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by Justin Conley

  At first, she was a good mother that married several times, which ended with five children. However, the thoughts of motherhood never appealed to her. Feeling like she was not contributing to anything at all, she decided to leave her children where they were and she led a life of sex and raunchiness all over the ATM, becoming the most notorious adulterer among the stars.

  It was clear to say that a majority of the gossip and scandal hitting the Santos Palace came from her exploits. It had gotten so out of control that Nero exiled her to Cyprun, the former home of the Santos clan, where she would be rehabilitated and could join back into society.

  She was only supposed to stay for a year and ended up staying several.

  When she first step foot back into Crystal Metropolis from Cyprun, it only took seconds from the old habits to reemerge. And it did not take long before Luciana caught them.

  One night, Luciana was in the streets in disguise and followed Amilie to a bar. Already, she drank as much wine as she could sustain in her body. Then, Luciana saw something that just appalled her to the core. After filling herself with liquor, Amilie brought six guys to her small cottage away from the Santos Palace and there, had one large sex party with her as the main attraction.

  The six men took out their penises and without another thought, Amilie took them into her mouth, sucking them off as if she had been anticipated it the entire night. It ended with hours of Amilie's body going around and around the different clubbers as they filled all three of her holes. She had spent years without male attention and within a few nights, she was getting it in abundance.

  Luciana saw that with these habits, she was not the right person to marry Timon.

  Luciana knew that she had to go.


  Luciana returned to see Gintina and told her what had happened with a smile on her face. Seeing Luciana's glow, Gintina presented her dilemma.

  “She was too occupied with people, my queen,” she lied. "There was no way I could get close.”

  “Amilie is a lost cause,” Luciana told her. “When I get the chance, I’m going to tell her what she did and her father will send her away again.”

  “And what about Dina?”

  “We’ll just have to find another way. Maybe we can corporate the disposal of her with Demetrius and Alejandro.”

  It was back to the thinking tank with the twosome.


  Luciana was sitting in her chair as Nero screamed at her daughter. The minute the queen told her husband about Amilie, he went into a rage.

  "I can't believe after everything you have in your life," Nero bellowed. "You have riches, security. Everything you could ever want and you choose to parade around like you're a..."

  Then, Luciana interjected and whispered in his ear. Afterwards, Nero calmed down.

  "Good idea! I'm glad I have you in my corner."

  Upon hearing the suggestion, Nero dropped down her sentence.

  "Hungaro," he said. "I'm exiling you to Hungaro. Good luck finding a penis out there to put in your damn mouth!"

  Amilie cried the minute Nero spoke his peace. "Please, Father! Don't send me there! Anywhere but there!" Amilie tried to reason with her father, but he just walked away, not even acknowledging her. Luciana continued to watch it all unfold.

  This time, Amilie was exiled to the shadow planet Hungaro, completely unlike beach-filled Cyprun. Just as Nero promised, because there was hardly any human activity there, she would have no hope of another penis entering her hole again. Hardened female guards were put into place as the only faces Amilie would ever see for the rest of her life.

  Despite her plans, Luciana settled for the victory, feeling that she did not have to worry about Amilie being a future threat...


  40 B.E.

  A year ago, Nero had taken ill.

  It came suddenly as Demetrius had fought to take down revolutions happening in Troyuvant over new gangs fighting for territory. With his leadership abilities, he bombed the resistance with missiles from their air force. They caused damage, which brought more problems on the political scale in Crystal Metropolis.

  Demetrius came back when his father was ill. From his father’s order, Demetrius was to watch the kingdom and take charge of anything that needed to be taken care of until Nero got better. It was not until the beginning of 40 B.E. that Nero got better and took his place once again, but there were changes.

  “For now on,” Nero told his firstborn, “I’m going to be giving my orders through you.”

  For the rest of the kingdom, they knew the time was coming. Nero was not a god as some had pointed him out to be. He was just flesh and blood, and there was a chance that next time he was ill, he would not recover. They were relieved when Demetrius made his decree to the planet. Demetrius had the look, the strength, the finesse, and most of all, he was Nero and Livia’s son.

  The only one not happy was the queen.

  Luciana knew that there was no time to waste. She had to act. But there was another problem from within. Her son, Timon, in his late thirties, was going to ask Nero for a transfer from Crystal Metropolis.

  “I don’t want it,” Timon told her after making his news about his transfer. "Dina doesn't like it here. I guarantee you she won't like being queen. Besides, what would I do with that kind of power?”

  Luciana stressed it to him until she could not do it anymore. “You’ve been training for this. You’ve worked hard for this. Why wouldn’t you want this?”

  “This is what you want. I don't want to be king. I didn’t even want to be a soldier. I just wanted to be an artist.”

