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McPartland, Mysty - Playing Doctors and Nurses (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

Page 10

by Mysty McPartland

  “Kai, honey, I want you to believe me when I tell you I didn’t mean for it to happen, and I’m sorry.” He grimaced when he saw the confusion in her gaze. “I wanted you so much, Kai, I forgot to take precautions. I know it was damn stupid, and I’m real sorry.”

  It took a few minutes for River’s explanation to sink in and when it did her eyes widened. It was the very last thing she expected to hear. She shook her head. She couldn’t blame River. They were both too mindless with their need for each other. Nibbling on her bottom lip, she turned away and rested her head once more on his chest.

  The thought that she might be already pregnant with River’s baby left her unsettled and unsure what to think. However, she knew that both of them were not ready for marriage just yet, and River would probably grow to hate her in the end if he was forced to marry her. A breath trembled from her lips, and she grew desolate over the thought of River ever hating her.

  Growing worried when Kai didn’t say anything, his hand gently slid up and down her arm and River waited for her to speak up. As her silence lengthened, he could not stand it a moment longer. “Kai, you’re not angry with me, are you, sweetheart?”

  At the sound of apprehension Kai heard in River’s voice, she put her own concerns aside and answered him. “No, I’m not angry. We just have to pray there are no consequences. And the next time, we have to remember to be more careful.”

  A frown marring his brow and his arms tightening around her, River rolled her over and beneath him. He brushed the hair lightly off her face and, when he finished, placed his hand on her stomach. He stared into her eyes intently. He didn’t want to miss reply to his next question. “Would it be so bad if you carried my child, Kai?”

  In response to his question, Kai’s eyes widened. Suddenly the thought of carrying his child filled her heart with joy. However, she hoped he never noticed her reaction and quickly lowered her lashes. Lifting her hand, she lightly caressed his jaw with her fingers. “It’s far too soon to think of such a thing.”

  Luckily for him, he’d been watching her carefully or else he would have missed the bright sparkle lighting up her eyes before she lowered her lashes hiding it from him. He dismissed her words, knowing she really didn’t mean them. “Yes, it’s far too soon. However, I think the doctor best examine you just to make sure.”

  Her fear and concern slipping away, Kai laughed joyfully. “Oh yes, and he best do a thorough job of it too.”

  “Mmm. I think he could manage to be very methodical in his examination,” River said just before he lowered his mouth to hers.

  * * * *

  Sated and worn out, River let out a loud yawn and snuggled Kai closer. His eyes drifted shut, and a wide smile lifted his lips. He knew his examination of Kai was most thorough, and he knew for the time being that they would both be satisfied.

  A soft sigh of happiness left her, and Kai’s hand glided lightly over his chest. “I should go home soon.”

  The sound of reluctance in her voice made him happy, and he squeezed her waist gently. “Mmm. Just let me rest for a few minutes, sweetheart.”

  Kai nodded and closed her eyes. She would give him a little more time, but she knew she could not stay here too much longer.

  When Kai didn’t protest, River let out a content sigh, letting himself relax. He would rest for a few moments before he took her home.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  After seeing the last patient out the door, River returned to his chair, propped his feet up on the desk and crossed his ankles. He leaned his head back against the seat, closed his eyes and smiled. The last month with Kai has been nothing but glorious. Every night they spent together, and there was no longer the desperate need to make love to her.

  They were both content just to hold each other, talk about things and just quietly enjoy each other’s company. His smile died, and he huffed a breath. The only thing that marred his happiness was taking her home every night. He detested it. He just wanted them to climb in to bed and hold each other as they drifted off to sleep.

  Twice he came very close to asking her to marry him, but each time he grew frightened of her answer and the words dried up in his throat. When the light tap came at the door, he shoved his thoughts aside, opened his eyes and swung his legs down to the floor. Straightening up in his chair, he called out for whoever it was to come in.

  Worried and tremendously frightened, Kai knew she could not put the problem that she might be pregnant off any longer. It confused her, though, that as yet River hadn’t noticed her monthly flow never arrived. It was nearly three weeks late, and she had never been late before. Only when she knew that he would be alone and his father was out seeing a patient did she come to see him. Now nervously she knocked on the door and waited for him to tell her to come in. Hearing his voice from behind the wooden panel, she hitched a breath, turned the handle and swung the door open.

  At the sight of Kai standing in the doorway, River broke out in a smile, but when he saw the worry on her face, it slowly died. He was hoping like hell she wasn’t changing her blasted mind again. He would be damned if he would put up with any more nonsense from her especially now.

  “Ah, River, I think we need to talk.” Kai said softly as she closed the door and moved across the room. She wrung her hands together nervously and couldn’t meet Rivers intense stare.

  Now truly anxious, River stood up, went around his desk, took Kai by the shoulders and waited for her to lift her head to look at him. When she finally did, he felt himself grow even more apprehensive. “Just spit it out, Kai. Just tell me what’s wrong.”

