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Captive Heroes

Page 2

by Springer, Jan

  Fire. The stench of smoke.

  She didn’t like the smell. She didn’t want to die in a fire.

  Someone was unlocking the belts keeping her hostage and hands pulled at her arms. She kept her eyes closed and moaned a protest as dizziness swept over her. In a flash, she was released from those awful restraints but was forced into brown, stagnant water.

  And then she was swimming. Tasmanian devil swirls of orange-blue flames swept all around her. Moss dangling from nearby creepy-looking trees flared and burst into flames.

  Everything went black.

  “Come on, Kinley, say something.” A young woman she didn’t recognize snapped her fingers in front of Kinley’s face. Kinley closed her eyes again as another wave of dizziness swept over her. Nausea slammed into her stomach but, thankfully, she wasn’t sick.

  Okay, she’d passed out. She needed to stay awake. Felt the urgency in the other woman’s voice as she kept yelling.

  “Oh come on, don’t do this to me. We need to get Piper some help. She got burned in the crash.”

  Piper? What the heck was a Piper? A plane. She was talking about a plane, right? They’d been in a plane crash?

  Kinley forced herself to open her eyes as the woman cursed a streak of blue words that truly impressed her. Her gut clenched uneasily at the pale face bobbing nearby in the water. Someone dead? Then she realized the pissed-off chick’s arm was slung beneath an unconscious woman’s neck, keeping her face out of the water.

  Okay someone was hurt. She wished she could help, but she could barely keep herself afloat.

  “Just keep up with me, Kin. Just keep up. Keep swimming. That’s it. Dear God, please don’t make me choose whom I have to save.”

  The woman’s anxious voice snapped some serious panic into her. She needed to swim. To get out of this inferno. Even though they were in water, the air was intensely hot from the blades of flames popping up all around them. Black smoke billowed into the air, blocking the sky as the fuel on the water caught fire. They would burn if they didn’t swim away. And fast.

  Instincts told her to keep her head above the murky water. She told herself not to drink it, but she’d swallowed some already, leaving a lousy, swampy flavor in her mouth. Trees surrounded her as she swam. The branches were twisted and menacing, reaching toward her as if wanting to grab her.

  She needed to get away from them before they caught her. She swam faster.

  * * * * *

  Kinley must have blacked out again. She didn’t know for how long, because she awoke to discover she wasn’t surrounded by intense flames and heat or black rolling smoke that bit into her nostrils. The woman yelling at her to keep swimming was gone too. Thank goodness, because her shouting had irritated the hell out of Kinley.

  Her surroundings were peaceful. Lying on her back in some wooded clearing, Kinley touched the cool cloth on her forehead.

  Fresh, yet sticky, air shifted into her lungs, and aside from her temples throbbing and a few aches and pains here and there, she had no complaints.

  Above her the sky was a breathtaking blue, and all around her were gorgeous, tall green ferns that waved gently in the humid breeze. Beneath her a warm material hugged her back and, when she turned her head, a tiny zing of pain snapped against her right temple, reminding her she had a head injury.

  Fear hit her as she discovered a big black-haired man lying on his side right beside her. His elbow was propped on the ground, his head resting in his hand while he studied her. He had a nice, friendly face with a dark, sexy shadow that hugged his chin and cheeks. He had a straight nose and the blackest eyes she’d ever seen. He was smiling too, as if enjoying himself, and, to her surprise, his smile eased her anxiety.

  “Ah, you awaken again. The bump on your head is subsiding. How do you feel?”

  His voice was husky and the distinct feather-light brush of his fingers danced across the lower, right-hand side of her belly. His touch was erotic as he caressed her flesh. The lusty glitter in his eyes had her breath halting in her lungs. She wished for him to dip his fingers lower, to touch her between her thighs. She ached for him to rub her clit and extinguish her neediness.

  “Um, better,” she admitted, wondering who this guy was and why she wanted him touching her intimately. Her eyes widened as she lowered her gaze from his face to study his broad shoulders and chest. Curly black hair partially hid an abundance of scars that looked like lash marks from a whip.

