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Page 4

by Sassie Lewis

  My balls were screaming at me to let go and empty inside her, but Georgia’s “More…please…harder…” had me holding off. I knew she wasn’t ready to join me yet, and I needed to feel her clamping down on my cock. Letting go of the best ass I’d ever held in my hands, I used one hand to pull her flat against my chest, finding her large nipples. I rolled one between my fingers as my other hand found the blood-engorged bundle of nerves at her center. Georgia’s arms reached back, her little nails digging into my ass as she finally screamed my name to the ceiling. It was all the permission my body needed to let go.

  As the rhythmic clenching of her pussy around my cock made my movements harder, the orgasm swept through my body, pulling every muscle taut. My toes curled, and my calves, thighs and ass all cramped as my balls released a torrent of cum. Stopping myself from roaring like a lion, I bit into her shoulder, feeling more animal than man.

  Not letting go of my hold, we collapsed to the side of the bed. Pulling my teeth from her skin, I could see the outline of each one. In two places, I’d broken the skin; little wells of blood were starting to pool. Placing a gentle kiss over my mark, I slid from her body and dropped the full condom to the floor.

  “Wow…can’t say I don’t remember what that was like, because…yeah, I don’t think Danny knew what he was doing—”

  Covering her mouth with my hand, I stopped the babbling coming from it. I didn’t want to know about any other guys she’d been with, although I was relieved to realize she’d never had sex with Tyson.

  Shit. Now that blood returned to my brain, I was wondering how fucked up one person could be. What had I just done to the most important person in my life? And what kind of chick sleeps with her boyfriend’s dad?

  Not saying a word, I dressed. Out the corner of my eye, I could see the confusion on Georgia’s face at the change in my mood, but I couldn’t look directly at her. I’d done shit I wasn’t proud of, but nothing before that point had made me feel physically ill. I was not going to be weak and run to her bathroom to vomit my guts up; although, with the way my stomach was churning, it could’ve been a great possibility. Instead, I was going to do what any self-respecting man did: I’d pick up Max and go get shitfaced.

  Walking to the bedroom door, I swallowed the hate for myself then turned and looked into those honey eyes.

  “Stay the fuck away from my son.”

  I heard the first soul-stealing sob as I pulled the front door closed.

  Chapter 4

  I had the shits with the world. After Saturday’s fuck-up, I’d headed back to Throttle then sent Rick the apprentice back to Georgia’s house to fix her car. I had no idea why I did that for her, but then I had no idea why the hell I did a lot of things.

  When Rick had driven off to do my bidding, I’d pulled Max aside and given him the rest of the day off. Together, we’d headed out to Hot Rods just so I could torment myself some more. I noticed the uniform Georgia had been wearing was for the one and only biker bar in town; how I’d never seen her there before was a mystery. Max, being an ex-biker, liked the bar, so we ended up there at least once a fortnight to catch up and have a beer.

  Max had gotten out of the gang when his old lady had enough of the club bitches trying to hit on her man while she was standing right beside him. Not that Max would ever stray; he loved Suz and his kids with a fierceness which was nauseating to watch.

  Being a Saturday, the bar was packed which suited me just fine. Max knew me well enough not to start hounding me with questions, even though he had to be chomping at the bit to do just that. For an ex-biker who knew shit which could get a man killed, he was a curious fucker.

  Max watched as I drank my weight in scotch then dragged me home. At least when I’d hung my face over the toilet to empty my stomach, it had been due to alcohol, not weakness and regret.

  I’d hung with Tyson on Tuesday, helping him pack the rest of his things. The whole morning while it’d still been just the two of us, I’d been tempted to ask him about Georgia. I felt like shit every time I looked at my son. An annoying voice in my head kept saying I needed to tell him what I’d done, but that was something an honorable man would do. Yeah, after fucking the chick my son was dating, I figured honor could be struck from my list of good qualities.

  Tyson seemed to be in his own head anyway and wasn’t saying much to me, either. He kept looking at me like he wanted to ask something only to shake his head and start doing something else.

  “Dad, did you see Georgia over the weekend?”

