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Royalty K.I.N.G McCall's Book of Epic Tales

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by Royalty K. I. N. G McCall

  Equana knew she had to make a move. She wanted to call the police, but hell she figured you can't even trust them bastards.

  Instead, she headed out the bathroom and prayed that a taxi would be somewhere in site. The only person she could half way trust at that point, was her principal who gave her chance after chance. Equana walked out the bathroom and suddenly felt someone come behind her, poking her in the back with a gun.

  "Bitch let's go!"

  It was Henry.

  "Henry please don't do this. You don't have to do this!"

  Henry shoved the gun even harder in her back, as he looked around to watch his surroundings. He walked behind her very close.

  "It's a blue Pontiac out there and you will get in it. If you failed to do so, I will kill you and your kids on site. Do you understand? DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

  Equana responded scared for her and her babies life.

  "Yes...Yes Henry! Just please don't hurt my babies."

  The four walked out to the car and drove off. As soon as the four got settled, Henry immediately punched her in her face.

  " you gon lie on me...HUH?"

  "Please I'm sorry ...please Henry!"

  But Henry kept beating and beating her, as she yelled with tears.

  Henry drove off and sped off fast. Driving down the interstate, the car was quiet. Equana was at an all-time low. She really just felt like dying at the moment.

  Not knowing where they were going and afraid to ask, she started praying in her head.

  Ten minutes later, Henry could see numerous of police cars behind him. They sped beside him on both sides, demanding him to pull over. Henry hit the stirring wheel hard as he finally pulled over.

  Surrounded by detectives, Henry grabbed their youngest and put the gun to the baby head. He got out the car holding the baby along with the gun.


  Equana jumped out also yelling and pleading with Henry, not to harm their child.

  "Sir give us the child and put your hands up! It doesn't have to be this way. Put the baby down gently and put your hands up...NOW!"

  Henry looked around him and knew that it was no way out. He then looked at his baby and kissed him and blew one at his oldest.

  "Daddy love y'all!"


  *4 Months later*

  Officer Randall McCoy you are found guilty for sexual assault, rape, aggravated assault of Ms. Equana Jones. 20 years without parole!

  The court screamed with joy. Equana started to cry with joy. For the first time in a long time she felt free. She never had no remorse towards Henry killing himself. She just hated her friend Lexis and her mother fell victim to him.

  *6 months later*

  “Baby I'm so proud of you and all of what you don overcame. Always remember, you and your babies can stay here for how long as you want.... Don't be nervous and don't you worry about these children, their in good hands; now gone on now.”

  Equana was on her way to her last day of school, to get her GED. She walked to Mrs. Simmons front door, looking back at the three, and just smiled.

  Mrs. Simmons smiled and replied, "Baby go get it.....a smile full of Broken Promises but head held high as the mountains! God is good!"

  Mrs. Simmons was the same elderly lady that knew something was wrong that day at Target, knocking on her stoll. The same lady who seen Henry forcing her to his car. The same lady who called the police and told her about her troubles.

  5years later....

  Equana graduated from Kingmon University and is now a social worker for troubled teens. Her story was nationwide and was eventually made into a lifetime movie.

  *********THE END*********

  Book Three

  Stiletto Dreams

  "Stiletto Dreams"

  Chapter 1

  So it's time to take you back and tell you about Denise. She was young and promiscuous and always in the streets. She didn't follow her parent’s rules or pay attention in school.

  Denise thought she was grown and did what she wanted to do. She started having sex at 12 and was moving way to fast. Those young and foolish boys were only wanting a piece of ass.

  So four years had went by and she was still out here bad. Then suddenly she was having symptoms that she never had. So Denise was in denial and complete disbelief. She took a test and it was positive.

  "A baby? No way! This I cannot keep!"

  But Denise's family grew up in the church and told her abortion wasn't an option.

  "You chose to open your legs, and No, neither is adoption."

  So Denise had learned quick that she made a life changing choice. You could hear the worry and child still inside her voice.

  So here she is all alone with a baby and no knowledge of the father. She had too many partners to go through so her parents decided to stop her.

  Now she understood that not only would she do this alone. Now her parents wanted her to get a job and start acting like she was grown. She's only 16 with a baby and would have to drop out of school. Her parents didn't have the money for the baby because she chose to act like a fool.

  So she had a beautiful daughter and things were going great. But then her father passed away and their mortgage had become late.

  Denise was working hard at a local diner, but it still wasn't enough and good money didn't seem to find her. Then in just one night her whole life was about to change.

  When a girl came up and asked, "How are you doing? What's your name?"

  "My name is Denise... Why do you ask?"

