Book Read Free

Sun Signs

Page 6

by Shelley Hrdlitschka



  From: blondeshavemorefun

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: No hit

  Nice try, Cosmic, but you can’t make me take sides in your little dispute with your (not-so-loyal?) Leo subject. All I’ll say is this. It seems like a lot of people are meeting online these days, and a lot of those meetings lead to real relationships. If you take the physical appearance quotient out of a new relationship, people tend to be more comfortable with themselves. It becomes a real “meeting of the minds.” Besides, I figure I know some of my e-buddies pretty well. Don’t you?



  From: cosmicgirl

  To: blondeshavemorefun

  Subject: Re: No hit

  For a guy (person?) who wasn’t going to take sides, it seems to me you’re pretty onesided! Seriously, I don’t really think you can fall in love online. Yeah, you can get past the bull and have great conversations, but what about all those other qualities you’d only see if you were together? What if one of you was a slob and the other one a neat freak? What if one of you was punctual and the other one was always late? What if one of you liked spicy food and the other one liked bland food? What if one liked cuddling, and the other didn’t? I could go on and on here, blondie.

  Here’s an example. I thought I was getting to know Shari pretty well—online. I know, we didn’t fall in “love” in the romantic sense, but I thought we’d become real close. She’s funny, impulsive, sweet, but I never thought she’d do something so stupid as fall for a guy she’s only met once. And I never thought she’d freak when I suggested it might not be love—yet.

  And then there’s you. I don’t even know your real name or whether you’re a girl or a guy (though I’m still leaning pretty heavily towards guy). And you never told me why you do school by correspondence. How well do I know you? Not very. So there! :)



  From: blondeshavemorefun

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: No hit

  I don’t know … there’s a person I’ve met online that I’m getting kind of fond of … Maybe Shari’s not so irrational after all … blondie


  From: cosmicgirl

  To: blondeshavemorefun

  Subject: Re: No hit

  Omigod, blondie! I would never have thought you’d do something like that! You’re my most down-to earth, sensible guinea pig. What is this world coming to! :)

  I’ve been thinking a lot about this getting to know people online.

  I’ve got such mixed feelings. Mr. Selenski thinks you need to get clues from a person’s body language. I agree, sort of, but now I’m wondering if even a telephone conversation is more telling than an online one. You can hear whether their laughter is real, not just a LOL one. ;) (or a smiley-faced one.) And at least on the phone you can hear the tone someone is using. You can make a statement sound really enthusiastic or really sarcastic, depending on how you say it. Sometimes it’s hard to tell online.

  Too confusing. It’s hurting my tired brain.

  k. (who figures you know nothing about this distantstudybuddy)


  From: blondeshavemorefun

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: No hit

  Oh yeah? I know you’re funny, outgoing, and I suspect you’re also friendly, kind and lively. Am I close?



  From: cosmicgirl

  To: blondeshavemorefun

  Subject: Re: No hit

  Blondie, WRONG about lively. I’m anything but, today. But thanks for the kind evaluation. You made a lousy day a lot better.

  Having a fight with a friend — even if it is online—is so depressing. I’ve lost touch with my old school friends, so you guys are all that I’ve got. This stupid science experiment is becoming a drag. I wish I could just forget the whole thing. I’d just like to go to bed and sleep. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



  From: blondeshavemorefun

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: No hit

  Cosmic, don’t worry about Shari. She’ll come around. And don’t give up on the project! You’ve invested way too much time and energy into it. Just go take a nap and then get back to it.

  Your FRIEND,


  ps why did you lose touch with your school friends?


  From: cosmicgirl

  To: blondeshavemorefun

  Subject: Re: No hit

  Thank you, FRIEND. You’re sweet. Now I’m off for that snoooooooooze.


  P.S. I don’t really know why I lost touch with my old friends. Maybe they weren’t really “friends” after all. OMIGOD! Maybe you don’t even know the people you “know”! I’ll go sleep on that depressing thought …


  From: 2good4u

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Hit

  This Stargazer babe just doesn’t miss! Today’s horoscope said, “Arrive on time or don’t bother to go at all.”