  Swallowing the bile which filled my mouth, thinking Georgia must’ve told him, I cleared my throat before answering.

  “Yep.” I waited for his reaction.

  “Did you fix her car?”

  “Sent Rick over to do it.”

  “Cool, thanks for that.”

  My heart stopped beating like a heavy metal band was playing the drums on it, but it sank into my stomach. I’d managed to be a fairly decent parent for twenty-one years, but in true ‘me’ style I’d fucked that up well and good, all over a piece of blonde curvy pussy.

  “Dad, you like Ben, right?”

  “Sure, he’s a nice enough guy.” He must’ve been making sure I wasn’t going to give his new housemate a hard time. The guy had been to our house a dozen or so times by that point, and I’d never been anything but myself around him. I didn’t have a problem with Ben. He was a little bit preppy for my liking, but I wasn’t the one sharing a house with him, so what did I care?

  “Good…yeah…good. Umm, Dad?”


  “Never mind. Can you take that box out to the truck?”

  Conversation after that had been about things he needed to stop and pick up and reminding me of the things I’d need to get. Tyson’s my polar opposite; he’d panic if we’d run out of something where I’d just make do.

  The highlight of my week had been later that day when we’d given Ty his moving and graduation presents. My folks had bought him a new bedroom suite, complete with a king-sized bed in solid wood. That way, if he ever crashed at my place, he’d still have a bed there.

  The older guys from Throttle had all seen Ty grow up, so as a moving present, they’d made him a wicked beer fridge. The body of it was shaped like the fuel tank of a Harley and the taps were handlebars. When you pulled the brake, the tap opened, letting the beer out. Fuck, my boys were talented. I wanted them to make one for my own place.

  Keeping my gift for last, we’d all been playing with the new fridge when a horn blustered out the front. Going to see who it was, I watched Ty’s face as a 2013 GMC Sierra pulled into the driveway. Rick, the idiot, had put a large red bow around the roof, but at least there was no missing the fact it was a present. I’d picked her up for a sweet deal when the owner’s husband had walked out on her. Painting it cobalt blue, I’d added some graphics and she looked hot sitting in Tyson’s new yard.

  “Fuck yeah!”

  That’s my boy. He doesn’t swear often, but every now and then a little bit of me comes from his mouth.

  “Figured you’d need more than just the bike, and you can’t be borrowing my truck all the time. So, yeah…proud, ya know?”

  Not caring that most of my employees were standing around, Ty pulled me into him and gave me a hug. Squeezing him back, I had one of those moments where a parent realizes their kid has grown up and somehow, even with my shortcomings, I’d raised a pretty decent guy.

  The rest of the week, I worked long hours just to keep busy. Sleep wasn’t happening and even though I didn’t mind a night on the piss every now and then, I wasn’t gonna start using alcohol as an escape, even if I knew it’d numb me for awhile. The worst part was no matter how much I hated myself for what had happened with Georgia the previous weekend, I just couldn’t hate her.

  Whenever sleep did finally come, it’d been full of dreams revolving around her lush body. The night before, I’d gone to Cheaters thinking if I fucked a few chicks, I’d stop dreaming about her. I’d been ready to tak
e the buxom brunette home until I’d buried my nose into her neck. My dick went from stiff and throbbing to limp the moment her scent hit me. She’d smelled wrong, but since when did a fucking smell dictate what my cock was doing?

  I was sure I hadn’t gone longer than four days without sex in years, so the fact that I wasn’t having any because of a girl I couldn’t touch ever again had me stamping my feet like some spoilt kid.

  By Friday, no one at work was coming near me. I’d locked myself in my office and just sat there, staring at the parts’ list for an hour. It was the raised voice in the reception area which finally broke through my stupor.

  Flinging my office door open, I was ready to pummel whoever was harassing Millie. Even over the smell of grease and exhaust fumes the soft scent of apples tickled my nose, and I knew who was there before even seeing her. My body came alive, pissing me off and raising my already flaming temper. What was it about that girl which had me in knots?