  First licking her dry lips, Kai raised her head. “You’re probably going to be mad and upset as a grizzly bear when I tell you.”

  “For God’s sake, just tell me, Kai,” River growled in impatience.

  “Very well, then. I’m three weeks late, and I have never been late,” she snapped. She didn’t like his tone at all.

  For just a moment, River didn’t realize what she meant. Then it abruptly hit him. He drew her against him and hugged her close. “I see, and how do you feel about having my baby?” he asked and shifted her away so he could see her expression.

  A frown on her brow, Kia wondered what to think of River’s reaction. However, she did know how she was feeling, but she couldn’t tell him, not until she knew how he felt, so she shrugged indifferently. “I really can’t say just yet. I am more concerned how you feel about it.”

  Little liar, River thought in amusement. He could see how bright and happy her eyes shone. “Well, until I examine you we won’t know.”

  “For goodness sake, River, now is not the time to think about making love.”

  He threw his head back and laughed, but when he felt the punch to his stomach, he quickly stopped. He couldn’t keep the grin of his face. “I meant a real examination, Kai, and it’s still too early to do one.”


  “Oh. And you know what it will mean if you are carrying my child, don’t you?” Once more, he saw her eyes light up, and it pleased him immeasurably that she seemed to like the notion of marrying him.

  She only admitted to herself that she hadn’t been able to think of anything else since she discovered she was late and knew she would like to be River’s wife. However, some doubts still remained about how he would feel being forced to marry her. “I know what it means, River, and I know that marrying is the last thing you want to do.”

  River shifted his hand from her waist and cupped her face. “Honey, I have thought about us marrying for some time, and I am not angry or upset that you might be pregnant. We both knew it might happen.” He leaned down and kissed her brow, and when he lifted his head, he smiled tenderly down at her.

  “Have you really thought about us getting married?” Kai asked breathlessly. Her heart seemed to be swelling in her chest, and she could barely take a breath.

  “Yes, Kai, I have and not just because you might be carrying my baby. I adore you, honey, and always have.” It pleased him
seeing how happy his admission made her.

  “Oh, River, I adore you too, but I’m just so confused.” She pressed herself against him, leaned her head against his chest and listened to the strong beat of his heart.

  His arms wrapped around her, River rested his chin on the top of her head. “We still have a lot to discuss, sweetheart. Why don’t you go to the cabin and fix us some supper and we’ll talk about everything then?”

  “All right,” Kai mumbled against his chest. Reluctantly, she moved away, leaned up on her toes and gave him a light kiss before she turned and walked across the room. When she reached the door, she turned to look at him over her shoulder. “And River, it’s the nurse’s turn to check out her patient.” She opened the door and smiled at hearing him laughing.

  Still chuckling after Kai closed the door, River shook his head, sat down on his desk and crossed his arms over his chest. He realized that he’d put the episode of not using protection completely out of his mind. Well, mostly. Now, though, the consequences were staring him boldly in the face.

  At least Kai seemed happy about having his child and marrying him even if she did try to hide it. He lifted a hand and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Even though he thought about marrying Kai and nearly asked her a time or two, now that it looked like they would be having a baby, he felt oddly confused over his emotions.

  Kai might or might not be carrying his child, but whether she was or wasn’t they were still going to get married. Once they talked things over tonight, they would make the arrangements to be married as soon as possible.

  A baby or not, at least now he would never have to take her home every evening. He could hold her through the night and still have her in his arms in the morning. It was the only thing he wanted, and if a baby came with it so be it. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine how beautiful Kai would look swollen with his child.

  The picture filled his heart, and suddenly he grew excited about having a child with Kai. He wanted to have a little baby girl who would look exactly like her beautiful mother. Yes, he thought he was now ecstatic that Kai could be having his baby. As soon as his father returned, he would go home to Kai and tell her how much. The thought of going home to her made him even happier. It was something he had been wanting for some time, and now in a very short time it would become real. What more could man ask for, he thought with a wide, contented smile on his face.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Supper finished and the dishes done, River sat on the sofa with Kai curled up on his lap, his hand stroking lightly down her back. “Kai, honey, I want us to arrange to be married within the next few weeks.” He held his breath as he waited for her answer. He let it out when she turned to look at him curiously.

  “Are you sure, River? I mean really sure.” Even though it was what she wanted, she did not want to pressure him into something he really might not want.

  His hand came up and his fingers lightly stroked down her cheek. He kept his gaze locked with hers so she would know he spoke the truth. “Honey, you know how much I adore you. And whether you’re having my baby or not, I want us to be married.”

  He removed his fingers from her face and placed his hand over her still flat stomach. “I want to sleep with you in my arms every night, wake up with you in the morning and find you waiting for me when I come home from work.”

  Tears of joy pooled in her eyes, and Kai lifted her hands and cupped his face. “Oh, River, I want those things too.”

