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Boxed Set: Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood: [The 12 book 1st adventure + the series prequel]

Page 7

by Robert Iannone

  “Between you and me, I always thought that grammatical requirement was tedious and senseless. Without contractions we sound like machines.”

  “Ain’t that the truth” and they both burst out laughing.


  “Your outfit is stunning.”

  “Thank you, husband-to-be. But I would rather you think that I was stunning and not these old rags.”

  “You do have a certain physical charm” he replied with a big grin.

  “Do I? High praise, indeed” and she reached out as if to touch is face with loving fingers. At the last second, she grabbed his ear lobe and gently twisted it.


  “Would you care to rephrase that last remark?” Then she let go of his ear and slipped her arms around him, pulling him close and kissing him.”

  “I love you.”

  “No, no, no. That will not serve you. I await your description of your betrothed.”

  “You are much like that sword. Dazzling to behold . . . with or without those clothes” he said with a wolfish grin. He kissed her again then asked, “Tell me about your insignia.”

  “A rose for my name and the sword I shall carry in service to the Order. From this point forward Dazzle and Rose will be forever linked.”

  “Very poetic. And how did you come to conceive of Dazzle?”

  “In a dream.”

  “Really? Do tell.” For Aeriannians, dreams are taken very seriously. But interpreting them can be extremely difficult; messages are often hidden within riddles.

  “It was very strange. It seemed to be a dream about a dream. In it, I was standing as I did today, with Storm at my back. A young girl whose face I cannot recall was talking to me in her dream. She said ‘Dazzle, I will help you save Aerianna’. I could see into her mind and there was a shimmering crystal mountain and I knew that to help me, she had to find that mountain.”

  “How very strange. Why did she call you Dazzle?”

  “I cannot say but I am certain – no, I was certain – that she was addressing me. The next morning when I woke, I decided that perhaps the young girl was me and that to save Aerianna, as a Knight Guardian might be called on to do, I needed a crystal of exquisite beauty . . . one that dazzled the eye. It seemed logical at the time that a sword as I had created would fulfill the requirements’ of that dream. But now . . .”

  “Now you are not so sure?”

  “More than that. I now think I was wrong. Very wrong.”

  “It worries you?”

  “It frightens me in a way that I cannot comprehend . . .”

  He waited, as her mind seemed to be replaying the memories of that dream. After a moment, he urged her to continue with “And . . .”

  “And I realize now that I completely forgot another message - one equally obscure though not from a dream. Years ago Storm and I went to visit The Myst Tree.”

  “Did you?” This revelation surprised him. He didn’t think there was anything of significance in their lives that the two of them had not shared with each other.

  “I was only ten or so and after the excitement of our visit wore off, I completely put it out of mind.”

  “Too many adventures to distract you, too much trouble to get into, I presume?” he said with a smile of understanding.

  She returned the smile briefly then turned serious. “The Tree told me to…what were its words . . . something like ‘It is essential that you pursue that which you desire. Those that once gave you flight will give flight to your dreams. But time also flies and that works against you until it works for you.”

  “Why had you gone to Sighing Whorl?”

  “I went to see the Tree because I wanted to be able to fly. When I was ten, I had Ven’trrr build me wings so I could glide from Q’umulus to the ground below. He is the one that once gave me flight.”

  “Do you now understand the Tree’s message?”

  “Perhaps Ven’trrr can fulfill my fantasy and allow me to fly once more. But I cannot see the whole of what it was trying to convey.”

  “I think that you and Storm need to visit our illustrious scientist.”

  “Will you not join us?”

  “No, my love. I was neither at Sighing Whorl nor part of your dream.”

  Chapter 8 - Mobius

  Two years later

  “Congratulations, Your Highness.”

  “Thank you, my friend. It seems I have been waiting half my life for this.”

  “Rumor has it that the Prince declared his love for you at your coming-of-age party.”

  “Indeed he did.”

  “Now that you are officially betrothed, have you set the date for the nuptials?”

  “Alas, it will not be until the end of the year. Perhaps you could build me a time thingy (and she smiled at her own silliness at using the term she had coined for the space portal so many years before) that will make the days fly by.”

  “I will give it some thought,” he teased. “As to your original request, we have now reconsidered our approach. My team is designing a – well, for the want of a better term – a flying suit. It will be made of spun crystal to insure comfort. The issue we are struggling with is how to supply the suit with sufficient power to achieve and maintain flight.”

  “It has been two years . . .”

  “I know. And I apologize. But we do our best.”

  “I know you do. However, as I shared with you when I made the request, I feel certain that time grows short.”

  “Yes, so you have said. However, you have not shared the cause of your concern nor how the suit will mitigate the problem.”

  “I can only say it was a cautionary warning from the Myst Tree.”

  “Oh. Oh, my.” Ven’trrr had turned a shade whiter at that information. “We will redouble our efforts.”

  “Thank you.”


  It was a week later and Rose, Z’kkk and Storm had just returned from Se’rene. The Princess had thrown her first formal party now that her mother would allow her to hold them unchaperoned.

  “Are you going to see her again?”

