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McPartland, Mysty - Playing Doctors and Nurses (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

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by Mysty McPartland

  When the sign he’d been waiting for finally arrived, River lifted Kai up and carried her to the bed. Breaking the kiss, he placed her down on the clean sheet. He knelt on the mattress on one knee as he let his gaze slowly slide over her, taking his time, wanting to admire the changes to her body.

  Chapter Nine

  Hardly daring to breath, Kai could not stand River’s burning gaze on her any longer. She wanted more. She lifted her hand and placed it over his heart. “River,” was all she needed to say to bring him to her side. She rolled over so they faced each other. When his mouth covered hers in a soul-stealing kiss, she wrapped her arms around him as heated desire stole her away.

  Unable to restrain himself anymore, River joined her on the bed. He took her in his arms and kissed her ravenously, and it vibrated through every part of his body. His hand slid down to her waist and slowly back up. It stroked, circled, dipped and caressed, discovering every new molecule of her. The changes in her body were phenomenal. He wanted to learn each and every one of them. He lifted his mouth from hers, and their breaths mingled. “The doctor must examine his patient before he can diagnose what’s wrong with her.” His voice roughened with desire, and his eyes devoured her with unleashed passion.

  Kai’s whole body turned liquid at his words, knowing exactly what he planned, and she could feel every sinew and nerve ending in her quiver with anticipation. Her eyes fluttered shut as he once again kissed her with wild, fiery hunger. Everything else swept from her mind as he started his sensual assault on her body.

  Filled with determination and intending to take his time, his mouth moved along her jaw to her ear. His tongue ran around the outer shell of her ear and gently nipped at the lobe. Next, his mouth slowly moved down the column of her neck. Soft growls rumbled from his chest as the taste of her and her responses unleashed the primitive need inside him.

  His mouth traveled along her collarbone, down the inside of her arm and back up. He leaned away a little and gently pushed her onto her back. Lifting a hand he captured her breast, and the heat spiraled through him when he caught the tight peak of her nipple and drew it into his mouth. Her responses were more than he anticipated and heightened his own pleasure.

  That wicked, teasing mouth kept her trembling with eagerness for more. Kai couldn’t hold back her whimpers or soft sighs from continuing to break free. Suddenly, a cry of rapture tore past her lips the second River’s hot mouth covered her breast. Her fingers buried in his thick hair, and she arched into his mouth.

  River took his time to learn the taste, the shape and the texture of each of her breasts. When he was at last satisfied, his mouth moved down lower, first along one side of her ribcage then the other. Reaching her navel, he dipped his tongue inside once, twice, and nuzzled his face against her stomach.

  He was driving her insane. Each touch of his hands and mouth upon her sensitized flesh sent her nearly mindless. Kai didn’t think she could stand much more of this examination. Her eyes flew open when she felt him nuzzle between her thighs. “Please, River, please,” she begged him in a strained harsh whisper.

  Lifting his head from between her thighs, he noticed her flushed face, swollen lips and the hunger burning her eyes. “Soon, baby, soon,” he promised her before he ducked his head. With trembling fingers, he parted her womanly folds and lowered his mouth. After a light flicker of his tongue, a growl of intense ecstasy tore from him.

  The taste of her, like the scent of her, was such an aphrodisiac in itself, and if it could ever be bottled, it would drive a man ravenous with sexual craving. The thought whispered through his head as he greedily tasted more of her. His tongue lapped and twirled around her clitoris. He drew it in to his mouth and gently nipped. He needed to grasp hold of her hips as she arched and thrust against his mouth.

  He moved his mouth down and stabbed his tongue inside of her. Her cry of rapture filled the room. He felt her tremble violently when she flooded with her climax. He greedily lapped up her sweet nectar like a starving man who’d been denied sustenance too long.

  Kai could feel the explosion coming from deep inside her. It tossed her into a world of unmitigated rhapsody. It took her a long time before she came crashing back to reality. Opening her eyes, she met River’s prideful, hungry gaze with her own.