  “Well, then, let’s plan our wedding. It can’t be too soon for me.” He leaned forward and kissed her lovingly. His heart expanded with happiness now that she openly admitted she wanted to marry him. One day soon, she would also confess to him how much she loved him. It would be only other thing he wanted so much, knowing it would make his life complete.

  Even though a little bit of doubt still remained, Kai decided to ignore it for the time being. Though she believed what River said, she still wondered if he might be only marrying her because of the baby. However, the longer he continued to kiss her, the thoughts and uncertainty evaporated and all she could think of only the pleasure that started to consume her.

  * * * *

  Now home and lying in bed, Kai felt the doubts start to swamp her. She bit her lips and closed her eyes tightly. Oh, she loved River. She truly did. But did he love her? He said he adored her, but that wasn’t love. You adored a puppy or someone’s child, but that didn’t mean you loved them. She let out a frustrated sigh and scrunched up her brow. It didn’t matter, though, she thought miserably.

  The possibility of carrying his child looked certain, and neither of them really had a choice in the matter. Still, she would have preferred River to marry her because he loved her and wanted to, not just because she carried his baby. Well, it didn’t make any difference what she desired, she sighed unhappily.

  She and River would soon be married, and they would both have to make the best of the situation. She could only hope that one day they would not come to regret the decision they’d made. S knew her father would probably be disappointed in her as well. He would also be very happy that she would finally be married. She screwed her nose up and sighed. Well, at least someone would be very happy over their marrying.

  Tomorrow, River would speak with her father as well as his own. Once he talked to both parents, he intended to see the minister and set a date for the ceremony. He’d laid out his plans to her after they made love, and even though she suggested they wait a little while longer, he was adamant that they would be married within the next two weeks.

  Even though she wanted to wait a little longer, it surprised her that he wanted to rush into marriage so quickly, but there was no talking him out of it, so in the end she capitulated. All she could do now was pray they were doing the right thing and everything would work out between them. She did not want to even imagine what would happen to them both if they one day realized what a terrible mistake they’d made. No, she did not want to think about such a possibility. She forcefully shoved the horrible thought aside.

  What she needed to think about was what she would wear when she married River. She let her mind drift and smiled when she thought how wonderful it would be to spend every night in his arms.

  * * * *

  Alone in bed, River lay with his hands behind his head and stared up at the dark ceiling. He could not help but feel a little apprehensive. Kai might have agreed to marry him, but afterward she once again started to voice her reluctance. He could understand her wariness, though, and understood she was frightened over their future.

  He just wished there would be some way he could ease her fear, but he didn’t know what else he could say or do to convince her. All he could do was hope she wouldn’t change her mind before the wedding. He knew how mulish she could be at times. He just hoped she wouldn’t be about this.

  It would near kill him if she did. Blowing out a breath, he shut his eyes and prayed she would still go through with the wedding. He wanted them married more so now than he ever had before. Coming home tonight and finding her cooking their dinner and eating it together felt damn good.

  So did sitting together after the dishes were done and making love to her later. The only disappointment in the whole night was taking her home. After spending these last few months with her, he never realized how lonely and empty his life was until he’d come home and Kai came back in to his life again.

  She had changed his way of thinking and feeling. He shouldn’t be surprised, though. Even when they were younger, he always wanted to spend every moment of every day with her. He hated it when they were separated just as he did now. But, soon, he reminded himself, they would never be apart again.

  She would be here with him every day for the rest of their lives. He would at last have the joy of falling asleep with her every evening and waking up every morning with her in his arms. He let out a loud sigh of contentment just thinking about it. Hopefully, she wouldn’t have second thoughts, and they could be married without any more dif

  Even if there ended up being no baby, they would still be married. He wanted her with him no matter what. And, by God, he would make sure she would be at his side forever. Determined, he yawned and grunted. Yep, Kai would marry him, and that was that.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Before any patients arrived, River walked into his father’s office and took a seat. “Dad, Kai and are going to be married as soon as I can arrange it.”

  Carl had looked up from the papers on his desk when he heard the footsteps cross the room. He smiled at his son as he sat down. When River finished speaking, Carl’s grin widened. “Well, I’m very pleased to hear it, son. I must admit I was becoming a little concerned about you both spending so much time in the cabin alone together.” He smothered his laughter when he saw his son’s face grow red and the shock that covered it.

  River was unprepared for his father’s statement, and he could feel his face heat up. He never realized his father knew about Kai spending so much time at the cabin. When he saw the twinkle in his father’s eyes, he grinned back. “Yes, well that is part of the reason. But we care for each other, and I’m tired of taking her home every night. I want us to be together.”

  Carl leaned back in his chair, still smiling at his son. “Yes, well, I can understand that. Well, since you are set on marrying, you and Kai can move in here.” He held up his hand when he saw his son about to protest. “Kai’s father and I have already shared a discussion or two about such an event happening. If you did marry, and since John will be all alone, I’m also thinking of cutting back on my hours. It’s only practical that I move in with him.”


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