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Nolan Trilogy

Page 23

by Selena Kitt

  “Oh God,” she moaned, feeling his knee between hers, wrapping her arms around his neck and feeling him hard against her hip. “I can’t stand it anymore. I want you so much, all the time.”

  “I know, I know,” he panted, nuzzling her throat.

  “I’m dizzy,” she whispered, clinging to him. The whole park was spinning like she’d taken a ride on the Tilt-o-Whirl. “Oh God… no… no...”

  “Leah?” He reacted without thinking, grabbing her hair as she threw herself sideways, vomiting what was left of the pronto pups and ice cream and cotton candy. He held her trembling body as she emptied her stomach, using a napkin from his trouser pocket to wipe her mouth.

  “Ugh, I’m so sorry.” She was mortified, turning away from him and hiding her face.

  “It’s all right,” he soothed, coming up behind her. The Kewpie doll appeared in front of her, waving back and forth. “Looks like you missed her.”

  “I don’t know what happened.” She shivered.

  He laughed. “Too much carnival food. It’s no wonder.”

  “We better go meet Erica on the carousel.” Leah turned in his arms, pressing her ruddy cheek to his t-shirt and letting him hold her. She hardly ever saw him in jeans and a t-shirt and she found it rather exciting, in spite of the nausea.

  “You okay to walk?”

  “I’m fine.”

  By the time they reached the carousel at the other side of the park, Leah really was feeling fine again. Hungry, in fact, considering everything she’d eaten had ended up in the alleyway. Rob laughed when she told him, but he bought her a Vernors, with its infamous little bearded troll on the bottle—“It will calm your stomach”—and agreed to go with her on the carousel, in spite of his own misgivings.

  “You’re sure?” he asked, linking his fingers and holding his hands out low so she could use it as a stirrup up onto a golden cat holding a caught fish in its mouth.

  “Come on!”

  She reached over, slapping the matching carousel animal beside her. The music started as he swung his leg over, the lights flashing over their heads. Leah laughed, waving over at him with her Kewpie doll as they rose and fell with each turn, up and down, round and round. She couldn’t take her eyes off him, his delighted smile, the wolfish flash in his eyes when she sat up tall in the stirrups, reaching for the brass ring.

  When the ride was over, he swung her down into his arms and kissed her. She stiffened, shocked, but she let him, laughing as he hugged her so tight she could barely breathe, burying his face in her neck. It was a brief moment, but it left her reeling as they hopped off the carousel, finding Erica and Bobby kissing by the entrance.

  “Oh hi.” Erica wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, grinning at them a little sheepishly.

  “Hi.” Leah glared coldly at Bobby, not anywhere near ready to forgive him for hurting her friend, although Erica didn’t seem to be having the same qualms.

  “We were going to head over to ride the roller coaster,” Bobby told them.

  Leah felt Rob’s presence behind her. She glanced back at him. “I wanted to go to the fun house.”

  “Want to meet later for dinner?” Erica suggested. “Say six? Would that be okay, Daddy?”

  Rob hesitated. Leah could feel it, and she knew what Erica was doing. Of course he wanted to be alone with Leah, but he didn’t want Bobby alone with his daughter either. Finally, he relented.

  “Meet us at the bandstand at six!” Mr. Nolan called as Erica and Bobby took off running again.

  “Kids these days.” Leah crossed her arms and shook her head, looking up at him. They both cracked up.

  “Do you think she knows?” Leah whispered.

  “Who?” He glanced down at her. “Sister Frances?”

  Leah shook her head, thinking about her mother now that their trip to Edgewater was almost over and they were supposed to go home after the Boblo cruise the next day. She looked past him to where Sister Frances was praying silently, eyes closed, fingers moving over her rosary beads.

  “She thanked me, you know,” he whispered into her ear, his hand sliding down the back of her dungarees—all the girls were wearing dungarees for the amusement park rides, too afraid of what might happen in a skirt—and tugging at her panties, pulling them taut between her cheeks. The crotch hugged her mound and made her shiver. “Said she wouldn’t know what she would do without me here to keep an eye on all of the girls.”

  “You’re a bad man,” Leah whispered, waving to Erica. She was sitting up front in the boat because she and Bobby wanted to get completely soaked. They, on the other hand, were at the back, and Leah was hoping not to get too wet—although from the way her body was responding to the gentle tug of her panties, she was probably going to lose that battle.

  “But doesn’t it feel good?” He drew her panties up a little tighter, beginning a rhythmic tug.

  Swallowing, she looked up at him, biting her lip. Her sex was swollen and she knew she was soaked. They’d been teasing each other all day and now, as the sun was starting to set and they were on their very last ride, the anticipation of going back to the hotel was almost too much.

  She glanced down at his crotch, aching to touch him, knowing he must be hard for her, but with Sister Frances sitting right on the other side of him, she didn’t dare. His hand, tucked behind her, was obscured from view as he hugged her mound with the damp twist of her panties. The material was slowly being wedged between her wet lips.