  River slipped up her body, his eyes bright with wicked promise. “Now, darlin’, the pleasure is about to begin.” He gave her a hungry kiss, moved away from her and reached for the lambskin sheath on the bedside table. He drew it down the length of his arousal.

  “What are you doing? What is that?” Kai whispered as she watched him from beneath her lashes.

  River moved back between her thighs. “Later, sweetheart, I’ll explain later. I can’t wait any longer, Kai. I’m dying for you darlin’.” As his mouth covered hers in a sinfully hot dominating kiss, he settled between her thighs, his arousal between her moist folds.

  He felt as if he’d been waiting for this very moment for a lifetime, and now that it was so close, he could barely believe it was about to happen. But feeling Kai’s hot moisture around the tip of his arousal sent all caution out of his head. As he continued to ravish her mouth, he lifted his hips and drove down, and in one thrust he completely buried himself in her warm, tight passage.

  He caught her soft cry as he broke through her maidenhead, and then he lay unmoving. He pulled his mouth from hers and kissed her lips gently. “Don’t move, darlin’. It won’t hurt for long, my sweet Kai. I promise.” The words tore out of him in a rasp. It became nearly impossible to keep himself still. Kai clasped around him so tightly, so silkily, and enclosed him in her sheath as if they were completely one.

  Her eyes flew open from the sharp pain, and through the mist filling her mind Kai could hear River’s words but didn’t understand them. She frowned slightly as she felt her body stretch and adjust to River’s arousal buried intimately inside her. Her eyes fluttered shut when his kisses became more demanding. She moaned softly when she felt him start to slide within her.

  Her hands gripped his shoulders tightly, and a sob tore out of her throat from the bolt of pleasure that hit her. She arched her neck back as his lips moved down her throat and captured her breast.

  His movements started off slowly and gently, but when Kai started to strain beneath him, River let his restraint go. He reached down, lifted one leg and then the other over his hips and growled when he slid further inside her. When she cried out his name with such need, his sanity all but disappeared. Mindless, the craving for relief nearly overpowering him, he drove into her with unleashed passion.

  Her hips lifted each time River stroked himself into her. Her nails dug into his steely shoulders, and her head twisted from side to side. She could feel the pleasure building inside her until it became almost painful. When it suddenly shattered within her, Kai cried out as such unbelievable waves of rapture washed through her.

  River’s head came up when Kai start to tremble beneath him, and he moaned when he saw her whole face light up as she climaxed. He gave one more powerful thrust as he felt her heat surround him, and she gripped him tightly. Tossing his head back, he let the tight grip he held on himself go, and his climax poured out of him.

  Drained and shaken from the unmitigated ecstasy rushing through him, he fell lightly on Kai. Burying his face in the side of her neck, he let the feelings of such sheer pleasure slide through him.

  Chapter Ten

  For a long time they lay joined together in a tangle of limbs. Their harsh breathing mingled with each breath they took, and the scent of their sexual encounter filled the air. Weakly lifting his head, River looked at Kai and saw the shock and rapture on her beautiful face.

  “Kai, honey, are you all right?” he asked her softly. His fingers lightly brushed the hair from her face, and he let out a relieved breath when she lifted her lashes and he saw her bright, shining eyes.

  “Dear God, I don’t even know what to say.” Kai‘s voice trembled. She still felt overawed from what she just experi

  River chuckled. Rolling off her, he gathered her up in his arms and kissed the tip of her nose. “Can I gather that you at least liked it?”

  Tossing him a look of annoyance Kai lifted away, and slapped his chest lightly. “You know darn well I did. It was unfair of you, though. I never got the chance to play nurse.”

  Laughter shook him, and River squeezed her tightly. “I’ll let you play nurse the next time, darlin’.”

  Her head resting between his neck and shoulder, Kai lay contently in his arms. “What is that thing you put on?”

  Keeping his eyes closed River answered her. “When I was away at school, I found out about how you could prevent a woman becoming pregnant. It’s a sheath that stops my seed from entering you.”

