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McPartland, Mysty - Playing Doctors and Nurses (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

Page 6

by Mysty McPartland

  Hell, he knew he would be. He knew he would be waiting for her, eager to have her in his arms again. It didn’t matter that she wanted to go out with other men. He felt positive that after tomorrow she would not give another man a passing thought. If he must suffer this damned hunger, so would she, and he would make damn well sure that she did.

  Tomorrow night he intended to love her and give her more pleasure than she could ever imagine. Even if it killed him. Kai would not be leaving his bed until he knew that he’d completely satisfied her in every way possible.

  His mind drifted to thoughts of the future. He wasn’t ready to get married yet, and he knew Kai wasn’t either. As long as he protected her from getting pregnant, there shouldn’t be any problem with them spending a few years enjoying each other. Then maybe, when they were ready, they would settle down together and raise a family.

  Yep, it sounded like a perfect plan to him, and he didn’t see any reason why Kai wouldn’t agree. The only other problem that he could foresee would be how to stop anyone finding out about them. It would hurt both their reputations and they would have to marry all the sooner.

  It would not be the worst thing to happen, he supposed, but he doubted Kai would be happy with it. Well, if anyone found out, they wouldn’t have a choice, but he intended to make damn sure no one did. He’d never given a thought to marriage until now, but if he married, he knew Kai would be the wife he wanted to share the rest of his life with.

  No other woman had ever interested him. Never had he ever wanted to spend time with another woman but Kai. It was the same in the past and it was the same now. Kai was the only woman he wanted to be with, so, in his mind, the conclusion was that in a few years they would marry and be happy together.

  He smiled and leaned his head back against the back of his chair, closed his eyes and thought what Kai would look like carrying his child. How wonderful it would feel to wake up each morning holding her in his arms. To come home at the end of each day and find her waiting for him. The pictures that floated through his mind lifted his heart and filled him with contentment. They were pictures of the future he wanted so much, and he was determined to make sure it would happen.

  * * * *

  Kai was more than a bit annoyed when Chris took her to dinner at his parents’ home. It was the very last place she expected him to take her. As the meal progressed, it took every bit of effort for her to hide her growing irritation. Both his mother and father kept making broad hints about marriage.

  She wasn’t a fool and knew what they were all up to. Chris had brought her home for his parents’ approval. The darn fool didn’t realize it, but he’d just shot himself in the foot. Halfway through dessert, she knew she needed to leave. Placing her spoon down in the bowl of half-eaten custard, she put the back of her hand against her brow and bent forward.

  “Oh dear, I’m awfully sorry, but I’m suddenly feeling terribly ill. I think I’d better go home.” Not waiting for anyone to reply, she shoved back her chair and stood up. “Please forgive me.”

  Chris jumped to his feet, concern etched on his face. He grasped Kai’s elbow in a tender grasp. “Why don’t I take you into the parlor to sit awhile? You might feel better in a few minutes.”

  “Oh yes, son, that’s a fine idea. I’ll make a nice cup of tea, and if you’re not feeling any better a lie down upstairs might just be the thing,” Mrs. Stevens said hurriedly, hoping Kai wouldn’t leave just yet.

  Lie upstairs indeed. Did they think she was a ninny? Obviously they did. Well, she would show them. “Thank you, but no. I would prefer to go home. If it’s anything contagious, I would hate for any of you to catch it.” She pulled her arm free from Chris’s light grip and tried not to run from the room.

  She knew she would have no choice but to let Chris take her home. She let him help her on with her coat and take her arm as he opened the door, closed it behind them and led her off the porch.

  “I’m real sorry you’re feeling poorly, Kai, and I hope when you’re feeling better we can do this again.” Chris was miserable. He wanted to change her mind but didn’t think it would do any good. His plans for the evening were doomed but he hoped he could persuade Kai to go on another date.

  Ha, I don’t think so, Kai silently thought with annoyance. She knew exactly what would have happened if she’d stayed. “I’m sorry, Chris, but at the moment I just can’t think straight. My head is pounding, and my stomach is all queasy.” She almost laughed when she saw the disappointment on his face.

