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Page 48

by Justin Conley

  There was another special reason he had to be there. Word around the galaxy was that there were other followers there trying to form a Second Renaissance army for Solaria. He was sure that because there were so many practicing the religion on the planet, plus Solaria continuously being a thorn on the Santos royal court’s side, they would be attacked first.

  Plus, since the deaths of the old elders like Baptista Lysander and the traders in the House of Latium, the Byzants were the only power in the universe with the firepower to compete with Hector's ruthless Democrat Guards; if they could come together.

  After many trips, he told his people that Solaria would be the place where he would go.

  “I don’t want you to worry about me,” Kasuto said. “I’m fighting for my belief. I'm fighting for our peace. Hector’s anger cannot stop the power of our gods, even with a million of his gods...”

  Everyone cheered, but they couldn’t see Kasuto’s easiness to doing so. He only hoped he was doing the right thing. Solaria was one of the biggest planets in the ATM, and they had a high numbers of Second Renaissancers. It was perfect for Hector to make a true statement. He could stop the religion in his tracks and he could do what other countless leaders before him couldn't do: destroy Solaria with one vicious strike...


  There were some in Crystal Metropolis still able to afford to leave the planet because of the Crystal Metropolis Fire, and did it without worry. They knew the planet was getting more dangerous due to a more treacherous and precarious king.

  One of those families was the Gaines. They wanted to take their son with them, but they found out that Rafe was loyal to King Hector. Juliet was saddened and would not give up.

  "Our boy is a man now," Lucius told Juliet. "He has to make his own destiny."

  Juliet didn't let it escape her, even when they finally got on the Beau Lombard heading for Solaria.

  Throughout the entire ride, there was hardly any communication and with the little they had, it was nothing but contempt in Juliet’s voice and respectability in Lucius’s.

  “One way or another, we did the right thing,” Lucius said about his son Rafe.

  “I don’t care about him being a man,” Juliet said. He’s our son. He needs to be with us.”

  “Doing what? Running for his life when he knows that if he leaves, he could get killed?”

  “If it was up to me, you would have been back there and not Rafe. I would save his life quicker than I would save yours.”

  Lucius kept his cool. It was his fault she felt this way. A past trait appeared as he kept his true feelings inside. She had seen it in him before.

  “Did you love this woman, whoever she was?” Juliet whispered.


  “Did you love her, Lucius? Simple question.”

  “I… I guess…I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know, yet you went all over the ATM with her and you don’t know if you even love her?”

  “What do you want me to say?”

  Then, Juliet looked straight into his eyes. "I want you to look into my eyes and tell me whether you love her or not. Do that! You should give me that much at least.”

  Lucius put his head down.

  “Just like I thought.” Juliet looked forward. "Be silent. It suites you anyway. Just know that when we get back home, I’m leaving you.”

  Finished with speaking her mind, Juliet stared forward.

  "No matter how you feel about me, I'll still do anything in the world for you," Lucius said as he closed his eyes and slept for the rest of the flight...


  Solaria had changed much since the special land deal between Ichiamo Santos and the planet’s leaders. In stepping down from the plane, Lucius and Juliet witnessed it. Even though their moods weren't the best, they could never escape the splendor of their home planet.

  For a time, they both were in agreement on that much.

  They went on a tour of their old neighborhood and to their school. So many memories trapped in one circle. There was a time when they were all innocent; when they didn't know about Crystal Metropolis, arms and drug trades, corruption, or even the Santos kings. Their world was more about romance, fun, sports, and most of all, dreams.

  Those times were gone, as Lucius and Juliet took view over all the changes within their own territory. Their old teachers either passed on or left the planet, and the new generations were more hipped and equipped with the latest in everything from new Second Renaissance technology to inventive ways to spill gossip. The couple was confused trying to understand the new lingo and slang. That made them realized after all that time when they used to laugh at those same elders, they had become the new elders.

  Age caught up to them. They couldn't fool it much longer.

  They went to their old homes and found out that their parents were not in them. Roostertown had become a ghost town for them.

  So the couple went to an inn to rest and situated themselves, deciding to rest for the night and visited more memories to the next day.

  For the sake of their friends, they decided to act like nothing was wrong. Lucius agreed and locked the depression to the deepest place it can go.


  The next day, the Gaines went to Sylvia Lavatch's new home near the waterfront. Juliet called Diana to let her know she was in town and to meet them there. She also told Lucius of their visit to Crystal Metropolis, which was around the same time Lucius took his trip with Queen Isabella.