  A thoughtful frown on her brow, Kai took a few minutes to think over his explanation. “Have you used it before?” When she felt him stiffen, she lifted her head and eyed him perceptively. At once, she could see the answer on his face. She grew enraged over the fact he’d done what they had just shared with other women.

  She pulled out of his arms, sat up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. How dare he make love to another woman? It hurt and made her so mad she only wanted to get dressed and go home.

  Thoughtful at first, River didn’t know if he should tell her the truth. When she looked at him, he felt the heat crawl onto his face and knew she’d guessed the answer. Before he could explain, she moved away and tried to leave the bed. He sat up, reached out and clasped her around the waist, pulling her back across mattress and up against his chest.

  “At least give me a chance to explain before you go off in a fit of anger.” He felt her struggle and tightened his hold on her. “The first time was when I’d been at school two years. It was nothing, a few quick thrusts and over with. For Christ’s sake, we didn’t even take our clothes off.”

  When she remained stiff in his arms, his other hand came up and caressed over her shoulder and down her arm. “Kai, I’m telling you the truth. The few times it happened was so quick and meaningless it was soon forgotten.”

  Kai could not understand why she was feeling so betrayed, but she did. She forced herself to listen to his explanation, and she could hear the truth in his words. She knew she didn’t have any right to be jealous. Letting out a sigh, she turned to look at him over her shoulder. “Was it as good as it was with us?”

  He let out a breath in relief seeing that she believed him. River grinned at her and turned her around, his hand cupping the side of her face. “Darlin’, nothing on this earth would be as good as what we just shared. Except when we do it again.”

  Seeing his eyes twinkling with wicked intention, Kai could only give a breathless reply. “Again.”

  “Again and again and again. Now, though, I’m going to clean you up and then myself. When I’m finished, I might just need a certain nurse to examine me.” He laughed and kissed the tip of her nose while he watched her eyes light up with anticipation.

  * * * *

  Is she trying to kill me? River wondered as his jaw clenched tightly and his hands gripped the sheet beneath him. No sooner had he finished cleaning them both up and joined her on the bed when she attacked him. His mind suddenly stopped working. He jerked up his hips when she cupped his full sacks and her mouth closed over his erection.

  Kai was ecstatic and excited at being able to learn this man’s superb body, which was nothing but hard steel and rippling muscles. The taste of him was so delicious she couldn’t stop wanting to savor every inch of him. With his hardness in her mouth, she wrapped her hand around it and stroked him. She remembered all the things he liked her to do and she liked doing.

  His body on fire with need, River knew he couldn’t take this torment a second longer. He was so close to exploding and he wanted to be inside her when he did. He knew she would probably be angry with him, but at the moment he would die if he didn’t encase himself in the silken passage of her sheath. Letting go of his death grip on the sheet, he sat up, reached for her and flipped her down onto the mattress.

  He reached for the sheath, slid it over his erection and moved between her thighs. Taking her mouth in a searing kiss, he drove himself fully inside of her.

  When River picked her up and tossed her on her back Kai went to protest, but he moved so quickly. Before she could even open her mouth to complain, his body covered hers, and their mouths locked together, and their tongues tangled in wild rapturous eagerness. She cried into his mouth when he thrust so powerfully into her that any thought of protesting died instantly.

  Finding it impossible to hold himself back, River’s plunges into Kai were long, deep and relentless. He pulled his mouth from her, throwing his head back, his jaw clenched tightly as he tried to keep from spilling his seed.

  With her hands sliding over River’s damp chest, Kai lifted her legs and wrapped them around his hips. When he stroked into her again, it seemed as if he touched her very soul. “River. Oh God, River,” she pleaded on a sob.

  River could hear her whispered plea and dropped his head. His mouth hovered over hers and their harsh breaths mingled. “Now, baby, now. Come with me now.” His tongue thrust inside her mouth the same time his arousal drove inside her body. They exploded together, and he felt tossed, torn as the maelstrom of pleasure gripped him ruthlessly.

