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Fool For You (Made for Love Book 4)

Page 41

by R. C. Martin

  “My mother called today,” he says, pulling me from my thoughts.

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “She and my stepfather would like us to come down for dinner next weekend.”

  “Oh,” I mutter, taken aback by his announcement.

  Judah doesn’t talk about his mother much; but when he does, it’s always with a sense of respect. I get the impression that he loves her a great deal, in the way that only Jude can love. I always imagined that their bond is a unique one, given that Jude never knew his dad. Until his stepdad came around, it was just him and his mom.

  I would wager a guess that they probably aren’t too much alike. After having met Ben and Edda, I understand that Judah is…Judah. Supposedly, he’s more like Edda than anyone else, but even their similarities are minor—aligned mostly with their passion for what they both do for a living.

  His family means something to him, but he’s not like them. So the idea of meeting his mother isn’t just intimidating because it’s his mother, it’s also intimidating because I have no idea what to expect. If meeting Eddalyn had me anxious, I don’t even want to know how I’ll feel next Saturday.

  “I told her I’d check with you to be sure you were free,” he continues.

  “So, you want to go?” I ask, somehow feeling that if I hear him tell me it’s what he wants, it’ll bolster my confidence.

  “I’ve met your parents.”

  “Yes, that’s true. But—have you ever brought a girl home to meet your parents?”

  “I’m sure you can guess the answer to that, Teddy.”

  He’s right. I can guess. It’s been a decade since he’s claimed anyone as his girlfriend. Even then, their relationship was somewhat complicated. Yet, knowing that I’ve been invited into unchartered territories doesn’t make me feel special so much as it makes me feel scared. It’s a lot to live up to—being the first worthy of an introduction. Jude is so amazing. Who he is, all that he’s accomplished, I’m sure his mom is incredibly proud. I’m also assuming that she probably has high expectations in terms of who she would consider up to par for her son. My parents had their doubts, and I’m sure she’ll have hers.

  What if I fall short?

  “You’ll be fine, sweetheart.”

  “What? Hmm? Did I say that out loud?”

  “You don’t have to say anything,” he tells me, reaching over to slide his hand over my thigh. “You’re worrying for nothing, I assure you. Are you free next Saturday?”

  Feeling comforted by his touch, I rest my hands over his, preventing him from pulling away as I tell him, “I’ll be wherever you are.”

  “Good. Now put it out of your mind. This weekend is not about her.”

  “Speaking of this weekend,” I murmur, giving his hand a squeeze. “Are you sure you don’t want to give me any hints?”

  “Not one.”

  “You know, for someone who doesn’t like surprises, you sure are good at creating them.”

  “I don’t like surprises—but I like surprising you.”

  I bite my lip in a failed attempt to hide my grin as I look over at him. I would argue that I’m not a fan of surprises either, but it would be a lie. He always keeps the best secrets, and the thrill of the unknown makes this whole thing that much more adventurous.

  “Well, if you won’t tell me where we’re going, and we’re destined to be on the road for a a few more hours, then I suppose you’ll just have to play a game with me.”

  “A game?” he asks, quirking an eyebrow as he gives me a sidelong glance.

  “Mmhmm,” I hum with a nod. “Twenty questions.”

  “And what if I don’t like your questions?”

  “Too bad, mister. You’re stuck with me!” I tease. “Okay, I’ll go first.”

  I start off easy, asking him what his favorite season is.


  His answer surprises me, as the winter months prevent him from golfing and driving his beloved Porsche, but I don’t ask him why it’s his favorite season—not wishing to waste one of my precious remaining questions. Instead, I tuck that little bit of information away for another time.

  When it’s his turn, he asks me what my favorite meal of the day is. My answer, of course, is breakfast—because that’s when I enjoy my coffee the most. For a while, our questions remain light and easy to answer. But when I get to number ten, I decide to dive a little deeper—to uncover a little of the mystery of my intriguing man.

