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Just Breathe

Page 23

by Vincent Morrone

  He flipped her over and slapped her face. “Stay still, you whore!”

  Her left hand managed to find the knife and she sliced at Connor, drawing blood from his chest. He screamed and grabbed her arm, smashing her hand down on the edge of the counter. The knife clattered to the floor.

  Connor pressed himself against her back. He flipped her and pushed his weight into her. She could feel the stiffness in his jeans, excited in his moment of violation. Cassie reached out and grabbed something hot. She smashed one of the apple pies she’d just taken out of the oven into his face.

  Her hand seared as Connor cried out, trying to scrape the apple filling off his face. Cassie ran toward the door, but Connor grabbed her leg. She went down hard and started to crawl.

  “You fucking slut!” Connor flipped her on her back.

  Tyler came running in, armed with a blue lightsaber. He swung it like a bat, smashing it into Connor’s face. Blood spurted from his nose as Cassie brought her knee back and then kicked forward, hitting her foot into his groin.

  Instinctively, Connor’s hands reached for his aching manhood.

  Tyler raced to Cassie and helped her up.

  They ran to the front door, which was open. They could hear Connor fighting to get up.

  “Yell when you get outside,” Cassie said. “Bring the neighbors out.”

  They got past the door and Cassie swore she wouldn’t let Connor drag her back in. Tyler headed for their car, but they realized that neither of them had a set of keys.

  Cassie knew better than to go back in.

  “Scream,” she told Tyler. Together they began to call for help. Lights came on in homes and a few people came out onto their porches.

  As they raced off the porch, Noah’s car came skidding into their driveway.

  “Are you alright?” Noah called as he jumped out of his car and raced to their side.

  Cassie and Tyler ran to him.

  “We got away,” Cassie said. “We fought him off and got away. He’s insane.”

  “Get in the car,” Noah said.

  Tyler crawled in the backseat and waited for his sister to join him. Instead, she screamed and pointed to their front door.

  “Noah, watch out!”

  Connor came out shrieking like a madman as he attacked Noah, swinging the lead pipe toward Noah’s head. Noah dodged the hit and slammed his fist into Connor’s chest, knocking the wind out of him. Connor fell back several feet, dropping the pipe.

  Connor reached around to the back of his jeans and pulled out the butcher knife that Cassie had dropped as she tripped.

  “I’m going to kill you!” Connor screamed. “Then I’m going to fuck your whore and gut her like a fish. You see what she did to me?” His fingers pressed against the gash on his chest.

  Noah glanced at Cassie. “You do that?”

  Cassie nodded. “Bastard came at me. I cut him. Tyler gave him the bloody nose.”

  “That’s my girl,” Noah said with a smile. “My turn.”

  “Noah!” Cassie called.

  But Noah ignored her as he stepped forward, inviting Connor to strike. Connor stabbed at the air. Noah artfully dodged to the side, and landed a sharp punch to Connor’s ribs.

  Cassie ignored the noise from the crowd of neighbors that had poured out onto the street and were now watching the show. All she cared about was Noah, who seemed in no rush to end this.

  Noah kept himself between Connor and Cassie. “So what’s the deal with you and ADA Stewart?” Noah asked. “He tried to pin this on me to protect you. Why?”

  Connor rushed forward and slashed at Noah, who danced out of the way and delivered a blow to Connor’s chin. He stumbled backward and nearly dropped the knife.

  “He’s my father,” Connor said as he spat out blood. “He knocked my mother up when she was in college. Never married her. Never wanted me to have his name. So I decided he wasn’t good enough to call Dad. I’ll be getting a new dad. Your father will love me. Don’t you get it? You and I should be brothers!”

  Noah laughed. “Brothers? Me and you? You’re nuts. Nathaniel James Hunt may be my biological parent, but he’s no father to me. My father is Walter Collins. If I’ve got a brother, it’s Tyler, the kid who gave you a bloody nose, and my friend Ben. I was raised by women who would laugh their asses off at you. A pathetic piece of trash that probably can’t get it up unless he’s hurting a woman.”

