From Gutenberg to Google
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Information warfare, 239
Ink, 33, 38
Innovation: and computers, 128, 132; and mobile phone service, 173, 179; and network effects, 23, 140, 163, 183, 218–19; and network speed, 21; and printing press, 42–43, 45, 50; and productivity, 223; and railroads, 84; and regulatory framework, 207; and Renaissance, 14; and telegraph, 89; and telephone service, 146, 148, 156
Instagram, 7
Integrated circuits, 131–32, 135
Intel Corporation, 132–33, 135
Intellectual property, 239
Intelligence: artificial, 193, 221, 226–32; and Web 3.0, 224–26, 233
Interim technologies, 50
International Business Machines (IBM), 125, 134, 227
International Data Corporation (IDC), 187
International Telecommunications Union (ITU), 216
International Telegraph Union (ITU), 204
Internet: access to, 154, 217, 218–19, 224; advertising model for, 192; and blockchain, 232–37; and citizen engagement, 204; and cyberattacks, 237–40; development of, 149–52; and education, 199, 201; IP (Internet Protocol), 3, 151, 153–55, 183; and mobile phones, 159, 166, 171; and modems, 6, 147, 148; and network architecture, 12–13, 20, 52, 183; network effects of, 222–23; and news production, 210–12; and productivity growth, 222; and TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 3, 151, 153
Internet of things (IoT), 176, 189, 225, 239
Internet Protocol (IP), 3, 151, 153–55, 183
Interstate Commerce Act (1887), 83
Interstate Commerce Commission, 83
Iran, Green Revolution in, 205
Iron production, 72
ITU (International Telecommunications Union), 216
ITU (International Telegraph Union), 204
Jackson, Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall,” 112
Jacquard, Joseph Marie, 124
James Robinson High School (Fairfax, Virginia), 199
Jobs: and artificial intelligence, 229–31; and computers, 124, 229–31; and education, 200–201; and internet access, 217; knowledge workers, 172, 196–98; network effects on, 7, 24; and printing press, 48; and railroads, 76–77; and telephone system, 142; training for, 196, 200–201, 231–32
Jobs, Steve, 134
Johnson, Cave, 99, 105–06
Journalism, 109, 209–15
Kahn, Robert, 151, 238
Kennedy, John F., 230
Kenya, mobile phone use in, 171–72
Khan, Salman, 201
Khan Academy, 201
Kingsbury, Nathan, 145
Kleiner, Eugene, 131
Knowledge workers, 172, 196–98
Kodak, 7
Krzanich, Brian, 224
Kurzweil, Ray, 226
Labor unions, 83, 199
Lafayette, Marquis de, 89–90
Larson, Earl R., 129
Last, Jay, 131
Latin language, 46
Lee, Robert E. (FCC commissioner), 163
Lee, Robert E. (General), 81
Legal system: negligence vs. strict liability, 75; and printing press, 46–47; and privacy, 191, 193; and railroads, 75–76, 83; workers’ rights, 83, 231
Leo X (pope), 29, 30, 47
Le Sage, Georges, 92
Lincoln, Abraham, 55–56, 80–81, 111–13
Linen, 37–38
Literacy, 44, 166, 170
Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 68, 70, 84
Luddites, 229
Luther, Martin, 19, 27–32, 48, 210
Machine intelligence and machine learning, 226–29, 231–32
Maddison, Angus, 20
Madison, James, 208
Mail-order catalogs, 17, 77
Malone, Thomas, 195
Management systems, 73–74, 194–99
Manifest Destiny, 56
Manufacturing industry, 230
Marconi, Guglielmo, 160
Marginal costs, 183
Martin, Albro, 78
Mass media: printing press as change agent for, 15, 45; telegraph’s impact on, 15, 108–11. See also News production and presentation
Mathematics, 85, 118–19, 121, 123, 128
Mauchly, John, 127–29
Maxwell, James Clerk, 159
McCarthy, John, 226
McDowell, Irvin, 112
McDuffie, George, 106
McGowan, Bill, 154
MCI, 154
Memory: in Babbage’s difference engine, 85, 123; and computer development, 120, 126, 128–29, 132–33; dynamic random access memory (DRAM), 132–33; random access memory (RAM), 122–23, 132–33
Mexico City, cellular phone service in, 163
Micropayments, 236
Microprocessors, 123, 126, 132–33
Microsoft, 134, 183
Middle class, 50, 195
Millard, Nicola, 195
Milwaukee, commodity exchange in, 109
Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad, 77
Minot, Charles, 87–88, 109
Mississippi River, 62
