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Royalty K.I.N.G McCall's Book of Epic Tales

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by Royalty K. I. N. G McCall

" Well I've evaluated the injuries he sustained at impact. It's very hard to recover when a 1-year old has trauma like that. Now we have monitored his P.E.T scan and his M.R.I."

  "Just please stop! Don't say anymore. Just tell me my son will survive."

  " Well his scan is showing brain activity, but truly not that much. As for all his motor skills, he's just not showing enough."

  " So what are you saying, just give it to me straight."

  " What I'm saying is if you remove him from life support, than your son may live in a vegetative state."

  " So my son will never play basketball or learn to write his name? I will never see him go to prom or cheer at his first game.? How does one prepare themselves to pull life from their child?"

  " We have grievance counselors and support lines we just need to get everything filed."

  " Please do not get pushy with me in a sensitive time like this. I know God says he'd never put more on me than I can bare, but I just cannot handle this."

  Chapter 17

  So Sam stepped out in the hall and walked to the nearest window. She blacked out the voices in the waiting room, the coffee machine running, and the vending machine hum.

  She knew if she had to make this decision, it would be the hardest thing she had ever done. So she prayed once again and asked God to guide her. With everything she had already been through, she felt she had no fight left inside her.

  "Lord you always tell us you would never place more on us than we can bare. I'm telling you I'm at my breaking point and my life has become unfair. I don't know the purpose of this or if karma is coming for me. I just don't want my son to suffer and me to keep him alive selfishly. So Lord if it is your will to keep him here alive than I trust that you will direct me, in helping him survive. However, if it is your will, and is time for him to leave. Then please tell him his mother loves him and to never forget me."

  So Sam walked back to Dr. Leat and advised him of her decision.

  "I will give it 48 hours and then take him off. If he cannot survive on his own, I understand the cost."

  "I commend you as his mother and believe you're doing what is right."

  "I'm sure that is easy for you to say, you aren't making the decision on his life."

  So 24 hours had passed and Baby Josiah's heart rate started to speed up and then drop. Tachycardia was happening rapidly and nothing made it stop. Eventually his heart rate decreased and his oxygen was very low. Life support was no longer working and she knew it was time for baby Josiah to go.

  She left him still on life support to see if he would survive. She held and kissed her son, as tears streamed from her eyes. She held his hand firmly and whispered in his ear.

  "Baby if you can hear me, you don't have to be scared. Please know that mommy is sorry and I will keep you in my heart. Please know I am always with you, even if our flesh is apart. I thought I made the right decision by putting our family first. But instead I lost my way, and only made things worse. But I will never stop loving you or your morning laughs. I will remember reading you bed time stories and giving you a bath. I will think of our walks at the park and feeding the ducks in the pond. I will smile when I think of you and still sing our favorite song. Please remember me as your mother as you leave my side and out of everything please always remember that your mommy tried."

  Baby Josiah slipped away and Sam was all alone. Domestic Violence is not a game, but I guess now she knows.

  The End.

  Book Two

  Promises Broken


  "Equana ... Equana... Ms Jones!"

  Equana finally snapped from her usual daze. Sitting in her last class of the day, her teacher, Ms. Thomas, looked on at her with a worried expression as normal.

  "Damn, Ms. Thomas. I hear you, DAMN!"

  The whole class shook their heads and gasped. They knew Equana was one of them girls who didn't give a damn in high school.

  Her best friend, Lexis, knew her best though. I mean, she knew it was never a reason to behave the way Equana did, but at the same time she knew what Equana had to cope with at home and in the streets of LA.

  "GET OUT MY CLASS MS. JONES! GET OUT!" Screamed her teacher while pointing at the door.

  Equana grabbed her purse and replied angrily, "Bitch I don't care about you putting me out!"

  It was only four weeks from

  graduation and hell, Equana spent damn near her whole senior year in alternative school, besides the pregnancies.

  Equana rushed out the room, and going to the principal office was the last thing on her mind. Instead, she stormed out the school and walked home.

  Walking home, she could see numerous missed calls from her step dad. She instantly started to tremble thinking about home. The only reason why she felt like she could never leave home was because of her two kids by him; crazy, I know.

  See Equana mom died three years prior. Her step father sold drugs which her mother fell victim of his product, heroin. Shortly after, her step father started to molest her and eventually got her pregnant ninth grade summer.

  One year later she was pregnant with her second child by him. She would rather die before she told anybody that her step dad raped and got her pregnant. Hell, it was done so much to her over the years that it felt normal. And when he asked, she would give it to him with no problems.