  When they got there, Sylvia greeted her friend with open arms, while for Lucius, she just stuck out her hand for her to shake. Lucius realized that her living arrangements was organized. Exquisite rugs and relics were all over the place, more than evident than her living room.

  “What took you so long?” Sylvia asked.

  “I guess you haven’t heard,” Juliet said.

  “About the fire? Everyone here knows. The young people are talking about war already. Little rebels!”

  “Same for Hector.”

  Sylvia was given tea from one of her maids. “Those young people. Once upon a time, we were those children. Where has the time gone?”

  “I don’t know,” Juliet said, taking a look at Lucius as she said it.

  Sylvia sipped her tea. “You know what, it’s good you’re here. I was going to go out to the Nacin to this place called Ellsinore. It’s an outpost where the Second Renaissancers are.”

  “Second Renaissancers are out there?” Lucius asked.

  “That’s also where Kasuto’s going to be.”

  “Chosen’s going to be there also?” Lucius asked.

  Sylvia looked at Lucius strangely. “Chosen is Kasuto? Chosen Toshio? No wonder why he looked familiar to me.”

  “What are they planning, Sylvia?” Lucius asked.

  “It’s going to be a gathering. All of the Second Renaissancers are going to be talking about possible war with Hector Santos.”

  Juliet was starting to regret her words. “Hector’s coming to Solaria? I can’t believe it.”

  The three of them were getting hesitant. Then, Diana entered and she even became hesitant. Diana accepted herself as a follower of Second Renaissance, and Hector trying to take them down made her angrier inside than she showed outside.

  It was confirmed. All four of them were going to Ellsinore.


  Ellsinore was the name of the safe haven given to the Second Renaissance thanks to Ichiamo after the Force of Arms War. They had learned to live a good life in the Nacin Desert despite the roughness. They built their own city and since Second Renaissance grew more in prominence each day, all believers were invited. It consisted of one fortress and several houses surrounded by a wide, circular fence.

  For this special occasion, it was more of a celebration. Thanks to the arms trade, they equipped themselves to become Solaria's first Second Renaissance Army.

  Lucius Gaines, Diana Cartier, Sylvia Lavatch, and Juliet Barao-Gaines were invited and embraced the air. Lu
cius and Juliet weren't believers, but because they were with devout Second Renaissancer Diana, they were looked upon as supporters.

  They also saw Iago Fenton, who came to support his wife, also a Second Renaissancer. The Fentons sparked their conversation with the Gaines and their old friends. All could see each other’s elder-age features. All were amazed at the number of members, which meant the army could be more than equipped to face Santos forces.

  When everyone was getting acquainted, out came Kasuto like a messiah. Kasuto had a different demeanor to him. No sermons about peace coming from his mouth.

  From this point until it’s all over, his mouth was all about war and vengeance.

  During the gathering, Lucius went off by himself as Juliet enjoyed this new experience with her old friends.

  As he went outside of the castle, where all were going, he thought he saw someone familiar coming out of a hover-cycle. He went closer, walking at first and then running fast. The other person saw him coming and took out a gun. Lucius stopped in his tracks.

  Then, the other person came closer.


  Lucius smiled. “Well, well! I can’t believe this. It has been a long time, Cassio Ramirez.”

  The two men hugged each other as hard as any male could with Cassio wearing a red suit, while Lucius was wearing some old clothes, one of a few he had left, since most of his clothes were burned in Crystal Metropolis along with his home.

  “Where did you get this suit from?” Lucius asked.

  “Tailor made,” Cassio answered. “I came back home with the best.”


  Cassio gave a flustered look. “I was here for a while, before all of them came.” He pointed forward to the Second Renaissancers. “Frankly, I don’t see what the big deal is.”

  “They’re ready for war.”

  “I see. Another stupid war. You’re going to fight?”

  “I don’t know. I’m trying to understand what all this is about.”

  “You know what this is about. You just don’t want to know.” Cassio put his arm around Lucius’s neck. “Let’s take a walk.”

  Cassio and Lucius traveled around the streets of Second Renaissance’s city, Ellsinore, without mingling with other Second Renaissancers. As far as they were concerned, they had no opinion one way or another. The two talked about their adolescent days, more relaxed and peaceful in their positions compared to the energetic and vibrant, ready for action, too much in their systems, Second Renaissance-influenced new generation.

  Then, Cassio broke the ice. “I heard you moved to Crystal Metropolis. Took some job up there. Brought your wife and son there to live with you.”

  “How did you know?” Lucius asked.

  “It was part of my business. I tried to know everything that’s going on with my friends.”

  “Well, you could have come to visit. Juliet’s friends did. Alonso was there as well. I talked with him some.”

  “What did he do?”

