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Project Chimera: A Ryker Group Book

Page 23

by S. M. Dapelo

  “I don’t like what you’re saying,” Ethan said in a hard voice.

  I shrugged, “Right now, you’re sort of my purpose. You said it yourself, my job is to love you.”

  “And relearn everything,” he ground out.

  “Please, I read something and it’s stuck in my head forever,” I waved him off. “I like my purpose, to love you.” I stared at him, “But I need more. So,” I took a breath, “Do you think you’d be able to share me with a child?” I glanced at him.

  “Are you saying you want a baby?” Ethan looked at me carefully.

  I started playing with the ring on my right hand, “I’m wondering what the game plan is if we have a baby. You already stated that you don’t want any child of ours to be in this business.”

  “That’s not what I said.” He gave a small smile, “I said they wouldn’t be trained from birth. It doesn’t mean if they want to keep up what we do, we won’t let them. Can you live with that?”

  I nodded, “How many do you want?”

  “As many as you’ll give me, Sugar. I know kids are a scary concept for you,” he frowned.

  “A scary concept for me is a world without any part of you left in it”. I bit my lip, “I don’t want an IUD. I think maybe we should just let nature take its course.”

  I looked up to see Ethan with a huge smile on his face, leaning forward. “I like that idea too. Right after I give you the details of the Horsemen team and a few other businesses deals I have going. You need to know about them. Then, I figure we should devote the rest of the evening to our wedding. Any other questions?”

  My smiled dimmed a bit when I remembered something. “Why did you and Tanner visit a brothel?” Ethan spit his drink out.

  Chapter 47

  After a dinner that left me with more questions than answers and a renewed purpose, I was rushed into our room, while Ethan was informed his clothes were in Tanner’s. I changed into the dress I fell in love with online and realized I still loved it. How did I not choose this the first time?

  I glanced at my hair, realizing it was going to have to stay down, but since Ethan seemed to prefer it down it wasn’t much of an issue. There was a box sitting on the dresser with my name on it. I picked it up, opened it and smiled. A beautiful sapphire and diamond bracelet sat in it with ‘Something old and blue’ written on the note.

  There was a knock at the door while I was trying to work the clasp on the bracelet. “Come in,” I called.

  “Looks like you need help.” Rich stood there smiling.

  “I can kill with one hand, but can’t put a bracelet on,” I grumbled. He walked over and quickly clasped it. “What’s up?” I asked.

  “I’m here to tell you everyone’s ready,” he smiled.

  “So, Tanner’s the best man,” I mussed.

  “Yeah, and he’s announcing it to everyone who walks in.” Rich grinned, “He’s taking the title literally. You’re brother’s a hoot.”

  “That’s one word for it. And Lyssa’s the maid-of-honor?” I asked.

  He nodded, “Only other girl.” Rich frowned, “We probably should have invited a few more people.”

  “I almost had Xavier up there with me after that crap in the warehouse,” I said.

  “She couldn't have been too convincing,” he argued.

  “No, thank God,” I muttered, then looked up at him. “How do you feel about giving me away?”

  Rich looked stunned for a moment. “Are you sure?” he asked.

  I looked down, “I can have Xavier do it if you don’t want to.”

  “No, I’m honored,” Rich said. “I’ve always thought you were perfect for Ethan. It’s why I gave you the bracelet.”

  I glanced at him, “You left it? I thought Ethan did.”

  He shook his head, “It was my mother’s, Ethan’s grandmother. I inherited it along with the horses. I was supposed to give it to my wife, but that’s not going to happen.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because much like Xavier and Thom, I’m gay. Heck, if Thom hadn’t reeled Xavier in, I would have gone after him myself,” he smiled at me.

  “Well, thank you.” I kissed his cheek.

  “Let’s get you to Ethan,” smiled Rich as he held out his arm.

  We walked out to the large outside balcony. White twinkle lights had been strung to give it an ethereal feeling, while the lights of the strip surrounded us. Ethan was saying something to Tanner as I walked out. Tanner nudged him and he turned and took a breath.

  The wedding was simple and beautiful. Vows were exchanged, a kiss given, and cake eaten. “Was it like this before?” I asked Ethan.

  “No,” he shook his head. “We were so concerned with hiding everything. Now everyone gets to know you’re mine.” He took my face in his hands and kissed me.

