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Tangled: Emerson Falls, Book 1

Page 17

by Harlow James

  “Hi, Miss Walsh,” I reply, chuckling as I feel like we’re trying to maintain our composure next to each other without drawing wandering eyes to us.

  “How has your week been?”

  I turn to her, searching for her gaze. Just as she faces me, I speak.

  “Long,” I answer honestly, knowing that looking forward to our date tonight has made time pass so slowly.

  “Mine too,” she says while her eyes bounce back and forth between mine.

  Before I can speak again, the band starts playing and the football teams runs out to the middle of the gym floor, shouting and jumping up and down as the crowd of students and teachers cheer. I clap my hands while watching the spectacle, catching a glimpse of Oliva smiling and cheering beside me from the corner of my eye.

  “Man, Emerson sure does know how to do a pep rally,” she says as the noise starts to diminish, her eyes surveying the decorations in the room. Banners of red and gray fabric drape from the center of the gym, balloon structures line the floor and seats where the athletes are seated, and hand-painted banners in the school colors with positive slogans hang on the walls. “My last school was definitely lacking in the school spirit department.”

  “Really? That’s a shame.”

  “Yeah. This rally reminds me a lot of the ones we had when I was in school.”

  “Oh yeah? And were you involved in them?” I ask, curious to know more about her in high school. I’m sure Olivia was just as big of a knock-out back then as she is now.

  “Yup. You’re in the presence of the cheer leading captain here, Kane,” she beams. And just as she says the words, the vision of Olivia in a cheerleading uniform, skipping and jumping around makes my dick swell in my jeans.

  “Fuck, Olivia. Why did you have to tell me that here?” I growl, placing my hands in my pockets, trying to discretely change my stance to adjust my erection in my pants.

  She chuckles. “Are you having a problem right now?” She whispers, her eyes glancing briefly to my crotch before finding mine again, her face alive with mischief.

  “Yeah, which is extremely inappropriate given we’re around hundreds of students right now.”

  Olivia’s hand comes up to cover her mouth as she shakes from her laughter. I can’t help but join her, because this situation is pretty funny. But fuck, this woman gets a reaction out of me every time we’re near each other. At this rate, I might not allow myself to be near her at school functions any more.

  Once Olivia composes herself, she avoids looking at me while speaking. “I’m sorry, I know it’s not funny…”

  “It’s okay, I know you didn’t do it on purpose. But maybe refrain from telling me details like that about you while we’re at work and there are hundreds of pairs of eyes on us, alright?”

  She chuckles again. “Okay.”

  “So, we still on for tonight?” I say from the corner of my mouth. It seems we’re both trying to make it look like we’re not dating in front of everyone. The less eye contact, the better.

  “Definitely. I may not be able to stay up too late, but I’m excited to spend some more time together.”

  “Yeah, I’m usually pretty beat on Friday’s too, but I know you have plans tomorrow and I didn’t want to go another week without a date with you.”

  That declaration causes her to turn to me, searching my face for something.

  “That’s really sweet, Kane,” she smiles up at me, her eyes shining from the lights above us in the gym. I have the strongest urge to reach out and caress her cheek, but I refrain.

  “Well, in case you haven’t figured it out, I kind of like you,” I wink, which makes the corner of her mouth tip up. She turns back to face the crowd before she replies.

  “I kind of like you too.”

  My heart beat starts to pick up, my chest heaving from the deep inhale I take as her words resonate with me. I honestly can’t wait to spend more time with her tonight, and I’m starting to believe that she feels the same way.

  Chapter 26


  I rush home after work on Friday to change and fix my appearance—reapplying my make-up, re-curling my hair, and relaxing a bit before Kane picks me up for our date.

  I’ve been anxious all week knowing I got to see him tonight. He originally asked me out for Saturday night, but my mom needs help with some event for the community center that night and asked me to assist.

  So here I am, five o’clock on a Friday, waiting to hear the knock of the man who’s been a constant thought of mine since our date last week.