  Looking her dead in the eyes, I let my anger take over. Anger at myself for what I’d done, anger at her for letting me touch what I couldn’t have. I was even angry with Ty for bringing her to dinner in the first place.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “Cynfor, that’s—”

  “Mind your business, Millie.” I didn’t care if she was my mother’s best friend of not; she needed to learn to stay out of things which had nothing to do with her.

  “I came to pay for the work done on my car.”

  “What?” I had no idea what she was talking about; I just needed her to leave. Even through my anger, I wanted to pull her close so I could drag in that sweet smell of apples.

  “You sent…umm, I think his name was Rick to fix my car. So now I’d like to pay for it.”

  “No. Now get out.”

  “I’m not leaving ‘til I’ve paid. I don’t owe anything to anyone, and I am definitely not going to leave here owing something to you.” Her voice had risen with each word, and her cheeks were flushed red with her own anger; the honey of her eyes was a sparkling gold color. I wanted to throw her down on the desk and shove myself as deep inside her as I could get.

  “There a problem here, boss?”

  Max and all the boys were standing at the side door. I could see Max trying to fight a smirk when his eyes shot down toward my legs, and I knew the outline of my hard-on was visible to everyone.

  “Get back to fucking work.”

  Georgia flinched at the harshness of my voice. Grabbing her arm, I dragged her into my office and slammed the door behind us, blocking out my nosy employees. She didn’t move as I walked around my desk to find a smoke. Lighting one, I waited for the nicotine to hit me before saying anything else. Her long skirt brushed the backs of her thighs as she walked across the room to the window.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I am not standing in a closed-up room while you smoke.” The sentence was accompanied by grunting as she tried to push the window up.

  Walking up behind her, Georgia’s ass rubbed against my thighs as I flung the window open. She twisted away from me and walked back to my desk but she didn’t sit down, just stood there waiting for me.

  Moving back around, I slumped into my chair, stretching my legs out straight to relieve some of the pressure from my balls.

  “How much do I owe you? I have things to do today, so could we please hurry this along?”

  God, she was beautiful. Her nipples were stiff points against her shirt. Funny, even pissed at each other there was something which drew us like moths to a flame. My office wasn’t cold, so the only explanation for her to have puckered nipples would be because her body was having the same reaction to me as mine did to her.

  “Nothing. I told you this all ready, so go and do your other things.”

  “Sin, he was at my house for six hours and I watched him pull a few things out and put new ones in, so please don’t treat me like an idiot. How much do I owe you?”

  Opening up the top drawer of my desk, I searched around until I found the invoice I’d shoved to the back of it on Monday. I’d never intended on charging her for the work but seeing as Rick had gone over, he’d done the right thing and written one up.

  “Three and a half grand.”

  “Three and…. a half…grand?”

  “Yes. We put in a new alternator, starter motor and radiator.” And that was just to start; really, the whole engine needed replacing. I’d tell her to get rid of the car, but it was a 1975 Ford Mustang; not only were the parts easy to get, but if she spent the money and did the old girl up, it would be a sweet little ride.

  “But…but…the car’s not even worth that much.” Yeah, I already knew that one, too. She fell heavily into the seat behind her. When she lifted her face, her skin was pale and her eyes glistened.

  “Umm, I can pay you two hundred today. Would that be okay? Umm… I’ll need to make a payment arrangement.”


  “Oh. Okay. I’ll work something out and—”

  “No, you’re not paying me. Just leave, Georgia. I need you to stay away from me.” I was doing everything in my power to not get out of my seat and pull her into my arms. A fresh flood of tears filled her eyes and ran down her cheeks. Getting up, she walked toward the door.

  “Tell me, Georgia; have you broken things off with my son?”

  Spinning around, she crossed her arms over her chest and stared at me. “What?”

  “Tyson. Georgia, have you stopped seeing him?”

  She opened and closed her mouth a few times, then a smile broke across her face as she started laughing. Not just a giggle but a full-on belly laugh. I went to say something but she held her hand out to stop me. When it looked like she had herself together and the laughing had died down to the occasional snort, she lifted her face and gave me the sweetest smile, but I knew it held something else.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’ve lost me, Georgia. What are you thanking me for?” Fucking women; who the hell understands them? One minute she was crying, the next she was laughing her ass off.