  Connor raised the knife and charged, aiming for Noah’s heart. Cassie screamed, but Noah didn’t dodge. He grabbed the hand and twisted Connor’s arm so fast and hard Cassie heard a loud snap.

  Connor cried out in agony. When Noah released his arm, it dropped by his side awkwardly, clearly broken and dislocated.

  “And by the way,” Noah added, “Nathaniel got your message and called me so I could come over and kick your ass. You’re nothing but a piece of shit to him either.”

  Connor rushed forward and tried to bite Noah’s face, but Noah swung his leg up and kicked the side of Connor’s head. Blood poured out of his mouth and nose. He staggered backward and fell to the ground in a heap, curling into the fetal position as sirens sounded.

  Cassie rushed to Noah’s arms as Officer Duggan cuffed Connor, then called for an ambulance. As some of the other officers guarded Connor, Officer Duggan walked over to Noah.

  “Her dad tells me you’re looking to become a cop,” he said. Noah nodded. Officer Duggan offered his hand. “If I’m still in uniform when you get your badge, I’ll ride with you anytime.”

  Noah took the hand offered to him. “Thank you, sir. I’ll look forward to it.”

  Cassie and Noah went to check on Tyler, who was wide-eyed and trembling in the backseat of Noah’s car. “You okay?” Noah asked.

  Tyler nodded. He looked shaky, but was unharmed. Slowly, he got out of the car.

  “You protected your sister,” Noah said to him. “Thank you.”

  Tyler didn’t say anything, he just stared straight ahead.

  “Tyler?” Cassie said.

  “I was afraid,” Tyler said quickly. “I was afraid, like with Mom. I’m not like you. I was scared.”

  Noah knelt down and put his hand on Tyler’s shoulder. “So was I. But you still saved Cassie. You did everything exactly right. Being brave isn’t about not being afraid. It’s about fighting through it. You did, and your dad will be very proud.”

  Tyler nodded. Slowly, his eyes met Noah’s. Tyler stopped shaking.

  “Cassie,” Detective Shaw called. “Tyler!”

  Shaw ran forward and grabbed his children. As he was examining them, another car pulled up. Amber came running up, not wearing her hoody. She skidded to a halt and Tyler crashed into her arms.

  “I called Walter just after he got off the phone with Detective Shaw,” Amber said. “When he told me what Nathaniel said, I rushed over. I just had to make sure you were all alright.”

  Noah nodded. “We’re fine.”

  * * * *

  They all ended up at Noah’s home before long. The Shaw house was a crime scene and wouldn’t be released for some time. Noah told everyone about the phone call he had received from Nathaniel.

  “Do you think that means he cares about you?” Tyler had asked. “Even a little?”

  Noah just shrugged. “I doubt it, but I really don’t care. As far as I’m concerned, he just wanted to make sure that Cassie would come next year as promised. It certainly didn’t change the way I feel about him.”

  Tyler nodded. “Good.”

  Tyler remained visibly shaken after the attack. He stayed with Amber the entire time at Noah’s. It seemed that Amber enjoyed fussing over Tyler as much as Tyler enjoyed the attention.

  Walter offered to let them all spend the night when it became clear that the Shaws wouldn’t be able to go home.

  “I’ve got to go home,” Amber said. Tyler didn’t seem to want to let go. “Sorry, but I’ve got dogs to take care of. I wish I could take you home with me. I’ve got plenty of room.”

�Dogs?” Tyler said, perking up at once. “As in more than one?”

  Amber smiled. “Yes. Three big, wonderful dogs who would love you. I wish you could come home with me.”

  That was all Tyler needed to hear and he started to beg his father.

  “You sure you wouldn’t mind?” Shaw asked her.

  But it was clear that Amber loved the idea as much as Tyler. “Not at all. I’d actually enjoy it.”

  “I’m going to go back to my house soon. One of the uniforms will walk me through and let me get a few things. I’ll drop off some things for him later tonight. I can leave them on your back porch if it’s too late.”

  “It won’t be,” Amber said. “I’ll make you a cup of coffee if you come in.”