  I feel like someone needs to pinch me when I realize how much things have changed between Kane and me. I went from trying to avoid this man to searching for any opportunity to see him. Although, I think that’s what he’s been doing too. His need to borrow a stapler on Tuesday and conveniently running into me in the teacher’s lounge on Thursday seems far too coincidental. His attempt to be sly made me laugh though, and actually started that flurry of excitement in my body whenever I got to see him. Now I get the entire evening with him, and I’m beyond ready.

  Three minutes before five, there’s a knock on my door. The fact that Kane is consistent in his timing makes me chuckle, thinking back to last week when he arrived at the exact same time.

  “Hi, there,” I greet him as I open the door, reading the smile on his face. He looks just as happy to see me as I am to see him.

  “Hi, gorgeous,” he says before stepping inside my apartment and reaching for my hand, drawing me in closer to him. His eyes stare down intently on mine before he presses a soft kiss to my lips. Just as I try to deepen the kiss, he pulls away.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that all day,” he says, leaning his forehead down on mine.

  “Well, I’m glad you finally have the opportunity now.”

  “Yeah, damn jobs and students getting in the way of my game,” he says with a wink as he backs up and pulls me behind him, his hand still clasped in mine.

  “Awww, you poor thing,” I tease as I grab my coat and purse on the way out and shut the door behind us.

  Once we’re settled in Kane’s truck, I continue our conversation.

  “So where are you taking me tonight?”

  Kane’s eyes are focused on the road, but his hand finds mine again, slowly rubbing his thumb along my skin.

  “Well, are you in the mood for Italian?”

  My eyes widen when I realize I think I know where he’s going to take me. “Were you planning on going to Cristino’s?” I say a little too loudly with my excitement.

  “Yeah. I take it that’s a good idea?” He asks, raising an eyebrow as he turns to me.

  “Yes! I love that place! And I haven’t been there since I moved back. Oh, my gosh, my stomach is rumbling at just the thought of their pasta and bread,” I moan, which makes Kane laugh beside me.

  “Alright then… Cristino’s it is.”

  When we arrive at the restaurant, it’s the same as it was when I left. The archways lined with vines and white lights encase the walkway leading up to the door. The Italian winery vibe you get when you walk in transports you to another part of the world, where food is everything and wine rules your palette. Cristino’s is a staple in Emerson Falls, a family-owned and operated Italian restaurant that has been here for nearly thirty years now.

  I search around the room, eyeing the painted grape vines on the walls, the black wrought-iron tables covered in red table cloths, and the stacks of wine bottles along the shelves behind the hand-carved wooden bar. The smell of garlic and roasted tomatoes makes me breathe in deeply, savoring the aroma just as I hear Kane speak next to me to the hostess.

  “Reservation for Kane for two,” he says.

  “Absolutely. Your table is ready. Follow me this way, please,” she smiles while grabbing two menus and then ushering us to the back of the restaurant.

  I let Kane lead me, walking past the kitchen where the clatter of metal and glass ring in my ears, accompanied by the magnificent smells of hand-crafted Itali
an food.

  When we make it to our table, I’m delighted to see we’re in a little alcove, our rounded booth providing a little bit of privacy.

  “Thank you,” I say as I slide in and Kane follows, reaching for the wine menu as the hostess walks away.

  “I know you love wine, so what would you recommend?” He asks, scooting closer to me so we can both read the list. His scent hits me when he closed the distance between us, making my heart kick start in my chest. I try to focus back on the list, but all I see are a bunch of letters and words that make no sense. Having Kane this close to me again is making my mind a jumbled mess.

  I clear my throat and narrow my eyes, willing my brain to comprehend the choices of wine. When I see one I recognize from a winery near my home in California, I point it out.

  “This one is fantastic. It’s a cabernet, but it’s fairly mild, not as meaty as they usually are. So if you’re not usually a red wine drinker, that’s what I would recommend.”