  She shrugged from what she was hearing from Timon’s lips.

  Timon made the point clear. “I’m making that request. So don’t you dare stopped me, Mother! I mean it! Stay out of my affairs!”

  Timon left and never saw his mother again for a while. Also, he never went back to the small palace made for him and his wife. He and his family moved to a small apartment on the outskirts until he made his request to Nero and the heir apparent Demetrius.

  However, after their argument, Luciana never dropped the matter. She was going to make Timon king, even if it was to make herself feel good. She had put in too much work to let it all go because of her son's decision/indecision.

  Demetrius became the only obstacle in the way as Nero granted Alejandro his dream post in Guapa in 37 B.E., so he would have no idea what will happen or have time to come and save the day.

  Once again, she made the talk with Gintina in a corridor of the palace.

  “This is going to be out in the open,” she told her. “It’s has to be. Timon has to know.”

  “Know about what?” Gintina said.

  “I want you to find some soldiers from the army and give them this money to put a hit out on Dina. Tell them, though, that Demetrius ordered it.”

  Gintina took the money package and left Luciana's company.

  When she was closed to the gates leading out of Crystal Metropolis, she found two soldiers who would be perfect.

  She went to one of them and said, "How would you like to serve your king?"

  She handed out the message and the guards took the money without question.


  Dina Boardwalk went out with some of her friends for a final night in Crystal Metropolis. She was the happiest she had ever been as her husband was granted permission to retire from the army and live wherever he wanted.

  Spying on the whole occasion at the restaurant she was eating, Gintina could not forget the face in the window. She had driven her shadow ascion a few blocks away from the club. She could see it all. She could see Dina and her friends laughing at each other’s jokes. She could see the hugs and kisses as they were saying their final goodbyes.

  Worse of all, Gintina could see another ascion zooming from another direction. Though it took a second; everything seemed to happen in slow motion.

  The ascion, a hovering street vehicle that was the rave of the rich and eli
te, pulled up and paused for a second as if the assassins were making sure they had the correct target. Once confirmed, the automatic window on the passenger side rolled down slowly and the tip of a semi-automatic weapon pointed towards Dina and her friends.

  All of a sudden, reality sped up to the reality taking place.

  The ascion zoomed down the street and sparks of fire emerged. Within seconds, Dina’s friends dropped to the floor lifeless. Dina died the worst. Whereas they died quick and instantly, Dina was not afforded that luxury. A bullet hit Dina in the larynx, leaving Dina on the ground choking on her own blood and gasping for air.

  Seeing the deed done, Gintina drove off. The minute she stopped at her place, she cried for hours, thinking about nothing but the smile Dina Boardwalk had on her face before she died. She was elated about finally leaving Crystal Metropolis with her husband and her sons. Timon was going to be a widower and Dromio and Ichiamo motherless...


  Timon heard the news days later and he cried up a storm on his mother’s shoulder. Gintina stood a few feet from them, keeping her mouth shut but mourning in her own way. Luciana took a glance at her and smiled.

  Another part of the plan was complete. Gintina left for another mission for the Queen. Luciana sat him down in a chair and made him royal milk tea for his tears. It worked the spot. Timon calmed himself down for Luciana to talk with him.

  “I’m sorry for this,” Luciana said with fake sympathy. “I know this is tough for you. Dina was a good woman. And a good mother to those boys.”

  Timon turned his head. He saw in the dining room of his palace that Dromio, a teenager, was facing his own grief.

  “I have to be there for him,” Timon said.

  “Listen!" Luciana said as she caressed his brown-skinned cheek. “We’re going to find the ones that did this. And there will be justice."

  “Well, you find them for me, and I’ll take their eyes out.”

  Timon rested on Luciana’s breast and she rubbed his silky black hair. She reclaimed her hold on her son and she began to work slowly into Timon’s distracted mind.


  Nero was unaware of Dina’s murder, since he was mostly away from the palace for a time, making decrees to better his rule. One of the things he found out that there were not enough marriages in Crystal Metropolis, which meant no children and a dwindling population.

  They were many colors living in the ATM. The Santos children had gone from red to brown throughout the years. A part of that reason was despite marriage, the court still had time to impregnate their servant girls, concubines and midwives, or just woman that worked in the merchant streets away from the tall tower of the Santos Palace and other monuments.

  Nero saw that marriage was a thing of the past and there was no more love anymore. He wanted to change that by destroying the notion of adultery all together. He asked some of his soldiers to marry some of his concubines and servants and make honest women out of them. Some saw this as ridiculous, and others saw it as brilliant.

  To Luciana Boardwalk Santos, she saw it as his time being up, but not before she gets the last say.

  Luciana invited Timon to the Santos Palace in her private quarters after spending a majority of that time announcing Nero's so-called Amilie Laws regarding enforced marriages and stamping adultery to the ground to the royal court and the strators.