  Her father on the other hand, was one of them dads who knew they had a child but didn't give a damn because they were never in their lives. She hated her dad. The last time she had saw him was when they had her mother funeral.

  Equana quickly dialed her step dad Rome number to avoid a major beat down when she got home.

  "Hey baby, I was in school! I'm sorry I miss..."

  But before she could explain...

  "Bitch didn't I tell yo dawg ass to stay at home with these bad ass kids today. Hell I can’t sell shit because I got to stay at home and watch these ugly ass kids of yours every damn day."


  Equana took the phone from her ear because she really hated listening to him when he screamed.

  She put the phone back up to her ear and simply replied, "I'm sorry OK!”

  Almost home, she walked most of the way with her head down. She just knew she wasn't gone be able to go back to school due to the last straw. The principal gave her numerous of chances over the years and she had just taken the last one, outbursting to her teacher.

  Thinking to herself, "Damn man my life fucked up! I'm so scared to go home man. My momma daddy on drugs and don't won't me...two kids by the same man who ran my momma to her grave. Lord I just don't know."

  From a distance she could see her step dad Henry and her two kids sitting on the porch. The crazy part about this story, was that Henry had a car but made her walk unless it was time to get her S.S.I. check she received once a month.

  She walked up to the first step and immediately her two-year old jumped off of Henry and into Equana arms. Boy did that make Henry mad when his oldest did that.

  "Bitch get yo ass in that house and fix these kids something to eat! Hell, been worrying with they bad ass all day."

  Equana grabbed the two and immediately walked into the kitchen to avoid confrontation. Looking around the kitchen, inside the fridge, and in the cabinets, nothing but baking soda was in there.

  She yelled out, "Bay, we need to go the store!"

  Equana only had twenty-eight dollars on her E.B.T card.

  Henry instantly got out his rocking chair and rushed in on Equana and slapped her to the ground.


  "Bitch, if you would of did like I asked you to we would have food in the mother fucking refrigerator."

  The babies started crying and Henry yelled at them also. "SHUT YALL AZZ UP!" Faking like he was going hit them also.


  "Henry please no ...please!"

  Equana sat on the floor begging her stepfather not to slap her again. The babies steadily cried as Henry stood over they momma.

  "Give me the damn E.B.T card Equana, damn!"

  Equana got up slow and grabbed her purse. Looking through it, tears obstructed her vision.

  She gave him the card and walked over by the sink to wash the dishes. Her kids sat there and watched her as she did so. Henry walked towards the door and looked around back at Equana.

  "How much money on this card anyway?"

  Equana instantly replied, "Twenty-Eight"

  "I'll be back ok?"

  It was a shame how Henry would beat on Equana, but play it cool like nothing never happened.

  Equana could hear Henry cranking his Oldsmobile. She quickly ran to the bathroom to look to see if she had any swelling.

  Holding her baby, she could see her two-year old looking at her.

  "Sammy, don't you ever treat a woman like Henry do, OK! Do you hear me?"

  The little one nodded his head, even though he really didn't understand what his mother said.

  Equana could hear her phone ring. She ran to it thinking it was Henry, but it was her friend Lexis.


  "What's up girl, you alright?"

  "Yea, I'm good girl...shit!"

  "Yo, you had Ms. Thomas bugging when you left."

  "Man fuck that lady...bald head ass."

  Lexis started laughing but replied, "So, girl you know that was your last straw. What you gone do now?"

  Lexis knew Equana whole situation. Well, not the part about her step dad being her baby daddy. The only thing Lexis knew was that Equana’s mother was on drugs, her step dad sold them, and that her baby daddy stayed in another state somewhere.

  "Girl ion know...I might just gone and get my GED on line and find me a job man."

  "Baby girl you know I'm here for need to report Henry crazy ass to girl. I know he be hitting you to."

  Equana heart stopped for a minute to hearing Lexis words.

  "What you mean you know he be hitting me? Don't nobody put they hands on me baby!"

  "Equana, you know Henry and my momma been going out lately? My momma think I don't know but he be over here all the time."

  The crazy part about Equana’s situation was when Lexis told her that, Equana instantly got jealous. Equana was slick in love with Henry and it only got deeper.


  Equana gritted her teeth to the words of her friend Lexis. Her friend had no idea that her step father was also her lover. Hell, didn't nobody know about her secret.

  Equana knew she couldn't lose her cool so she simply replied, "Girl for real? Hell he need somebody, he don't do nothing but argue and fuss at me for no reason."