  Kane shuts the menu and then grabs the dinner one. “I trust you, so that’s what we’ll get. Now the real question is, what are we going to eat?” He grins over at me and wiggles his eyebrows, causing me to laugh at him before I search out the options.

  Once the waitress comes by and takes our order, our wine arrives. Kane opted for a bottle, which was unnecessary, but he insisted. As I take the first sip, I hum in approval, making Kane freeze with his glass mid-air.

  “Woman, can you please refrain from making noises like that in public? Do you not recall what I said to you today at the pep rally?”

  I swallow and then smirk at him. “But we’re not at work and there are no students around. Plus, there’s a table blocking your lap,” I argue.

  “Still. What if there’s a fire and we have to run out of the building? I can’t do that with a raging hard-on,” he fires back.

  The thought of what Kane’s raging hard-on looks like flashes through my mind, instantly heating up my body and commencing the throbbing between my legs.

  “Fair enough. But it is a part of your body. I’d say the control lands on you.”

  Kane leans closer so his lips brush the shell of my ear. “I can’t control myself around you,” he whispers, making my breath hitch. I back away slightly so I can see his eyes.

  “I feel like I’m having the same problem,” I reply honestly as we stare at each other.

  Just when I feel like we’re about to jump each other’s bones in this booth, the waitress comes by with our salads and freshly-baked bread, providing us with a welcome break in the sexual tension. I know I want Kane again, badly. But I’m reminding myself that he has to be the one to set the parameters here, knowing I want to make sure he’s comfortable with how fast or slow we move. It took a lot of courage for him to put himself out there, and the last thing I want him to do is retreat because he feels like I’m progressing things too quickly. Plus, the idea of actually dating him and saving the physical stuff for later makes the anticipation build that much more. We’ve already slept together, and it was amazing—but I feel that now knowing that and prolonging the second time makes it even harder to wait.

  “So, what questions are on the agenda for the evening? And please, nothing that’s going to make me cry,” I joke.

  Kane finishes chewing before he answers. “I didn’t plan on anything serious, but I don’t know what may or may not make you cry, woman.”

  “Fair enough. So, lay it on me,” I command as I see the twitch in Kane’s jaw. I’m going to guess that his thoughts in response to my declaration were not of the PG-rated variety.

  He clears his throat and then reaches for his phone, finding his list. I still think this is the cutest thing.

  “Okay, what TV series can you watch over and over again and never get tired of?”

  I snicker and then sit up tall. “That’s easy. Friends, hands down.”

  He nods and then takes a sip of his wine. “Okay… elaborate please.”

  “I think something can be said that it’s still one of the most iconic TV shows of all time. Even the younger generations are discovering it now on Netflix and eating it up, just as everyone else did when it was on air. The characters are relatable and hilarious, and no matter what kind of day I’ve had, I know I can put on an episode of Friends, and my mood will instantly improve.”

  “Could you be any more right?” Kane attempts an impression of Chandler, and I struggle not to choke on my bread I just took a bite of.

  “I take it you’re a Friends fan too then?”

  “Oh, yeah. Although, I will admit that for me, I was obsessed with WWE Smackdown when I was a kid, and I still will watch it if I’m flipping through channels and see that it’s on.”

  “Oh, my God! That’s… that’s horrible!”

  “Hey, don’t knock it ‘til you’ve watched it. It’s highly entertaining,” he challenges, reaching for his wine again.

  I shake my head, imagining a boy version of Kane sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the TV, cheering on his favorite wrestler.

  “Alright. Next question…” I urge him to continue, just as our food arrives. The waitress tops our pasta with freshly grated parmesan cheese and asks us if we need anything else before she leaves. Kane offers me a bite of his veal parmesan and I reciprocate with a bite of my mushroom ravioli.

  “This is the best idea ever,” I mumble around a mouthful of food as I bask in the taste of eating at Cristino’s again. I feel like every town has their own staple restaurant whose food you crave because you grew up with it. And if you ever go without it, you appreciate it so much more on that next taste.

  Well, I’m drowning in the Italian goodness right now.

