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A House Divided

Page 5

by Kimberla Lawson Roby

  “You didn’t tell her I was the one who made your reservation, did you?”

  “Nope. I just told her I’d call you when I got to the airport.”

  “She’d be through if she knew you called me while she was downstairs on the treadmill this morning. But I totally understand how you feel and why you want to see your son. School is certainly important, but you’re also a father now.”

  “Thanks for having my back, Dad.”


  “Okay, then, I’ll see you soon. Love you.”

  “Love you, too, son.”

  Curtis set the phone down on the table and nearly broke out in a sweat. He’d been listening to everything Matthew had said, but he’d also been reading the anonymous letter at the same time. This just couldn’t be. Not after so many years had passed, and he had moved completely on with his life. But nonetheless, someone was out to get him—again. They were threatening to share some pretty damaging truths, those he’d worked hard to forget and those his new congregation and not even Charlotte knew anything about. The killing part was, Curtis had no idea who was behind all this, so all he could do was trust, pray, and depend on God to fix it. He was so tired of dealing with one scandal after another, tired of hurting his children and tired of paying such hefty prices for all his past sins. There was something else that made him uneasy about this particular letter, too. Whomever had mailed it wasn’t doing it for money. They were doing it merely as a way to bring him down from the “pedestal he’d been perched high in the sky on for way too long.” Worse, the letter went on to say, “And just so you know, I don’t want or need anything from you. I’m simply going to destroy your perfect, little privileged life…because I can…and more important, because you deserve it.”

  Curtis reread the last line again and finally dropped the letter onto the conference room table. He’d done a lot of dirt in his life, but if anyone ever found out about…

  If anyone ever learned that he’d…

  Life would never be the same, and he’d be ruined.

  Chapter 8

  Just watching Curtis stand in a church pulpit—a very large one at that, acting as holy as anyone I can think of and preaching God’s Word, was enough to make me puke. To be honest, I’m not even sure why I continue to torture myself this way. Ever since the church began streaming live on the Internet several months ago, I haven’t been able to pry myself away from it. I guess it must be sort of like when people watched train wrecks. They always knew how awful it was going to be, but they still couldn’t help watching with full attention. But then there was this whole idea of my wanting and needing to monitor my prey. I say this because I was surely going to get Curtis. Not just for me or because of the terrible things he’d done to me but for all the other men and women Curtis has crossed or betrayed at one time or another. And make no mistake about it, there are plenty—and I do mean plenty—of folks who could tell the kinds of stories about Curtis that would embarrass a veteran hooker. Curtis had, in fact, done just that much and so much more for a great number of years. Sure, he claims and appears to be a completely changed man, but I still believe in consequences. You know, reaping whatever you’ve sown, and from what I can tell, Curtis hasn’t reaped even 1 percent of all the terrible things he’s done over the years. When I tell you the man was just plain awful, that’s exactly what I mean, and all you’d need to do is ask a few people who attended the first two Chicago megachurches he led, shortly after moving there from Atlanta. He was very married while serving as pastor at Faith Missionary Baptist Church and then Truth Missionary Baptist Church, but that certainly never stopped him from whoring around the way he did. Then, don’t get me started, when it comes to all the husbands and boyfriends that lost wives and girlfriends because of Curtis, even though Curtis ultimately dumped each and every one of those wives and girlfriends just as soon as he became bored with them. He moved on as soon as something better came along or until something new drove him wild. Some of those disgruntled husbands and boyfriends and dumped wives and girlfriends had been angry enough and bold enough to confront him, but some were cowardly and simply went on their way. As for me, I’m ashamed to say, I fell into the latter bunch—until now, that is. For years, I’d wanted to call Curtis just to ask him why. For years, I’d wanted to travel to wherever he was and take a knife to him. But I never found the courage. I’d think about it, dream about it, and get excited about the possibilities, but I was always much too afraid to do anything. But like I said, that is…until now. Today, I have all the courage I need. I’ve taken months to plan how I was going to bring Curtis down, and it will only be a matter of time before I get total satisfaction. You see, I know a lot. I know more than Curtis would ever expect me to know, and I realized a long time ago that nothing could give me more pleasure than forcing Curtis to his knees. Sometimes when I think about it for more than a few minutes, I get so tickled I laugh out loud. I mean, I actually laugh so hard that I sometimes cry. I think I do this because now the pain I once felt has slowly turned to the worst kind of rage, and laughing about it keeps me calm. It settles my nerves, and it is the reason I am finally able to sleep at night a lot more peacefully. So many others before me have tried kicking Curtis where it hurts—they’ve tried blackmailing him in the worst possible way and tried exposing him nationally. But in the end, Curtis has always come out smelling better than top-selling cologne and has gotten away with whatever he wants. But not this time. No, after I finish with Curtis, the man will finally fall from grace the way he should have many, many years ago. He’ll finally receive his just desserts, and life will be better all around. At least it will be for me, anyway, and for so many others I now know personally. A truly awesome day is coming. Finally.