  “What is your biggest regret?”

  A full minute of silence passes between us, and I wonder if he’s going to answer me at all. Just when I think he’s about to refuse to play along, he speaks.

  “My biggest regret was giving Aubrey a second chance.”


  He smirks and shakes his head at me. “It’s my turn, sweetheart.”

  “Damn. You’re right. Okay—hit me.”

  After a slight pause he asks, “If you could go back in time and change one thing—what would it be?”

  I hum a sigh as I reach up and pinch my bottom lip between my fingers. His question is not an exceedingly difficult one. My past is full of things I wish I could change—but picking just one is the hard part. Regardless of the fact that I can’t actually change anything, I take a moment and give it some real thought before I come up with my answer.

  “If I had to pick one thing, I would have reported Justin and gotten myself tested. I was afraid that people wouldn’t take me seriously; afraid that, since he was my boyfriend, people wouldn’t believe me. But I should have done it anyway. Rape is rape, regardless of the situation.”

  He squeezes my thigh, and I take a deep breath, reminding myself that everything that happens to us in this life is for a reason; reminding myself that everything that happens can be used by God for our good—because He’s good and He loves us. I might not understand how the consequences of my actions four years ago, which led to an STI that turned into a PID, could be in any way, shape, or form good for me—but I know that my story is not finished, my future is not without hope, and the man at my side still chooses me in spite of all that I cannot change.

  “It’s your turn, sweetheart.”

  “Oh, right,” I mutter, shaking my head clear. “Why? Why do you regret giving Aubrey a second chance?”

  “She had made her choice, and it wasn’t me. I was naïve and stubborn in my resolve that she was my choice, even if she thought that I wasn’t hers. When she changed her mind and told me she wanted to be with me, I fell for it. I shouldn’t have. The effects of that choice cannot be undone. The humiliation associated with that choice won’t be forgotten. It’s as they say: fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I was a fool, and I regret it.”

  Before I can take a second to process everything that he’s said, he takes his turn, steering our conversation in a completely different direction. I get the hint that he doesn’t wish to dwell on the past anymore, and I respect his wishes, knowing that our ride home will be just as long as the ride to our destination. My opportunity to learn more about what makes my man tick is not lost.

  After we’ve each asked each other twenty questions, I make him play the alphabet game. It takes us an hour to get to the letter J; whether that’s because the signage along our route isn’t conducive to our game, or because he keeps distracting me with his little touches, I’m not sure. Regardless of why we decide to abandon our game, I still find myself intrigued along the way. The further we drive, the higher in altitude we ascend, and I wonder where he’s taking me.

  When we’ve hit the three-hour mark, I’m itching to get out my camera. The landscape of Beaver Creek, the town in which we’ve entered, a town I’ve never been, is beautiful; so beautiful that I’m sure I wouldn’t do it justice trying to capture it with my camera while in a moving vehicle. Instead, I take it all in. Then—the most gorgeous resort I’ve ever seen comes into view. My heart beat speeds up when I realize we’re driving right toward it. It’s huge, and it’s surrounded by trees
on the middle of a hillside. I can’t take my eyes off of it.



  “Is that…is that where we’re going?”


  “Wow,” I breathe, not bothering to look over at him, my eyes still devouring our surroundings.

  It takes us another fifteen minutes to reach the road that leads us to our final destination. When we drive by the welcome sign, I have to do a double take.

  Holy shit.

  We’re staying at The Ritz.

  Our suite is on the eighth floor—club level, with a mountain side view. It’s at least twice the size of my apartment, furnished with plush, light fabrics, but with a warm, cabin feel. The bathroom alone is the size of my bedroom. That’s where I sneak away, excusing myself for a moment to call Harper. I’m freaking out, and I need someone who will appreciate the extent of my excitement.

  As I pace back and forth across the marble tiled floor, I whisper a prayer, hoping that she’ll answer. It’s almost seven, which means she might already be out for the night, but I’ll call her over and over if I have to. When she answers, I sigh in relief before a fountain of words fall from my lips.