  He was probably upset, no doubt because he wouldn’t be sharing a kiss with her. Well, now she was on to him and his parents’ plans. The last thing he would have would be a kiss or another date. Did all men think women were brainless she wondered. It seemed they did.

  This little setup had been used on her too many times for her not to sense it. She sometimes did not know if any of the men wanted her or they wanted the connection to her father. Well, it didn’t matter. She was wise to the ploy and wasn’t going to be a ninny and let herself fall into the traps they’d set for her.

  She almost sighed aloud when they reached home and stepped up on the porch. She pulled her arm free and forced a small, tight smile. “Thank you, Chris, and I’m sorry for ruining our evening. Now I think I’d better go inside.”

  For a moment Chris considered kissing Kai, but with her feeling unwell, he didn’t think it would be wise. “I hope you feel better soon, Kai, and we can share dinner or another outing again.”

  Just go, Kai screamed silently. When he turned and walked away, she moved into the shadows to hide just in case he turned around, but to her relief he didn’t. She waited another few minutes, and when she was sure he would have turned the corner, came out of hiding and hurried down the path.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Nearly asleep, River, jumped when he heard the soft knock on the door. Damn. He wiped a hand over his face, and with a shake of his head to clear it of sleep, he drew up his legs and stood up. He’d just reached the door when the soft knock came again. After pulling it open, his eyes lit up with pleasure.

  His smile didn’t completely die when he was shoved out the way. He closed the door, turned and leaned his back against it and folded his arms across his chest as he watched Kai pace up and down. Something definitely had her in a bad mood. “What’s wrong?” he asked softly, concern lacing his words.

  Kai stopped moving and threw her hands up in the air in irritation. She turned to face River, her eyes narrowed with aggravation. “Men, that’s what’s wrong. Do you all think women are mindless idiots? Oh, don’t bother to argue. It’s obvious. Chris and his parents are stupid if they thought I would fall for the little scheme they set for me.”

  His lips twitched in amusement as he listened to Kai. However, his sense of enjoyment quickly vanished at her last statement. Straightening up, his arms fell to his sides and he stiffened in outrage. “Just what sort of scheme are you talking about?”

  Kai looked at River as if he was brainless. “For goodness sake, are you dense? I knew as soon as he took me to his parents’ house for dinner what would happen.”

  “And what was that?” came the furious reply rumbling)from River.

  Once again gazing at him sharply, Kai realized that he actually looked clueless as to what they’d planned for her. She shook her head and held in the laughter that bubbled up inside her. “After dinner his parents were meant to catch us in a compromising position, forcing me to marry him.” She shrugged as if it were nothing. “It’s happened to me too many times to count.”

  Red-hot rage consumed him. How dare the bastard and his parents try to trick and compromise his woman? “I’m going to kill him.” The words hissed out of him venomously.

  “Oh, for goodness sake, don’t be so dramatic. Chris isn’t the first one to try it, and I doubt he will be the last.” Kai just wasn’t in the mood to deal with an emotional man. She flopped down on the sofa and curled her legs up underneath her.

  “Dramatic. Hell, Kai, how
many damn times has this happened to you?” River asked as he moved and sat down on the couch beside her.

  “Come on, River, you’ve lived in a big city and you must know the ploys men and women set for each other.” Kai saw his frown and the confusion on his face.

  Damn it, he didn’t have any idea, not one. However, River did not like admitting he didn’t have any clue what she was talking about. He spent very little time socializing or with women who were after marriage. But he didn’t dare tell Kai that fact, so he just shrugged in answer.

  “You have no idea, do you? Admit it, River, you don’t know what men or women would do to snare someone they want for some reason into marriage.” She found it amusing that he didn’t know about such things. He might be clever in many aspects and could make love superbly, but in fact he was such an innocent in other ways.