  Wow, so he’d obviously been whipped? Did he take BDSM that seriously?

  Her temples resumed throbbing as she remembered flickers of being tied to a cold stone wall in a dark BDSM dungeon. She was laughing and clenching her teeth as the cat-o’-nine-tails bit into her tender flesh. Yeah, she was into the scene. It had been fun. But who the hell was this guy? Who was she? She couldn’t remember.

  “Do I know you?” she asked, trying really hard to resist the urge to grab his hand and move it lower, to between her legs, where she needed him to be.

  His grin widened. “You must have forgotten again. I have told you several times. My name is Blackie. It is the head wound that makes you forget. It should get better soon.”

  She would be better soon. She would remember things. Why did that thought make her unhappy?

  “What happened to me?”

  “I do not know. I discovered you near the Fever Swamps. Your body is bruised and I am sure you drank some of the water. As you know, when ingested the swamp water arouses a female. I had to…” Intense longing crossed his face and heat suffused her body.

  Swamp water aroused a female? What was he talking about?

  Flickers of something… His warm, tender mouth kissing her tummy. His fingers rubbing her clit and then dipping inside her vagina. Of her convulsing into one orgasm after another. Wanting more.

  Her cheeks flamed.

  “I had to make you come.” His voice was hoarse and thick with arousal. “You enjoyed it immensely. Do you not remember?”

  My goodness! He had to what? Her pussy throbbed. Excitement swept through her. Yeah, she remembered feeling really nice with what he’d been doing to her.

  “Do you wish me to do it again?”

  She creamed. Hard.

  Oh my. Yes, actually that would be nice.

  She should be afraid of him, shouldn’t she? She ripped her gaze from his intense stare and gazed down past her bared breasts to his dark tanned fingers caressing the light flesh of her belly. A black hair-like blanket covered her lower half. The texture tickled her thighs. She didn’t have to be told she was naked beneath that blanket.

  So why wasn’t she afraid of him? She should be scared. She should be. But no fear came. Just a yearning for him to keep touching her. A craving to have sex with him.

  Concern dipped his mouth into a frown and sadness whipped through her for making him worry.

  “You do not answer me. Do you still have your headache?”

  Oh wow, now she remembered. She’d had a blinding headache. Some woman had been yelling at her to keep swimming. What had happened to that woman and the one she’d been rescuing? Were they all right?

  “Was there anyone with me? Two other women?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “You were alone. Unconscious and naked. You had taken a blow to your head.”

  The woman had said something about not making her decide whom to save. Obviously she’d chosen the unconscious person she’d been dragging through the water.

  Oh well. At least she was alive and safe here with this guy.

  She grimaced as he reached up and removed the cool cloth, touching a tender spot on her right temple.

  “I am sure it still hurts, but the swelling is down. I will place more salve on. But before I do, do you wish to come again?”

  Oh my.

  His eyes sparkled with heat and, yeah, she wished to come. She swallowed. She had to be dreaming this guy. He was too good to be true. His big body was laced with muscles and he wore nothing but a breechclout. She certainly didn’t miss
the huge erection pressed against the material between his very muscular thighs.

  She resisted the urge to curl a hand over his hip, turn her body toward him and slide up against him. Resisted the urge to undo that breechclout and palm his cock and slip his solid flesh into her throbbing, empty pussy.

  His biceps flexed magnificently as he moved his hand from where he’d touched her temple. That frown of his deepened. Yeah, he was worried about her.

  “Are you not feeling well?”

  “Um, sure. I feel okay.” Yes, she had to be dreaming. A guy she didn’t know seemed overly concerned for her well-being.

  “Then I shall make you come?”

  Sure, why not? She nodded.

  He grinned and arousal burst through her entire body. The sexy way he smiled, the intense lust in his eyes as he looked at her made her feel so desirable.

  “Your scar makes me very aroused.”

  “My scar?”

  “It is very sexy.”