  “Oh, my god, Harper! You will not believe where I am right now,” I whisper shout, attempting to speak loud enough for her to hear me, but quiet enough that Judah won’t. “Judah surprised me and picked me up early from work. He told me to pack a bag for the weekend, and then he drove me to Beaver Creek. Harper—he brought me to The Ritz! The freaking Ritz! I’m in the bathroom right now. There’s a fireplace next to the bathtub. A fireplace!”


  “I know! I know! And the view—oh, my god,” I sigh, turning to look out of the large window just above the tub. “It’s…I don’t even have words. It’s so pretty. Last night, I dropped by to say hi, and I mentioned that I wanted to go on a hike tomorrow and…holy shit, I think he brought me up here because he’s going to take me on a hike.”

  “Wait—stop! You told him you wanted to go on a hike, and he took you up a fucking mountain?”

  “Yeah,” I breathe, a new wave of shock and awe overwhelming me.

  “I’m looking this shit up. Hold on.”

  I resume pacing, impatiently waiting for her to speak again.

  “Fucking hell,” she mutters. “Teddy—do you have any idea how much it costs to stay there for even just one night?”

  “Don’t tell me!” I insist. “I don’t want to know. I’m not looking this gift horse in the mouth.”

  “God. You lucky bitch. I sort of hate you right now.”

  I giggle, sitting on the edge of the marble tub. “That’s allowed. I’d hate me, too.”

  “Here I am, at home, in my pajamas, on a Friday night—and you’re at a five-star hotel, about to have the most romantic weekend of your life. I think we should switch brothers.”

  “Not a chance in hell,” I assert, my love for him making me irrationally possessive at her comment. It lasts only as long as it takes me to acknowledge what she’s really saying. “Wait a second, where’s Ben?”

  “Working late. Again. He’s got this case—I don’t know. I don’t want to talk about it. At least not now.”

  I frown, unsure of what to make of her tone of voice. “You two are okay, right?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, we’re fine,” she assures me. “I’m sorry. I’m just grumpy and jealous. Don’t listen to me. You should get back to your man.”

  “You’re right, I should go.” I say the words, and yet I can’t help but feel a little guilty. It sounds like she might need me right now. Then again, it’s probably just Ben that she wants.

  “Oh—just one more thing,” I gasp, my thoughts of Ben suddenly reminding me of something.

  “What’s up?”

  “Have you met their mom?”

  “Not yet. We haven’t done the meet the parent thing. I still can’t believe you took Judah home with you,” she says with a little laugh. “I wish I could have seen the looks on mom and dad’s faces.”

  “I can’t believe you haven’t taken Ben home,” I admit, knowing just how much he means to her. “You two have been seeing each other for months.”

  “He didn’t want to rush into anything. I’m sure we’ll do it soon, though.”

  “Like, maybe next weekend, soon?”


  “I’m going down to meet his mom and stepdad next Saturday. I’m nervous. Seriously, I don’t know how Jude was so calm and unfazed about meeting mom and dad. I wish I could be like that. Anyway, maybe if it was a group thing—”

  “Teddy?” I look toward the closed door when I hear Judah’s voice followed by a soft knock.

  “Harp, I’ve got to go.”

  “No problem, babe. Listen, I’ll talk to Ben about next weekend, okay? Don’t worry about it. Enjoy your weekend—I mean it, sis. Let him spoil you. You deserve it.”

  I smile, wishing I could give her a big hug right now. “Thanks, Harper. I love you.”

  “Love you, too. Bye.”

  Judah knocks once more, and I hurry my way across the room to answer. When I open the door and see him standing on the other side, I don’t give him a chance to speak before I reach for him and pull him down for a kiss. He comes willingly, gripping the back of my neck as he returns my affection. When he pulls away, it’s before I’m ready, and a small whimper of disappointment slips out.