  Chapter 9

  As Curtis slowly drove his black SUV along the passenger pickup area, Charlotte peered through the window, searching for Matthew. He’d already called Curtis to let him know he had his luggage and would be standing outside, but so far they didn’t see him.

  “What door did he say he’d be coming out of?” Charlotte asked.

  “He didn’t. But I know he flew in on American.”

  They drove a little slower, and Charlotte hoped they saw Matthew soon, because these curbside police were no joke. No parking in the passenger pickup lane had been O’Hare’s policy for a good while now, but sometimes even if you slowed and crept along for too long, one of the officers barked at you like a criminal. And it wasn’t just the men who did it, because some of the women could bring a person to tears, too. This had all become commonplace ever since 9/11, though, so Charlotte understood the reason they had to be so strict about it.

  “There he is!” Curtina yelled with sheer joy from the backseat. “There’s Matt!”

  Curtis rolled to a complete stop and got out.

  “I wanna get out, too,” Curtina said, already unbuckling her seat belt.

  Charlotte turned all the way around. “No, sweetie. Your dad is only getting out so he can help Matt put his bags in the back. Then we’ll be on our way.”

  “Okaaaayy,” she sang.

  Charlotte watched Matthew hug his father for a bit longer than usual, and she knew he was glad to be back in Illinois. He was thrilled about heading to the hospital to see his son. It would take about an hour for them to drive back home, and she could tell from the excitement on his face that he couldn’t wait.

  Matthew opened the door and got in, and Curtis walked around to the driver’s side.

  “Hey, Matt,” Curtina said, smiling and reaching out to hug her brother.

  “Hey, little girl.”

  “Can I see my baby nephew? Mommy and Daddy won’t take me to see him.”

  “That’s because you’re too young to go up to the baby floor. But you’ll get to see him when he comes home.”

  Charlotte listened to her children and wondered when Matthew was going to speak to her. It was true that Curtina had started right in with her questions, but she had a feeling Matthew didn’t have much
to say to her, anyway.

  “Is the baby going to come live with us?” Curtina wanted to know.

  “No, he’s going to live with Racquel and her parents.”

  At this point, Charlotte wanted to scream at the top of her lungs. Just hearing the idea of little MJ being around Vanessa every day made her cringe.

  Curtis finally eased his way into traffic, then looked in his rearview mirror. “Son, I’m not sure if you spoke to Racquel when you landed, but this afternoon the doctor said little MJ is making so much progress, he might go home by the end of the week.”

  “Yep, I called her while I was waiting for my luggage. She’ll be going home tomorrow herself.”

  “That’s great,” Curtis said.

  “It really is,” Charlotte added. “Actually, I’m surprised they haven’t released her before now since she didn’t have a C-section.”

  “She didn’t wanna leave until she knew MJ was okay,” Matt said. “So her dad made arrangements for her to stay as long as she wanted.”