  “Oh!” She bit her lip when he took up a little more of the slack and her panties bunched up tight, rubbing right against her hot little button. He smiled, giving a satisfied tug, making Leah close her eyes for a moment with the anticipation of it.

  “Don’t be afraid, child.” Sister Frances reached over and patted Leah’s knee. She opened her eyes to look at her as Rob resumed his rhythmic pulling. “The Lord will watch over us.”

  “Yes.” Leah wiggled in her seat, the gentle heat and friction of her panties making her feel eager and excited. “Thank you, Sister.”

  “Although we may get a little wet, I’m afraid!” Rob smiled.

  “Will we get very wet?” Sister Frances’s eyes grew wide.

  Leah muffled a moan. “Very wet,” she whispered. Rob tugged faster, making her squirm in her seat.

  “I’m afraid so.” He patted Sister Frances’s hand. “But it won’t last too long. The brochure said the ride down is one-point-three seconds.”

  “Maybe less.” Leah shifted her hip to touch his, biting her lip and looking up at him through half-closed eyes. She knew they must be dazed with desire and she was glad there was no one sitting on the other side of her because she couldn’t stop wiggling.

  “It creates a huge wave.” Rob talked as the boat neared the very top of the ramp. “And it sends us down at about a fifty degree angle.”

  Leah grabbed his thigh, biting her lip as he made her panties rub faster between her lips. Her nipples were hard and poking through her t-shirt and she saw him looking. Her whole sex felt filled with blood, tension building, and she couldn’t believe it, but she was very close to climax.

  “Well!” Sister Frances covered her eyes with one hand. “At least it isn’t forty days and forty nights.”

  “Are you ready?” Rob asked. The friction between her legs was almost intolerable as her panties slipped through her wetness. “Here we go...”

  “Yes!” Leah moaned, burying her face against his chest. “Here it comes!”

  Then they were falling, and she heard Sister Frances screeching, and she jerked in her seat, her sex on fire as she started to come, clutching him. He leaned in to shield her with his body, shoving his hand between her legs and rubbing hard, forcing her orgasm to the point of almost painful pleasure. She screamed, wrapping her arms around his neck, just before the cold shock of the wave hit them both. They laughed as the boat rocked at the bottom, their arms wrapped around each other, and she wanted to kiss him, but knew she couldn’t.

  “Oh goodness,” Sister F
rances muttered as she wiped her face. Her wimple was soaked and water was coming off of it in sheets. “Very wet! Very, very wet.”

  “Yes.” Leah laughed, shoving hair out of her face. “Very, very wet.”

  Bobby and Erica waited for them to get off the boat.

  Erica’s eyes were shining, hair plastered to her head. “Wasn’t that the most fun you’ve ever had?”

  “Almost...” Leah glanced up at Rob. Her sex was still pulsing with her climax and she was glad everyone was soaked, because she was sure there would be a wet spot on the crotch of her dungarees otherwise.

  “We should go get changed,” he suggested, giving Bobby a pointed look. “Are you going back to the hotel?”

  “Yes, sir.” Bobby glanced at Erica. “Me and Buddy and two other guys are sharing a room.”

  “So we’ll see you tomorrow on the boat?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Oh joy,” Leah whispered under her breath, rolling her eyes as the two of them kissed before Bobby took off to join his friends. She felt Rob chuckle beside her.

  “Thank you again, Mr. Nolan!” Sister Frances put her hand on his arm. “You’ve been such a help today, keeping these girls out of trouble.”

  He smiled. “They’re good girls. Have a good evening, Sister Frances.”

  Leah giggled when he leaned over and whispered into her ear. “Very, very good.”

  “I think I got sunburned.” Erica adjusted the t-shirt she was wearing. “Dad, did you bring any stuff?”

  “Yep, back in the room.” He led them toward the exit.

  The hotel wasn’t far—everyone was staying at the Fort Shelby downtown, they had two whole floors booked—and Erica and Leah stripped down in the bathroom while Rob changed in the room. Leah helped Erica put Unguentine on her sunburn. It wasn’t too bad but she was so fair, it was inevitable she had burned a little bit.

  “Do you want me to go out for a while?” Erica asked as Leah smoothed aloe over her friend’s pink arms.

  “Why?” Leah played dumb as she closed the top to the aloe and put it on the counter.

  “You know why.” Erica met her eyes in the mirror and Leah flushed.

  “Erica, I don’t want...” She sighed, helping Erica put her t-shirt on and resting her chin on her shoulder. “I don’t want you to feel left out. I’m not trying to take him away or anything...”

  “It’s no big deal.” Erica shook her head. “I don’t feel like that, honest. So he’s your boyfriend. He’s still my dad.”

  “Yeah.” Leah kissed her cheek, smiling. “You’re the best friend ever.”

  “You can sleep in the same bed.” Erica turned to her. “I’m okay with it.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She nodded. “It’s either you and me in one bed, or you and him in one bed, right? It makes the most sense.”

  Leah shrugged, feeling the throb of anticipation between her legs. “I guess.”

  “Besides, you know you want to.” She grinned.

