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Romance: REGENCY ROMANCE: The Duke of Hearts (Historical Regency Victorian Duke Romance) (Historical Regency Fantasy Romance)

Page 7

by Lisa Andersen

  The couples returned to the table and Bertie was sorry to see that Arielle was still there. His training did not allow him to display anything other than good manners and he gave Caroline a hand as she took a seat. The group talked about the dances and Arielle asked if they had seen the new dance that she had heard about in London. “I have heard that a dance called the waltz is being enjoyed. Have any of you seen it?” Bertie, Marshall and Caroline all nodded and told her that they had seen the dance and it was proving very popular. “It uses a lot of energy.” Bertie pointed out. “You are left breathless at the end of it.” Marshall added that it spun around in fast circles and also left you a little dizzy. “It is very fast.” He finished.

  “Have you taken part yourselves?” Bernice asked and Marshall gave her a smile and told her that he had indeed tried the new dance. The two girls glanced at each other and Bertie knew for certain that they were planning trouble. Arielle said that she would love to see it and suggested that Caroline and Marshall show them how the dance went. Bertie tried to intervene to warn that the older generation would not appreciate the sight of two people dancing close together but the girls brushed him aside and looked pleadingly at Marshall. Arielle went away and was presumably going to see if the orchestra could play a waltz. Bertie tried again to top the experiment but the two visitors had no notion of the effect this would have on the spectators. Badger lent his voice as well and even Arabella but it seemed that the decision was already made and Arielle returned to say that the orchestra was ready and there would be an announcement. Bertie’s heart sank and he appealed directly to Caroline to call off the dance. She smiled and told him that everyone here seemed eager to find out what was happening elsewhere and she stood up to take the arm of her second cousin. The two of them walked out onto the floor as the music began and as Marshall swept his relative into his arms and held her against his chest there was an audible gasp from the spectators around the room.

  The music played the one two three one two three of the waltz that had arrived in the country from Austria and the two people on the dance floor were swept into the excitement of the moment and did not understand the silence that was greeting their performance. They whirled and twirled and smiled at each other because it was a fun thing to do and then the music came to an end and Caroline curtsied to her partner who gave a brief bow and offered his hand to take her back to her seat. It was only at that point that the two of them noticed the absolute silence that greeted their performance. They stopped and looked around. Caroline gave a nervous smile and the couple walked over to the group where Bertie, Badger and Arabella were waiting. The girls were seated and around the room a rustle of conversation broke out but in subdued voices. Someone directed the orchestra to make more music and some sort of normality returned to the room. Bertie took a seat beside Caroline. “I think they are not ready for all of the modern things in Derbyshire.” Then he could not help himself. He said to Badger. “I knew Arielle was up to something. That girl is always trouble.” Arabella sushed him and looked around. Badger was nodding though and taking in the attitude of the guests. It was not pleasant and when Caroline said that she would like a breath of fresh air, Bertie stood and offered his arm. As they passed the people sitting at the side of the ballroom, it was very pointed that each of the ladies turned away. He looked across at his aunt sitting with her friends and even she gave him a pointed stare and turned away. Bertie was furious. He took Caroline out onto the terrace and realise that she was shaking. As they were standing in the shade of a wall he put his arms around her and held her close until she felt able to stand and recover her composure. “It is just not like London.” He told her. “They move very slowly here. I will see to the things I need to do and then I will return to my town house.” Caroline held onto his arm and said “Thank you for bringing me out here. I did not quite know how to respond.”

  “Hmph.” Lord Haverbrook said sounding like the aristocrat that he undoubtedly was. “I will make it very plain to everyone concerned that the house of Haverbrook does not condone such bad manners.” That produced a smile from his companion.

  “You did try to warn us.” She replied. “Please do not cause any trouble on my behalf. My cousin, ,like myself, is used to a more liberal society.” Bertie realised he still had an arm around her shoulders and it was very pleasant. This woman had found her way under his skin and he was enjoying the sensation. “It will not be trouble. That Arielle delights in making people look uncomfortable and I will make it quite clear that putting friends of mine in that position is unacceptable.” He paused. “I rather think Badger will say the same and his sister will most certainly be on the side of your second cousin.” They both laughed at this and made their way back to the ballroom. The traditional dances were filling the floor and Caroline asked if he would find her cousin and tell him she would like to go home.

  He left her standing beside Arabella and went in search of her cousin. When he returned Caroline was gone and Arabella was fuming. “These people.” She hissed and named four well known women.

  “Came over and deliberately snubbed Miss Carstairs. I will not be coming to any more of these balls, I think. Badger can get the carriage and take me home.”

  “I’ll talk with you tomorrow.” He said and went over to his aunt. “I think it is time to take out leave, my dearest aunt.” He held out a hand and Aunt Agatha had no option but to accept it.


  His aunt tried to talk to him about the traditions of these balls and how people should not be offended when they broke the rules but he would have none of it and went off to his bed. Sleep was a long time in coming and visions of Caroline were ever in his head. He had never before felt so much for anyone and had never been so annoyed on behalf of someone else and it came to him that if he were to return to London that he would not see the delicious Miss Carstairs again. He drifted into slumber eventually wondering if he could persuade her to return to the city as well.