  Then, she came out with it.

  “It was Demetrius,” she said.


  “Demetrius killed your wife. He’s in fear of you. He wants you dead.”

  “I don’t see why.”

  “I don’t, either. But this is what it is. You have to do something. You have to take him down.”

  “And how will I do that? He’s the heir.”

  “Do it away from this palace. No matter what, it has to be away from Nero so he wouldn’t suspect.”

  “Are you sure about this?”

  Luciana stressed it in his head to think about Dina and his boys. After that, there was nothing else to say. Timon agreed that Demetrius had to go. He left the room, and made plans right away.

  While he was there, she was in Nero’s quarters. There, she watched carefully as Nero got closer and closer to his end. Until he breathed his last, Luciana made up her mind that he was not leaving her sights.


  Timon told Demetrius one night near the end of 40 B.E. that he wanted to talk to him. They were in the outskirts of Crystal Metropolis, away from the cities and marketplaces. To Demetrius, it was supposed to be a meeting to talk about the future of the Santos army before Timon left for better pastures.

  All Timon focused on was an opening.

  “You’re going to be an intricate part of it all,” Demetrius said. “Our army has to be stronger. We need to be so equipped that there won’t be another army in the cosmos that can stop us. We have to make it known that the Santos clan can take care of our own. When I become king, that’s going to be my first decree.”

  As Timon stood there looking at Demetrius, images of the last time he was with Dina filled his mind. All he could see was her smile as she was in his arms. Suddenly, those images changed from Dina smiling into her coughing up blood. It took all of his willpower to keep from killing Demetrius at that very moment.

  “And what do you need me for?” Timon asked.

  “You know the army inside out. Who better than you to train these men into a well-disciplined unit? In fact, I’m going to send you to Guapa where Alejandro is and train them there. I know that my father told you that you could leave the army, but not before you do your sacred duty to pass your knowledge on to the next generation."

  For a brief moment, Timon entertained the thought of having his own command. Despite what Timon may have felt about being a soldier, he had to admit he was good at it.

  “I need to make a call,” Timon said.

  “Go ahead. But after that, we’re going out to celebrate. I’m going to be the new King Santos.”

  “What about your father?”

  “My father knows that his time is up. He keeps telling me plenty of times. I love him, and I know I can never compare to what he has done.”

  “Can anyone?” Timon added.

  Timon thought about it. There was someone.

  Before he could answer it, he made the call from his phone. Then, he followed Demetrius into downtown Crystal Metropolis.

  There, they found a nice little bar where they could relax. Demetrius drank as much as he could. He asked Timon at one point who did he make the call to. Timon said no one special, but waited.

  By now, the hatred and rage was making his blood boil. It was not enough that Demetrius had his sweet Dina killed, but he acted as if her life meant nothing and the incident never happened. He never even gave his condolences.

  Hours ticked away as Timon watched the entrance without blinking once, waiting for vengeance. Then, he turned to face Demetrius and though it made him sick to his stomach, he made a toast and blessed it to Demetrius as the new Santos king.

  As everyone raised their glasses and shouted, “Hail King Santos,” in walked a stranger. To the patrons at the bar, it was just another customer coming in for a drink to drown away the worries of the day. To Timon, it was death clothed in two different shades of black. He walked in smoothly like a mist. Amidst all of the laughter and jokes, no one noticed but Timon on how his eyes were fixated on Demetrius.

  Quickly, he walked pass Timon and from out of nowhere, out came a knife from his pocket. Before Demetrius could exhale the air from his lungs, the assailant stabbed the prince in the neck and shoulder-blades ten times over. Timon moved out of the way so he would not be stabbed. As quick as the assailant had entered the bar, he disappeared unnoticed.

  When it was over, Demetrius lay on the floor trembling violently with blood gushing from his throat like a geyser. Timon ran over to Demetrius and with a smirk on his face, leaned over and whispered to him, “May you die the same death as my beloved Dina.”

  Demetrius looked at Timon, oblivious of what he meant. Within seconds, Demetrius was dead. The last thing he saw was the smile on Timon’s face. Timon closed Demetrius’ eyes. He shouted and went after the assailant while the others in the club screamed for help.

  Timon ran out into the street. Then, he went through the alley and saw the assassin. He was breathing hard, but Timon just stood there.

  “I did what you wanted,” the killer said. “Now where’s my money?”

  Timon thought about it. He reached into one pocket that held the money. The killer was getting impatient. Then, from out of nowhere, Timon went into another pocket and out came a gun. Timon shot him four times in the chest until he fell to the ground. Once he was on the ground, Timon walked over to his body and shot him four more times just to make sure he was gone.


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