  Charlotte had known all along that Neil’s position at the hospital carried a lot of weight, and it was for that reason that she was going to stay in close contact with him until the baby went home.

  “I sure hope Vanessa won’t try to stop me from seeing little MJ when they discharge him,” Charlotte said out loud but hadn’t meant to. If she could take it back she would, because there was no telling how Matthew was going to react. As it was, she was still sort of shocked that he’d just answered her question about Racquel.

  But it wasn’t Matthew who spoke up at all, it was Curtina.

  “Mommy, why would Miss Vanessa do something like that?”

  Charlotte hated having to answer her but responded quickly. “No reason, honey. Mommy was just saying that just in case.”

  “Just in case what?”

  Matthew playfully punched his sister in her shoulder, and Charlotte knew it was because he didn’t want to hear any more about Vanessa.

  “Stop it, Matt,” Curtina said, cracking up and hitting him back.

  Matthew punched her again. “So did you really miss me, little girl, or were you just faking?”

  “I really, really missed you for real, Matt, and I wish you never had to go back to that Harvard place. I wish you could stay home.”

  “I wish I could, too, especially now that little MJ is here.”

  “It’ll be fine,” Charlotte couldn’t help saying. “The semester will be over before you know it.”

  “Maybe, but I’m seriously thinking about taking it off.”

  Charlotte swallowed her words. She wanted so badly to talk some sense into him, though, and to remind him of how important getting a college education truly was. But she knew Matthew would never receive her advice in a positive manner. He’d already proven his disregard of her opinion when she’d spoken to him this morning. She’d encouraged him to stay at school so he wouldn’t miss any of his classes this week, but here he was. He’d come home, and now he was contemplating taking a break from the second half of his freshman year? She totally understood that he was worried about his son and was dying to see him, but Charlotte also wanted him to think and be logical. She wanted him to consider the consequences of his leaving school to be a hands-on dad. Not to mention, she knew it wouldn’t be long before Racquel tried to make things permanent between them. She hadn’t heard Matthew mention anything about marriage, but Charlotte knew it was only a matter of time before Racquel started pressuring him. Actually, the more Charlotte thought things through, the more she wished Matthew had never gotten hooked up with Racquel. All of his high school years, Charlotte had worried day and night about the possibility of some desperate girl getting too close and then trapping him with a baby. And while Curtis didn’t see Racquel as being that kind of girl and neither did Matthew, for Charlotte the jury was still out. For her, she still didn’t trust Racquel, and she dealt with her accordingly.

  Charlotte rode along in silence, listening to Matt, Curtina, and Curtis conversing about one thing after another. She did this because while they were chatting, she was thinking—and plotting her next move. In a perfect world, Vanessa would lose that nasty, uppity, condescending attitude of hers, stay out of Charlotte’s way, and accept that Charlotte should have just as much say-so about MJ as she did. She would also welcome Charlotte to spend time with her grandson as often as she wanted and even allow her to become MJ’s primary caregiver when Racquel left for college; especially since Vanessa ran a consulting business from home and didn’t have the kind of free time Charlotte had to raise a baby. But again, this kind of thing could only happen in a perfect world and not in Charlotte and Vanessa’s, so Charlotte didn’t have a choice but to plot, plan, and do whatever she had to in order to protect her rights as a grandmother. She would hope for the best, but if that hussy, Vanessa, didn’t back down soon, Charlotte would be ready. Worse, Vanessa would be very sorry she’d ever crossed her.

  Chapter 10

  Charlotte, Curtis, Matthew, and Curtina walked toward the elevator, and as soon as Matthew pressed the button, Curtina started in again.

  “Why can’t I see little MJ, Matt?”

  “I already told you. You’re not old enough. You have to be twelve or be a sibling.”

  “What’s that?” she asked, clearly not happy.

  “It means a brother or a sister.”

  Curtis shook his head. “You guys go ahead, and I’ll stay down here in the main waiting area with Curtina.”

  “You ready?” Charlotte asked Matthew.