  “He was a Democrat Guard at first. Then, he went into other things. After that, it was like he disappeared. I wonder what happened.”

  Cassio’s mouth was partially open, taking in some breath before he told him.

  "He killed himself.”

  Lucius stopped him. “Killed himself? That’s not true. Alonso was the most alive out of all of us.”

  “Well, like most of us, that wasn’t going to last. The strange thing about it was he did it in one try. I’ve been trying so many times and never got the guts to follow through.”

  “Now I can’t believe that, either.”

  Cassio walked on as Lucius hit a sore spot. He followed Cassio and said, “Why would you do that?”

  “Let me tell you something, Lucius. After the Force of Arms War, I was in the worst state. I fell in love with this girl. She had this son. She was beautiful. So was the kid. Anyway, before we could get the chance to get closer than close, I went on a mission. Then, I get trapped in a torture camp in Troyuvant. I ended up escaping and tried to get back to her, only to find out that she was gone.”

  “That’s awful.”

  “That’s not the worst of it. I got together with this guy, Issac Arius. We started a gang together and slang this drug called metine. Just when I was in my zone, there she was again. And just when I thought we could rekindle what we had, just like that, she was gone again. I never saw her again. Now, she’s dead and her son is a psychotic killer that’s could kill us all without thinking.”

  This time Lucius stopped Cassio. “Wait a second! You’re telling me that the woman was…”

  “That’s right. Bianca Stilicho. Or should I say Bianca Lysander Santos.”

  “Lysander? Wow!"

  Lucius shook his head, but then he blurted, "Like you, I fell in love with a Santos queen. Juliet never knew, but she knew my feelings for her have changed.”

  “Those damn Santos!” Cassio said lividly. Then, he started laughing. “Who would have thought they would enter both of our lives?”

  “Not me,” Lucius said.

  “I’ll tell you one thing. In spite of everything I said, I wouldn’t change any of it. Even though I have no more crew, no more women, hardly any money, and no more dreams.”

  “None of us do. That time have passed for us.”

  Cassio sank those words in with some of his own. “Well, in that case, any one of these days for this point on could be good days to die.”

  “If we’re lucky,” Lucius said and the two chuckled at each other’s choice of words. They knew that no matter what happened for the next few days, they would see each other again.

  The cool former gangster and the stern former pilot took their possible last look at the skies that changed colors swiftly. Just like their life, they saw their universe changing colors and tones as well.


  Days later, Lucius woke up to find that Cassio left Ellsinore. What he did find out was that Cassio found a space cruiser and flew out of Solaria.

  Luckily, Cassio told Lucius where he could find him before the unsuspected leave.

  Lucius went to an apartment he rented, completely empty and all he could find was a letter on the floor that said one sentence:

  For our good days to die. I’ll see you later.

  Lucius smiled. He knew then and there where he was going.

  “I’ll see you later, Cassio Ramirez. I’ll see you later, my friend.”


  The Democrat Guards of Crystal Metropolis had taken another job title: slave catchers. It was an idea Hector proposed. If he couldn't rebuild Crystal Metropolis from his own people, then he would use slaves to rebuild it. It would have cost him nothing and afterwards, he could kill them in some kind of show if they proved insubordinate.

  They rounded up possible Second Renaissancers from all over the ATM and brought them to Crystal Metropolis. The ones who surrendered were made builders. The ones who resisted were shot on sight.

  The new order of Hector’s reign was facing the dark times with darker measures.

  Coming back from Solaria, Cassio Ramirez could see some of that mood around him. Hardly anything was of value since the fire. It was a shame, because it was his first time in Crystal Metropolis. All the other times, he would read about it in the papers.

  However, the scenery was the least of his concerns. He wanted to talk with the man he could have raised like a son. With only himself and some money in his pocket, he was going to face the worst of the Santos kings head on, and possibly making his final stand there.

  He didn't approach the Santos Palace right away. There was someone he had to see first. He knew his face from pictures, but he had never seen the man before and he had to tell him to make the biggest decision of his life.

  The Strator Circle was probably the only place partially immune from the fire due to its steely infrastructure. Cassio made the dangerous but necessary walk. He knew that the strators of Crystal Metropolis were going to be restless. They ha
d suffered a devastating blow from their sovereign leader and were getting tired of it. Most of them thought of retiring because all hope was lost.

  But there was one that wasn't giving up that easy. That was the one Cassio wanted.

  He saw some of them walking away after an intense meeting about the new plan of action. Cassio stood by waiting as they passed by. Then, there was one that passed him and Cassio turned without going all the way.

  “Strator Menelaus,” Cassio shouted.


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