  " I see you are slaving for chump change and you can't be making much cash."

  " Well what is it to you? Why do you even care?"

  " I'm a dancer at the HEAT... Meet me at 10 pm tomorrow and be there."

  Chapter 2

  So Denise went to club HEAT to see what was up. She knew she was a dancer, because Lady-K tipped her 500 bucks.

  Lady-K had been stripping for most of her life. She was always putting on new girls to the exotic dancer life.

  So Denise walked in and the place was completely packed. There were girls giving dances on the floor in the back. As soon as she walked in Lady-K was on alert. Before anyone could speak to her Lady-K got to her first.

  " So I see you made it, just follow me to the back. I'll help you get all ready and I'm sure tonight you'll at least make about a rack."

  " Wait I'm a little confused, I thought we were gonna talk."

  " Girl this is an audition, you got one chance and that's all you've got."

  " Wait I've got to get naked in front of all these men? I mean I want the money, but I don't know about this man."

  "Girl just relax and think about the money you'll make. If you pass up on this chance, it will be a huge mistake. Last Friday and Saturday, I pulled about 7 racks. Name me a job in Corporate America where you are making money like that?"

  "I mean I guess you're right and I need the money fast. If we lose our house, then my child and I are on our asses.”

  "See just stop playing and put on this thong, with a body like that the money won't take long. Do you want something to drink? Or a line of coke to relax?"

  " Whoa girl no thanks, I don't get down with stuff like that."

  "Well you say that now but it will put you at ease. Just take a sip of this cognac, come on just do it for me."

  So Denise agreed to drink and started to feel it fast. Whatever was in that drink, had her showing her ass.

  Little did she know it was laced with LSD. Lady-K was breaking her in and it would be hard to get free.

  Chapter 3

  Denise was feeling loose and forgot where she was at. She stepped on the stage and started to throw it back.

  One by one dollars were tossed on stage, and in just ten minutes it was the most money she ever made.

  As she stepped down she was flooded with men from all different walks who wanted her to dance again.

So Lady-K told Denise, "This is where the real money comes. Get in there with them private dances girl. Go on and get you some!"

  So Denise took each of them one by one to the back. After about 4 hours Denise had around 5 racks. They told her it was an obligation for her to tip the house, so she respected game and gave her $500.00 without a doubt.

  The drugs started to wear off and she was starting to become sober. After a long night, she was glad it was over. Denise grabbed her purse and was heading for the door....

  "Girl why are you moving so fast? What are you running for?"

  "Oh, I am just tired. I thought that we were done?"

  "Yes girl, we are. But I think you are forgetting someone."

  "What do you mean? I danced for every man in the back."

  "Girl you need to stop playing with me like that!"

  "Lady-K I'm not playing, what do you mean?"

  "Did you really think I put you on, to all this money for free?"

  "I know I did what they said and gave my 10% percent."

  "But that was just to the house and to dance. I get a finder’s fee for that."

  "Okay, so how much do you want?"

  "Well I normally take 50%, but since were friends and all.... I'll settle for 20%."

  "So $920?"

  "Yup, that sounds straight to me. Go on and get some rest girl, be back tomorrow at 3."

  Chapter 4

  So Denise went the next morning and bought herself a car. With the money she would make that week, it was a priority to have a place to live.

  She walked into the dealership and paid cash for a Grand Pri. She had to have transportation to get from A to B.

  Next she went to the mall and spent almost a rack on her daughter. If money would come that easy, then nothing was going to stop her.

  Denise spoiled her daughter from her head down to her feet. She made sure to buy her books to teach her how to read.

  Although She made decisions that some would choose to judge, she would give her last even if it wasn't that much.

  After splurging a little, it was time to get back to work. So Denise stopped and bought a couple outfits and hurried to get their first.

  As soon she walked in Lady-K was in there waiting.

  "Oh, you bought some outfits? You're just tryna get these hoes hating!"

  "Am I not allowed to buy outfits when it’s time for me to dance?"

  "I'm just giving you a hard time, because against me you don't stand a chance."

  "Wait, girl what is this? I'm not here to compete, with all the men outside I know we all can eat."

  "Girl it's no big deal, but I need a favor from you alright?"

  "Yeah sure what's up?"

  "My regular is coming tonight."

  "Okay, so what does that have to do with me?"

  "Well, I got to leave early."

  "But I told him to still come through because I gotta new girl that works for me."

  "So you want me to dance for your regular and what, give you the money?"

  "Yes, but I don't need all of it just the 20% honey. This man has been coming to see me for the past 3 years of my life. I think he has a family though, because he always rushes home to his wife."

  So a couple hours went by and Lady-K had already left. Denise was feeling guilty and had a moment of regret.