  “Actually, Mom, I’d really like to have some time alone with Racquel. Then see the baby with just her.”

  Charlotte’s feelings were hurt, because if she knew Vanessa, she was still here visiting with Racquel and likely seeing the baby as much as she wanted. “I understand that, Matt, but can I at least just go say hi to her and peek in on the baby? Then I’ll leave.”

  “Fine, Mom.”

  When Charlotte and Matthew stepped off the elevator, they strolled down the hallway and saw Neil. He was walking out of Racquel’s room.

  He smiled, shook Matthew’s hand, and hugged him. “I’m glad you made it, son, and I’m very proud of you.”

  “Thanks for everything, Dr. Anderson.”

  “Well, I won’t hold you up because that daughter of mine can’t wait to see you. And by the way, ‘Neil’ or ‘Dad’ will do just fine.”

  Matthew chuckled. “I’ll remember that.”

  “Take care,” he said. “You, too, Charlotte.”

  As Matthew and Charlotte walked inside Racquel’s room, Racquel smiled wider than Charlotte had seen her smile since the baby was born. She was sitting in the recliner and was about to get up, but Matthew couldn’t wait for that. He leaned down, squeezed her tightly, and kissed her on her forehead. Then he kissed her on the lips. “It’s so good to see you, baby, and thank you.”

  “It’s great to see you, too, but why are you thanking me?” she asked.

  “For going through all of this without me. For not complaining.”

  “Please. We agreed that it was important for you to go to school, and you know I support that. Plus, you’re here now.”

  Matthew hugged her again. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too, sweetie.”

  A chill ripped through Charlotte’s heart. She wasn’t sure why, but she couldn’t control the way she felt. She’d heard Matthew and Racquel share their feelings for each other out loud before, but this time, it seemed different. It sounded more intense and…well…like they really meant it. Hopefully, this I-love-you phase was merely a result of high emotions relating to the baby, and it would quickly pass.

  Charlotte glanced around the room at all the greeting cards and floral arrangements. Then, to her great disappointment, Vanessa walked in. Charlotte had been relieved that she wasn’t there.

  “Oh my goodness, Matt!” she said with open arms. “I was so glad to hear you were coming home.”

  “Hey, Mom. It’s g
ood to be here.”

  Mom???? Charlotte must have been hearing things, and if for some reason she wasn’t, why on earth was Matthew calling her that? She was his mother, not that witch, Vanessa!

  “Just wait until you see that little one of yours!” Vanessa said, beaming. “Talk about the most handsome baby ever.”

  Racquel shook her head and laughed at her mother. “She acts as though there are no other babies in the country. But, Matt…he really is perfect. He’s everything you and I could have hoped for.”

  “He certainly is,” Vanessa said. “And what are you waiting for? Racquel and I were planning to go down to the nursery, but now the two of you can go together.”

  Matthew helped Racquel up. “Do you want your wheelchair?”

  “No, I’m fine. I need to walk as much as I can.”

  “Okay,” Matthew said to Charlotte and Vanessa. “We’ll be back.”

  “Have a good time,” Vanessa said, but as soon as they left the room, she walked past Charlotte and started gathering all of Racquel’s cards. Charlotte guessed she was helping Racquel pack up to go home tomorrow.

  As usual, the atmosphere was awkward and icy and Charlotte felt out of place, so she sat down. Vanessa kept her back to her and continued pulling down cards. Charlotte picked up the television selector, flipped through a few channels, but she couldn’t take all this silence. It was maddening, to say the least, and given the way Matthew had looked at Racquel and the warm connection between him and Vanessa, she wondered if maybe she should swallow her pride and try reaching out to Vanessa. It was the last thing she wanted to do, but she also couldn’t chance losing her son to this woman.

  “Vanessa, can I talk to you?”

  Vanessa never turned around but said, “About what?”

  “Our grandson, and the fact that you and I are going to have to see each other pretty regularly…whether we like it or not.”

  Vanessa never even grunted.


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