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A Dozen Dates

Page 5

by Mitchell, Missy

  “I guess not,” confirmed Nathan. They were both taken aback by the authority in her voice – in her profession she was confident and they could tell she would fare well when dealing with future clients.

  “This tree, here, has been abused and lopped in all the wrong places,” said Gemma, patting the tired looking Eucalypt along the back fence line. It has to go... Actually, most of these plants have to go, but I will need help with this one. You will have to either call in a professional; else you can attempt it yourselves, but being that it is next to a fence...”

  “We’ll do it!” the brothers answered together, smiling.

  “Okay...” Gemma conceded, smiling at their adventurous enthusiasm.

  “Now the back patio..?” Gemma asked.

  “Exposed aggregate like the driveway...” claimed Michael.

  “Okay... Well, I’m just going to take a few more measurements... of the drive way, and clothes line area, etcetera... Then I will start working on a design.” Gemma smiled, “Tropical is okay, isn’t it? I thought, with having the pool and being so close to the beach... And it’s low maintenance.”

  “Tropical is perfect,” Michael assured her.

  “Yep,” agreed Nathan.

  “Good,” said Gemma and she grinned and looked down shyly, pleased they were happy with her decision and very excited in general about her new assignment – her first assignment!

  Gemma finished her measuring mission and went and washed her hands, sat in the cool on the patio where the boys had erected a large beach umbrella over the table and opened her laptop. She opened her landscaping program and began drawing their yard, including the house and the fences. She started adding the drive-way and the rectangle for the clothes line and was adding in the back patio when Michael came out.

  “Time for lunch..!” he declared, “Whatcha working on?”

  “Just adding in the patio...”

  Gemma told him. Michael looked over her shoulder, “Interesting program...”

  “Yeah, it’s great! Of course at college we usually do it all with pencil and paper, but we are taught to use this too. This program was one of the first things I purchased...” Gemma explained proudly.

  Michael placed his own laptop on the table, but moved his chair around and sat down beside Gemma so he could watch her work. He gazed mesmerised as she recreated the bean shape of the swimming pool in its correct position.

  Gemma could feel the warmth emanating from him and she couldn’t help but look out from the corner of her eye and check out his bare chest. Even covered in plaster dust he was hot. She wanted to touch him – sponge-bath his dusty physique even... Gemma’s chest began to rise and fall as she became restless in his proximal presence. Just then Nathan came out with three coffees before departing again and returning with three plates of chicken, coleslaw and potato salad.

  “Oh, thank you...” said Gemma, “I wasn’t expect... You didn’t have to...” She closed her laptop and Michael placed it towards the back of the table near his.

  “I didn’t...” Nathan grinned at her, “My fiancé did – I just put it on the plates!”

  “What is her name?” Gemma asked, grateful for the lunch and the distraction from Michael.

  “Miranda...” Nathan told her, “You met her at the party!”

  “Oh, did I?” Gemma asked, perilously concerned about which of her incredible conversations she shared with Nathan’s fiancé.

  Nathan chuckled lightly at her expression and offered, “Don’t fret... She liked you!”

  “Oh,” Gemma said as she smiled, “That’s a relief.” She and Michael chuckled too.

  “You will see her here one day, I’m sure. Just depends what days she has off... She does shift work in an aged care facility and her hours vary from fortnight to fortnight,” Nathan informed her.

  The three of them sat and ate lunch and talked. Gemma thoroughly enjoyed their company – they were bright and cheerful, yet hardworking and competent; and then after lunch, she insisted on cleaning up, while Michael made them all a second cup of coffee.

  “I’m going to take mine inside, I want to get that other doorway finished,” Nathan asserted, adamant about getting the front of the house secure before nightfall.

  “Okay, I will be in shortly – after my coffee,” Michael told him.

  “Take your time...” Nathan said.

  Michael opened his lap-top and logged into his messenger account? “Do you have messenger?” he asked Gemma.

  “Yes, I do...” she replied.

  “What is your address?” he inquired and Gemma gave it to him. He was silent for a minute and then informed her, “Okay, I’ve sent you an invite.” Michael paused, “You want to hop on and accept it..?”

  Gemma logged into her messenger account and accepted Michael as a contact and then Michael began chatting with her, and like she was swept away, she began chatting back.

  “Would you like to see a movie tonight?” Michael suddenly threw into the conversation.

  “You took me out only just last night...” Gemma wrote back.

  “Yes, but it is Tuesday. Movies are cheap today!” Michael pointed out.

  “Are you saying I’m cheap?” Gemma flirted and Michael grinned.

  “Only if you date me tonight on cheap Tuesday,” Michael flirted back.

  “I don’t know what to say to that.”

  “Say yes.”

  “I’m right here you know,” Gemma said out loud, but Michael just continued typing, and then she had her attention demanded by a buzzing sound coming from her laptop.

  “Shhhhhhhhh! You’re hurting my ears,” Michael wrote her.

  Gemma typed back, “I can’t believe you buzzed me.”

  “Is that a yes?” Michael typed.

  “You’re an idiot,” Gemma wrote back.

  “Well, I don’t do chick flicks. Sorry. So would you prefer Action or Comedy???”