  You see Denise never told her mom that she stopped working at the Diner. If she showed up and Denise wasn't there, she was afraid she would try to find her.

  Denise grabbed a quick drink to settle down her mind. The men were flooded to the stage to have a good time. So she put on a good face and started to work the pole, looking at these strange men that she didn't know.

  With each pelvic thrust money was thrown on stage, once again it was a good night and a lot of money was being made.

  Lady-K's regular showed up and was taken to a private room. The bouncer whistled to Denise and she knew what she had to do.

  So she left from center stage and headed towards to room.

  The bouncer said, " He's an important regular, so you know what to do."

  Denise walked in and the room was almost black. Just a chair and a little table for her to dance and throw it back.

  Denise could see a shadow of a face, but couldn't make it out. With only a lamp on the table, the rest of the room was blacked out.

  So she stood on top of the table and bent over in front of the man. "Ohhh baby I like when you dance like that, bend over and do it again."

  So Denise bent forward again, with nothing but ass in his face. She began to twerk with her pink g string bouncing in his face.

  He took a couple stacks of money and slid it against her cat. Then Denise started to take it all off, since he was tossing money like that.

  She started to turn around to see how much he had, but when she bent back up,

  She was looking at her Dad's Brother, Thad.


  Thad jumped up in shock and said, "Little girl what in the hell are you doing?"

  "What the hell am I doing? What the hell are you doing?"

  "Look here child, I'm a grown ass man and I will do what I please. You however are just a baby, and you have no business dancing in these streets."

  "Well you seemed to like it when you thought I wasn't your niece."

  "Little girl stop with the madness. I'm dragging you outta here even if it's your ass I have to beat."

  "Look I'm not going anywhere. I just turned 17."

  "That's right and you aren't supposed to work in a liquor establishment if you are under the age of 18. Your father is looking at you right now Denise and he is rolling in his grave. He wanted you to help take care of your mother, but he didn't want you to do it this way."

  "My daddy is the one who died on me and left us high and dry. Don't even hit me with that church bullshit, because I have no tears left to cry. Did momma tell you we are about to lose the house and won't have a place to live? Are you gonna pay the mortgage or better yet take care of me and my kid? Everybody has something to say, until it comes time to help. But Daddy didn't have a life insurance policy and we sure weren't born into wealth. So yeah you may not agree with my decision, but I’ve already made $2,000 tonight and plus your stacks of money. Nobody is gonna stop me from doing this and take all this from me. I'm sorry Unc, I know you mean well but I have to do what’s best for me. My only focus is dropping $3,600 to catch the mortgage up for momma and me.”

  Chapter 6

  Now shit just got real and Thad was getting pissed. He didn't care what she wanted, and her wants were completely dismissed.

  He pulled a pistol from his waist and said, "You can do this easy or hard. Your mother is at a church function and I know she isn't that far. Now I didn't want to do it like this, but one day you'll thank me later. My mind won't just let me leave, it just keeps screaming, ‘Thad, you have to save her’.

  "So you're gonna pull a gun on me and threaten me like this. All my feelings and emotions you just completely dismissed. Now I'll come with you tonight, but that's cause I don't want to make a scene. You know what it's like to struggle or maybe you've forgotten what I mean."

  "Denise, just be quiet and let grown folks handle theirs. Everyone has a story little girl, and yours isn't any different so nobody cares. I know you're doing what you think is best, but your daddy would get his belt. Just because you think you're grown now, doesn't mean those licks can't be felt. Now you may hate me, and that's fine I'll take it on the chin. But there are other ways to succeed without living a life of sin."

  "So, you come here as a regular for the last three years? Yet you want to say how I'm sinning, but does your wife know your here? Maybe we should tell your wife all the times you lied and said you were fishing at the lake. A sin isn't just a lesson when you keep repeating the same mistake. Now I may be young, but my daddy didn't raise no fool. How about all the money you were stealing from the church? Saying you were trying to put my cousin through school. I know Angel didn't get a dollar of th
at money and you gambled it all away at the boat. You're trying to tell me how live, surely this must be a huge joke."

  "You know what Denise suit yourself. Keep showing your body for a little piece of change. When you go home at night all sweaty and used up its your spirit that won't be the same. I never said I was perfect and surely everyone knows about my fucked up past. But on a road like this, the next step will be selling your ass. Now I'll keep praying for you and hope God continues to cover you with his grace. You'll be lucky if you don't end up killed, raped, or become a prostitute hanging around this place. I tried to give you tough love in hopes you'd change your mind. I guess sometimes we all got to fall flat on our face, to understand sometime."


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