  I think I should have stayed home (or at least in my trailer) today.



  From: starlight

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: No hit

  How can I arrive on time when I have nowhere to go?



  From: blondeshavemorefun

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: No hit


  From: cosmicgirl

  To: B.A. Stargazer

  Subject: Science Project

  Dear Ms. Stargazer,

  My horoscope this week told me to stay positive. I’m trying, but it’s getting really really hard. The radiation is making me SO tired. Being positive requires so much energy. Right now I get exhausted just thinking about staying positive.

  The astrology project is suddenly a lot less fun, too. Now that my subjects are just letting me know if they have hits or not, the data collection has become almost boring. It all seems … I don’t know — too scientific. :)

  And then there’s my subjects. One of them is mad at me. Another one has a hit every single day. (Is that possible? His whole life is beginning to sound a little too good to be true. Hmm. His email name is 2good4u.) The last one hardly has any hits.

  I’m tired. Tired from the radiation and fed up with this experiment. I’d like to quit, but that’s not thinking very positively, is it? Any chance you can shuffle the stars around for me?

  Sorry to be such a downer today. I’ll try to think more positively tomorrow, or next week. Maybe. If I’m not too tired.



  From: cosmicgirl

  To: jselenski

  Subject: Extension

  Dear Mr. Selenski,

  Do you remember you once offered me an extension on my science project? I’m thinking I might need it now.



  From: jselenski

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Re: Extension

  Dear Kaleigh,

  You take all the time you need to get well. Let me know when you’re feeling better again and we’ll talk about continuing with your project then.

  Mr. J. Selenski


  From: 2good4u

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Hit

  Yesiree. Today we were to receive a “surprising” invitation. Did I ever! And she’s pretty hot, too! :)



  From: starlight

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: No hit


  From: blondeshavemorefun

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: No hit

sp; Feb. 18

  Spiritual growth? Bravery? Remain positive?

  Stargazer can stick it in her ear.

  She’s got one thing right: Life is changing.

  And I don’t know if I care anymore.

  The twins may be making a teary reunion soon.

  Even More


  Forecast For the Week of

  Feb. 19 – Feb. 25 by B.A. Stargazer

  Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

  New challenges, or new ways of

  dealing with old challenges, are

  indicated, Gemini. Much goes on

  behind the scenes.


  From: starlight

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Hit

  Hi Kaleigh,

  Big hit! The horoscope said, “you have strong feelings of escapism today.” No kidding! I’m seriously thinking of attending school on the mainland next year. I’ve done everything my parents’ way for 15 years. Now it’s time to do things my way. What do you think?


  P.S. I’m sorry about my little hissy fit last week. You’re right. I overreacted. R we still friends?


  From: blondeshavemorefun

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Hit

  Feelings of escapism? Oh yeah. I’d definitely like to escape my mother.



  From: 2good4u

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: No hit

  Escape from my perfect life? No way!



  From: starlight

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Hit

  And another hit! Stargazer said we would “score” big today. I got the results back from my math test. 98%!! Yay me! Are you taking math? How did you do?



  From: 2good4u

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Hit

  I always “score big.” No big surprise there.


  P.S. Where are you, Kaleigh? Haven’t heard your sweet little “voice” in a while.


  From: blondeshavemorefun

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Hit

  Got a great score on my favorite computer game.



  From: starlight

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Worried

  Hey Kaleigh,

  Are you still mad at me? Please don’t be! Write to me!



  From: blondeshavemorefun

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: ??


  Where are you? I miss chatting with you.



  From: 2good4u

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Hit

  Yep, my “creative juices are flowing,” as always.



  From: starlight

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Write to me!

  Kaleigh. i’m getting seriously worried about u now. r u ok?



  From: 2good4u

  To: cosmicgirl

  Subject: Hey girl

  There’s only one small thing wrong with my perfect life. I’m not hearing from you. Wazup?