  Actually feeling uncomfortable, River turned and stared into the fire. He knew Kai found it entertaining that he didn’t have any notion what she talked about.

  Kai could sense River’s irritation and decided she didn’t want to upset him further. “You look tired. Why don’t you come and rest your head on my knee?”

  His head swiveled around, and he could tell she no longer intended to tease him. He liked her invitation too much to resist. He moved closer, stretched out his legs and laid his head down on her knee. He sighed contently when her fingers ran lightly through his hair. “Mmm, that feels real good.”

  A lighthearted smile on her lips, Kai continued to run her fingers through his hair. It felt so nice sitting here like this with River. At peace and relaxed, she leaned her head back and closed her eyes. “Have you been busy with a lot of patients?” she asked softly.

  “Ah ha, it’s been a bit hectic, and I reckon it will be for some time if the cold weather continues,” he answered sleepily. Kai’s fingers caressing the top of his head made him drowsy.

  “Do you ever think about getting married?” Kai asked softly. Her) eyes popped open in surprise, and she wondered where her question had come from.

  River grunted. “One day, probably. Maybe I will in a few years.”

  Kai did not like the idea of River marrying some faceless woman. “Well, I hope you don’t expect us to continue being lovers when you do decide to marry.”

  River strangled on his laughter and cleared his throat. “Let’s not get in to an argument, darlin’. This is too enjoyable. Let’s not spoil it.

  Not exactly happy with his answer or lack of response, Kai wanted to finish the subject but decided not to. As River said, this was pleasant and it wasn’t worth spoiling with an argument that could wait till another time.



  “Oh, nothing.” She wanted to know how long he thought they would be lovers.

  River grimaced. Knowing Kai, she had something else on her mind, and if he was going to get any peace he would have to pry it out of her. He wasn’t in the mood to wrangle the question out of her. Hell, he felt too damned relaxed. Well, whatever might be bothering her could wait until tomorrow or some other time. He decided not to answer her.

  When River said nothing, Kai opened her eyes, gazed down at his handsome face and realized he was asleep. Dratted man. Well, she would ask him tomorrow. For now, she would let him sleep for a little while before she woke him up to go home. She let her fingers caress his face and settle on his shoulder.

  Her eyes closed once again, and she sighed in contentment. This was pleasant, very pleasant. It had been a long time since she could relax like this with a man. In fact, the last time she felt this way was with River before he went away. In truth, since River had returned, so many of the old feelings had begun to come back. She now realized just how much she’d missed them and him.

  River eased his breath out when Kai didn’t speak again. A small smile of contentment drifted over his face. He knew this woman so well, probably as well as she knew herself. Soon she would be asleep, and he knew he should get up and take her home but he wasn’t going to. Not yet, anyway. Later, after he’d finished enjoying the peacefulness between them.

  It has been so long since he felt this comfortable, and he wasn’t ready to give it up just yet. Also, he was so damn delighted that she’d ended her date early and came straight to him. However, he would have to find out all about this trapping business.

  Just who he would ask, he didn’t have any idea, but he would think of someone. He felt like a fool not knowing. He knew a great deal about many things, but when it came to affairs between men and women, he realized he knew darn little.

  He only knew of what lay between himself and Kai. It never interested him to know what transpired between other couples. Now, though, he knew he’d made a mistake in not finding out, and he’d better hurry up and learn or he could lose Kai in one of these traps.

  Damn it, he wasn’t going to let it happen. Kai was his.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Numb and sore, Kai jerked awake. She blinked the sleep from her eyes and tried to focus. The fire had died down to embers, her legs were numb and she ached all over from sleeping in such an uncomfortable position. It suddenly hit her brain like a brick being smashed against the side of her head. With a moan, she pulled her legs from beneath her and placed them on the floor.

  When his head was roughly tossed around, River grumbled in irritation. He opened one eye, groaned and slammed it shut. It was late, very late, and he needed to get Kai home without anyone realizing where she’d been all this time. But, hell, he didn’t want to move.