  Lexis started to shake her head. "Girl you need to report his ass. Ain't no way a man about sit up there and put his hands on me. Ion care if I am staying in his house, hell nall. And ion even know how he and my mom started talking."

  Lexis looked around the house while talking to Equana. Equana sat in the living room with her kids, waiting on Henry to get back with the groceries. Equana still couldn't figure out why would Henry tell Lexis mom about him beating her. Equana finally responded.

  "Girl what I tell you? Aint nobody about to be putting they hands on Equana baby, believe that!"

  Lexis still looked around the house as she usually does when she was on the phone. She walked in her mother room to go in the bathroom and run her a shower.

  When she pulled the shower curtain back, she discovered her mother naked laying in the tub, with a needle in her arm.

  Lexis immediately screamed.

  "Girl what's wrong?" Screamed Equana.

  As soon as Equana responded, Henry burst through the door and rushed Equana from the back choking her.

  "Bitch who you on that phone with, huh?"


  Equana screamed!!!

  Henry gripped her neck tighter.

  "Bitch who was you on that phone with? HUH?"

  What Equana didn't know, was that Henry had been ease dropping on her whole convo while sitting on the porch the whole time.

  "Nobody Henry...nobody!" Barely screaming out loud from the force of his grip.

  Henry could see the kids crying out loud and he instantly let Equana go.

  “Baby... daddies here...daddy here...stop crying...shh.shhh.shhhh."

  Henry turned his full attention on the kids. One day he would play the super dad role and the next he would get tired of being around them.

  Equana sat on the floor holding her neck and quickly thought back to her friend Lexis screaming. She didn't know why she was and at that moment, couldn't nobody pay her to call back and see while Henry was there.

  Henry finally got the kids to calm as he took them in the back room and turned cartoons on. Equana still sat on the floor rocking back and forth as she could still feel her phone vibrating. She then heard Henry closing the kid’s door and walking rapidly back towards the living room. She then could see him rushing towards her.

  "Henry please!"

  Instead of hitting her or choking her, he pulled his private out above her and put in her face.

  "Now you gone either please me or get your ass whooped! Your choice?"

  Tears started to pour from Equana face as she grabbed it and performed oral sex in the middle of the living room on Henry, against her will.


  Later that night Equana laid in bed with her back turned and shaking by every snore Henry let out. Thinking to herself, "How can this man sit here and go to sleep peacefully, knowing all the hurt he has done me. Lord please bring me out of this situation...PLEASE!"

  Equana started to cry again as she started to think about her friend Lexis. She turned her phone back on and could see numerous miss calls from Lexis.


  Equana jumped up.


  Henry quickly jumped up out his sleep. "Who the fuck is that...?"

  Equana shrugged her shoulders confused also.


  Henry looked around the room and back at Equana.

  "Bitch you called the police on me?"

  Equana immediately replied. "Hell nall Henry, you know damn well I didn't.... ion know what the hell they want!"

  Both panicking to why. Henry got out the bed as he could steadily hear detectives screaming his name, demanding him to come out!

  Henry crept to the floor and looked out the blinds. He could see at least ten police cars outside his home flashing their lights.


  Henry rushed and put his clothes on. Wearing nothing but a wife beater, some pajamas, and flip flops.

  Equana followed him to the door worried, but relieved at the thought that he was about to be locked up.

  Henry opened the door as detectives rushed him to the floor.

  "What the hell I do? What is this for?"

  “Henry, you are wanted for questioning for the death of Lisa Roberts.”

  Lisa was Lexis mom. Equana eyes got big as she was stunned. Quickly she blurted out. "YEA OFFICERS HE DID IT. HE THREATEN TO KILL ME TONIGHT IF I TOLD!"

  Henry quickly tried to resist arrest as he tried to get to Equana.


  Equana could hear Henry steadily screaming as police escorted him to the police car. Two other officers stayed there for an extra hour questioning Equana on what she claimed Henry told her.

  The officers finally left. As Equana let them out, she closed the door and started smiling. For the first time in a long time she felt free but to her surprise this was just the beginning.

  Chap- 7

  "Baby go back to sleep, there's nothing wrong. Daddy just going to get some help, ok!" Said Equana, as her oldest came to the living room startled from all the noise, that the officers made while arresting Henry

  Equana quickly escorted her son back to bed. She tucked him in and could see that her youngest was still asleep.

  Walking back into the living room, she immediately called to check on her friend Lexis. Still shocked by the officer’s accusations, something was telling her that she shouldn't have lied on Henry. Hell, at the same time she didn't care. She just wanted him gone.


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