Mobile phone systems, 157–77; access to, 215, 216–17; authority structures altered by, 173–76, 205; cyberattacks against, 237, 239; data transmission via, 166–67; development of, 159–64; future of, 176–77; networks for, 165, 167, 170–71, 183, 205; societal impact of, 168–73
Mobile Telephone Service (MTS), 161
Modems, 6, 147–48
Monopoly power, 82, 144–45, 149, 162, 164
Monroe, James, 89
Montgomery Ward, 17, 77
Moore, Gordon, 5, 131–33, 135
Moore’s law, 5–6, 135, 176, 223–24
Morse, Lucretia, 90
Morse, Samuel, 16, 51–52, 89–106, 108, 112–13, 141, 219
M-PESA payment program (Kenya), 171–72
MTS (Mobile Telephone Service), 161
Murdoch, Rupert, 4
Music industry, 236
Napoleon Bonaparte, 93
National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry, 82–83
Negligence, 75
Nessen, Ron, 212
Netflix, 223
Network architecture: artificial neural networks, 228; binary signaling and, 3, 138–41; cellular networks, 162–64, 174; and internet, 12–13, 20, 52, 183; neural networks, 227–28; and printing press, 50; and telegraph, 17–23, 167, 185; and telephone system, 11, 23, 148, 156, 159; typologies, 11–13. See also Distributed networks
Network effects: on economic growth, 15, 21, 187, 200, 202, 207; on innovation, 23, 140, 163, 183, 218–19; of Internet, 222–23; on jobs, 7, 24; of printing press, 3–4, 170; of railroads, 3–4, 14–15; of telegraph, 3, 14–15
Neural networks, 227–28
Newcomen, Thomas, 64–65, 67
News production and presentation: decentralization of, 22; evolution of, 19, 209–15; and mobile phone system, 170; penny press, 108; and privacy rights, 192–93; and railroads, 68, 73, 78; and telegraph, 15, 99, 101, 103–12, 212
New York City: cyberattacks in, 239; and Erie Canal, 57–59, 70–71, 174; financial markets in, 62; and mobile phone system, 160, 162; port of, 58; and railroads, 57–59, 76, 87–89; telegraph in, 22, 92, 97–98, 109, 111; and telephone service, 143
New York Central Railroad, 71
Nixon, Richard, 129–30
Noyce, Robert, 131–32, 133
Obama, Barack, 205
One Laptop Per Child initiative, 166
Orton, William, 139, 141
Pacific Railway Act (1862), 81
Pacioli, Luca, 45, 232, 234, 237
Packet switching, 148–51, 155, 167
Paper, 33, 37–38, 49
Pascal, Blaise, 121
Pascaline, 121–23
Peace of Westphalia (1648), 204
Pedagogy, 202, 203. See also Education
Peer-to-peer distribution, 236
Penny press, 108
Pew Research Center, 211
Philadelphia: Centennial Exposition (1876), 140; commodity exchange in, 109; mobile phone system in, 162; as port city, 58; railr
oads in, 78–79
Phoenicians, 49
Polk, James K., 104, 106
Post Office, 18, 141
Poverty reduction, 216
Printing press, 31–53; authority structures altered by, 47–49, 50; and centralized management of information, 17, 28; disaggregation-reassembly cycle, 32–40, 50; network effects of, 3–4, 170; societal impact of, 42–47
Privacy, 7, 24, 190–94, 236
Productivity growth, 165, 197, 222–26, 230–31
Pseudo-currencies, 233–34
Public relations, 210
Punch cards, 85, 122, 124–26
Railroads, 55–86; authority structures altered by, 78–81; and death of distance, 57–63, 204; disaggregation-reassembly cycle in, 63–68; and economic growth, 21, 23, 172–73; Great Railroad Strike (1877), 83; and labor unions, 198; legacies of, 82–84; network effects of, 3–4, 14–15; resistance to, 78–81, 175–76; security for passengers on, 155; single-track line management, 109–10; societal impact of, 69–77, 168; staffing and management of, 73–74, 194; and steam-powered engines, 3, 14, 20, 60, 64–68; and telegraphs, 87–89, 100, 107–10, 112, 117; and urbanization, 84, 170
Railroad Standard Time, 76
Ramo, Joshua Cooper, 206
RAND Corporation, 11
Random access memory (RAM), 122–23, 132–33
Reformation, 28
Regulatory framework: and innovation, 207; and printing press, 46–47; and privacy, 191, 193; and railroads, 75–76, 83; for telegraph, 204; for workers’ rights, 83, 231
Relics, 35
Remington Rand, 129
Renaissance, 3, 14, 43–45
Retraining, 197
Reynard, David, 175
Ring, Doug, 161–62
Roberts, Edward, 133, 134
Roberts, Sheldon, 131
Roebuck, Alvah Curtis, 77
Roman Empire, 49, 213
Royal Astronomical Society, 84
R. W. Sears Watch Company, 77
Safaricom, 171–72
St. Louis: commodity exchange in, 109; railroads in, 19, 60, 62, 63
Salesforce, 195
Salva i Campillo, Don Francisco, 92
