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Black Spells & Twisted Souls (Grey Witch Book 1)

Page 13

by Cece Rose

  “What’s funny?”

  “Just thinking about blowing up the apartment,” I answer in a sweet voice.

  “You’re disturbing sometimes.” He smiles as he says it though, taking any possible bite out of his words.

  “You say it like it’s a bad a thing,” I reply, rolling my eyes as I head over to check Jay’s kitchen for anything suspicious.

  Again, the area is spotless, and someone has emptied and cleaned the fridge and freezer out, leaving all of the appliances unplugged. I go through all of the cupboards too, and they’re emptied of all food products. The only things I find are some plates, cutlery, and cookware.

  “I’ve found something interesting!” Rhydian calls from the bedroom. I share a look with Darren, and we both head over to Rhydian to see what it is he’s found. I groan as I walk into the bedroom. Rhydian has stretched himself out over the bed, and is looking at me, with a hand tucked casually behind his bed. “Funny running into you here,” he jokes.

  “Did you find something useful? Like a better sense of humour maybe?” I snap in question.

  “Woah, no need to get so crabby, sweetheart. You know most people don’t talk to a prince like that, right?” he asks.

  Darren rolls his eyes. “Nobody talks to you like a prince, jackass. Now what did you find?”

  “Check out the wardrobe. Doesn’t look like whoever it is cleaning this place out has sorted through his clothes yet. It doesn’t surprise me. I hear that sorting through the clothes and the more personal items is always one of the hardest tasks,” Rhydian says. The way he says it catches my attention though. I can’t help but feel like his words come from personal experience, rather than something he’s heard. I decide to leave it, swallowing my curiosity on this one. Rhydian kept his personality light and flirtatious for a reason, and why he decides to do that is his own business.

  “What am I supposed to be looking at?” I ask, as I look into the wardrobe. Sliding the clothes across the rail and seeing nothing weird that grabs my attention.

  “Check out the dark purple bag at the bottom, by the shoes,” he answers. I look down, spotting the bag easily. I snag it, and carry it over to the bed where I pull it open.

  “Oh. My. God.” I look down at the contents in horror.

  “Either our boss liked to play dress up, or he had a girlfriend or something we didn’t know about,” Darren says, lifting up the lacy monstrosity of lingerie. If you could even call the thin, bright pink lace strips of fabric attached with a few flimsy strings lingerie, anyway.

  “He wouldn’t have fit in this,” I say seriously, looking at it assessing. “Poor girl he bought this for. It’s not even sexy, it’s just…” I trail off, looking between the pink mess and the two guys awkwardly.

  “Trashy?” Rhydian suggests.

  “Yeah. Something like that,” I mumble, grabbing the lingerie from Darren and shoving it back into the bag. “Why is this helpful?” I ask Rhydian.

  “Aren’t most murders committed by spouses or something?” he asks.

  “Not most, but I’m guessing they account for a good portion,” I agree, seeing his logic. He could have been dating a witch. What if he found out about her, what if she felt backed into a corner about it, and did the only she thought she could?

  “You thinking what I’m thinking?” Rhydian questions.

  “That his girlfriend, or whatever, could have been the witch to kill him? Yup,” I answer.

  “How did they not find this?” Darren asks quietly.

  “Maybe they did.” Rhydian shrugs, before pulling himself up and off the bed. “It might just be a dead end.”

  “But it might not be,” I say hopefully. “It could be something.” I’m not sure who I’m trying to convince more, me or them. All of us look sceptic, but a tiny bit hopeful that this could somehow lead us in the right direction.

  A buzzing sound catches my attention, and I glance around. “Sorry,” Darren mumbles, pulling out his phone. He looks at the screen and frowns. “I have to get this,” he explains, before stalking off out of the room and putting the phone to his ear.

  Rhydian sinks back down onto the bed. “Care to join me?” he asks, patting the space beside him.

  “I’ll pass.” I walk away from the bed, and towards a large black chest of drawers. I pull each drawer open and quickly look through, not spotting anything particularly interesting in any of them.

  Darren barges back into the room, a look of wild panic in his eyes. “We need to go now. Can you phase us to my house?” he asks Rhydian quickly.