  After breakfast and a few stern words with his aunt he set off for Badger’s residence and had only been with his friend for minutes when Arabella ran into the room in a most unladylike fashion. “Arabella, for heaven’s sake, calm yourself.” Badger admonished but his sister shook her head, panted for breath and waved a hand in the air. “She has gone. Caroline. Driven off to London on her own in a carriage.” Both men were instantly at her side and waiting for more details. “How did she go?” Badger demanded. “Who is with her?”

  “And how long ago?” Bertie added. Arabella caught her breath and said that the servants told her that she had left in her own carriage with just a driver about an hour ago. The two men were horrified and Arabella knew as well that the risks of being held up by robbers was always on the roads. Even when the large stage coaches were guarded, they were still stopped and robbed. Sometimes it was just for the valuables but sometimes the robbers attacked the victims as well. Bertie made a quick decision. In fact, he did not really think about it. It was enough to know that Caroline was in danger. He turned to Badger and was already heading for the door. “My horse is ready. I will chase after them. An hour is not long. Get some help and follow me.” With that and not waiting for agreement Bertrand Collins-Margrave ran to the stable yard, flung himself onto the still saddled stallion and galloped off along the main drive which was the quickest route to the road. It was a mad and crazy ride but the horse answered the call and the pair thundered along the road towards London heedless of the looks they were attracting from anyone who was out and about. He was an excellent horseman and a strong young man. Bertie prided himself on his appearance and that included having a trim body. That body was using all of its strength to urge the horse forward. His mind was calculating that an hour in a carriage would not have made a lot of progress and he thought that maybe half of that time would catch them up. He had not thought about what would happen when he found her. “Maybe she will not listen. Maybe she will send me away.” He thought as he travelled but kept on going and after some time he sa
w in the distance a carriage on the track ahead and then his heart sank as he realised it was stationery and there were two men in front of it blocking the way. Bertie did not slow down. As he drew near he saw Caroline hand out a bag from the carriage to the nearest robber who was waving a pistol in the air. The other one was waving another gun at the driver who was still sitting on the seat holding the reins.

  Bertie kept on galloping towards the scene and instead of slowing he sent his mount directly at the man taking the bag. The horse saw the collision coming and slowed involuntarily but it was still travelling at some speed when it knocked into the robber. Bertie jumped from the horse and let himself fly at the second robber in front of the carriage. The first one was on the ground and trying to get under the vehicle away from the horse’s hooves. Robber number two was taken by surprise and when he was leaped upon by an enraged gentleman. In panic he fired the gun and Bertie felt a hot pain in his shoulder but it was not enough to slow him down. Bertie pulled back his arm and punched the robber directly onto the nose which spurted blood everywhere. The gun clattered to the ground. Caroline screamed as she saw the blood and thought it belonged to Bertie. The footman who had been driving had now leaped to Bertie’s aid and between them they immobilised the second robber. The first one scrambled out from under the carriage and ran off as fast as his legs could carry him. Bertie let him go and found some cord to tie up the one they had caught. The penalty for highway robbery was death and the man was now pleading to be let go but they took no notice.

  “You are not hurt are you?” Bertie asked Caroline anxiously and her reply was to come forward and hold out her arms. “I am fine but you are hurt. Let me see what is wrong.” He took a step forward and collapsed into her arms. The driver rushed to her aid and they propped Lord Haverbrook against the carriage wheel. The driver caught the free horse and Badger and another two servants came galloping post haste down the road to assist. “Oh Mr Timkins, I am so glad to see you. Bertie is injured.” Badger knelt down on the road beside his friend and pulled away the jacket. Caroline gasped as she saw that blood was spreading across is white shirt and cravat from his shoulder. “I need cloths.” Badger said looking around. Caroline darted to where her bags were in the carriage, ripped one open and produced a white petticoat. Badger grabbed it and staunched the wound. He looked at Caroline. “Hold that against him and when the bleeding stops we will get him into the carriage. He sent his two servants off to find someone to take the robber into custody and tied his own horse and Bertie’s to the rear of the carriage. “I think it has stopped now.” Caroline ventured and raised the cloth a little. Badger looked and agreed. He called the driver and together they lifted Bertie into the carriage. Bertie himself was coming round and could help a little as the two men struggled to get him onto the seat. Once there, Badger asked Caroline to come and hold the cloth again. She sat beside him and the driver started to turn the carriage back in the direction of home. Badger saw, with relief that the footmen had brought the law and when he gave details and his own and Bertie’s names and addresses they took the robber away.

  Badger came to sit on the other side of Bertie and the party set back the way they had come. “Oh I am so sorry.” Caroline said after a while. “I have caused all this trouble and poor Lord Haverbrook has been shot-all on my account.”

  Badger told her that Bertie had simply chased off at high speed as soon as he knew she had gone off alone. “I have been such a fool.” She said. “Doing the stupid dance and then rushing off when people didn’t like it.” There was a slight moan from Bertie who opened his eyes.