  Her body responding to his harsh appeal, Kai erupted in cascading waves of mindless rapture. All she could do was cling tightly to River as she crested each of the waves as they rolled through her.

  His body undulating a few more times, River collapsed gently on Kai. His head falling on the pillow beside hers, he drew in long harsh breaths. His heart beat a wild tattoo, and his body vibrated with such immense satisfaction he couldn’t find the strength to move.

  Her body still quivering, Kai no longer possessed any strength in her limbs. Her trembling legs fell to the mattress, and her hands slid from River’s shoulders to fall on the bed beside her. Dear heaven, Kai thought, he would mostly kill her with pleasure if he kept making love to her this way.

  When he noticed Kia’s arms and legs falling away, River rolled off her and gathered her up in his arms. He was too weak to do more than that. Closing his eyes, he hoped that for the moment Kai would remain still and silent. He knew he didn’t have the strength for anything else but lying here.

  Chapter Eleven

  After sleeping until late afternoon, River padded naked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to fetch a glass of water for Kai. When he returned, he saw her lying on her stomach, her calves crossed in the air and her cheek lying on her folded arms. He stood by the bed and admired the sensual sight she made.

  He placed the glass down on the nightstand and stretched out on the bed, resting his head on the top of her pert little bottom. “Are you asleep again, darlin’?”

  “Mmm. Just thinking.”

  “Thinking about what?” He turned his head to gaze at the side of her face, wondering what she might be so thoughtful about.

  “Oh, I just never realized how attractive a man’s behind was. I’m going to have to take more notice,” she said with a smile filling her voice.

  His eyes growing wide and suddenly narrowing, River did not like her answer at all. He lifted his head off her, swung down to lay beside her and wrapped his arms around her tightly. “Like hell you will. If I catch you staring at another man’s butt, I’ll spank you.”

  Kai laughed and wiggled against him. “Well, you can’t watch me all the time. And besides, I see nothing wrong with admiring another man’s physique.”

  “Damn it, Kai, I don’t want you admiring another man’s blasted body,” he growled, angry with her for even thinking of doing such a thing.

  Her amusement dying, Kai pulled out of his arms and sat up, brushing the hair off her face. “It’s getting late, and I better get home before father becomes worried.”

  River knew he’d angered her. Reaching for her, he dragged her back down so she lay over him. His fingers threaded th
rough her hair, and he gave her a contrite smile. “Don’t be angry, darlin’. Stay a little longer. I’m not ready to let you go just yet.” He wasn’t. He wanted to keep her there for as long as he possibly could.

  The annoyance that consumed her quickly left her, and Kai lay with her cheek against River’s chest. She let her hand slide over his hip and up his ribs to lie beside her cheek. “All right, just for a little bit longer. Then I really have to go home.”

  Relieved that she would stay and she wasn’t angry anymore, River lay content. Just holding her in his arms brought him pleasure.

  “You must have been very sure that I would agree to become your lover,” Kai remarked softly as her gaze swept around the room and she noticed how clean and tidy everything was.

  Warily opening his eyes, River gave her a light squeeze before he answered her. “No, I wasn’t sure at all. Why do you ask?”

  “Well, it’s been a long time since we used this cabin. I expected it to be full of dirt, dust, and spider webs.” Kai’s voice held a note of irritation.

  A chuckle rolled in his chest when hearing the tone of annoyance in her words. “I moved in here yesterday. I wanted my own space and privacy.”


  River huffed a breath. “Because I am too old to be living with my father. That’s why.” His fingers lightly caressed down her spine and back up, hoping she would be satisfied with his answer and not harp on it any more.

  Kia pushed up and moved off him. She turned to look at him in the dimly lit room. “I should go, River.”

  “All right, come on. Let’s get dressed and I’ll walk you home.” He cupped the side of her face and gave her a long, lingering kiss before he sat up, swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up.


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