  After I threw the bouquet into Xavier’s hands because Lyssa dodged it, Ethan led me to our room as the guys kept partying into the night. He helped me out of the dress, “How’s that for rebuilding a memory?” he asked as he kissed my shoulder. “I have to say, I think it was better than the original.”

  “Well this time, the picture will have you with a black eye, not me in an ugly dress.” I bit my lip as he worked his way up to my ear.

  “I don’t care,” he said. “As long as you’re with me.”

  “Forever,” I turned and kissed him as hard as he kissed me.


  Ethan carefully got out of bed as Samantha slept, pulling on a pair of jeans, and grabbing his phone. He hit a button on it and walked out into the living room area nodding to Tanner as he grabbed a glass, pouring bourbon into it.

  “Thought you couldn’t have booze?” Tanner asked.

  “Never took the pain killers,” shrugged Ethan. “Is everyone gone?”

  “Just now. You can wear a shirt occasionally, you know.” Tanner stretched, then handed a bill to Ethan, “I can’t believe you pulled it off.”

  “Don’t ever doubt me again,” Ethan smiled. “I told you, she’d be married to me by the end of the year.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I gave you the hundred.”

  “Oh, there’s more,” smiled Ethan as Tanner winced. “She also agreed to start trying to have kids.”

  “Damn it.” Tanner pulled out his wallet and counted out ten more hundred-dollar bills, handing them to him. “You know this only worked because of Peterson.”

  “Yeah,” frowned Ethan. “I don’t like that I owe my future to him.” He shrugged, “But he’s dead, so it doesn’t matter.” He took a pull on the amber liquid then looked over at Tanner, “We’re headed to San Francisco in the morning. We need to check on the rest of the Horsemen. Jeff’s going to be our liaison with them. Sam suggested it. She feels like she owes him since he’s the only other Project Chimera participant alive.”

  “Well, that’s not true.” Tanner got up and refilled his glass, “You were the original and all four of the Horsemen are.”

  “Yeah,” Ethan shrugged. “I’d still like to know how the asshat of a General found out about it. My parents never let anyone know about their experiment. There had to be a leak.”

  “We still need to locate the doctors who developed the brain bombs as well. I need to head to Kansas City in four days, so hopefully San Francisco won’t take long,” Tanner sat back down.

  “I’m aware.” Ethan shook his head, “I should have had Rich take the damn thing out at the beginning instead of using it to try to force her memories back. That was a complete miscalculation.”

  “It’s out now,” Tanner took a drink. “None of us knew pushing the memories could potentially kill her.”

  Ethan glanced down at the video feed on his phone. Samantha was still sleeping.

  “So how long did you actually date her for?” asked Tanner.

  “I told you, it started the first time we met,” smiled Ethan remembering.

  “I thought you were just blowing smoke for her,” Tanner frowned.

  “Nope, we had a relationship for four yea
rs. The argument we had when she ran out: it was because I demanded she marry me. Pretty much the same as Berto and Lyssa, minus the extra guys. It didn’t go over well.”

  “You’re lucky she was so out of it when we got her back to the compound. No clothes in a walk-in closet’s a good sign you don’t live there,” muttered Tanner.

  “Yeah, I honestly thought it’d be a bit before she looked. Did you get her apartment closed up?”

  “Yeah, nothing’s there, and it’s up for rent again.” Tanner smirked at him, “You know, this isn’t how a guy usually convinces a woman to marry him.”

  “How would you know? Didn’t you agree to an arranged marriage?” Ethan frowned at him, “And don’t act like your offended. You finally got the sister you wanted.”

  “Not saying I didn’t,” Tanner agreed. They both stopped talking as they heard footsteps heading up the hall.

  Berto walked in. “Hey, I’m about to head out, I put everything I found on Chimera on here.” He held up a flash drive.

  “Let me see,” Ethan held out his hand. After he had it, he stood and walked over to the fire, throwing it in. “Sam’s right. No one needs this information.”

  “I think Sam wanted it so she could review it,” Berto said carefully.

  “We know it’s not good for her.” Ethan smiled, “She’s figuring out her life, might as well do it without any baggage.”

  “Sure,” Berto shrugged. “She seems like she’s adjusting well.”

  “And we don’t want to screw it up,” Tanner said quietly. He paused for a moment then hit Berto on the back of the head, “What were you thinking with that pink monstrosity of a wedding dress?”

  “It was supposed to be the top style.” Berto ducked away from him, “You know, couture. Lyssa liked it.”