  Hearing River’s moan, Kai shook his shoulder. “Darn it, River, wake up. I have to get home.” She hissed in annoyance.

  Reluctantly, River opened his eyes and sat up. He wiped a hand over his face and ran his fingers through his hair. “Just give me a minute to wake up and then I’ll take you home.” He slowly rose to his feet and crossed the room to the back door in the kitchen. Opening it, he stepped outside, breathed the frigid air into his lungs and strode across the yard and pulled the outhouse door open and stepped inside.

  Firstly, he needed to relieve himself. Afterwards, he would come up with some idea of how he could get Kai into the house without waking her father or the housekeeper. Hell, he’d never meant to fall asleep. Well, damn it, he had, and now he’d better start thinking. Unbuttoning his pants, he pulled himself free and while he relieved himself tried to come up with some idea.

  While River was outside Kai took the opportunity to use the chamber pot. She hurried into the bedroom, pulled it out from under the bed and bunched up her skirt and petticoats. She pulled the string on her draws, pushed them down and squatted over the pot. While she relieved herself, she pondered how she could manage to get into the house without her father or Loti waking up.

  Her thoughts vanished when she heard booted footsteps approaching. She cursed under her breath when the footsteps suddenly stopped. Her face burning with embarrassment, her head swiveled toward the doorway and she saw River standing in the room grinning like an imbecile. “Oh, you darn pole cat, just go away.”

  Amused at catching Kai in such an embarrassing predicament, River chuckled. “Don’t mind me, darlin’. It’s not the first time I’ve seen you take a piss.”

  She was going to kill him. By God, she would, she silently threatened. Finished using the chamber pot, she stood up, turned her back on him and pulled up her drawers, tied them up and dropped her petticoats and skirt. “I’m glad you find it amusing. Now, if you don’t mind, I would like to go home, and I warn you nobody better see or hear us.”

  God, how he adored this woman. He’d never met anyone like her, and he didn’t think he ever would find another woman who ever came close to her. “Come on, darlin’, I’ll make sure you get home safely, and no one will ever know you were here but you and me.”

  When she reached him, he placed his arm around her shoulder and hugged her tightly against him. His other hand captured the side of her face. “I enjoyed tonight, darlin’.” He leaned down and kissed he
r softly. Letting her go, he took her hand in his as they moved toward the front door together.

  Now over her embarrassment, Kai felt a flutter in her heart over River’s soft, meaningful words. She knew he meant them. He never said anything he didn’t mean. “I liked it as well, River. It reminded me of when we were younger.”

  River heart seemed to roll over in his chest at, her barely audible words and squeezed her hand lightly. He opened the door and waited until she passed through. Stepping out after her, he closed it lightly behind him. “I know, darlin’. I just wish you didn’t have to go home.”

  Surprised when she heard the sound of regret in River’s voice, she peeked up at him from beneath her lashes. She could not help but admire his strong, handsome features. It was a frightening thought, but she knew she could easily fall in love with him again.

  He already owned her heart once and could so easily again. Well, she wasn’t going to let it happen again . She never wanted to go through the heartache of losing him for a second time. No, she needed to keep things in perspective. Lovers only. Nothing more, nothing less. Lovers.

  River was relieved that Kai remained quiet on the walk home. His emotions were confusing him. He had never felt so unsettled in his life. He didn’t want to take Kai home. He wanted to keep her with him, wanted them to undress and slip into bed together so he could just hold her and fall asleep.

  He wanted to wake up in the morning and find her still in his arms. Hell, for an intelligent man, he was thinking stupid and ridiculous things. The only way he could have those things was if they married. Neither of them was ready to take such a momentous step. Christ, they hadn’t seen each other in years and had only spent a short amount of time together.

  His only excuse for thinking such utter nonsense was because he was tired and nothing more. Liar, his brain yelled back, and he forced himself to ignore it. He was tired, that was all, God damn it. They were both satisfied with the arrangement, so what more did they need? Nothing. The sharing of their bodies and pleasure was enough for now.


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