San Francisco, Telegraph Hills in, 93
Savery, Thomas, 64
Schmidt, Eric, 187
Schöffer, Peter, 42
Schonfeld, Reese, 210
Screw press, 33
Scribes, 15, 37–38, 42, 44, 48–50
Sears, Richard W., 77
Sears and Roebuck, 17, 77
Secondary effects, 221
Semiconductors, 130–31
Senegal, mobile phone use in, 166
Shannon, Claude, 146
Shipbuilding, 45–46
Shockley, William, 130–31
Shockley Semiconductors, 130–31
Short Message Service (SMS), 170
Silicon Valley, 131
Silliman, Benjamin, 92, 95
Skype, 153, 171
Smith, Francis O. J., 97, 98, 100, 101, 102
Smith, O. H., 98
Smoke signals, 93
SMS (Short Message Service), 170
Social media, 205–06, 208, 211, 213–15, 223. See also specific platforms
Sperry Gyroscope, 129
Sperry Rand, 129, 130
Stagecoaches, 70
Standage, Tom, 213
Standard Oil, 17
States’ rights, 81
Steamboats, 79–80
Steam-powered engines, 3, 14, 20, 60, 64–68
Steel production, 72
STEM programs, 200
Stephenson, George, 68, 69
Stephenson, John, 70–71
Stephenson, Randall, 197
Stibitz, George, 137–39
Stockton and Darlington Railway, 68, 84
Strict liability, 75
Tabulating Machine Company, 125
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 3, 151, 153
Tea Party (political group), 205
Telegraph, 87–116; and centralized management, 194; coded messages on, 191; and community, 204; construction of, 100–105; development of, 51–52, 89–96; disaggregation-reassembly cycle, 92–96; expansion of, 105–08; funding for, 96–100; legacy of, 113–14; Lincoln’s use of, 111–13; and network architecture, 17–23, 167, 185; network effects of, 3, 14–15; and news production, 210, 212–13; regulatory framework for, 204; societal impact of, 108–11; and telephone system, 138–39, 141, 145; and time value of information, 14–15, 108–11
Telenet, 150
Telephone system, 137–56; and competition, 146–48; data transmission via, 148–52; development of, 114–16, 138–43; and digital networks, 148–52; and economic growth, 15; and innovation, 146–48; and network architecture, 11, 23, 148, 156, 159; and news production, 15
Texas Instruments, 131
Text messages, 2, 166, 169–71, 215
Thompson, William, 140
Thoreau, Henry David, 4, 107, 169
Time zones, 76
Toffler, Alvin, 241
Tokyo, cellular phone service in, 163
Toledo, Ohio: commodity exchange in, 109; railroads in, 61
Trade and commerce: agricultural, 59–60, 61, 82–83; and computing engines, 123–24; and printing press, 46; and railroads, 61–62, 68, 72; and telegraphs, 109
Tragedy of the commons, 238
Transcontinental railroad, 81, 82
Transistors, 130
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 151
Transportation Department, 162
Trevithick, Richard, 66–67, 69
Trithemius, Johannes, 48–49
Trump, Donald, 205–06
Turing, Alan, 125–26, 134
Turing machine, 126–27, 133
Turner, Ted, 209
Twitter, 205, 211
Tymnet, 150
Uber, 195, 198
Ukraine, cyberattacks in, 239
UN Foundation, 173
Uniform Record Locator (URL), 152
Union Pacific Railroad, 81
Unions, 83, 199
Unisys, 129
United Nations, 216
UNIVAC (UNIVersal Automatic Calculator), 128–29
Universal service, 144–45, 160, 217
University College London, 228
Urbanization, 84, 170
URL (Uniform Record Locator), 152
Vail, Alfred, 51–52, 96, 102–05, 108, 141–46, 159–60, 164
Vail, Theodore, 141–50, 153, 156, 160, 164, 174, 217
Van Buren, Martin, 96, 104
Vellum, 49
Video games, 229
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), 153
Wannamaker, John, 189, 192
Warren, Samuel, 190
Washington, George, 208
Watson, Thomas, 114–15, 140, 149, 227
Watt, James, 65–66, 67
Waze, 223
Web 1.0, 222
Web 2.0, 223
Web 3.0, 224–26, 233
Weiser, Mark, 176
Western Union, 117, 139, 141–42, 144–46
Wheatstone, Charles, 93–94, 97, 102
Wi-Fi, 203
Wireless networks, 160, 165, 166, 167–69, 176, 218
Wireless phones. See Mobile phone systems
Wireless technology, 167, 175, 218. See also Mobile phone systems
Woodbury, Levi, 94, 95
Workers’ rights, 83, 231
World Bank, 166
World War II, 126, 128
World Wide Web, 152, 223–26, 233
Wozniak, Steve, 134
Wright, Silas, 104–05
Xerox, 176
Young, Rae, 161–62
YouTube, 201, 209
Yunus, Mohamed, 166
Zuckerberg, Mark, 181, 190
Zuse, Konrad, 126–27, 134
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