  Gemma replied, “I like Action!”

  “Excellent choice,” Michael affirmed and he went on to list the names of the movies screening in the Action genre.

  “You pick.”

  “Ok,” Michael agreed and he chose a movie. “I will pick you up at six o’clock.”


  “It’s a cheap date then!” Michael suggested in text and Gemma made a scoffing noise aloud. Michael looked up at her and was grinning when suddenly he was alerted by a buzzing noise resonating from his laptop.

  “Look at me while I’m talking to you,” demanded Gemma as she pretended that Michael was ignoring her when he looked away from his laptop. They were both grinning.

  “I can’t believe you buzzed me,” Michael wrote back to her.

  “C U 2night. GTG,” Gemma concluded before logging out of her account. “Great... Another date...” she thought to herself, “How did that happen?”

  Gemma continued working on her plan until afternoon tea time when Michael brought her another coffee.

  “How’s it going out here?”

  “Good! I’ve finished the plan... I’ve worked out a schedule. Now I’m listing contacts for businesses I need to get quotes from,” she turned to him and asked “Would you like to see the plan?”

  “Yeah, I’d love to!” Michael replied and he took a seat next to Gemma and leant in and, both to her pleasure and distraction, invaded her personal space.

  Gemma brought up her completed plan and ran through it with Michael. “Wow, that’s really good. We had no idea what to do in the yard... We probably would have ended up just laying lawn...”

  “Well, I should have the final costing after I contact the suppliers and negotiate the best prices... I will have to visit the nurseries so I can see what they have and get some quotes. But I will be within budget!” Gemma reassured him.

  “Well, make those calls from here...” Michael insisted and then he stood up and called inside for Nathan. “Do you want to show Nathan the plan..?”

  Nathan came out and Gemma proudly went through her plan again. “Wo
w! That’s a lot better than what we had planned... And you can do this within budget?”

  “Yes, I will get started immediately – I will be back on Thursday, then I can save money by planting smaller plants and they will have time to grow and establish. In fact, I will get all the plants as soon as possible, and those which are for along the edges of the areas you are having concreted in the exposed aggregate, I can just look after in pots for a couple of weeks.”

  “Well, you better knock off shortly... I hear you’ve got a hot date tonight,” Michael claimed, raising his eyebrows and trying to look sophisticated.

  Gemma laughed at him, “You really are an idiot...” Michael smirked at her flirtatiously as she packed her knapsack and gardening belt, ready to go.

  “Why don’t you leave your tools here... Unless you need them for college..?”

  “No, I don’t need them – that is a good Idea,” Gemma said as she got up and collected only her laptop and knapsack.

  “Hey! Do you want to go for a swim before you leave?” Michael asked her.

  “I’d love to, but I don’t have my swimmers with me...” Gemma replied.

  “Well, from now on bring them...” Michael said before removing his boots and socks, walking the few paces to the pool’s edge and making a clownish splash into the water, submerging and coming up clean of dust.

  “I will!” Gemma agreed, trying not to stare at him as the sunlight sparkled on the trickles of water as they left glistening trails down his face and upper chest, the vision rendering her moderately breathless. Oh, this was going to be a long night... “I have to go now.”

  “Pick you up at six!” he called after her, smiling and pleased with himself for securing another night out with this captivating young woman.

  “Okay,” she agreed; her trepidation evident in her voice.

  Gemma decided to wear jeans and a feminine, seventies look, bone-coloured, flowing cotton blouse with brightly coloured embroidery and smocking on the upper parts of the bodice. She looked in the mirror – she was really starting not to like that ebony under-section of hair – it didn’t go with most of her clothes... and she decided that she was going to have to do something about it! She put on some dangly tribal looking earrings, a similarly styled choker and finally her brown leather sandals. Michael honked for her at six o’clock and they drove to the cinemas.

  The first thing Michael did when they sat down was lift the armrest which separated them, creating what he called a “Love Seat,” and Gemma began to feel awkward again... She took a sip of her cola and then placed it in the cup holder in armrest on her other side. Michael did the same and then he asked her while holding out the bucket, “Popcorn?”

  Gemma took a small handful, “Thank you.” She sat back, then as the previews were playing, she felt Michael’s hand slide across her shoulders and start lightly stroking her arm. The move happened so naturally but it inflamed Gemma’s senses and to her embarrassment she began to twitch in pleasure. She froze urgently in an attempt to disguise her reactions, forcing her breathing to become deep and precariously controlled.

  Michael smiled at her bashfulness and assured her, “You don’t have to be nervous...”

  “Huh?” Gemma exclaimed.

  “It’s only our second date...” he illuminated with a grin and her heart began to race with foreboding.

  “Huh?” Gemma looked at him, edgy, but still bewildered.

  “Well, technically it’s our third, but it is date number two...” Michael enlightened her nonchalantly.

  “What are you talking about?” Gemma whispered, paranoid of other people around her hearing, even though the cinema wasn’t crowded, and nobody was in direct earshot.

