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Captive Heroes

Page 18

by Springer, Jan

  “When you fell, I thought—” He frowned.

  “You thought I had died?”

  He smiled, but it was a sad smile and warmth as well as concern washed through her.

  “I think I just passed out. Too much excitement, I guess. I should have eaten something today. Low blood sugar,” she lied. Truth was she didn’t know what had happened. She’d just suddenly been overwhelmed with everything and lightheaded.

  She couldn’t have been out for too long as he was still alive. They would need to… Heat zipped through her as she thought about how she’d pumped those virgin, Yellow Hair chicks for information about the cure for the otherwise fatal Passion Poison.

  When their answer came as a twenty-four-hour sex marathon, her mouth had dropped open in shock. She hadn’t cared for how the leader of the virgins had commented that Kinley—Goddess of Freedom extraordinaire—should know such things. She was, after all, the woman who had created the rituals the so-called Yellow Hairs followed.

  Of course Kinley had a snappy comeback, letting the girls know she was just testing them to make sure they were up to speed on their education. But the leader hadn’t been fooled and so Kinley had revealed the truth. She’d been hit on the head and lost her memory. Thankfully they had bought her story. Those innocent young women had been easily duped, allowing Blackie and her to escape.

  “Why do you smile so?” Blackie asked with a harsh gruffness in his voice.

  Uh oh, the guy is back to pissed-off mode again.

  Kinley struggled to sitting. The lightheadedness she’d been experiencing had vanished.

  Gazing around the room, she was overcome with a sense of familiarity. For instance, she knew what the sliding partition on a nearby console would be used for. But would it work after all this time being dormant? A sense of adrenaline gushed through her and she swung her legs over the padded bed.

  “You should not get up. It is too soon,” Blackie urged. His iron-strong arm swept gently across her midriff, preventing her from standing.

  “I’m okay. I need to move. Need circulation to get my brain working.”

  He glared at her, shaking his head, a deep frown marring his handsome features. Gosh, he really did look sexy-hot. Long, black bangs swept over his forehead and the black shadow of a beard and moustache hugged his tanned face. And that sensually shaped mouth of his…her pussy tingled at the thought of having his lips kissing between her thighs.

  “Please…let me get up?” she whispered, her voice husky and aroused.

  Lust splashed into his eyes, pushing aside his command. Reluctantly he removed his arm and backed away.

  “Have you eaten?” she asked as she made her way to the partition in the wall. Beside it was the intercom, a menu on the wall and a black button.

  She knew this ship was outfitted with hydrogen cell batteries, a newly developed technology back on Earth. The batteries allowed for endless energy, even under catastrophic conditions. But how in the world was this state-of-the-art spaceship here when this energy source had just been discovered not too long ago on Earth?

  Back on Earth…endless energy…catastrophic conditions… The words floated through her mind as she pushed the black button. She gasped in surprise and then happiness as the computerized menu screen flickered to life.

  “What is this?” Blackie said from behind her.

  “Menus for food. That is, if we could be so lucky.”


  “Yeah, lots of food. If it works,” she answered.

  Please work.

  She touched the screen and damned if it didn’t flip the page to the next menu.

  Oh get out of here!

  The computer on this ship still worked. NASA should be proud.

  She tried hard to ignore the butterflies of anxiety rolling through her belly at the depth of her knowledge about this spaceship, as well as the menus she scrolled through.

  Okay, so she wasn’t on Earth. She got that now. Probably that’s why her brain had shut down and she’d passed out. Maybe she had needed the blackout to force her brain to relax and assemble everything?

  She was in the company of a hunky, well-hung stud who spoke a little broken English. Not that guys on Earth didn’t speak broken English or weren’t well-hung. They did and they were. But this guy… Kinley shivered as ripples of pleasure shifted through her. This guy had to be some sort of soul mate or something, because she’d never experienced this weird, tingling, caring kind of thing about a man before. Especially about a man she’d practically just met and had sex with so many freaking times. She didn’t know how she’d never cared like this about a guy before, she just did.