  “You almost mucked up,” said Ethan. “Both of us had trouble faking we’d seen it before.” Berto just shrugged with embarrassment.

  Tanner looked at him, “You off to somewhere?”

  Berto nodded, “Yeah, I’m meeting Lyssa and a couple of other people at one of the clubs.”

  “I thought you wanted to stop that shit,” growled Tanner.

  Berto shrugged, “I want Lyssa more.” Then walked out the door.

  “It’s amazing what you’ll do for the woman you love,” smiled Ethan.

  “I’m firing the Chris’s in the morning,” Tanner stared at the door.

  “I’m sure Sam will consider it a wedding gift,” nodded Ethan as he tossed his cell to him. “Keep an eye on my wife, I can’t have her awake while we’re discussing things.” Then he grabbed a second and made a call, “Hey, it’s Ethan Ryker. Is it too late?” He paused, “Good. I need your hacker to check into something for me. I want to make sure one of our workers didn’t keep any proprietary info on his computer or send it to anyone else. It’s a nasty piece of business, and if it gets out, a lot of people could be hurt. Think you can handle it?” He paused again, “Great. I’ll email the info to your inbox and wire the money to the account. Thanks, Mason.” He hung up.

  “You want to pull the boy scouts into this?” Tanner’s eyebrows flew up.

  “No, I want his youngest sister to look into it. They’ll be honest, and we need to make sure Berto didn’t keep anything.”

  “His youngest sister’s nuts, but the other ones completely hot,” Tanner smiled.

  “And married to a guy who would destroy you,” laughed Ethan. “He may be smaller than you by a couple of inches, but he’s meaner when it comes to protecting those he loves. And make no mistake, he and his wife are end game.”

  “That’s the only reason I didn’t kill him,” chuckled Tanner. “I’ve never seen a guy so whipped in my life.”

  Ethan glanced at the screen of his phone, watching his sleeping wife, and smiled, “You’re about to.”

  About The Author

  S. M. Dapelo

  I want to thank you for taking the time to read what my imagination brought forth. I know it isn’t for everyone, but I hoped you enjoyed it. If you liked the book, please take the time to post a review. I’m an independent author and reviews are helpful. Special thanks to Mike Dapelo and my adult kids (yes, I have minors as well) who encourage me every chance they get. I can’t wait to see what all of them (the littles as well as the biggies) accomplish in life. I know it’s going to be spectacular. If you’re interested in updates or future works, please follow me on Twitter or Facebook. I also have a blog, but I will warn you that my updates are sporadic. For more information:

  Books By This Author

  Kiss Catch

  After eight years at college earning a Masters Degree in Linguistics and reforming herself into a safe, proper, little bookworm Katherine’s bother Mason requests she returns home to Chicago. The ex-Navy Seal and his drop-dead gorgeous business partner Jake immediately drag her back into her previous wild-child behavior and then push her beyond.

  Now she’s part of the family security firm, searching for millions in jewels while pretending to get married to Jake, and trying to keep one step ahead of a Russian mob boss who's WAY too interested in the wedding. Can she keep her heart intact when Jake shows his interest? Or will he catch her with a kiss?

  Hide and Seek

  Plunging off a high mountain road after being shot is NOT the best way to start a new marriage, but Jake and Katie didn’t exactly get to make that choice.

  Surviving the crash was only the beginning of their problems. Waking days later with a destroyed shoulder and surrounded by a family she can’t remember, Katie tries to piece her life together while working to find out who wants them dead. She runs roughshod over the team, Interpol, the FBI, and the Russian Mob to find answers before her big, strong ex-Seal of a husband can hide her in a cozy rabbit hole or her family gets any bigger.

  Can she stop playing HIDE AND SEEK long enough to solve the mystery of who is trying to kill them.

  Little Boy Blue

  Family is chaotic. While still dealing with having killed the man who shot her husband and his ensuing rehabilitation, Kate is yanked back to Denver to help investigate, of all things, a DANCE CONTEST. And then things get confusing.

  Personal issues cause a falling out with several alphabet agencies, forcing Kate and Jake to take over Genesis Security to save the company. And just as they think they are starting to get a grip a Russian mob boss shows up leaving them with a two-year-old, blue-eyed boy and a massive sized au pair.

  Things only go downhill from there. They can’t locate the clients, another team shows up, it appears the Ukrainians may be involved, and everyone they know or meet seems to be related in some way. But above all, they just want to settle down and protect their LITTLE BOY BLUE.




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