  Something about the way her father smiled got Cassie’s attention.

  At one point that night, Cassie made sure she got Walter alone so she could relay a few parts Noah had left out, specifically what Noah had said about him.

  Walter didn’t say anything. He just hugged her and pretended he didn’t have tears in his eyes.

  * * * *

  The next day, everyone called to ask if Walter wanted to cancel the get-together. He told them no, he wanted everyone there by one o’clock.

  Megan was the first to arrive, completely unaware of anything that had happened the night before with Connor. She was complaining because she had gotten the very distinct impression that Brady’s parents were relieved that their son was gay and dating Ben, not straight and dating her. When Cassie told her what had happened, she sat there, mouth and eyes wide open like a cartoon character.

  “Oh my God,” she said finally. “And Noah was right! He really couldn’t get it up for a girl he wasn’t hurting. I could swear to that in court!”

  Noah laughed as Walter turned red and politely excused himself.

  Paige and Diana arrived with one another. Pamela was settled into rehab and sent her love. “I just hope Amber comes,” Paige had said.

  “Why wouldn’t she?” Noah asked.

  “I called and asked her if she wanted us to drive her,” Diana said. “Knowing her, she was going to cook stuff for today and we could help her with the food. But she said we didn’t need to.”

  “Maybe my dad is going to bring her,” Cassie said. “He let her take Tyler home. He dropped me off a change of clothing last night and then said he was going to stop by her place on the way to the station. He never came back, but maybe he told her he’d come by to get Tyler in the morning.”

  A few minutes later, they got their answer when Detective Shaw pulled up in front of Walter’s house with both Tyler and Amber. Amber wore her hoody from the car to the house, but removed it once in the backyard. Cassie watched Amber interact with her father. She started to wonder where her father had spent the night.

  Coretta and Malcolm came in with pastries for dessert, since Cassie’s apple pies had all been a victim of Connor’s attack. They were followed by Brady, Ben, and Brady’s parents.

  Brady introduced them as John and Mary Dott. They insisted everyone call them by their first names. It seemed to Cassie that despite all of his worries, Brady’s parents were very comfortable with his relationship with Ben.

  At one point, just to satisfy her curiosity, Cassie engaged Mary and John Dott in conversation about it while they had a moment alone.

  “Did you know what he was going to say before he said it?” she asked.

  “I suspected,” Mary said. “I mean, we’ve known for years that Brady was gay, but we didn’t say anything. We wanted him to tell us. When we walked in and he said he had something to share, I hoped. I mean we both looked at Ben and hoped.” She looked to her husband for him to agree, which he did with a nod. “But I wondered if he might turn around and present Megan as the love of his life.”

  “Would that have been a problem?” Cassie asked.

  Mrs. Dott made a face that told Cassie it would have been. “I know my son. She’s not his type. I’m sure she’s a… sweet girl, but I knew my son would be happier with Ben. And he’s so wonderful. I really like them together. Don’t you, John?”

  She turned to her husband, who shrugged. “As long as my son doesn’t date a Patriots fan, I’m happy.”

  Shaw came to talk to Cassie, Noah, and Ben.

  “I just wanted you to know that they’ve cut a deal with Tom,” Shaw said. “Three other girls came forward. He’ll plead guilty, get ten years. Probably only serve half of that, but he’ll be a registered sex offender. His buddies also pled, but they won’t do time. You okay with that?”

  Cassie shrugged. “I guess I have to be.”

  Later that night, she and Noah took a walk in the back yard.

  “Are you okay?” he asked. “Your dad is worried last night might set off your panic attacks again.”

  Cassie shook her head. “No, I’m fine. Even last night, I didn’t panic. I was scared, but I kept my head. I just thought of you and it helped.”


  She turned and put her arms around him. “You make me brave. You’ve changed me, Noah Hunt.”

  He smiled and kissed her. “I can say the same thing to you. I love you. I’m not afraid of it anymore. I’m not ashamed of it, either. I’m happy. And I deserve to be.”

  They kissed again.

  “Yes,” she said, “you do.”