  This spaceship had crashed. Was it hers? Couldn’t be. It looked as if it had been here for years. Especially with all the vines and trees growing so closely around it. It had to have crashed many, many years ago, and yet the technology was current. Weird. Maybe there was a time warp in space that she’d slipped through?

  “You strike me as a steak-and-potatoes kind of guy,” she mused as she pressed the appropriate numbers from the menu into the keyboard. Then she poked the black button, held her breath and hoped to hell it worked. Suddenly the door on the little compartment slid open with a squeak and Blackie gasped from behind her.

  A plate of steaming food sat inside. Her mouth watered at the toasty smell of steak. Beside the steak were mashed potatoes, baby carrots and peaches, and creamed corn. Behind the plate, a small flute of red wine.

  Shit! It worked!

  But was the food still good after all this time?

  Something deep inside told her yes. All the food in the replicator was freeze-dried and stored in tamper-proof, non-deteriorating plastic containers that would last up to fifty years. Again NASA should be proud and, heck, she was proud she could remember these important things too.

  Grabbing the hot plate and cold flute of wine, Kinley placed them on a nearby table. She gazed at Blackie and ignored his pale, shocked face.

  “Come and eat. I’ll whip up something for myself.” No use explaining to him what this was all about. Besides, NASA protocol forbade it.

  Kinley smiled. Okay, so some of her memories had made an appearance while she’d been unconscious.

  “We must go,” Blackie said coolly and made his way to the door. When she didn’t follow, an angry shade of red quickly returned to his face. He was mad.

  “Oh you don’t want to leave just yet, Blackie. I need to get some ointment on that knife wound of yours. It’s the least I can do for putting it there,” she said softly.

  Quickly she entered some more numbers into the computer. He wouldn’t want to miss her next project. The door slid open and Kinley immediately grabbed the items inside. First-aid ointment, bandages and something else. The cool metal kissed her palm, giving her confidence and power. When she swung around and faced him, his angry gaze lowered to her weapon of choice.

  A gun.

  He frowned, understandably so.

  “Now I’d suggest you sit down. I’ll tend to your injury while you eat what I put on the table or I’ll shoot your balls off one at a time.”

  His eyes widened in disbelief at her coolly spoken remark. He probably thought she’d lost her mind. Good, that would make it easier to get him to do what she wanted. She dropped her aim to parts south. A warm smugness brewed inside her as his Adam’s apple bobbed wildly in his throat. Clearly he understood what a gun was used for.

  “And if you don’t finish all your vegetables, I’ll shoot your cock off. And shooting off your cock will make me very angry, because then we won’t be able to have more of the wild sex we had earlier in those virgins’ teepee. And I, for one, do not wish to act like a virgin tonight. So do as I say…sit!”

  His eyes blazed with intense anger and he remained still. Obviously he did not enjoy being commanded at gunpoint. Or having his jewels threatened in such a manner.

  “Please,” she muttered and pointed the gun to the plastic chair he should sit in. Hell, she may as well be

  “And let me know how the wine tastes. It must be perfectly aged after all this time.”

  Without waiting for him to sit, she kept the gun leveled at him and did a further scan of the menu. Touching the forward button, she flipped through several menus until she arrived at the area she was searching for. Excitement shot through her as she read the variety of items available to her.

  Her nipples grew hard, her breasts swelled and her pussy creamed, but she didn’t program in what she wanted. At least not yet. She’d have to wait until Blackie entered Phase Three. And then the fun would begin.

  Until then, she needed to get as much nourishment as she could, because twenty-four hours was a long time to have sex with a man in the throes of Passion Poison.

  A long time indeed.

  Chapter Eleven

  Masturbating had been exactly what Kayla needed to take the edge off, and she slept well the rest of the night and late into the next morning. Upon awakening, she was surprised to discover Taylor sitting in the open doorway, and even more surprised at the splashes of sunshine casting misty, white rays across the glistening, rain-specked grass outside.