  “Wait, we haven’t even—”

  Darren waves his hand, cutting me off. “I’m sorry, Kayla. It’s an emergency. We can come back. I promise.” The panic in his voice sets my nerves on edge.

  “Okay,” I agree, nodding my head. Whatever this is, it’s important to him. He was willing to help me, how could I try and stop him from leaving when something is this distressing for him?

  “Let’s go then.” Rhydian sighs as he pulls himself back off the bed. He stretches languidly, as if not in any rush at all. Darren gives him a scathing look. “Don’t look at me like that, you know you’re getting there far quicker than anyone could expect you to,” Rhydian says.

  “Can we just hurry, it’s an emergency,” Darren says. “Jax is finally shifting, and he’s struggling with it. Every second he’s alone is agony, and he won’t let anyone else near him.”

  “Jax?” I echo the name in confusion. Darren smiles just a tiny bit.

  “He’s part of the pack. He doesn’t have any blood family, but he’s like a little brother to me,” he explains, as Rhydian places his hands on both of our shoulders again.

  “You two ready?” he asks.

  On impulse, I grab Darren’s hand and hold it tightly, giving him a quick, reassuring squeeze. “Ready,” I affirm. Darren nods at Rhydian, and then shuts his eyes. I feel him squeeze my hand back though and smile.

  The wave of nausea suddenly hits me hard, and my eyes shut tightly again too, trying to ride it out. Any notion of getting used to this feeling flies out the window. It’s definitely a distance thing, and this is the furthest distance we’ve phased. I feel a little dizzy, and begin to sway on my feet. Rhydian’s grip on my shoulder tightens, but everything goes dark as I drop Darren’s hand, feeling myself fall back into the black void of unconsciousness.


  Kisses & Lies

  Blinking my eyes open, I look up at my smooth, cream-coloured ceiling in confusion for a moment before it hits me. The ceiling in my bedroom is white, and the surface has a rough effect. It isn’t my damn ceiling that I’m looking up at. I pull myself up into a sitting position and instantly regret it, feeling dizziness tumble through me. I close my eyes again, it’s really way too bright in here. Where is here?

  “Woah, take it easy there,” Rhydian’s voice says from somewhere. “Why are your eyes closed?”

  “Too bright,” I mumble. I hear the flick of a light switch. I sigh with relief, as I open my eyes to a darker room. Only a small lamp is now lit in the corner of the room, rather than the bright ceiling light. “Thanks,” I say gratefully. I look around, realising we’re in Darren’s bedroom. I freeze. I haven’t been in here for two years. Looking around, all I can think of is the short time I spent staying over here. At least, until other, less happy thoughts enter my mind. I wonder how many women have been in here since then?

  Shifters were known for their promiscuous natures, that is, until they settle down. They’d screw around through their late teens to early twenties, sometimes a little longer, never seeing the same person for more than a few weeks. They were only allowed one serious relationship. Once a shifter gave their heart, it was forever. Shifters didn’t re-marry, and they weren’t allowed to divorce. Their culture was a little alien to me, considering how many serious relationships I remember my mum going through when I was a kid. I swallow down the hurt and pain the thoughts bring to me.

  There was a reason my relationship with Dar
ren had been so short. Shifters could have fun with many, but they are only allowed one love. Somehow they’re this weird mix of horny and then suddenly romantic. I smirk.

  “What’s so funny?” Rhydian asks curiously, I turn, realising he’d sat down beside me and I hadn’t even noticed.

  “Nothing,” I answer. And it’s true, nothing about this is funny. Because of that stupid shifter rule, any chance I had at a relationship with Darren had been cut short. I’d been devastated the day I’d found that out. I’d never paid too much attention to shifter culture growing up, and didn’t really know it was such a strong rule to this day with them. I assumed because they played around so much, the whole one mate for life thing had become null and void in modern times. I was wrong.

  “You’re lucky I caught you. You passing out during the phase over wasn’t good. You could have got lost and stuck in a non-corporal state.” The look on his face is actually a little worried, and I realise he’s being completely serious.

  “You didn’t think that was worth mentioning before phasing with us like it’s no big deal?” I demand, feeling sick at the thought of how easily wrong it could have gone.