  She peered past her heaving breasts. Tried to ignore how ripe and red her nipples looked as they poked straight up into the humid air. She gazed down to where he touched, just below and to the right of her bellybutton.

  Yeah, there was a two-inch diagonal scar. Appendix. She must have had it out, but she simply couldn’t remember.

  “A scar excites you?” Amazing.

  “Most females have their scars immediately erased.”

  Plastic surgery.

  She wanted to ask him why he had so many scars. Did it turn his women on? Someone she knew got turned on by scars, but damned if she could remember whom.

  A flare of jealousy zipped through her. A good-looking guy like him must have tons of chicks. Why was he here with her? Where was here?

  Who cares, the guy wants to make me come. Right now that’s all I want. Questions I can deal with later.

  She moaned softly as the heated palm of his hand slipped over her stomach like an erotic brand.

  “Lift your knees and spread your legs,” he commanded. His voice was firm, yet gentle at the same time. An endearing combination.

  She did as he said and the blanket slipped off her knees and down over her belly. She widened her legs and his hand dipped beneath the blanket. He slid a finger between her slick folds and sunk it deep into her vagina. Her muscles clenched eagerly around him.

  Oh yeah, perfect. She moaned her approval. He groaned softly. She liked that guttural, wild sound of his. Liked it a lot.

  “You are creaming very nicely,” he whispered.


  She swore he read her mind as the tips of his full lips curved upward into another magnificent grin. Endearing laugh lines erupted at the sides of his eyes. Eyes so dark brown they were almost black. Awesome coloring.

  He slid his finger out and rubbed her clit with her cream. She was quite sensitive there. He’d said he’d made her come. Yeah, like how many freaking times? Her pussy lips were heavy and swollen, her vaginal muscles gently aching. Had he fucked her while she’d been unconscious?

  Wow. She would have to ask him that. But later. Much later.

  She creamed harder at the thought of him doing her while she slept and reached up to massage her nipples. And boy, they were sensitive too. Had he been sucking on them? Touching her here? Pinching and rubbing her nipples like she was doing now?

  The burn of pleasure-pain quickly burst though her nipples from her rough, desperate tweaking. She gasped as his fingers rubbed her clit harder and she grew warmer, the exquisite tightness in her body growing.

  Oh yeah, this is good.

  Her eyelids began to droop from desire and she became mesmerized by the black-hair blanket moving up and down above his hand as he swiftly massaged her clit. Sensual jiggles stirred her breasts as his strokes moved her entire body. The pressure of his hand was sure and firm. Strong and deliberate. This guy knew exactly where to touch her to arouse her and knew exactly what he was doing.


  Beneath his caresses she was virtually helpless as the pleasure mounted. Sweet electrical bolts snapped through her, promising nice things to come. The blanket slipped off, giving her quite the erotic view of his hand vigorously moving up and down, her thighs quivering as they tightened with anticipation.

  Oh sweetness! Breathe through this, girl. Breathe through it and hold this fantastic pleasure for as long as you can.

  She swallowed and held her breath as his head moved into view. He grinned, his dark eyes lust-filled, making her tummy somersault in a really carnal way as he dipped his face down. She arched against him as his hot tongue kissed along her scar, the light, wet slurp pumping hot blood through her veins.

  She moaned her approval.

  “Shhh…I will make you come and then you will sleep. Until the next time…”

  Oh my gosh.

  His black eyes sparkled as his tongue licked her, and then the sharp scrape of his even white teeth brushed along the length of her scar. His massage against her clit grew quicker, firmer.

  She played with her nipples, whimpering at the pleasure zipping through her. The erotic way his long black lashes fluttered as he closed his eyes. His tongue bristly as he laved it against her flesh. She ached for him to dip his face between her legs. She spread her thighs farther.

  Pleasure escalated. Her body tightened more. She pinched her nipples, twisting and kneading them. The erotic scrape of his teeth against her belly had her gasping.

  She closed her eyes, moaned softly as he thrust three fingers into her wet vagina. Her breathing grew labored as he pistoned and the slurping of her cream echoed through the air.