  “Let me feed you first, sweetheart,” he replies with a sly grin.

  “Okay,” I concede.

  “We’ll go to dinner in an hour, after we’ve both had a chance to freshen up. If you want anything pressed, I’m sending my clothes down now.”

  I lift my eyebrows in surprise before I ask, “They’ll iron our clothes?”

  “Yes,” he states matter-of-factly. “Your bag is by the bed if you want to grab something.”

  I nod and he leans down to kiss me again before he lets me go. As I make my way to my suitcase, he closes himself into the bathroom. I dig out one of three dresses that I brought, relieved that I packed somewhat of a variety to choose from. I hand it to the attendant waiting at the bedroom entrance, and he assures me that our items will be returned in no longer than thirty minutes. He offers me a nod, and then he’s gone.

  As soon as I’m alone, I reach for my phone again.

  I promised my best friend a text.

  As we ride down the elevator, Teddy fidgets with her little, black handbag. I reach up and wrap my fingers around the back of her neck, giving her a little squeeze. She looks up at me, reminding me just how fucking exquisite she really is, and I kiss her forehead.

  “Relax, Teddy. Stop fidgeting.”

  “Sorry,” she replies with a blush. “I’m just excited.”

  “We’ll order a bottle of wine with dinner.”


  “Yes, Teddy?”

  “Will you kiss me?”

  A small smile pulls at my lips before I lean down to press my lips to hers. Before I can pull away, she cups one of her hands around my cheek, making me pause.

  “I love you,” she whispers, her mouth still kissing mine.

  Every time I hear her speak those words, my chest swells, and I’m filled with the urge to mark her as mine all over again, right then and there. No woman has ever made me feel so goddamn possessive before—but she’s mine, and the first chance I get, I’ll make her scream my name loud enough for everyone to know it.

  “Tell me again tomorrow, sweetheart,” I reply, kissing her once more.

  I pull away from her just as the elevator doors slide open, and I offer her my elbow before escorting her out. Tonight, we’re dining at Spago by Wolfgang Puck, located right here in the resort. We’re seated straight away, our table close to the open-oven kitchen, allowing us the perfect view of the chefs as they work. Though, admittedly, I can’t promise that I’ll be paying that much attention to what goes on back there—not when I have the pleasure of experiencing the evening through the eyes of
my shy girl. She’s completely enraptured by it all, and watching her take it all in gives me a high the likes of which I’ve never known.

  As promised, I order a bottle of wine as soon as our waiter comes to introduce herself. She tells us what’s on special for the evening, and then leaves Teddy and me to peruse the menu. The soft gasp that comes from Teddy a moment later earns my attention immediately, and the worried frown that tugs at her brow confuses me.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Oh—um, I just—” She looks down at her menu and then back up at me, her mouth opening and closing, but with no words coming out.


  “It’s all just…so much. I mean, don’t get me wrong—I appreciate you bringing me here, but I can never give this to you. I can never pay you back for all of this. It’s just so much.”

  “Teddy, this is not a loan. I don’t need you to pay me back for any of it. Order whatever you want, sweetheart.”

  She offers me a shy nod before directing her attention to her menu once more. When our server returns, we’re both ready to order our first and second course. It takes a full glass of wine before Teddy begins to relax, but once her anxiety becomes an afterthought, our conversation flows easily and we enjoy our meal together.

  After we’ve eaten, we take a walk around, exploring what the resort has to offer as we let our food settle. With every moment that passes, my patience wanes, and my desire to take my woman to bed becomes almost unbearable. The alcohol in her system has made her handsy, and my dick stirs every time she presses herself into my side.

  “Judah?” she asks, earning my attention.

  We’ve wandered into The Club Lounge, and we’re standing in front of one of the large windows, facing the balcony, looking out into the dark night. When I shift my gaze down at her, she reaches her arms up, beckoning me closer as she circles them around my neck.


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