  When they went into the room, Rob was sitting on one of the beds in a pair of boxers, reading the newspaper. Erica went to the other bed and got in, curling under the covers and closing her eyes. Leah sat in the cushy chair, neutral territory, still wary of crawling into either bed.

  It was probably her sunburn making her so sleepy, but Erica started snoring within fifteen minutes. Leah kept glancing over at Mr. Nolan, but he seemed engrossed in his newspaper. She wanted him to ask her to bed, but she was afraid he wouldn’t, not with Erica there. Maybe she’d end up sleeping with her anyway, Leah thought morosely.

  She sighed, putting her leg up over the arm of the chair and glancing at him again. His eyes were on his newspaper, but the chair was angled toward him a little, and she knew he must be able to see her. With a little smile, she pulled her t-shirt up and nudged her panties aside.

  Her sex was wet and swollen, throbbing gently, and she touched the sensitive nub, rubbing it in circles before dipping her fingers down to gather some of her juices. He didn’t look at her but she saw him glance at Erica, who had rolled away from them in her sleep. Wanting a reaction, she pulled her shirt up boldly over her breasts, nipples hardening. He still didn’t respond but he shifted on the bed slightly.

  There was no ignoring how turned-on she was and she pulled her panties aside completely, exposing herself as she slipped first one finger, and then another, deep inside. Watching his face, she slowly fingered herself, imagining his hard-on. Leah saw his gaze shift to her and he shook his head a little, glancing at Erica again.

  She was rewarded when his hand moved over the crotch of his boxers though, rubbing his stiff length through them. She spread her legs a little wider, angling herself to give him a better view. He groaned softly, gaze fully on her now as she plunged her wet fingers into her flesh.

  “Do it,” she whispered, glancing at Erica and then back at him. “Stroke it for me.”

  He glanced at Erica again too, but he freed himself from his boxers and it stood pointing straight up to the ceiling, making Leah moan with wanting it. His gaze met hers for a moment as he started moving his hand up and down the shaft, but then his look fell between her legs again, watching her fingers slipping in and out.

  “Do you like watching me?” Leah whispered, sliding her other hand down to rub that little button as she fingered herself.

  “Yes,” he said hoarsely, stroking faster.

  “Don’t you want to be inside me?” she teased, fingers rubbing her mound, opening them, showing him how pink and wet she was inside. “Don’t you want to fuck me?”

  “Yes!” He groaned again, his hand shuttling up and down. She couldn’t take her eyes off his length. “Oh, God, Leah...”

  “Don’t you want to put it in here?” she whispered, sliding her fingers deep inside and spreading herself as wide as she could, pressing the walls open.

  “Oh fuck,” he snapped, glancing over at Erica. “Get over here.”

  Leah leapt from the chair and practically ran to the bed, pulling her panties and t-shirt off on the way.

  “Turn the light out,” he murmured, tossing his newspaper aside. She nodded, leaning over and hitting the switch, leaving them in the total darkness of a hotel room. They could both hear Erica’s gentle snores.

  “Suck it first,” he whispered, his hand in her hair, still wet from the ride. She moaned around his shaft as she found it in the dark, licking and sucking the head. “We’ve got to be quiet.” He guided her down his length by pressing on the back of her neck. “I don’t want to wake her.”

  Leah just nodded, unable to say anything with his stiff rod buried in her throat. She moaned when he pulled her around and onto him, fingers and tongue searching for her wetness and finding it.

  “Shh,” he said again before his lips parted hers, tongue probing through the soft folds of her flesh until he reached her center, licking there and making her shiver. He was flesh over steel in her hand and mouth as she sucked him, working her head up and down between his legs as he buried his face between her thighs. He wrapped his arms around her bottom, pulling her in tight, and she moaned again, she couldn’t help it, when he shoved two fingers deep inside.

  “Oh God,” she whispered as he fingered and licked her. She smacked the head of him against her lips and tongue. “Don’t stop, please!”

  She felt him shake his head but he didn’t answer. His only reply was to lick her faster, working his tongue back and forth, around and around. She sucked the peppery taste of him off the tip, using her tongue to spread the slippery fluid around the head, letting it mix with her saliva.

  His tongue was so good, she never wanted it to end, and his fingering her made her want him buried inside. She wanted it all, everything at once, and her hips rolled even though his hands tried to hold her still.

  “Oh yes!” she hissed, trying to hold out, wanting it to last, but his tongue sent her over, that insistent lapping and his soft groans between her legs pushing her past the point of no return. She let it go, qu
ailing on top of him and squeezing him in her fist as she came, her muscles clamping down on his fingers again and again. She heard him swallowing and knew she was wetting him—his face, his cheeks, his chin—with her juices.

  He didn’t even give her a chance to think before he flipped her onto the bed, searching for her entrance. His mouth was wet with her as they kissed, his tongue probing hard, the head of his shaft slipping into the soft wetness between her legs.

  “Oh!” Leah cried when he slid deep inside, driving her up toward the headboard, his mouth covering hers to quiet her.


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