  “See who?”

  “Storm, you know very well who. You couldn’t keep your eyes off her the whole night.”

  “If you are referring to Elle‘Lenore, I simply found her clever and witty.”

  “I am no expert on dragon beauty, but I do believe she was particularly attractive,” chided Z’kkk.

  “She did have a certain . . . something,” admitted the dragon reluctantly.

  “Oh, you men are all alike. Just say it. She is the best looking woman you have ever met, more than your equal in intelligence and you are head over talons in love with her.”

  “I beg your pardon,” said Z’kkk with feigned indignation. “I believe I did just that.”

  Rose smiled. “So you did.”

  Before this conversation could deteriorate any further, the trio was interrupted by T’eel who had just approached.

  “Have you heard the news?” she asked breathlessly.

  “What news?” For no reason that she could identify, the hairs on Rose’s arms stood up. It was like a premonition of some evil that was about to befall them.

  “A ship has landed.”

  “What kind of ship?”

  “From space.”


  “That’s all I know. They took the pilot to see your father.”

  “Let’s go” Rose said to her companions.

  “Go where?”

  “To see this space man.”


  His name was Mobius. He came from the only other planet in the solar system that the inhabitants of that world called Kallous.

  Whereas the humans of Aerianna stood about six feet tall, Mobius was closer to seven feet. And while the humans of Aerianna came in any number of bright skin pigments, Mobius’ skin was a sickly color with a face festooned with chaotic green designs.

  And though it was a shallow response and unworthy of the Princess, she th
ought he was hideous to look upon . . .

  First impressions may sometimes be deceiving but not in this instance. After gazing into his evil eyes, she knew instinctively that he was someone vile by nature, utterly treacherous and incalculably dangerous. She felt an icy grip squeeze her heart and a primal fear swell in her soul.

  “Daughter, I would like you to meet Mobius. Sir, my eldest daughter, the Princess Rose’Alynnia.”

  “Princess” he said with a very deep voice that bespoke a man who was used to absolute authority and command of everyone he considered his inferior. That, of course, would be everyone.


  “The good Mobius comes to us from Kallous. He escaped political persecution and fled to Aerianna, the only world his ship could reach.”

  “And why were you being persecuted if I may ask?”

  “Rose, please, he only just arrived. Let the poor man recover from his arduous journey.”

  “Thank you, Sire, but I would be pleased to answer the Princess.” But as he spoke, the strangest thing happened to Rose. She heard his voice inside her head. It was telling her that he was honorable and trustworthy and not to fear him for he meant no harm to anyone on the planet.”

  When Mobius finished speaking, the voice in her head also stopped.

  Dazed, Rose didn’t hear her father.

  “Daughter . . .” he repeated. “Are you ill?”

  “No” she answered tentatively. “Actually, perhaps I should lie down. Please excuse me” and without waiting for approval she spun around and left the room.

  “I apologize for my daughter. She can be a bit unpredictable.”

  “She is very young and we elder statesmen must allow for the whimsy of youth.”

  The King laughed appreciatively. “So, where were we before Rose came in?”

  “You were telling me of the wondrous gift from the Old Ones . . .”

  “Ah, yes. The Crystal Egg is the embodiment of a science that we poor Aeriannians are hundreds of years away from understanding. With a mere thought, I can do virtually anything. Would you care for a demonstration?” M’earth was showing off . . . something so very much out of character.

  When he had first been awarded the Egg, the King and all of the Royals were eager to test out its power. His advisors even convinced him to take a tour of all the towns and cities and demonstrate to the people what a extraordinary gift they now had. This went on for the better part of a year.

  Then one night M’earth had the briefest of dreams. . .


  “Yes? Oh, my. Myst Tree . . . this is an honor.”

  “The time for frivolity must end.”

  “Frivolity? Oh . . . you mean the demonstrations with the Crystal Egg.”

  But as quickly as it came, the Myst Tree was gone. The next day M’earth declared an end to the carnival-like tour. In its place, he instituted a yearly festival he named Mystivus to honor the Myst Tree, the Old Ones and the gift of the Crystal Egg.

  “I must confess that I am more than a little curious.”

  “Well, of course you are. What would you have me do?”

  “I am at a loss. Perhaps you could suggest something?”

  “Certainly. Shall I create a rose, the flower for which my daughter is named?”


  The good King smiled, held out his hand and a moment later a beautiful flower materialized literally out of thin air . . .

  Mobius’ evil eyes virtually lit up. “Most impressive. May I?” and he held out his hand.

  The King gave him the rose. “That is but a trifle. The real value to my people has been the elimination of war, famine and natural disasters. We are so grateful for this gift.”

  Mobius stared at the flower for a moment longer. “If I may impose once more on your hospitality, I would very much like to see the Egg.”

  M’earth chuckled. “I am sorry. Only members of the Counsel of Equals and the Knight Guardians can enter the presence of the Crystal Egg.”

  “Of course. No apologies are necessary.” But into the ensuing silence, Mobius spoke into the King’s mind “You value my friendship and wisdom. Grant me a royal title and elevate me to the Counsel of Equals.”