  “I didn’t realise how sensitive witches’ stomachs were. It’s not my fault you’re not built for phasing,” he answers, trying to shrug it off. “Anyway, I caught you. That’s all that matters.”

  I glare at him. He couldn’t be serious? “Fine, let’s talk about something else then now that we’re finally alone.”

  “I can think of so many enjoyable things we could do now that we’re alone, having you interrogate me isn’t one of them.” He seems to think for a minute. “Unless you want to dress up like a sexy police officer? I could make that work,” he adds.

  “You really can’t help yourself, can you?” I ask, rolling my eyes.

  “Around such a beautiful woman, of course not,” he answers, grinning.

  “You’re awful,” I mutter. “Now, tell me what the hell was a fae prince doing in The Rift?” I demand.

  “I’ll tell you why I was there, if you tell me why you were there?” he offers.

  “Fine. You first,” I demand, moving so that I can rest my back against the headboard of the bed.

  “I’m different people in different places. Here I’m a prince, and there, I’m just the boss,” he answers, watching my face carefully with his intense green eyes. My jaw drops.

  “You can’t be serious!” I exclaim. “There’s no way you own The Rift, it’s been there for years, like hundreds of them!”

  “I came into the ownership of it a few years back. So, it wasn’t always mine, but now it is,” he explains.

  “Do they know who you really are?” I ask.

  “Very few of them. I keep a low profile, mostly. So it’s not like most people, especially people who run in those circles, would recognise me.”

  “You keep surprising me,” I admit, looking at him curiously.

  “Funny, I was about to say the very same about you. Most people would have run, Kayla. I’m not sure if it was stupid or brave of you to stay instead, but I find that I like it about you. You don’t just give up.” He runs a hand through his jet black hair, and then moves up to sit beside me. I tense up from how close he’s now sitting. I can feel the warmth radiating from his body.

  “Where is Darren?” I ask, trying to change the subject, hoping that he doesn’t notice I’d evaded the question.

  “Off looking after Jax, I believe.” He pauses and then adds slowly and deliberately, “I think he’ll be a while.”

  I swallow thickly and decide to move. Sitting with him like this is a bad idea. Everything about him is designed to lure me in. Stupid damn fae and their seduction skills. Dark fae feed their magic through energy they get from other people. There were a few ways of feeding those energy supplies, but sex was one of the preferable ones. Preferable to the fae anyway. Thanks to that little evolutionary trick, fae possessed a multitude of abilities designed to seduce. He even smells freaking alluring.

  “I guess I should get going then.” I cough awkwardly, trying to keep my head. “I’ll go home and think about what we found. Maybe we can use the lingerie to track who it belongs too?” I muse aloud, starting to move off the bed. He rests a hand lightly on my knee and I pause, turning to face him. “What?” I ask.

  “You never answered my question earlier,” he breaths.

  “Question?” I echo, blinking at him blankly as I try to connect the dots.

  “Do you want to see more?” he asks, the question ringing inside of my head instead of out loud, making his point clear. I remember the images he showed me before, unable to stop myself from drawing them up in my mind. My breath gets jagged, and I’m speechless. He rests his hand over my chest, and it feels like ice against my burning skin. “He’s right, your heart really does start racing,” he whispers softly. He’s so close, his face just inches from mine. He cups my face in his hand, and runs his thumb across my lower lip. I swallow thickly, but I don’t move away. I feel completely paralysed, but it’s not fear keeping me still.

  He moves slowly, giving me every chance to pull back, he looks me dead in the eyes, as if trying to read my reaction, and I can feel that my response matters to him. His lips graze mine lightly at first, the barest of touches. He moves his hand from my face, and rests both of them on either side of my waist as he deepens the kiss. I can hear my heart thundering in my chest, and my eyes fall shut as I let myself kiss him back. He feels the action, and his grip on my waist tightens as he pulls me onto his lap. A moan slips out of my lips as I move against him, feeling how much he wants this. He lies back, and I go down with him, our bodies tangling together as we continue to kiss. His hand slides to the button on my jeans, and I don’t stop him from unbuttoning it as his other hand slides up underneath my top.