  Immense relief and excitement made her literally hop out of bed and jump up and down with joy.

  Taylor turned toward her, his smile so wide it led her to believe he must be much better. He actually had a sexy little dimple bursting out of the left side of his mouth. Gosh, he looked so good when he smiled. So huggable.

  She couldn’t help but perch down on the door stoop beside him and throw her arms around his big shoulders in a warm hug. Nice muscles flexed beneath her hands, zipping a tingling warmth into her. The tingle quickly turned hot and moved through her like a fever.

  “It’s stopped, hasn’t it? Or am I just dreaming?” she asked, trying hard not to show him how hot he made her just by merely touching him. She let go of him and stared out the doorway, telling herself it was the change in the weather that made happiness burst inside her.

  She had to admit the sight was picturesque. She could see why Taylor and Jarod had faced the doorway the direction they did, in order to catch the late-morning blast of sunshine as it burst over the treetops of the white birch bark trees. Everything looked so fresh and clean out there. Gone was the cool dampness, replaced by a toasty warmth that seeped right into her flesh, making her so glad the rain was finally gone.

  “The storms will return in several days,” he replied. “We will leave here in the morning and find our way through the swamps to your brothers.”

  Immense relief whipped through her. Heck, a few days without rain was better than just one day without it. She expected him to sound happier than he did at their leaving, but his intense concentration on a piece of shaped wood he held in one hand drew her attention. The item looked to be about ten inches long, with one tapered end and a flat, extended base at the other end.

  At the largest part, near the middle and toward the thin base, it appeared a little over two inches thick. The wood looked very smooth and had been fashioned in the shape of an hourglass. If she didn’t know any better, she would think he’d whittled it in the form of a…

  Kayla swallowed. Her ass clenched and her pussy creamed.

  The air grew sensually charged between them.

  “Um, what are you making?” she asked, suddenly kind of shy.

  “It is finished. It is for you,” he whispered gently.

  When he looked at her, his eyes told the rest of the story. Lust and arousal burned there and Kayla literally blazed with a need for him so powerful, she actually hurt everywhere. She couldn’t help but wonder what to say or to how to ask him if it was indeed what she thought it was…a butt plug.

  “A present? For me? I like presents.”

  He grinned. “You will like this one then.” He held it up for her to see.

  “It’s…um…very smooth.”

  “It is as silky smooth and almost as wide and long as my cock.”

  Oh. My.

  He studied her as he spoke. “The wood is as hard as my cock and no chance of slivers.”

  Okay. Slivers are not good.

  His grin widened at her apparent discomfort on the subject.

  “Have you ever worn one? Do you know what it is?”

  “Yes… I mean, I know what it is, but…um…no, I haven’t worn one.”

  Appreciation and excitement glittered in his eyes.

  “Then you are a virgin there?” Hopefulness whipped across his face.

  Her cheeks flamed. Oh man, what a time to blush.

  “You look very pretty with your face red.”

  Oh sweet cabin, please cave in on me.

  He winced as he shifted and turned to face her. She’d have to check the wound in his side, but not yet. Right now thoughts of morning sex floated in the air. How could they not be when he was making her a butt plug?

  He placed the plug and his knife into a small woven basket and, to her surprise, he lifted his hands to her face. His calloused fingers were rough against her flesh as he caressed her burning cheeks. His touch so gentle and featherlight, she was amazed a man as big as he could possess such tenderness.

  “You are a very beautiful woman. You have nothing to be bashful about.”

  Shy? Me?

  Like she hadn’t just been traveling and having sex with a stranger? How could he consider her shy?

  His breathing had gotten heavier. Hers had too. His head was moving closer to hers and hers moved closer to his. Gosh, were they ever on the same wavelength.

