montana, so I figured if I did this for you that you would know how much I love you.”

  “Oh, Eric. I love you, and will live with you. I would have lived with you in your apartment if that’s all you had, I hope you realize that.”

  “I do, babe.”

  “Will you take me upstairs so I can see this bed you’ve bought us.”

  His eyes widened. “Now, you need to behave. No funny business until I’ve spoken to your doctor.” He lifted her up in his arms.

  “Oh my, God. You are not asking my doctor when I can have sex. No. No. No.”

  He laughed all the way up the stairs and to their room where he placed her in the middle of the soft bed. It was a wooden sleigh bed and had such a thick comforter on top that she sunk straight into it and never wanted to move.

  “I like it here. Think I’ll stay here forever.”

  Eric crawled on beside her. “I think I’d like you in this house forever. With me.” He kissed her nose. “And I knew you were referring to the bed.”

  “I’m yours, Eric.”


  Their first Christmas together had been amazing.

  Eric’s father had invited Sylvia’s family to spend Christmas with everyone in Montana, and Sylvia had jumped at the invitation, which solved the problem of them being separated over Christmas.

  Sylvia’s parents Joy and Tim, along with her brother, Kane, and his family had been eager to make their way to Montana. Her parents had been delighted to meet his family now that she was considered one of their own.

  Both families had come together really well, and so far, there hadn’t been any hiccups. Sylvia’s niece, Sam, had been fun to watch as she steamrolled through all her presents. Kane mentioned he’d have to look into renting a U-Haul to get all of his daughter’s presents home. She may have been spoiled a little bit.

  Sylvia had been kissed so many times that she’d admitted her head spun. Lucia had thought it necessary to string mistletoe up around the house, and if caught under with a woman, the guys had to do the honorable thing and kiss them. His brothers had teased him by constantly finding themselves beneath with Sylvia. He was on to them, though.

  It did become awkward when Dante and Emelia ended up beneath a huge cluster. Sylvia and Eric had been present and had frozen, but settled when Dante leaned in and pecked Emelia on the cheek. Poor Emelia had gulped back her tears and tried to carry on as Dante disappeared, his face void of expression.

  But, he had to agree, that the most romantic gesture had come from him.

  With help from his brothers, he’d hooked Snow White and Rapunzel up to a large sleigh. Sylvia had been surprised and tears had been close to falling. Maybe one or two had escaped.

  Eric knew that Sylvia had no clue were he guided the horses to. The winter storm from Thanksgiving had stayed away so far while they’d been back in Montana, and he only hoped it would stay away longer.

  It was Sylvia’s first sleigh ride, and her excitement had drifted toward him. His body was overheated—and not just because of the blanket that covered them—his face felt frozen. He didn’t think Sylvia faired any better.

  It took a while, but eventually as they’d climbed higher, the sleigh came to a stop, and he pointed to the sky with a grin.

  Sylvia turned and her mouth dropped open on a gasp.

  Auroras Borealis or the Northern Lights.

  “Seriously?” she turned and asked.

  Eric had a huge grin on his face at being able to show Sylvia one of the most beautiful displays of light that he’d ever seen. Although it happened a few times a year around Eureka, which was more North West Montana, it was rare where Eric lived because of the mountains. Thanks to a neighbor passing on the sighting to his father, Eric managed to time it nicely with the sleigh ride.

  “I’ve never seen them before,” Sylvia rushed out. “I can’t believe what I’m seeing.”

  “I love you, and I’d give you the world if I could. It’s also the first time since I’ve seen them in about ten years.” He nuzzled into her neck and sighed against her mouth when she claimed his.

  “I love you,” Sylvia whispered against his mouth.

  He grinned. “I have a surprise for you.”

  He laughed when her eyes lit up at his words. “What? C’mon, hurry up.”

  “You’re so damn cute when you’re excited.”

  Sylvia laughed and straddled his lap. “You tease me deliberately.”

  He chuckled, and tucked some loose hair up into her fleece hat before h
e became serious. “I’ve wanted you for so damn long, even when I was abrupt with you back when I thought you were sleeping with Ramon.” Sylvia leaned in and kissed him. He cupped her face and continued, “I can’t tell you the relief I felt when I knew there had never really been anything between the two of you, but I told myself I was crazy because I didn’t want permanent. Well, I have a kind of permanent, but I want to make it more permanent” He inhaled and opened the small jewelers box that he’d hidden in his jacket pocket. “Will you marry me, Sylvia? Will you be my wife, and have my children?”

  Tears ran down Sylvia’s face, but the smile behind them said everything he needed to know.

  With his help Sylvia managed to wipe her tears away, and found her voice, “From the minute I laid my eyes on you, you’ve been a distraction, and I want nothing more than to be your wife and the mother of your children.” Her chin wobbled but she continued, “So yes, I will marry you.” Her arms wrapped around his neck as his curved around her back and held her tight.

  He’d been holding off proposing to her since they’d arrived in Montana, but as soon as he found out about the sighting of the Northern Lights, he knew it was going to happen that night.

  If someone had told him when he first met Sylvia, over twelve months ago that she would be his fiancée, he’d have asked if they were drunk. So it just goes to show that the love of a good woman could make the hardest of men crave more.

  The End

  Turn the page for a sneak peak at Book #2, Love in Purgatory

  Image Copyright: Michael Stokes Photography

  Fitness Model: Diego Arnary

  Cover Designer: Robin Harper, Wicked by Design


  Love in Purgatory, #2

  Subject to change in final version

  Nursing a whiskey in his hand, Dante sat in the dark in his father and Lucia’s living room. It had been a long day of trying to act as though he didn’t have a lot on his mind when he felt his head was about to explode. A bit like how his heart had felt when he saw Kasey’s truck in the ditch during the snowstorm. He’d feared for his siblings, but the relief he felt when his sister, Emelia, came into view was nothing like it should have been for a sibling. Nothing could have stopped him from holding her in his arms regardless of how wrong it was.


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