  “Oh, you see, I’ve had the week from Hell. It started with great sex then the wanker walked out on me. One of my sculptures was damaged during transit, and that one I’m still trying to figure out because honestly, how the heck can you damage a fifty-pound steel and bronze sculpture? Anyway, it cost me a pretty penny in the loss of the sale. My foster mom had a heart attack. But here you are, the biggest fucking idiot I have ever met, so thank you; I needed a good laugh this week.”

  I was still lost. Yeah, I got she thought I was a wanker and an idiot, but why? Even with that I had to smile; seemed I was good at making her swear.

  “Is she all right?”

  “Who? God, you do my head in. I can’t follow half of what you’re asking sometimes.”

  “Your foster mom; is she all right?”

  “Oh, she’s fine. It was only a small one, but she gets so confused at times.”

  “Georgia, I’m serious. You need to break things off with Ty.” Her laughter pealed again.

  “You are like a dog. I don’t know if you’re going to bite me or lick me.” When I went to talk, again that little hand shot out to stop me. She walked closer, her hips swaying in a hypnotic dance. Pulling my eyes up, they caught at her breasts. She was standing in front of me; I hadn’t even noticed I’d swung my chair around to follow her movement. She was close enough that all I had to do was open my mouth and I’d be able to suck one of her ripe berries into my mouth.

  “Sin…Sin…Sin, my face is up here.”

  The look on her face was not one of playful lust but of utter disdain. I didn’t like her looking at me like that.


  “Look, you Neanderthal of an imbecile, I’ll tell you this once and only because I think more of myself than you obviously do. So listen real closely, so that idiotic brain of yours doesn’t miss anything.”

  Her insults were starting to get on my nerves. I might look rough
and act it, but I’m not a fucking idiot.

  “Call me an idiot again and I’ll pull you over my knee and spank you.”

  “I’d like to see you try. But listen up, biker-boy, I will never break things off with Tyson. He is my friend and within my life, those have been few and far between. But thanks again for the heads-up on what type of man you really are. I know you haven’t told Tyson you slept with me or he’d have told you we were just friends. Great parenting there, by the way; kinda makes me glad I never knew mine. And trust me when I say this: I am so not Tyson’s type.”

  I’d stopped listening the moment she’d told me they were nothing more than friends. Pulling her into my lap, I slammed our mouths together. The bite to my lip was not a love bite, and it fucking hurt.

  “What the hell! Ow.”

  “You’re an asshole. Let go of me.”

  “No.” Using her hair, I gave a swift tug, and when she opened her mouth on a gasp, I plunged my tongue into the moist crevice, the taste of apples, mint and coffee filling me. She didn’t kiss me back, but at least she didn’t bite me again. Pulling from her mouth, I looked into her eyes and did something I’d never done with a woman before: I opened up and told her the truth.

  “I felt so fucking guilty for what we did last week, but I still couldn’t get you outta my head.”

  “Sin, you do realize that makes me sound like a skank? Heck, I’ve slept with two guys my entire life. One left me for being fat, and the other thought he was sleeping with his son’s girlfriend. I’m beginning to wonder, am I doomed to only bed idiots?”

  I slapped her ass.

  “Hey, that hurt!”

  “It was meant to.”

  She just stared at me like she was waiting for something more. Placing my hand over the area I’d abused, I slowly rubbed it, giving it a little squeeze. Using my hold to pull her closer, her warm cunt finally rested over my shaft.

  “I am, you know?”


  “An idiot.”

  That time when I kissed her, she kissed me back. Needing to taste more of her, I left her mouth to move down her neck. Her fragrance did unbelievable things to me, and along with the apple, her musky scent of arousal filled the room. Licking and sucking at the soft skin of her neck, I ran my hands up her thighs, pushing her skirt up. By that point, her ass was free of material and her whole body shuddered at my touch. Running my fingers over the little scrap of material between her ass cheeks, it snapped easily under my twisting digits.


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