  To M’earth, those ideas seemed like his own. “Perhaps there is something I can do.”


  She was both mystified and horrified.

  Of all the people that had so far met Mobius, none had anything negative to say about the man.

  “Z’kkk, did you not feel the evil?”

  “Rose, my love, you are being silly. The man is extraordinary and I look forward to discussing the politics of his home world.”

  Later with Storm, she asked the same question.

  “Evil? No. I sensed nothing evil or sinister about him. However, now that you mention it, something seemed a little amiss. But it’s probably just my imagination.”

  By far, the worst conversation was with her father.

  “Were you not mesmerized by his oratory skills; by his command of the machinations of government? I for one will be glad when he is sworn in as a member of the Council of Equals. His advice will be most welcome.”

  “You cannot,” said his daughter shocked by the idea of giving Mobius privileged access to the ruling body of Aerianna.

  “Of course I can. I am the King.”

  “Father, he must not be allowed into your inner circle of advisors.”

  “Why in all the world not?”

  “He is evil.”

  “Rose, he may be ugly – do not repeat that – but he is anything but evil. He simply radiates confidence and good fellowship.”

  She tried her best to argue, to tell him of the voice she had heard in her head, but to no avail.

  “Rose, the strains of your coming nuptials is beginning to show,” he said chauvinistically. “Take that fiancé of yours and spend some time at Se’rene.”

  “But . . .”

  “Do not argue. Do as I ask.”

  Which, of course, she didn’t. Instead, she had Storm fly her to the Myst Tree but she was denied access into Sighing Whorl.

  “Why won’t he see me?”

  “I’m just a dumb dragon. How would I know what goes on in the mind – or the branches – of a talking tree.”

  “Storm, you have to believe me about Mobius. I just know he was the one the Tree was warning us about the last time we were here.”

  “What are you talking about? The Tree didn’t say anything about Mobius or anyone.”

  “He said the next time we met it wouldn’t be a joyous occasion. He said that time was working against us. Well, against us until it works for us, whatever that means.”

  “That seems like a stretch to think he was talking about Mobius.”

  “He was warning us that something bad was coming, that much is clear. One look at that monster and you know it has to be him. Think about it. I heard Mobius’ voice in my head. That’s just not normal.”

  “No” agreed her friend “that’s just weird.”

  “Somehow he can project his thoughts into other people’s mind; to convince them that he is not what he really is. They’re all so excited about a visitor from another planet and they want to believe only the best about him. He has the ability to use those feelings to overcome their common sense. It’s a kind of mind control.”

  “Never heard of such a thing.”

  “That’s because it never existed until he showed up.”

  “So what now?”

  “Let’s talk to Ven’trrr. Maybe he can build a thingy that can detect if Mobius is actually doing what we think he’s doing.”

  “You can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “Ven’trrr would need your father’s permission to do something like that. And M’earth would never allow it.”

  Rose’s shoulders slumped in defeat. “So what should we do?”

  “Let’s wait and see what happens. When the time comes – if it comes – we’ll do what
we can to make things right.”


  It was the very next meeting of the Council of Equals. Sitting around a triangular table were the representatives of the three races. M’earth, King of Aerianna, Rose, heir to the Throne and Z’kkk, her fiancé represented Humans. S’eeee and E’ssss, King and Queen of the Serpents were joined by N’ssss, their eldest son. Dragons were represented by F’Aerianne and by Prince Storm. When the Rainbow Queen had achieved her goal of manipulating Rose and Storm into being best friends, he had been elevated to the Council.

  “Today, we will be joined by our friend from Kallous, Lord Mobius.” The noble title had been bestowed on him by M’earth soon after his demonstration with the rose. He had thought it was his own idea but, of course, it wasn’t. “Without objections, I have asked that he be seated as a member of this Council.”

  “Father . . .”

  “Daughter, we have had this discussion. I will hear no more from you. Does anyone else have something to say?”

  “Your Majesty . . .” started Storm.

  “Silence.” commanded F’Aerianne. “Dragons, my Liege, have no objections.”

  “Nor do Serpents” added E’ssss.

  “Then so be it. Show in Lord Mobius” and an Imperial Sentinel saluted, turned and walked out to fetch the man.

  Mobius strode into the chamber as if he owned it. He nodded slightly to the Council then turned to M’earth. “I am here to serve at your pleasure, my King.”

  “Excellent. Please take a seat on my right.” It was the place of honor.

  “As you command.”

  Though Rose was on edge the whole time, the meeting proceeded without incident. At the conclusion, everyone began to leave. Mobius took the opportunity to talk to the one person he had been unable to win over.

  “Princess, if I may have a moment of your time.”

  “I think not, sir.”

  “If now is inconvenient, perhaps later?”

  Z’kkk leaned over and whispered to Rose “My love, the man is a member of this high council. Surely you can spare a moment.”

  She fought the urge to whack her fiancé on the head in the hope of knocking some sense into it. Instead she said, “Of course. Lord Mobius, please” and she pointed to the empty seat next to her.


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