  --------------- From: blondeshavemorefun

  To: starlight Cc: 2good4u

  Subject: cosmicgirl

  u guys are part of Kaleigh’s science project, right? have either of u heard from her in the last few days? i’m getting kinda worried. maybe her computer crashed. i hope that’s it.



  From: starlight

  To: blondeshavemorefun

  Cc: 2good4u

  Subject: Re: cosmicgirl

  i’m worried 2!!! we had a little fight and i thought it was just me she wasn’t talking 2. how can we find out what’s happening? does anyone have mr. selenkski’s e-addresss? i’m not taking science this term.



  From: 2good4u

  To: blondeshavemorefun

  Cc: starlight

  Subject: Re: cosmicgirl i’ve been wondering about her 2. i’ll contact the good teacher and c what he knows.



  From: 2good4u

  To: jselenski

  Subject: Kaleigh

  Mr. Selenski,

  Do you know why Kaleigh isn’t answering emails from her distantstudybuddies? Those of us who are the guinea pigs for her science experiment noticed that she suddenly stopped writing to us. Very strange for Kaleigh. She’s usually real chatty. We’re hoping it’s just computer problems.

  Lucas Seymour


  From: jselenski

  To: 2good4u

  Subject: Re: Kaleigh

  Dear Lucas,

  I’m afraid it isn’t computer problems. Although I can’t give out personal information about my students, I would like to encourage you and the others to keep writing to Kaleigh, even if she isn’t responding. She may need some cheering up.

  Mr. J. Selenski

  P.S. By the way, it’s very good to hear from you, Lucas. Any word on when you’re going home?


  From: 2good4u

  To: jselenski

  Subject: Re: Kaleigh

  Home. Not a word I relate much to, Mr. S., but I may be released soon, if that’s what you want to know. Good behavior and all that.



  From: 2good4u

  To: blondeshavemorefun

  Cc: starlight

  Subject: Re: cosmicgirl

  Soooo … selenski says it’s not computer problems, that kaleigh may need cheering up and that we should keep writing to her.

  doesn’t sound promising, does it? and i was having so much fun being a leo guinea pig, too.



  From: starlight

  To: blondeshavemorefun

  Cc: 2good4u

  Subject: Re: cosmicgirl

  oh no! that means she’s either sick or something really bad has happened in her life. do either of u have her phone number? now i feel even worse about threatening to drop out of her experiment.



  From: blondeshavemorefun

  To: starlight

  Cc: 2good4u

  Subject: Re: cosmicgirl

  shit!! i figured something must be really wrong. i don’t have her number.



  From: 2good4u

  To: starlight

  Cc: blondeshavemorefun

  Subject: Re: cosmicgirl

  i don’t have her number either. It’s a pity, such a sweet, sincere (& gullible) kid, too.



  From: blondeshavemorefun

  To: 2good4u

  Cc: starlight

  Subject: Re: cosmicgirl

  what do you mean by gullible?



  From: 2good4u

  To: blondeshavemorefun

  Cc: starlight

  Subject: Re: cosmicgirl

  i mean that stupid science project on astrology. don’t tell me you were taking it seriously? lol! dumb and dumber all over again.


  From: blondeshavemorefun

  To: 2good4u

  Cc: starlight

  Subject: Re: cosmicgirl

  when i say i’m going to do something, i do it. aren’t we supposed to be distantstudyBUDDIES? NOT distantstud


  From: 2good4u

  To: blondeshavemorefun

  Cc: starlight

  Subject: Re: cosmicgirl

  chill out!! it was THIS BUDDY who suggested she do her report on astrology in the first place because she used 2 carry on and on about her horoscope saying this and that. i never thought she’d take me seriously, and i especially never thought selenski would. i even told her that, but she still went for it. just because they buy that horoscope crap doesn’t mean i have to.



  From: blondeshavemorefun

  To: 2good4u

  Cc: starlight

  Subject: Re: cosmicgirl

  2good, i always suspected u were a jerk


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