  The sound of a door slamming jerks me out of the moment. I jump up, quickly re-buttoning my jeans as I look at Rhydian in shock. What the fuck just happened? He looks back at me curiously for a second, confusion clear in his green eyes.

  “Kayla? Rhydian?” Darren’s voice calls from the living room. Understanding washes over Rhydian’s face. Shit, fuck, crap. I hope he didn’t hear anything. Goddess, have some mercy on me, please.

  “Yeah?” I shout back, trying to make sure my hair looks neat. Rhydian pulls himself into a sitting position, but he looks relaxed as he leans back against the pillows. If anything, he looks a little smug.

  Darren walks into the room, and gives me a warm smile. Relief swarms through me. He wouldn’t be smiling like that if he’d heard anything. “You’re awake.”

  “Yeah, I just woke up a minute ago. I was about to head home as Rhydian said you might be a while,” I reply.

  “It went quicker than I thought. He’s lucky,” he answers.

  Feeling awkward, I start looking around for my bag. Fuck, I left it at Rhydian’s place.

  “Looking for this?” Rhydian asks, pulling my attention back to him as he holds out my black leather tote bag.

  “When did you have time to get that?” I ask.

  “I called it to me while you were out cold. I figured you’d want it.”

  “You were right, thank you,” I say, reaching to grab it, but he holds it out of reach. “Hand it over.” I demand, narrowing my eyes at him. What’s his game here?

  Rhydian looks over my shoulder at Darren. “I think Kayla should stay here. She shouldn’t be alone, considering how badly she reacted to the phase.”

  “Oh, and what, you’re going to watch over me as I sleep?” I snap.

  “Actually, I was going to suggest Darren did. I have some things I need to attend to, so I’ll be leaving now,” he says, dropping my bag onto the bed as he stands up. “You can call me if you need anything though, of course,” he says confidently.

  “Not that I plan to call you, but I don’t have your number,” I reply.

  “I added it into your phone,” he explains, before turning to Darren. “I really wouldn’t let her leave. Tie her
to the bed if you have to.” He flickers his gaze over to me for a moment. “That might even encourage her to stay for reasons other than the restraint,” he jokes.

  “Can you just shut up,” I groan. Why the hell is he doing this? Making jokes about Darren having sex with me, right after kissing the damn life out of me himself.

  “I’ll make sure she stays put,” Darren says firmly.

  I turn and give him an incredulous look. “You can’t just keep me here,” I huff.

  “I can, and I will. I just want to make sure you’re okay, you do look a little off to be honest. If Rhydian says someone should keep an eye on you for the night, I’m not letting you out of my sight. You know it’s only to keep you safe,” he says, his eyes pleading for me to understand his reasoning.

  I sigh. “Fine. I’ll stay put.”

  “Wonderful,” Rhydian says. “I’ll see you two both very soon.” He looks between us and the bed. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” he adds, and then a blue haze flickers over him for a second, before he vanishes from sight completely.

  “What wouldn’t he do?” I mutter, going to sit back on the edge of the bed.

  “I think that was the point,” Darren answers humorously as he sits down on the bed beside me. “You comfortable sharing, or do you want me to grab the air mattress and crash on the floor?” he offers.

  I shake my head. “I’ll just crash on the sofa.”

  “I’m not letting you sleep on the sofa, Kayla. Plus, I want to keep you where I can easily know if anything is wrong with you. I’m a light sleeper, if we’re in the same room, I’ll hear if you need my help.” He stands back up, heading over to a closet. “Just give me five minutes to put the air mattress up. The pump is noisy as hell.”

  “Leave it. We’ll just share,” I say, it’s not as if I’m uncomfortable with him anyway. It wouldn’t be the first time we’d shared a bed, although it would be the first while we’re wearing clothes. He shuts the closet door.

  “Do you want a shirt to sleep in?” he asks, and I shake my head. I’d just keep my own clothes on. Other than my jeans anyway, They aren’t comfortable enough to sleep in. “Okay, I’m going to lock up. You get yourself comfy.” He heads out of the room, shutting the door behind him. I ditch my socks and jeans. Luckily, my shirt is long enough to cover my ass. I crawl under the covers and make sure I’m right off at one side of the large bed. He could easily sleep on the other without us touching thanks to how big the bed actually is.


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