  And then she was there. The orgasm jolted through her pussy and straight up into her belly. She cried out her release, bucking her hips over and over again as he continued to fuck her with his fingers. White-hot flames of arousal caressed her senses, embraced and loved her. Perspiration sheened across her flesh, trying to cool the heat racing through her.

  She moaned and gyrated madly as he kept fucking her with his fingers. Her vagina clenched around his intrusion harder and harder with his every thrust. More vibrations snapped through her, rocking her hips higher and higher. She was flying. Dying. Living again.

  Somewhere, deep in the back of her mind, a voice whispered that she truly was a mess for letting a stranger fuck her like this. But she didn’t care. She embraced the pleasure. Rode it as long as she could. And when the climax ebbed, he stroked her right into another one. And then another.

  Afterward, she collapsed from sheer weakness, so tired she couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer. Not even his sexy smile as he placed the cool cloth back over her forehead could keep her from drifting away.

  She slept.

  * * * * *

  A man’s gravelly, lust-filled voice had Kinley drifting up from the sweet, deep sleep she’d been enjoying. She was curled tightly into the fetal position on her left side, and the sky was turning light gray as morning approached.

  A fissure of alarm raced through her as whoever was speaking wasn’t the guy named Blackie, and she didn’t like what he was saying.

  “Ah, Blackie has found another tempting female, has he?” a man whispered from immediately behind her. “A very succulent female that I wish to try out.”

  She couldn’t stop her whimper of terror as a large, very powerful hand slipped over her bare shoulder.

  Fear paralyzed her and knocked the last remnants of sleep right out of her as he pulled on her shoulder, hard enough to turn her over. She came face-to-face with the big man. His chest and shoulders were just as marred with scars as Blackie’s. He had partially undone his breechclout and she gasped at the thick, long erection hanging between his legs. She knew his intention and she wanted nothing to do with him.

  Oh no! Please no!

  His lusty gaze zeroed in on her bared breasts. The desire in his eyes brought an intense flush of shame snapping through her. She tried to lift her arms, but he quickly caught them, pinning them to her sides.

bsp; No!

  “Ah yes, a very succulent female. And I can see by the way your nipples are ripe and red, and the bright lust shining in your eyes, that he must have already started the training.”

  Training? What was he talking about? She was not being trained for anything. Was she?

  “Let me go!” she cried. She struggled against his tight grip, but he didn’t budge.


  The man’s blue eyes blazed with excitement and evilness and Kinley couldn’t help but tremble as he chuckled, obviously not caring what she wanted.

  “Let you go? You are our sex slave. You belong to whomever wants you. Blackie has had you. Now I wish to fuck you too. To show you I can fuck better than he, and when we return you will be fucked by all males whenever they wish it.”

  Oh my God. This can’t be happening.


  She tried to move, to fight, but he continued to hold her arms so tightly she couldn’t budge.

  Panic buzzed inside her and her heart hammered insanely fast. Where was Blackie? Why was he letting this man do this to her? Had the bastard been using her just like this man said?

  A burst of anger slashed into her fear.

  Damn him!

  “I said get the fuck off me, you son of a bitch!”

  He grinned, showing her an array of rotting teeth that made her cringe, and she grimaced at his foul-smelling breath. His head lowered in an attempt to kiss her but she turned her face away, crying out once more for him to let her go.

  He didn’t. Instead, he only laughed. This time louder. He was enjoying her distress. What kind of a man was he?

  She gasped in terror as his mouth dropped against the valley of her breasts. She struggled harder but quickly realized the futility in doing so. Something inside her suddenly calmed, telling her to be silent. She obeyed her inner voice and went deathly still. She would endure this. She would wait for an opening to escape.

  “That’s it, woman. Just enjoy it. You females are made to be fucked. That’s all you are good for.”

  Slimy bastard!

  He released her arms and, as he began to climb on top of her, Kinley saw red—literally. The small sheathed knife at his waist captured her attention. In her terror, she hadn’t noticed it earlier.


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