  Cassie pulled the apple pies out of the oven and placed them on the counter to cool. She inhaled the scent and smiled.

  “Man, those smell good,” her father said as he came into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee. “They will be perfect for tonight.”

  “I want tonight to be perfect,” Cassie said. “We’ve got so much to celebrate. Where’s Amber?”

  “Where else,” he said. “Bathroom.”

  Cassie smiled. “I can’t believe I’m going to be a big sister again.”

  It had happened so fast. After two months of dating, her father and Amber had gotten married. Tyler had been the best man and Noah had given away the bride. That had been on November seventh. Now, in mid-June, Amber was just starting her second term. She practically glowed.

  “Have you heard from Noah this morning?” Shaw asked.

  “Not yet,” Cassie said. “He said he had some things to deal with before everyone got together.”

  She kissed her father and continued preparing for the party. A few minutes later, Amber came down and helped.

  Cassie recalled how the night before their wedding, Tyler came into her room to talk. “Do you think Mom would be upset if I called Amber Mom? It’s not like she’s replacing our mom, but I just really want Amber to know how I much I love her.”

  “I think that would be fine,” Cassie said. While Cassie herself never called her mom, she loved Amber just as much and had given her a Mother’s Day card this past May that made Amber cry.

  Cassie wasn’t sure who was happier when Amber moved in, her father or Tyler. Amber adored Cassie’s little brother. And everyone loved Amber’s cooking.

  When the doorbell rang, the dogs that had come with Amber started to bark and run around like maniacs while Tyler yelled that he would get it. Paige walked in, shortly followed by Coretta and Malcolm. The women came in to help with the food preparation, while Malcolm tried to head to the TV.

  “You get your ass in here and put an apron on,” Coretta yelled. Malcolm obeyed.

  A few minutes later, Megan arrived with her date. His name was Simon. He would have been the last person Cassie would have picked for Megan. He was tall, nearly seven feet, thin as a reed, and wore thick glasses. He tripped every few feet and blushed bright pink.

  But he adored Megan and had been dating her for nearly three months now. According to Megan, they were taking things slow.

  A few minutes later, Ben and Brady arrived hand in hand. It was an unofficial going away party for them. Ben had been invited to spend part of the summer with Brady and his family. Brady’s mother Mary was
eager to show him off to the rest of the family. His father was looking forward to going to see the Giants with Ben at the season opener against the Patriots in the first week of August.

  An hour later, Noah arrived with his grandfather and Diana. Noah kissed Cassie warmly and for a very long time, ignoring everyone who told them to get a room.

  When the doorbell rang next, Cassie knew it would be the last two guests.

  She and Noah went to the door and opened it. Pamela walked in. She hadn’t had a drink since her rehab. She smiled radiantly as she came inside and gave them both a kiss.

  “Everyone is outside,” Noah said.

  “I’ll go say hello in a moment,” she said. “We wanted to share something with you.” She looked to the girl beside her. “You want to tell them?”

  “Yes,” her daughter said. “I’m spending the next two weeks with Mom!”

  Two weeks after her emergence from rehab, one month after she had gone in, Diana and Noah introduced Pamela to her daughter. She had been adopted by a wonderful couple. A man named Steven and a woman named Christine. They were told that the note had said the baby’s name was Claire and since they had always loved that name, they’d kept it.

  Five years ago, Claire’s adoptive mother had died in a car accident. She had always wondered about her natural mother, so when the chance came for them to meet, she jumped at it.

  The two had felt awkward with each other at first, but they had grown closer.

  And Claire adored her older brother, Noah.

  Once Diana arrived, the party was in full swing. When Diana pulled Noah aside, he assumed it was to tie up the last few legal ends to do with Nathaniel.

  A month ago, Diana had come to find Noah at Cassie’s. Both he and Walter were there for dinner.

  “Noah,” she had said. “Nathaniel is dead.”

  Noah blinked, not believing what he had heard. Nathaniel had been killed by another inmate. The inmate had said that no matter how you treat bitches, you don’t hurt children. Nathaniel had not died an easy death.

  “Are you okay?” she asked. “What are you thinking?”


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