  “I watched you masturbating in the river last night,” he whispered a split second before his mouth brushed gently against her lips.

  She shuddered beneath his kiss. Her blood sang with arousal at his confession of watching her orgasm in the river. Oh great. What was it with this guy? Did he want her face to be even redder? Because it was getting way too hot in here.

  “I want to watch you now.”

  Kayla blinked. Had she heard right?

  His hands slipped from her cheeks to settle on her shoulders as he kissed her harder, his mouth moving firm against her lips. She twined her arms around his neck, falling headlong into the magnificent shivers of delight he easily invoked in her.

  Abruptly, he broke the kiss. “On the bed. I wish to watch.”

  She creamed at his instruction. She nodded numbly and stood. On trembling legs, she padded barefoot to the bed.

  “Remove your skirt,” he said thickly.

  She blew out a deep breath and did as he said, removing her skirt slowly, letting it brush down her thighs before dropping it to the floor. She climbed onto the bed and sat on the edge.

  He approached her with the basket containing the plug, his limp distinct. She’d forgotten about his limp in all the panic of getting him to this cabin. Maybe she should inquire more about what had happened to him.

  But the curiosity melted and her heart began thumping way too wildly as he settled the basket on the nearby window ledge. She held her breath as he opened the lid. He grabbed the plug and carried it to the pot of clean water she’d set over the fire last night.

  “I will clean this while you masturbate. While I watch,” he said matter-of-factly as he dipped the big plug into the water.

  Oh sure, no problem. Like she masturbated in front of him all the time!

  But his casualness about the situation intrigued her. She wished she could be that way. Her sister Kinley was comfortable in her own skin and Kayla had always wanted to be less shy regarding sex.

  She made a move to lie down on the bed, but his words stopped her.

  “Right there. Stay. Spread your legs.”

  Kayla couldn’t believe she was doing this. Couldn’t believe she wanted to do this in front of a man. She’d never masturbated in front of a guy before. It looked like today was going to be a day of firsts, didn’t it?

  His eyes blazed with excitement as she spread her legs and angled her hips in such a way he would have a perfect view. Thankfully her face wasn’
t so hot anymore and she really wasn’t embarrassed either. Because now he was doing the same. Undressing. Not that wearing a breechclout was clothes. He untied the strings and let the garment drop to the floor.

  She couldn’t take her gaze from his cock. It was big and so thick. Engorged with blood, the shaft a bruised purple, the cock head bulging.

  “Why…why didn’t you join me last night?” she asked, her eyes widening as his cock continue to swell and lengthen. It jerked magnificently as it grew and rose, and all because he was looking at her. Perhaps this wasn’t matter-of-fact for him, after all.

  Her gaze stayed glued to that body of his. Nice curvy muscles, and those scars looked mighty impressive mingled with the abundance of elevated veins. Exactly what had he done to piss off the women on this planet? And why would they take a whip to him and mar his tanned skin?

  “I wished not to disturb you in the river. You seemed very intent.”

  Intent. That was an understatement.

  “And I realized I was neglectful of you the past few days while I was injured. I understood why you needed to get relief. You are a very sensual female.”

  Oh dear. That must be a compliment.

  He returned to the pot to wash the butt plug. Yes, he appeared very confident in his nakedness, standing with his cock engorged and erect the way it was, with her watching. Gosh, she’d best get comfortable with her nakedness too.

  Easier said than done.

  She slipped a trembling hand between her thighs, dipping a finger into her vagina and finding herself already creamy-wet. She slid out with the lube and began a quick rub on her clit, gasping at how quickly and intensely the tremors of need shimmered to life inside her.

  It was kind of weird doing this, touching herself in front of him, but hey, she wanted to please him. And if he could be confident in his nudity then, heck, so could she.

  She looked down and lifted her top, bunching it to expose her breasts. Her nipples were already engorged and tight, her breasts big and tense, and as she lifted her gaze to look at him, his cock jerked and swelled even bigger.


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