  “I can hear you Caroline.” He whispered. “They are stupid, arrogant people.” Badger said he agreed with that. “Just let’s get you home and the wound cleaned up.” He told him. “Lie still. It won’t be long.” Bertie did the opposite. He opened his eyes and looked at Caroline Carstairs. “I could not bear it if anything happened to you.” He paused for breath. “Can I have fallen in love in such a short time?” Caroline gasped at took his hand.

  “I went away to save you and your friends embarrassment.” She answered and both Bertie and Badger said that they were not embarrassed at all. Bertie opened his eyes again and looked at the girl holding his hand and still pressing the cloth to his shoulder. “Miss Carstairs, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife please? Please be Lady Haverbrook. Please say yes.” Badger Timkins had no place to go so he looked studiously out of the side of the carriage and grinned quietly to himself. He would never let Bertie forget this one.

  There was a pause whilst Caroline took in the enormity of what he had asked. Bertie opened his eyes again and looked worried. “Maybe you do not feel for me like I do for you.” He ventured but Caroline gave him that marvellous smile that lit up the whole world. “I do love you Bertie Collins-Margrave. I loved you from the first moment I saw you trespassing in my stable yard.” He gave a small laugh. “So the answer is yes?” She bent forward and kissed his lips.

  “Yes. Yes. Yes. I will marry you and be the happiest woman in the world.” Bertie brought around his good arm and pulled her close. He claimed the kiss that he had been dreaming of and he knew that Badger Timkins was grinning like a madman. He didn’t care. The kiss ended and Carline checked the wound again. “The bleeding has stopped.” She said.

  “You can turn around now, Badger.” Bertie said and realised that he felt stronger than before. “I know you are having a really good laugh but you can prepare yourself to be best man at the forthcoming festivities. “Congratulations to both of you.” Badger said. “I accept the best man invitation.” The carriage turned into the gates of Bertie’s stately pile and the two riders had gone ahead to prepare the servants to receive the wounded warrior. Bertie said he could walk and did go into his house on his own legs but aided by Badger and his butler. Aunt Agatha was fluttering in the background and frowned when she saw Caroline. “This is your fault, you silly girl.” The older woman said but it stopped Bertie in his tracks. He turned to the whole group of people. “This is the fault of ignorant people who are nasty to others. You included, Aunt Agatha.” He looked around. “Miss Carstairs has agreed to marry me.” There was a gasp and some of the servant girls clapped their hands. “We will wed and pull this place into the modern world.” He held out his hand and Caroline ran to take it. The butler said “Let me be the first to say congratulations, My Lord.” And Bertie thanked him as the staff gave a little cheer. “Let’s get you to a bed and clean this wound.” The butler finished and took over operations much to Badger’s relief.

  It seemed that the bullet had gone straight through the top of the shoulder and although there were two wounds it was not as bad as the blood would let you think. Warm water and gentle washing revealed a clean wound. Wrapped in clean bandages and a soft jacket pulled into place, Bertie felt human again and held out his hand for Caroline to come and sit beside him.

  “Thank you for riding to my rescue.” She said. “You were truly a knight in shining armour.”

  “And I claim the hand of the maiden in distress.” He grinned at her. “We will do that waltz at the wedding and nobody will be brave enough to complain.”

  “My cousin will be delighted. He will be able to teach Arabella how to waltz as well.” His bride to be added and he drew her towards him for the kiss that took them both into another realm entirely where time stood still.

  “Happy ever after, Caroline, Lady Haverbrook. Happy ever after.” He murmured into her hair. She nestled against him and smiled.

  BONUS BOOK: Princess’s Secret

  “Dick!” Bobbie Josephine spit out the word like it left a bad taste in her mouth. Ever since she had met that horrible boy, she had a heap of trouble. Now she had gone from the pan to the fire. “What have you done? Did you not stop to think that I might not want my birthday announced for the whole kingdom to know?”

  William Harrison Donaldson, known as Dick to his friends and family, smiled his easy, wide smile. “Did you forget your mother’s ball this evening? Di
d you think she would let the night go without a toast to her birthday girl?” Bobbie’s frowned deepened. The mention of her mother was reminder of the root of the problem, but the ball was trouble of enormous proportions. She had never asked to be a princess, and although she loved her family, perhaps if given a choice she would have picked a role with less political nonsense. The ball tonight was a prime example. She did not have a choice in the matter; she would have to attend. Not only attend, but socialize with the Lesbionia’s elite-a group of know it all spoiled brats.

  Even while they were kids, there was just something different about Bobbie from the other girls in her social circles. Kids pick at things they don’t understand, and Bobbie’s kind nature was weird and foreign to them. They had been taught to judge others and look down on those who didn’t have their breeding. The princess was brought up by a kind and loving father. He had passed on, but in the days when he had ruled, there was an easy peace to the land and their lives. Once a great Navel Admiral, King Pete hadn’t been afraid of hard work. He was wise and gentle. The princess came along late in his life and surprised him. But how he loved her! She was by his side at all times, and as a result, was quite the tomboy. She loved playing in the shipyard, where her father frequently had business, running and playing with the sons of the workers.


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