  “You ready?” Kane teases as I turn to face him again, completely unaware of how long I’ve been stuffing my face.


  “Okay. I have a few would you rather questions.”

  “Oh, fun!”

  “Alright. Would you rather live full time in an RV or full time on a sailboat?”

  “RV. I get sea sick.”

  Kane tilts his head at me in remorse. “That sucks. I’d pick the sailboat.”


  “Yeah, I love the ocean. We used to take a trip to the coast with my grandparents every summer and go out on a boat. It was one of the best feelings having the salty air hit your nose and feeling as if you could fall off the edge of the Earth.”

  “Huh. I like that. Did you channel your inner Jack Dawson and scream off the bow of the boat?”

  Kane shakes his head and then looks away bashfully. “Maybe…”

  I snort. “Yes! I love it! Okay, what’s next?”

  Kane looks back down at his phone. “Would you rather have an incredibly fast car or incredibly fast internet?”

  “I’m ashamed to say, probably the internet. I’m an internet junkie. It’s amazing how you can be online researching something, and suddenly you're stalking people on social media or watching cat videos on YouTube.”

  Kane laughs. “Yeah, it can definitely suck you in. And this may not surprise you, but I would pick the car.”

  “Shocker,” I say sarcastically as Kane smiles wide.

  “I love going fast. Even when I take my bike out, I like to press my luck sometimes to see how fast I can go.”

  “You have a motorcycle?”

  “Yeah, I bought it while I was in the Army. I haven’t been out on it in a long time though,” he says, trailing off and breaking eye contact with me.

  “Is there a reason?”

  Kane doesn’t say anything for a moment, which makes me nervous, thinking maybe I’ve overstepped a boundary.

  “Sorry,” he says while shaking his head. “I just… the last time I was on the bike was about three years ago…”

  And that’s all he has to say. I’m dying to know what happened to this man, why he’s been so guarded and refused to let anyone in, but I have faith that he’ll tell me when he’s ready.

  “Do you have any more q
uestions?” I say, trying to change the subject.

  “Yeah, how about one more?” His eyes finally meet mine again and I can see the gratitude there for not pushing him to elaborate.

  I nod.

  “Would you rather have true love or win the lottery?”

  “I think you should answer this one first,” I press a finger into his chest, but Kane doesn’t even budge. Just that one little touch reminds me of how solid of a man he is.

  “If you had asked me this three years ago, I definitely would have said win the lottery.” His answer makes me instantly sad, desperate to hold him and prove to him that love is not evil.

  “But now, after time has helped me see reason, I’d say true love.”

  The corner of my mouth tips up when I hear his honest words.

  “True love for me too, hands down,” I whisper. Kane moves closer to me, pulling me into him by my waist, his eyes communicating something to me, but I’m unsure of exactly what that is. And before I can speak, he leans forward and kisses me, the taste of wine and marinara on his tongue as it tangles with mine.

  I wrap my arms around his neck, pressing my chest against his as we continue to immerse ourselves in the kiss, showing our feelings physically instead of vocalizing them just yet.

  Kane doesn’t have to say everything he’s thinking to me right now. I can be patient. I can be understanding that this man has been burned and it’s going to take time for him to tell me everything I need to hear.

  But if his kiss is any indication, I’d say we’re both able to communicate our mutual attraction and pull through the touch of our lips. And for right now, that’s enough.

  Chapter 27


  It’s the week of Halloween, and this is by far my least favorite time to be a teacher. High school students are just as bad as the little ones. And hats off to those elementary school teachers who have to coordinate class parties, costume contests, and deal with the sugar-infested minions the day of and the day after. But in high school, some students still dress up, proving to be a distraction from learning. And then the day after, they’re all zombies from staying up late the night before and bring all of their candy to school with them, snacking on the sugary treats all day so by the time the last period comes around, they’re bouncing off of the walls just as bad as the little kids do. I’m all for teenagers trying to enjoy every minute of their youth—but their crazed mentalities those two days make it hard for me to teach.


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