  Michael leaned in, and Gemma could feel the warmth of his breath as he whispered, “This is date number two... I wouldn’t think I would try and feel your boobs until date... say number five.” Gemma eyes widened and she gasped in surprise as she looked around to see if anybody might have heard. Michael snickered at her panic before adding, “Date number two... this date, will probably only involve me putting my arm around you and giving you a good night kiss,” then he looked down at her lips, “and maybe a little kiss... now.”

  Michael half turned his body and Gemma watched as he subconsciously licked his own lips while he looked at hers. Her inconstant breaths became pants and her own lips parted as her head fell slightly back, submissive to his play. He leaned in and Gemma felt his lips as they barely touched hers – teasing her. She could feel his warm moist breath on her mouth and feel the wetness and softness of his lips as they bumped hers. She could smell his buttered popcorn breath and his mild aftershave... Her gut started to tie in knots and her chest began to heave in anticipation. She tried to relax and conceal her wanton desires but before she knew it her body betrayed her and a moan rose up out of her... It was from somewhere deep inside and it was raw, and although her own, the noise startled her. But this time Gemma didn’t panic, instead her primal impulses took over and she tenderly wrapped her voluptuous lips around Michael’s and began kissing him. Michael sighed in what sounded like pleasure, and Gemma finally felt delivered when his mouth joined hers in a brief, but very intense kiss.

  When they pulled away from each other it was with regret on both sides. Michael closed his eyes and turned away and started whispering, reminding himself, “Date number two; date number two; date number two...” Then he tightened his arm around her and pulled her closely into him, altering her centre of gravity and leaving her no choice but lean against him for stability.

  Gemma too, turned to the screen and tried to ignore his masculine scent. He felt so good, supporting her and she rested her head against him. She listened to his heart thump its rapid tune and she smiled to herself – had she caused that up-tempo beat..? She hoped so... But in the end, his heart beat, though comforting, was distracting so she raised her head slightly and subconsciously and naturally slipped her hand along his jeans clad thigh to help support her toppled angle.

  Instantly she heard Michael repeating again, “Date number two; date number two; date number two... Oh boy... This is going to be a long night.” He leant in and started planting little nibbling kisses on her neck, groaning quietly in pain as he did so, and Gemma began to break out in goose bumps and she once again struggled for reason under his enchanting spell.

  Thank goodness the movie was commencing... “Michael, look, it’s starting...” she informed him. Michael regained his composure and faced forward, and for the next hour and a half they allowed the movie to entertain them, Gemma enclosed in her companion’s warm, protective arm.

  After the movie Michael took Gemma’s hand and led her to the aromatic coffee shop. “What would you like?” he asked her.

  “I’m paying for the coffee,” Gemma adamantly told him.

  “I’ll get it...” he said.

  “You paid for the movie... I’ll get the coffee.”

  “But I asked you out, so I will get the coffee,” Michael insisted.

  “You paid for the movie and dinner last night... I promise you, I am paying for the coffee,” Gemma was obdurate in her tone and her expression and Michael conceded.

  “I feel like a loser now,” he claimed and Gemma smiled.

  “You are a loser,” she quietly informed him.

  “You be quiet Missy or I will start nibbling at your neck again...” Michael threatened in a low and husky voice.

  “You can’t...” Gemma claimed with an air of confidence.

  “Oh, I can...” Michael assured her.

  “It’s only date number two... You can’t!” Gemma explained and then she snickered.

  Michael stood up straight and glared, impressed, yet staggered by her savvy manner. She met his accusing eyes briefly and then faced the front, a moment before feeling a firm smack on her bottom. Gemma gasped again, her eyes excited, but not wanting to push her luck she restrained herself from turning around or saying anything, instead just moving forward with dignity and ordering the co

  “Well, I get to carry it...” declared Michael as he reached over and collected the coffees from the counter, and directed Gemma to a table in the corner of the busy shop. They sat down and talked for a while, laughed, and just spent time getting to know each better.

  “So what was it like being home schooled?” Michael asked her, generally fascinated by the whole alien concept.

  “Compared to what?” Gemma asked, taking a sip of her coffee. “It’s actually hard to compare when it is all you have known... But I think in some ways it would be better because you get very personal attention – if there is an area in which you need help, you get it. And if something was particularly easy, you can whip through it and get out early.”

  “So you can set your own pace..?”

  “Within general parameters,” Gemma paused, “But the social side was kind of lacking... In my later years a governess came and all the kids on the station were schooled together in a small classroom, but I was well into high school by then and tended to spend a lot of time working alone anyway.”

  “Do you like college?” Michael asked her.

  “Yes! It was really scary at first, but so exciting. I still get a buzz when I go!”

  “What did you do between finishing school and moving here?” Michael asked, moving his coffee under his nose and enjoying its fragrance.

  Gemma smiled, “I was nanny/housekeeper for the station owners... They had two toddlers – James and William.., and a newborn - Caitlyn... They are a lovely family - they have known me most of my life. They knew what I really wanted to do and that I was just putting money away for my course and when I moved – when my parents were ready for me to move.” Gemma grinned.

  “So were they ready..?” Michael inquired.

  “Well, I’m twenty... They are happy for me. We ring and send e-mails all the time.”

  “So was that idiot from the party your first boyfriend?” Michael inquired.


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